Tin Med Journal

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SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY Baguio City School of Nursing


Submitted by: Abalos, Kristine Marie B. BSN 4-A2

Submitted to: Ms. Abdel Banson, RN Clinical instructor

October 2011

RELEVANCE OF JOURNAL TO: A. NURSING PRACTICE This journal presents different reasons and beliefs of cigarette smokers regarding smoking and quitting this act. According to this journal the leading cause of COPD is smoking, and cessation from it gives a major contribution in the recovery of patients with this condition. But according to this journal, beliefs and other practices of these smokers affect their will to stop smoking. And this is where our responsibility as educators takes its place. As educators, we must continuously educate them in order for them to know the risks and disadvantages of engaging in smoking. Another is our responsibility as change advocates; we must assist our clients in achieving their desired changes. They need continuous encouragement and support in order for them not to have relapses. B. NURSING EDUCATION This article gives us knowledge on what approach are we going to use if we encounter these situations. It is emphasized that we should assess first their beliefs and practices before formulating a plan and before giving health education in order for us to become effective change agents an in order for us to convince them. C. CLIENT Having this knowledge imparted to us by this article, we can be more effective with the interventions and health teachings that we may be giving on our patients. We can be a great help for them in quitting this act of smoking which can help in their recovery and restoration of good health. Quitting smoking is not easy for them and it would be really a great help if understand what they are undergoing and we can assist them in reaching their goal by continuously supporting them.

D. RESEARCH *reference: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=7da5382e-61f9-4846-a9ef2b631906284a%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=hch &AN=26313875

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