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MILITANT ISLAM PART 1 Traditional Islam does not pose a threat to the United States, but Militant Islam

does. Islam is the religion of about 1 billion people under a fast growing religion around the world. Militant is a utopian ideology initiated in the 20th Century and attracts only 10% to 15% of Muslims, seeks to capture control of governments and is nakedly aggressive toward all who stand in its way, no matter what their faith. Militant Islam or Islamism and their ideological adherents require modern technology especially military and medical applications Islamists tend to be modern individuals and are far more imbued by Western ways than they are willing to acknowledge. Modern Islamists turn traditional Islam into a 21st Century Ishim or an ideology. Islamists see their adherence to Islam primarily as a form of political allegiance. Militant Islam is not, contrary belief, a way backwards, but a way to cope with westernization. Traditional Islam is different from Militant Islam and Militant Islam is far more dangerous. Traditional Islam is different seeks to teach how to live in accord with Gods will, while Militant Islam sees Islam seeks to create and control and new order. Traditional Islam is confident with the emphasis on individuals while Militant Islam is deeply defensive and seeks to create a new order and political ideology. Militant Islam emphasis is on leadership by the educated engineers and technicians and has a Western Quality. Within Militant Islams leaders tend to well educated in sciences. They disregard the main part of the Quran interpreting as they see fit, Traditionalists go through a lengthy course of study in which they learn the veridical as did their ancestors, reflecting debate among scholars, jurists and theologians over a millennium. There is a critical point: the traditionalist rarely knows how to exploit radio and television or the internet. Whereas the militant, not only understands the media and is adept at exploiting the technology Militant Islam is proactive belives that Westerners should be killed or forcefully converted. Militant Islams, focus is on ideology, but cannot claim the sanctity of religious Islam.

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