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TechDis Accessibility


Navigating the Text

Adobe® PDFs

Enabling the text to automatically scroll

Users who have difficulty scrolling through a document can set the text to automatically
scroll. When selected, the text will scroll slowly down the screen to the end of the

o From the menu select View >

Automatically Scroll (see Figure 1).
o Using the up arrow on the keyboard
will decrease the speed of scrolling
(and enable users to scroll back up
the document) while selecting the
down arrow will speed up the
o The use of scrolling would not be
appropriate for a document
displayed in columns. If a document
is displayed in columns select View
> Reflow to remove the columnar

N.B. These functions are only available if

viewing the PDF file through the free
Adobe® Acrobat Reader. They are NOT
necessarily available if the PDF is viewed
through a web browser. In order to save a
document to view through Adobe®
Acrobat Reader, right click on the link and
select ‘Save Target As’. This will open a Figure 1 – Automatically Scroll Menu Options
dialogue box enabling a user to select a
location to save the document. Once the
document is saved it can be opened directly
from the computer which will load it into
Adobe® Acrobat Reader.

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