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AP US history Colonial Society on The Eve of Revolution 1) Social structure of colonies - early 1600 -1700 , high degree of equality

and opportunity. Social stratification by the end and but we do not see it in the beginning .There are mostly poor people and it will take them a lot time to make money and establish themselves as planters, so in the beginning its fairly equal. In europe when family has a lots of lands , the oldest son inherits the properties. The grand children they need more land so they have to move to get more and more properties. 2) African slaves had a knowledge of rice realization Fishing - cod---> exported to europe all the Catholic countries they couldn't eat meat on fridays Ship building is one of the main things in New England. The countries want colonies for the resources . The most trade is coming from New England . Often the north transports the stuff. The are allowed to trade with only England or England Colonies . When you import something the money goes to another country so they needed to export every product they had to get more money. It is a closed economic system . They had to be self sufficient. England doesn't want colonies trading with anyone else.

3) Triangle Trade - The slaves are going to brazil , Caribbean's little islands , so when they are sold they get_________ . The sold people and also bought them. As times go on we have a trade balance . There is not enough people or companies to buy all the products they produced. They don't have enough money to buy the stuff and the merchants from England were complaining. Colonies start to request to print out there own money. They had a new plan to trade with other countries to get more money. The problem with that was only that it was illegal. they were only allowed to trade between the English colonies only. They were acting illegally (they were smuggling ) so they could be thrown to jail if they were caught. 4) Established churches- Congregationalists , Anglicans,Presbyterians,German Churches, Dutch Reformed,Methodists ,Quakers,Baptists,Roman Catholics,Methodists,Jews. Membership - 1,875,000. Population- 2,493,000 Percentage church members - 74% Anglican church - was the official church of the king and the government . It looks like the catholic church . 5) 1st Great Awakening - this is the beginning of the baptist churches.

Old lights New Lights


chapter 11

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