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that they are the drugs?

a drug is all raw material of biological origin that direct or indirectly is used for the medecine elaboration, and active principle is called to the substance responsible for the pharmacological activity of the drug tipes of drugs: legal: alcohol, bitumen, terocal, medicines, etc illegales: cocaine, heroin, marijuana ,morphine, etc causas: with a familiar file of substance abuse, that they are gotten depressed, that they feel little pride or self-esteem, and That they feel that they do not belong and that is outside the current

Concecuencias: Physical: continuous fatigue, complaints about its health, eyes reddened and without brightness and a persistent cough. Emotional: changes in the personality, fast changes of humor, irritability, irresponsible behavior, little pride or self-esteem, deficiency of judgment, depression and one lack interest general. Family: beginning arguments, disobeying the rules, dissuading themselves or stopping communicating with the family. School: decreasing interest, negative attitude, low lack when having, qualifications, frequent absences and problems of discipline.

Conclusion: I fodder that this subject is very important so that the drugs increase and that is very bad for the society and the countries, must begin to fight this problem without corruption already so that the same authorities know of the narcotics traffickers, and they do not do anything to them so that they are inside also of that problem.

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