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Service sector management

Topic: KFC 7 Ps and their services

Jalaluddin. N. Chaudhary (01) Naresh. H. Chinnakar (02) Sudhir. U. Singh (10) Virendra pratap. A. Singh()

Topic to be discussed

Introduction of marketing mix New dimensions add to 4ps which makes 7ps Descriptions of additional 3 Ps Kfcs moment of truth with the help of additional 3ps Conclusion.

Introduction to marketing mix

According to marketing mix concept refined by Mc carthy, the marketer mixed the ingredients of product, the physical goods and its ingredients; price or sacrifice that a customer is supposed to make both monetary and nonmonetary; the product availability in right quantity and right time; and finally product information, persuasion and imagery. Success of a marketer depends on how judiciously these ingredients arte

New dimensions add to 4ps which makes 7ps Pric e Physical environm ent proce ss
The marketing mix

Produ ct Promotio n

Peopl e


Pric e Physical environm ent proce ss

The marketing mix

Produ ct Promotio n

Peop Employee le
Management Culture


Pric e Physical environm ent

The marketing mix

Produ ct Promotio n

Proce Especially ss relevant to

service industries How are services

Peopl e


Physical environm ent Smart Run-down Interface Comfort facilities

Pric e
The marketing mix

Produ ct Promotio n

proce ss

Peopl e


Marketing objectives of Kentucky fried chicken

To be more popular than other fast food chains, to expand and be in every country It is the combination of plans made by an organization related to products, price, promotion and distributions, people, process, physical environment.. In simple word marketing mix consists of everything that a firm can do to influence the demand for its product, the many possibilities can be collected into 7 groups of variable known as 7 ps products, price, promotion and

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