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LeI me Ie|| ycu

:cmeIhing ycu
c|reccy kncw.
Ihe wcr|c cinI
c|| :un:hine cnc
rcinLcw:. lI i: c
very mecn cnc
nc:Iy p|cce
cnc iI wi|| LecI ycu Ic ycur knee: cnc keep ycu
Ihere permcnenI|y || you |et |t. Ycu, me cr
ncLccy i: gcnnc hiI c: hcrc c: |ife. 8uI iI cinI
hcw hcrc ycu hiI: iI: cLcuI hcw hcrc ycu ccn
geI hiI cnc keep mov|ng |orword. Hcw much
ycu ccn Icke cnc keep mcving fcrwcrc. Ihot's
how w|nn|ng |s done. Ncw, if ycu kncw whcI
ycure wcrIh, Ihen go out ond get whot you're
worth. 8uI ycu gcIIc Le w||||ng to toke the h|t
cnc pcinIing finger: :cying ycu cinI where ycu
cre Leccu:e cf him, cr her cr cnyLccy.
Ccwcrc: cc IhcI cnc IhcI cinI ycu. You're
better thon thotl"
- Fccky 8c|Lcc

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