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MD Nastran/MSC.Nastran Current Error List Current Update: Jan 14, 2011 ----------------------------------------This file contains a.

All "General Limitations" b. All errors that have not been corrected in a released version. If the Version = "GL" then this indicates a General Limitation which indicates a fix is not planned. Continuous updates to the error list are available to MD Nastran / MSC Nastran clients on the MSC SimCompanion web page The MSC Support pages can also be used to search for keywords to easily locate individual errors -

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CR 890 MSC / MD Nastran Grid Point Force - GPFDR - UFM 3008 The open core requirement for the GPFDR module can be as large as (6 X BUFFSIZE + 14 X number of grids) if the grids use a nonrectangular displacement coordinate system. For problems in basic coordinates, the grid requirement drops to 8 X number of grids. CR 1103 MSC / MD Nastran Dynamic Response - TRD, TRD1, FRRD, FRR - UFM 3005 If the MGIV method of real eigenvalue extraction computes modes for massless DOF with uncoupled stiffness terms, the eigenvalue is large (1.E+35) as it should be, but the generalized stiffness is 0.0 (it should also be 1.E+35). Null eigenvectors may be produced. An avoidance is to use PARAM,HFREQ or PARAM,LMODES to discard these bad modes in dynamics. CR 1758 MSC / MD Nastran Cyclic Symmetry - Restarts - Various In superelement static cyclic symmetry (SOL 81), some restart paths do not function well. The following

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CR 1758 restart paths have been demonstrated to work, using the indicated input and DMAP Alters. Other types of restarts can be made, using these techniques. A. Conventional Superelement Restarts. Use the same techniques applicable to noncyclic symmetry superelement analysis. 1. Exit during Phase I. 2. Structural Changes in a Superelement. 3. Load Change Restart

B. Time Limit in a Harmonic Loop SET N = 0, residual only SEMG = N PARAM,RESDUAL,-1 (bulk data) Input all bulk data, or use PARAM,NODATA,-1 and delete all the bulk data except PARAM entries.

C. Loads Change in One Tip Superelement, Same Number of Loading Conditions, Sam Known Error Product Abstract Description Known Error Product Abstract CR 1956 MSC / MD Nastran Differential Stiffness and Buckling - QRG, GAP Element - SFM 4202 The GAP element has no differential stiffness and produces SFM 4202 when used in conjunction with Solution 64 or SOL 4. CR 2004 MSC / MD Nastran Cyclic Symmetry - GPFDR - CPU Loop Using SUBCOM/SUBSEQ commands in Cyclic Symmetry will result in a CPU loop in the GPFDR module. Cyclic Symmetry does not support the use of SUBCOM/SUBSEQ commands in the case control.

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CR 2004 An avoidance is to replace the SUBCOM with an appropriate SUBCASE and combine loads by using the LOAD Bulk Data card.

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CR 2038 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - Composite Transverse Shear Modulus Limitations The transverse shear flexibility terms for composite plate elements calculated from the PCOMP and MAT8 entries assume that primary bending occurs in the overall material coordinate system defined by the angle on the CQUAD4 (CTRIA3, etc.) entries. Transverse shear flexibility and stresses may have poor accuracy if transverse shear bending loads are not in the direction of the material X and Y axes, or if significant twist loads are present. This is a general limitation in all general purpose finite element programs due to the plate having insufficient degrees of freedom to account completely for stresses caused by both transverse shear bending loads and twist loads. This is documented in other words in the MSC/NASTRAN V68 Reference Manual, Chapter 6 - Material Properties, Section 6.5 -

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CR 2090 MSC / MD Nastran Dynamic Response - DDR2 - GINO FATAL ERROR 3012, UFM 5423 When the modal acceleration data recovery method is used in SOL 31 or SOL 72 and a SUPORT entry is present, SFE 3012 may result in the DDR2 module. Since in most conditions the SUPORT entry must be present in a modal transient response with rigid body modes, the mode acceleration method may not be used on a structure having rigid body modes. There is no known avoidance.

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CR 2113 When the MAREA entry is used to equivalence parallel generator lines to a single active line, MSGMESH may incorrectly equivalence end points of the parallel generator lines. An avoidance is to use MLINE entries after the offending MAREA entries to equivalence end points of the generator line to single active points.


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CR 2206 MSC / MD Nastran Response Spectra - SDR2 - Missing Output A request for acceleration or velocity output at a given set of points in a response spectra run will not be honored unless a displacement request for the same set of points is also present. An avoidance is to include a displacement request for the same set of points where accelerations or velocities are requested. For example: SET 28 = 1,7,9,12,56,83 DISP(PLOT) = 28 ACCEL = 28 VELO = 28 CR 2251 MSC / MD Nastran Aeroelastic Analysis - SOLs 75 and 76 - Restarts To perform efficient restarts with aeroelastic solution sequences, one may be required to possess knowledge of the manner in which the DMAP handles the looping over the Mach number and reduced frequency pairs. This DMAP knowledge is only required when a run is terminated during the aerodynamic matrix generation loop. A typical termination may be caused by exceeding the allowed CPU time. Another case may occur when the user wishes to switch from SOL 75 and restart in SOL 76, but has not included the entry PARAM,GUSTAERO,-1 in the SOL 75 run. The DMAP loop which includes the AMG and AMP modules was written expressly to perform efficient restarts for generation of the

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CR 2251 aerodynamic matrices. However, this efficiency comes with an associated cost. The decomposition factors of the ae

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CR 2322 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - MSGMESH Analyst's Gu - Incorrect Documentation On page 3-3 in the MSGVIEW portion of the MSGMESH Analyst's Guide, it states that MSGVIEW plot sets are printed in the the MSGMESH output. This print option was removed prior to the release of MSC/NASTRAN Version 64. CR 2341 MSC / MD Nastran Geometric Nonlinearity (SOL 64 - Follower Forces, SPC - Wrong Answers In SOL 64, follower forces are computed using the load requests of the present iteration and the geometry of the previous iteration. However, the geometric effects on follower forces, implied by a SPCD request, is not reflected until the next iteration. There is no known avoidance.

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CR 2378 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - Lanczos - Unexplainable User Message If the Lanczos method is used for an eigenvalue analysis, the following termination message may be issued in the eigenvalue analysis summary: NOT ALL EIGENVALUES FOUND IN RANGE. This message is given when three consecutive shifts have failed to produce any new eigenvalues. (V65 only) Avoidance: There is no known avoidance. The user should try rerunning the problem with a different frequency range in order to force the shift algorithm to select a different series of shift values. Please refer to Error 2571 for a related error.

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CR 2471

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CR 2471 MSC / MD Nastran Frequency Response and Random - RANDOM - Wrong Answers Error 2423 and General Limitation 1602 instruct the user to duplicate requests for random analysis of the solution set in SOL 71, once as a solution set request, ie. SDISP, and once as a nonsolution set request, ie. DISP. However, when more than one subcase is involved on the related RANDPS Bulk Data entry, the PSDF results will incorrectly be that of only one subcase. Avoidance: To get proper results the user must strictly adhere to the following procedure: 1. You must make a case control request for the solution set variables desired, SDISP, SVELO or SACCE, with the SORT2 modifier. Physical output requests should not be included within the same run. 2. The XYPLOT requests for random output should be for the ph

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CR 2583 MSC / MD Nastran Material Nonlinearity - NLITER - UWM 5409, UFM 4553, 4542 If in material nonlinear analysis the structure is not subjected to any mechanical loads but is subjected to thermal loads, UFM 4542: NO LOAD INCREMENT EXISTS FOR NONLINEAR SUBCASE may be output. This is a limitation of the design and will happen whenever the temperature loads cause no loads to be passed down to the l-set. For example, a symmetric flat plate supported on all sides or a simple beam supported on both ends subjected to only thermal loads will produce the fatal message. A possible alternative to UFM 4542 is some noise loads get passed down to the l-set and job will fail with maximum number of bisections or minimum load step has been reach. Avoidance: If the fatal message is obtained, a small dummy mechanical load will have to be applied.

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CR 2588

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CR 2588 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - CBAR,CBEAM - Poor Answers If the orientation vector for a CBAR or CBEAM element is defined nearly parallel with the elements axis, UFM 2026 may fail to appear. The resulting element coordinate system may be randomly defined, which may result in poor answers depending on the section properties of the element.

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Avoidance: The user should ensure that the orientation vectors are at an angle of at least one degree from the element axis so as not to introduce numerical difficulties in the problem. In Version 66 this error message has been changed to UWM 5464 or 5487 which will be issued whenever the orientation angle is less than one degree. In Version 66 if the orientation angle is exactly zero, then the job will eventually fail. Some machines may issue SFM 4276 EC 7777 in the output, however, other may CR 2641 MSC / MD Nastran Material Nonlinearity - NLITER, MPYAD - SFM 3001, SFM 3007, UFM 5423 CLOAD entries must be used to apply load to upstream superelements in SOL 66. If loads are applied upstream and CLOAD entries are not used, SFM 3001 and SFM 3007 will be output from the NLITER module.

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Description Avoidance: Input the required CLOAD Case Control and Bulk Data entries to avoid this error. See Application note dated June 1990 for proper application of CLOAD input. Known Error Product Abstract CR 2664 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - MSGMESH, EDGER - MSGMESH ERROR 9358 On page 14-31 of the MSGMESH manual, Remark 3 under the EDGER entry states that: "Thirty triplets of entries Di, Gi and Gi+1 may be entered on a single logical EDGER card." In fact, if more than 16 triplets are specified on a single logical EDGER entry MSGMESH ERROR 9358 will result.

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CR 2698 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - PREFACE - O/S Error The scratch files, NSTNxx, on the IBM MVS-SP and IBM MVS/XA systems cannot be allocated using the block option on the space parameter. If the block option is used as a space request for these files, the following message may appear in the JES-LOG: AB002I STOP NO SCRATCH UNITS ASSIGNED(NSTNXX). (IBM MVS and IBM MVS/XA only)

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Description Avoidance: The avoidance is to specify space requests using cylinders or tracks. The delivered MSC/NASTRAN Procedure allocates the NSTNxx files with cylinders, therefore, if the user wishes to change these requests, he must use tracks. This limitation applies to temporary files only. Hence, permanent files, such as the DB01 and NPTP, can be allocated using the block option. Known Error Product Abstract CR 2772 MSC / MD Nastran Geometric Nonlinearity - - Poor Answers Analysis of structures including the effects of prestress (differential stiffness) assumes that the loads remain constant in direction. If SOL 64 or 66 is used to form a stiffness matrix, and the matrix is used in another solution sequence (like 63 or 69) , and there are follower force effects (like thermal or pressure loads), then some terms are missing in the equations. The effects are sometimes small, and can be neglected. An error will show up as an effective rotation spring for free body motions. Avoidance: The differential stiffness approximation used in MSC/NASTRAN does not account for follower force effects such as thermal loads. Thus, there is no known avoidance. Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 2805 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - CEAD - Poor Answers For numerically difficult complex eigenvalue problems, such as those that have large gaps between eigenvalues, the accuracy of the Hessenberg Method

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CR 2805 of complex eigenvalue extraction is sensitive to the number of bits utilized by the machine to represent a number's mantissa. The fewer bits used, the more likely significant error will occur. Avoidance: Difficult problems as described above should be broken up into smaller search regions.

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CR 2822 MSC / MD Nastran DBC/TRANS/ACCESS - DBC - Missing Output Although PARAM,POST,0 is supported in most solution sequences in Version 66, the MSC/GRASP or MSC/XL databases thus created may not be correct. Data blocks may be missing, the headers may be nonstandard, or the content of the data blocks may be incorrectly formatted. This affects all programs which later access these databases, including MSC/GRASP, MSC/XL and user written programs. The solution types that are affected are Complex Eigenvalues, Heat Transfer, Aeroelastic Analysis, Cyclic Symmetry, Buckling and Design Optimization. The specific solution sequence are affected are: 67,70,74,75,76,81,82,83,88,89,105,107,110, 114,115,118,144,145,146,153,159,200 This error can sometimes be recognized by the issuance of "*** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 6065 (DBC), *** DBCMSG ERROR

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CR 2925 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - XSORT - SFM 3008, Insufficient Core Available The bulk data sort module requires that all continuation entries fit in real memory. If they do not, the XSORT module will fail with SFM 3008 "Insufficient Core Available for Subroutine XSOPIV". Avoidance: Having deck in sorted order and increasing core are the only known avoidances. CR 2934 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 2934 Optimization/Design Sensitivity - ELTPRT - Wrong Answers The contribution of concentrated mass elements and non-structural mass to the weight and volume of the design model is not accounted for in SOL 200. Both the weight and volume responses will be incorrect if these elements are present. This error also effects the design sensitivity calculation in SOLs 51, 53 and 55. Avoidance: No known avoidance exists. CR 3035 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - REIGL - SFM 5299 Models with two or more widely separated groups of repeated roots may fail with SFM 5299: UNRECOVERABLE TERMINATION FROM LANCZOS ITERATION, INTERNAL ERROR CODE -3, USER RETURN CODE -33. This error was encountered for a model with two groups of roots separated by 1.E+8 rad/sec, each group contained eight identical roots. Avoidance: Either use the SINV method or search the separate regions in different runs.


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CR 3039 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - MSC/NASTRAN Primer, - Coordinate Systems MSC/NASTRAN Primer, Harry Schaefer, 2nd Ed., Section items 1 and 4 for the local coordinate system of QUAD4 are wrong. As shown by Fig 913b, the cited statements should read:

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1. Having a unique orientation within multiples of 90 degrees, independent of the starting grid point number. 4. Having the x-axis nearly parallel to the G1-G2 edge in the general case. Also, in the MSC/NASTRAN Primer in Section defaults for PSHELL Z1,Z2 should read Z1 = -Z2 = T/2.

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CR 3108

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CR 3108 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - MSC/NASTRAN PRIMER - Documentation Equations 9.63 and 9.66 in the MSC/NASTRAN PRIMER contain typographical errors. Equation 9.63 should state (e - zk) not (e + zk). Equation 9.66 should state (2/3)(t**3) not (tc**2) and should state (1/2)(tc**2) not (1/3)(t**3). CR 3273 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - Verification Problem - V0501 The theoretical values given for Ncr in equation 2 are wrong and should be:

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Ncr= +/-4.013, +/-10.246, +/-16.516 The theoretical values given for Pcr are correct nonetheless.

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CR 3276 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - Verification Problem - V6101S Page 3.6101s-2 of the Verification Problem Manual shows the solution for displacements as -.4444. This should be -0.0444 as mentioned on page 3.6101s-1. CR 3277 MSC / MD Nastran Restarts - Automatic Restarts - Inefficient Restart In SOL 101, if an automatic restart is performed in which an additional subcase with only a TEMP(LOAD) is added, and the associated TEMPi Bulk Data entries are also added on restart, then SEMG and SEKR are incorrectly reexecuted. (Version 66+ only) Avoidance: Possible avoidances include: 1. Use SOL 61 and do a manual restart.

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CR 3277 2. Put the TEMPi Bulk Data entries for the restart into the cold start Bulk Data. MSC/NASTRAN will not re-execute SEKR and SEMG if no new TEMPi Bulk Data entries are added on restart. In SOL 106, the following messages are received: UWM 4424 ESTNL IS PURGED. CHECK YOUR DATABASE OR PARAM, LOOPID. . . UIM 4425, ONE OR MORE FATAL ERRORS HAVE OCCURRED. The run then dies.

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CR 3447 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - BEAM - Wrong Answers If warping is specified along with variable shear center offsets and the neutral axis is offset from the shear center on the BEAM element, then the element force output may be incorrect. Avoidance: BEAM elements with large changes of shear center and neutral axis locations between ends, such as those used to transition between different sections, should not be used. Model the length with one element for each major cross section. CR 3479 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - Verification Manual - Table of Contents The Table of Contents of the MSC/NASTRAN Verification Problem Manual does not have the correct titles for two sections. The title for Section 1.1 in the Table of Contents should read: "PURPOSE OF MANUAL." The title for Section 2.0 should read: "ORGANIZATION OF VERIFICATION OF PROBLEMS." CR 3500

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CR 3500 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - QUAD4, QUAD8, TRIA3, TRIA6 - Wrong Answers If corner thicknesses exist on the plate element connectivity entry (CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIA3, CTRIA6 ) and the corresponding thicknesses are used as design variables, then wrong answers will occur. This general limitation only applies to sizing sensitivity/optimization. The user can still use the taper plates and shells for shape sensitivity. (Version 66+ only) Avoidance: Do not specify thicknesses on the plate/shell element connectivity entry if the corresponding thicknesses are to be used as design variables for sizing sensitivity/optimization analysis.

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CR 3586 MSC / MD Nastran Response Spectra - RSPEC, IC/TIC - Wrong Answers The evaluation of response spectra in the RSPEC module uses an uncoupled transient solution which assumes all initial initial conditions to be zero. Therefore, a non zero initial condition at the output locations is ignored and causes an erroneous high frequency peak in the output spectra.

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Description Avoidance: An avoidance is to recover the acceleration time histories of the desired output locations and perform enforced acceleration solutions. If the acceleration time history at the output location can be reproduced in an enforced motion problem, then the resulting response spectra should be correct. Known Error Product Abstract CR 3620 MSC / MD Nastran Executive Limits - MSC/NASTRAN Version - Size Limits This error (general limitation) number has been set aside to be used for tracking of changes for removal or modification of any "Executive System Limit in MSC/NASTRAN" as documented on page 6.3-16 to 6.3-18 of the MSC/NASTRAN Application Manual. Executive System Limits in MSC/NASTRAN:

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CR 3620 1. Maximum number of DMAP/NDDL compilations allowed per run is 50. 2. Maximum number of NDDL compilations is 1 per database. 3. Maximum number of SUBDMAP calls per DMAP solution sequence is 90. 4. Maximum number of DMAP/NDDL linkage edits (links) allowed per run is 1. 5. The recommended minimum space allocation (via FMS INIT command) for a DBset is 100 blocks. 6. Maximum number of DBsets assignable per run is 100. H

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CR 3652 MSC / MD Nastran File Management Section - ASSIGN - UFM 1012, UFM 423 The IBM MVS/XA Version 67 (and all previous releases) MSC/NASTRAN system was knowingly released with a potential problem. Although this potential problem area has been mentioned in Section 7.6 of the MSC/NASTRAN Application Manual, it is documented here to assist the user and client support. If a FREE or RLSE is performed on an MSC/NASTRAN database file (or allocated space is otherwise released following completion of a job), the maximum size of the file may be permanently reduced but the MSC/NASTRAN GINO block count will not be adjusted. This could potentially cause problems on restart jobs from such databases since MSC/NASTRAN will expect additional space to be available, when in fact the file is full. This could result in the message "UFM 1012(GALLOC)DBSET IS FULL AND NEEDS T CR 3687

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CR 3687 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - MERGE - Infinite Loop If the partitioning vector used in the matrix MERGE operation is double precision, then the problem may get into an infinite loop. This error is most likely to occur when a user's DMAP is involved. Avoidance: Make sure that the partitioning vector is single precision. CR 3692 MSC / MD Nastran Design Sensitivity - DVSET - Wrong Answers In the old design sensitivity capability SOL 51 or 101 if a design variable references a non-existing PID, then the sensitivity coefficient for the offending design variable will be incorrect. The sensitivity coefficients for design variables with existing PIDs are correct. The old eigenvalue sensitivity solutions will ignore the design variable without warning. Avoidance: Make sure that the DVSET entry references an existing PID or use the new design sensitivity capability.

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CR 3706 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - DRESPi - Wrong Answers MSC/NASTRAN's implementation of modal frequency sensitivity analysis yields wrong answers for sensitivity responses when massless degrees of freedom are present. This includes stresses, forces, and rotational displacements affected by the massless degrees of freedom. (Version 67+) Avoidance: Use a direct approach.

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CR 3711 MSC / MD Nastran Material Nonlinear Analysis - TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Answers Currently, the thermal strain is not proportioned for the linear elements

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CR 3711 in a multiple-step subcase. Thus, the intermediate data recovery is incorrect for all linear elements when thermal loads are applied. Avoidance: Use elements that are potentially nonlinear and user PARAM,LGDISP,1

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CR 3754 MSC / MD Nastran Composites - Mislabeled Output The individual ply stress and strain results output for a composite element are labeled as "STRESS/STRAIN IN FIBRE AND MATRIX DIRECTIONS". The in-plane stress and strain are output in the fiber and matrix directions; however, the interlaminar stress and strain output are output in the element coordinate system. CR 3772 MSC / MD Nastran Restarts - CORD2 - Inefficient Restart If a CORD2i entry is added or changed on restart, then all the upstream superelement will be reprocessed. This is a general limitation. While it is relatively simple to keep track of the superelement dependencies for the CORD1 entries since the entry is associated with only one superelement. Keeping track of which superelements reference a CORD2 entry is more difficult. Avoidance: Use a CORD1 entry.

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CR 3801 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - NLPCI - Solution Regressed to Previous Solution If an ARC LENGTH method is used in a nonlinear analysis and the unloading is performed in more than one subcase, then the job will terminate in the second subcase and the following error message will be printed: "SOLUTION REGRESSED TO PREVIOUS SOLUTION" Avoidance: Define the unloading in a single subcase.

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CR 3817 MSC / MD Nastran Matrix Methods - FBS - SFM 4276 EC 3002 If FBS method 2 is executed with insufficient scratch space, then the job will fail and issue the message "BIOMSG: ERROR 3002 HAS OCCURRED IN ROUTINE FREAD" followed by "SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 4276.FREAD ERROR CODE 3002".

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Description Avoidance: Increase the scratch space by increasing the BUFFSIZE or by including an appropriate INIT statement. FBS method 2 requires more scratch space than method 1. Thus, forcing either FBS method 1 or 1A by setting the FBSOPT keyword on the NASTRAN statement to either -1 or -2, respectively, may also avoid the problem. Known Error Product Abstract CR 3896 MSC / MD Nastran Design Sensitivity - DSTA, SENSITY - SFM 3001 If a job is submitted using the old design sensitivity capability and there are no material properties defined in the model, then the job fails and issues the message "SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 3001 ATTEMPT TO OPEN DATA SET 110 IN SUBROUTINE DST96B, WHICH WAS NOT DEFINED IN THE FIST". Note that this error is only possible when the model consists entirely of scalar elements. Any other model that has no properties defined will fail with appropriate messages in IFP. Avoidance: Add a dummy MAT1 entry to the Bulk Data. CR 4122 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Shape Sensitivity - RFORCE, PLOADi - Effect Not Included The effects of changes in pressure loads or followers loads that result from changes in the underlying grid location are ignored when computing sensitivities. Changes in gravity and thermal loads are included during shape sensitivity calculations.

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CR 4476 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - PSOLID - UWM 5460 If the standard isoparametric integration (ISOP=FULL) is desired for the CHEXA or CPENTA element with midside nodes, and the IN field is blank on the PSOLID entry, then MSC/NASTRAN assumes that the user wants to use bubble functions. "USER WARNING MESSAGE 5460, ILLEGAL OPTION ON PSOLID ID = ***, FOR BUBBLE FUNCTION. ONLY REDUCED INTEGRATION IS ALLOWED" is issued, and the run will proceed using reduced integration. The same warning message is issued for CTETRA elements if the IN field is blank even though bubble functions and reduced integration are not supported by this element. The run will continue with the default integration options. Avoidance: To perform standard isoparametric integration on CHEXA and CPENTA elements with midside nodes, IN must be set to 3 or THREE. To avoid

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CR 4486 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - Hyperelastic, PLSOLID, FORM=MIXED - No Convergence When a displacement coordinate system (CD) is specified on any of the grid entries connecting a HEXA hyperelastic (PLSOLID) element, results may either converge slowly or no convergence occurs when FORM=MIXED is selected. Avoidance: Use the default FORM=ISOP.

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CR 4494 MSC / MD Nastran Acoustic Analysis - Wrong Answers - SFM 5401 When the surfaces of the fluid cavity are connected to a structural surface containing two or more distinct elements (i.e. the fluid is interfacing with HEXA elements on one surface and QUAD elements on the other surface ) then wrong answers may be produced for the FL./STR. INTERFACE CHECK and/or SFM 5401 may occur.

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CR 4494 Avoidance : This is a general limitation of MSC/NASTRAN. The acoustic cavity must be surrounded by plate or solid elements but not both.

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CR 4543 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - QUADR - Wrong Answers for Non-Uniform Thickness The corner stress output for the QUADR and TRIAR elements due to membrane forces are calculated and output for the average thickness. Thus the corner stress output for non-uniform thickness elements is wrong. Avoidance: In MSC/NASTRAN Version 67.5, the STRESS(CORNER) option for the QUAD4 element may be used.

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CR 4576 MSC / MD Nastran Material Nonlinear Analysis - NLPCI, RIKS, MRIKS - UWM 6195 When either the RIKS or MRIKS method is used in MSC/NASTRAN Version 67 and later systems, the message "USER WARNING MESSAGE 6195 SOLUTION HAS REGRESSED TO AN EARLIER LOAD STEP" may be issued and the solution will not adapt. Avoidance: Specify the CRIS method on the NLPCI entry.

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CR 4582 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - CMASSi, SEQP- Poor Message, UFM 2012 If a CMASSi entry (and possibly other scalar elements) specify the "0" degree of freedom of a grid point, the job fails and the message "USER FATAL MESSAGE 2012 GRID POINT *** SAME AS SCALAR POINT" is issued. Avoidance: Specify a valid degree of freedom on the CMASSi entry. CR 4609 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - TEMP(LOAD), TEMP(INIT), RESTARTS - Wrong Answers

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CR 4609 The following error with thermal loads may occur in restarts with the superelement unstructured Solution Sequences (61-99) or restarts with PARAM,SERST,SEMI (or SEDR) in Solutions 101-200. If the initial temperature is not specified (i.e., TEMP(INIT) is not present) in the initial run (cold start) loads are not generated (i.e., SELG and SELR are not requested), and in the restart run TEMP(LOAD), TEMP(BOTH) or TEMP is specified but no SEMG requests are made (for the superelements processed in the cold start), then the thermal loads are incorrect. This error occurs because the EST data block, which is used in generating thermal loads and depends on the TEMP(INIT), is not regenerated in the restart. It is only generated if SEMG is requested. Avoidance: Specify the same TEMP(INIT) in th


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CR 4621 MSC / MD Nastran Plotting - AERO1 - No Plottable Structural Elements Exist If the user desires a plot of only the aerodynamic model and specifies SET 1=AERO1, the following message appears:

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NO PLOTTABLE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS EXIST IN SET 1 Avoidance: Adding any other element to the SET, such as SET 1=AERO1,QUAD4, results in a plot of the aerodynamic model and the elements specified.

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CR 4663 MSC / MD Nastran Old Design Sensitivity - DSCMR - Wrong Answers For large problems (many elements) with many design variables, the DSCMR sensitivity coefficient matrix may have zero values for design variables that should have non zero values of sensitivity coefficients. This problem has been addressed by the solution 200 material sensitivity project in Version 70.7.

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Description Avoidance: If the user suspects that there are zero values in the sensitivity coefficient matrix that should be non zero, then reduce the number of design variables requested and compute a new DSCMR matrix.

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CR 4687 MSC / MD Nastran Grid Point Stress - GPSTR1, QUAD4, TRIA3, QUAD8, TRIA6 - Wrong Answers If grid point stress output is requested and the edge point is attached to a linear plate element (QUAD4 or TRIA3), the grid point stress calculation at this edge point may be incorrect. The error only occurs when the other end of the interior line segment connecting to the edge grid is attached to a higher order shell element (QUAD8 or TRIA6). In this case, the stress contribution of the interior grid point is not included in the grid point stress calculation at the edge point. Avoidance: If the edge grid point is connected to a QUAD4 element, then requesting corner output resolves this problem. Unfortunately, corner output is only available starting with Version 67.5. If the edge point is connected to a TRIA3 element or Version 67.5 is not available, then there is no avoidance.

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CR 4703 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Analysis - TSTEPNL, TLOAD1 - UFM 4605, Wrong Answers If the "AUTO" method is selected on the TSTEPNL entry for nonlinear transient analysis and the excitation function on the TLOAD1 entry specifies an enforced displacement, then the results are unpredictable. In some cases, the job may fail with the following error message:

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USER FATAL MESSAGE 4605. INPUT MATRIX PST IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH ITS ASSOCIATED OUTPUT LIST (I.E., TOL,FOL,LAMA,CLAMA). In other cases, the run may generate wrong answers. Furthermore, the results may not be repeatable from run to run even on the same machine. Avoidance: Use the "ADAPT" method, which is the default method.

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CR 4723 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - OUTPUT2, RCOUT2 - Poor Message, SFM RC0005

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CR 4723 The OUTPUT2 neutral option is driven by the NDDL description for the datablock to be neutralized. An incorrect NDDL description results in the following FATAL message during the RCOUT2 run. 0*** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE RC0005 (RCOUT2) ILLEGAL KEY VALUE DETECTED USER INFORMATION: EXPECTED KEY VALUE: GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 2 DETECTED KEY VALUE: -3 FATAL ERROR CODE - INVALKEY 0004 FATAL ERROR Although the consequences of attempting to output a non-NDDL data block using the neutral option is not documented, the MSC/NASTRAN Release Notes for Version 67.5 clearly documents that only NDDL data blocks may be output with the neutral option. Avoidance: The new documentation for OUTPUT2 in Appendix C of the MSC/NASTRAN Release N


Known Error Product Abstract

CR 4748 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - IFP - No Error Message The character type and other input types of fixed field Bulk Data input are designed not to allow embedded blanks and they must lie completely within the designated field. If any embedded blanks occur within any input, a UFM 300 message is to be issued. However, if the embedded blank(s) are preceded by the characters D, E, + or -, then MSC/NASTRAN does not detect the input error. MSC/NASTRAN will combine the 2 fields into a single input data. Two examples follow. The input error in the first example is correctly fielded by MSC/NASTRAN by issuing USER FATAL MESSAGE 300. The input error in the second example is not correctly fielded, and in this case a character string of "PID 9" is assigned to LABEL. . 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 . DVAR

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CR 4752

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CR 4752 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - MPC, MCE1 - Inefficient Restart If there are multiple subcases in a nonlinear statics restart run, and there are MPCs in the model, the MCE1 module is reexecuted for each subcase. This is true even if the MPCs are not modified from the coldstart run. If the MPC is not changed on the restart run, the MCE1 module should only be reexecuted for the first new subcase. This is because the transformation matrix between the m and n sets is not saved in the cold start run. Subsequent subcases should not reexecute the MCE1 module unless the MPC has been changed.

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Description Avoidance: If the restart run has more than one new subcase and the MPC has not changed from the coldstart run, then insert the following DMAP alters to avoid this situation: COMPILE NLSTATIC,SOUIN=MSCSOU,NOLIST,NOREF ALTER 13 $ TYPE PARM,,I,N,FIRST=0 $ ALTER Known Error Product Abstract CR 4832 MSC / MD Nastran Plotting - XYPLOT - Erratic Plot Output When using XYPLOT, if the largest value to be plotted (YMAX) is approximately (but not exactly) equal to the smallest value (YMIN), the plot may appear erratic. This is due to the plotter scaling the range to fill the plot. Description Avoidance: Set YMIN and YMAX with plotter commands a reasonable distance apart. Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 4883 MSC / MD Nastran Differential Stiffness and Buckling - QUADR - Wrong Answers The QUADR and TRIAR elements do not support differential stiffness as is documented in the User's Manual. Therefore, they should not be used for

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CR 4883 buckling analysis. User Warning Message 5481 will be issued when either one of these elements is used in a buckling analysis. However, if the QUADR is used in a buckling analysis, an incorrect rather than a null differential stiffness will be generated and wrong answers occur. Avoidance: Do not use QUADR or TRIAR for buckling analysis. Replace them with the QUAD4 and TRIA3 elements

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 4914 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - RESTART, DESVAR - Wrong Answers If an optimization analysis is restarted and the DESVAR entries from the cold start are deleted and replaced, SOL 200 yields wrong answers. Section 7.11 of the MSC/NASTRAN Design Sensitivity and Optmization guide documents this limitation. Avoidance: After the initial cold start is executed, merge the original data deck with the new DESVAR entries from the .PCH file from the initial run and execute the run as a cold start.

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CR 4926 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - - "NaNQ" in the Output If a term in a matrix becomes too large for the computer to represent, the IEEE standard replaces it with "NaNQ" on the output. Therefore, it is possible to have "NaNQ" appear in the place of numbers in the output from MSC/NASTRAN. If this occurs, it is an indication that the numbers involved are too large to be accurately processed on the computer. CR 4930 MSC / MD Nastran Sequencer - PARAM,SUPER,2 - Infinite Loop If PARAM,SUPER,2 is specified in the BULK DATA and there are no superelements in the model, the sequencer may enter an infinite cpu loop. Avoidance: Do not use PARAM,SUPER if there are no superelements in the

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CR 4930 model.

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CR 5035 MSC / MD Nastran Dynamic Analysis - DDRMM, CBEAM, CBAR, CBEND - Incorrect Margins of Safety The margins of safety cannot be calculated correctly in a modal dynamic response analysis when PARAM,DDRMM is 0. Depending on the element and Version of MSC/NASTRAN the printed value of the margin of safety may be incorrect or simply 0.0. Avoidance: If the margin of safety output is desired for dynamic analysis the user must select PARAM,DDRMM,-1.

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CR 5047 MSC / MD Nastran Installation - IBM 386/486 IX - UFM 3060 When both the mouse and the authorization device (dongle) use the same port (for example the com1 serial port) MSC/NASTRAN will not run and UFM 3060 is received.

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Description Avoidance: The only avoidance is to obtain another serial port and use one for the mouse and one for the authorization device.

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CR 5255 MSC / MD Nastran Dynamic Response Analysis - Superelements - Missing Output When performing frequency response using superelements, no output will be available for any superelement which is not mentioned in a SUBCASE for dynamic loading. This design extends to XYPLOT output. This is especially pronounced when multiple residual solutions are requested using multiple subcases. Avoidance: For each residual subcase, a corresponding subcase for each superelement should exist in the input.

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CR 5350

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CR 5350 MSC / MD Nastran MSGMESH, MSGSTRSS, MSGVIEW - MSGMESH, IFP - UFM 2052 If free format is used in conjunction with MSG/MESH, and the individual field exceeds 8 characters, then the extra characters may be treated as the next field in MESH command which can lead to unexpected results. If this extra data is invalid for MSG/MESH, then the job may fail UFM 2052 or other fatal messages depending on the type of error. SPC,101,60817,1,0.0066767

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when used in conjunction with MESH will generate the following error message: 0*** USER FATAL MESSAGE 2052, UNDEFINED GRID POINT 7 IN SINGLEPOINT CONSTRAINT SET 101 Avoidance: When using MESH and free format, keep within the 8 field format.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 5454 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - SEMAP - Wrong Resource Estimates In Version 67+ systems, the disk space estimate printed in the "Estimation Data for Superelement x" generated by SEMAP is not accurate. In Version 68, for large problems, the time estimates may also be quite meaningless since these formulas are based on nonsparse methods and the default solver is the sparse solver.

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Description Avoidance: There is no complete avoidance. The time estimates from the DECOMP, FBS and MPYAD modules can be used instead. The DECOMP estimate is printed by default in the Execution Summary (f04 file). The MPYAD and FBS estimates can be obtained in the f04 file by requesting DIAG 19 in the executive control section. Known Error Product Abstract CR 5490 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - MPC, Nonlinear Analysis - Unexpected Answers

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CR 5490 In nonlinear static analysis, the MPC has been implemented in SOL 66 and later in SOL 106 to enforce the specified MPC condition within the Subcase. In other words, the MPC constraints for each subcase are applied incrementally to the pre-existing displacements from the prior subcase and they are not


enforced in the original configuration as SPCs. If the displacements resulted certain values in the first Subcase, the MPC in the second Subcase will start from the value in the first Subcase and maintain the specified MPC condition within the specified Subcase.

This may not be consistent with the SPC specification or MPC specification in linear solutions. However, the initial design in 1980 adopted this convention and we have maintained upward compatibility since. I Known Error Product Abstract CR 5555 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - CORD1 - UFM 2004 CORD1-type coordinate systems cannot be used as either the location coordinate system or the output coordinate system for grids in one superelement if the grids used to define the CORD1 coordinate system belong to another superelement. The job will end with one of the following USER FATAL MESSAGES: 2004, 2006, 2104. Similarly, CORD1-type coordinate systems should not be referenced on SURFACE or VOLUME GPRSTRESS requests if superelements are present. Otherwise, GPSTRESS results will be missing for superelements which do not recognize the coordinate system and USER WARNING MESSAGE 4598 will be issued.

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Avoidance: Use CORD2 type description. Known Error Product CR 5616 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 5616 DMAP - DIAGONAL - UFM 5250 The DIAGONAL module issues the message "USER FATAL MESSAGE 5250, RAISING A NEGATIVE NUMBER TO A NON-INTEGER EXPONENT IS NOT ALLOWED" incorrectly for integer exponents when the matrix element is negative. The message should only be issued for exponents which are not integers. Avoidance: There is no known avoidance.

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CR 5621 MSC / MD Nastran Static Analysis - BEAM - Missing Force Output for BEAM If a BEAM's forces are zero, the force results for end A of the BEAM may not be output. This has only been observed on the CONVEX, however, there is the potential for this error to occur on other machines. Avoidance: There is no avoidance.

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CR 5802 MSC / MD Nastran Material Nonlinear Analysis - TEMP(LOAD) - Superelements vs. NonSuperelements If superelements are used in a nonlinear run with temperature dependent material properties, the superelement properties are calculated using the TEMP(INIT), rather than the TEMP(LOAD). This is a limitation since superelements are linear, their material properties are not changed during the analysis. This can lead to different answers when comparing superelement models to non-superelement models.

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Description Avoidance: In order to use the TEMP(LOAD) for the material properties, use the following DMAP alter in Version 68: COMPILE SELG, SOUIN=MSCSOU, NOLIST, NOREF ALTER 11,11 SSG1 SLT,BGPDTS,CSTMS,SILS,EST,MPTS,ETT,EDT,MJJ,CASESX, DIT,,,,/PJX,PTELEM,/LUSETS/1//'NLST' $ Known Error CR 5900

Known Error Product

CR 5900 MSC / MD Nastran Material Nonlinear Analysis - RESTART, NLPARM - DIM 9005, UFM 2044, SFM 3007 If thermal loads are applied in a SOL 106 cold start, and, if in the restart, PARAM,LOOPID is not the last loop id for the subcase prior to PARAM, SUBID then the program will issue various misleading fatal messages. In one example the message "USER FATAL MESSAGE 2044 UNDEFINED TEMPERATURE SET, SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 3007 MODULE=NLCOMB ILLEGAL INPUT TO SUBROUTINE NLCPTM" was encountered. Avoidance: Other than specifying the correct LOOPID, there is no avoidance.

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CR 5933 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - DCMP, DECOMP - Wrong (Zero) Results The DECOMP and DCMP modules have an optional set of parameters which should give the scaled determinant (DET) and the scale factor (POWER) of the input matrix. For the sparse methods, they are set to zero.

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Avoidance: An avoidance is to select the nonsparse decomposition methods when a determinant is needed. That is set system cell 126 to 1 (a.k.a. NASTRAN SPARSE keyword) for symmetric matrices and system cell 209 equal to 0 (a.k.a. NASTRAN USPARSE keyword) for unsymmetric matrices. CR 5995 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - QUAD4, TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong answers Warped QUAD4 elements with thermal loads give wrong answers. This error is similar to the thermal expansion error in elements with rigid offsets, there is no expansion for the offset. If offsets and orthotropic materials are present, the errors are magnified.

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CR 6042 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 6042 Elements - PENTA(6), TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Answers for Stresses If the temperature at the grid points of a PENTA(6) element vary (i.e. they are not the same at all points), then the stress output is wrong. Both corner point (default) and Gauss location (selected on PSOLID) options give wrong answers. The stress error is proportional to the amount of temperature change within the element. Avoidance: This is a limitation of the element. The only avoidance is to refine the mesh so that the variation of temperature within the element is minimal.

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CR 6260 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Heat Transfer - NOLINi, ADAPT - Wrong Answers The ADAPT strategy and the PW convergence criterion leads to an erroneous solution if NOLIN cards are enforcing square wave type of power input loading that is based on specified temperatures at certain grid locations of the model. Particularly, the iteration strategy fails when the temperature of the curve is nearly constant. This phenomenon occurs for the ablation problem for which NOLIN entries are used to model the heat transfer through out the medium. Avoidance: Set the ADJUST of the TSTEPNL entry to zero, so that the automatic time step adjustment is disabled. Also set the convergence criterion to U, and set the EPSU to 1.0-5 instead of the 1.0-3 default value. This avoidance yields correct answers but the actual CPU time to reach convergence will be much longer than using SOL 8

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 6264 MSC / MD Nastran Thermal Stress Analysis - TEMPBC - Wrong Answers The TEMPBC bulk data entry is used to specify time-dependent temperatures (TYPE=TRAN) at grid points for transient thermal analysis (SOL 159). Internally

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CR 6264 in MSC/NASTRAN, this time dependent load is accomplished using SLOAD and the CELAS2 bulk data entries. For thermal analysis, these generated CELAS2's produce correct temperatures. However, if a TEMPBC entry with the TRAN option is included in a thermal stress analysis (SOL 101, SOL 106), then the thermal stress calculations are wrong because extra forces are introduced in the problem. Avoidance: Remove TEMPBC entries with TYPE=TRAN.

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CR 6322 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - SEMA - SFM 4252, Inefficient restart On a restart run, if the user changes PARAM,AUTOSPC for the residual structure, then SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 4252 may be issued or all superelements will be recomputed. This error was found on a sol 103 restart to sol 129. In a sol 129 run, the PARAM,AUTOSPC default is "NO" in the residual and it should not be changed. Therefore, single point constraints for singularities that were eliminated by PARAM,AUTOSPC,YES in the sol 103 run must be explicitly defined in sol 129 for the residual.

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Description Avoidances: 1) Specify PARAM, SPCGEN, 1 in the cold start run to punch SPC entries based on the the AUTOSPC operation. Include the puched SPC entries in the restart Bulk Data section. 2) Use the following alter compile ifpl souin=mscsou,nolist,noref $alter 89,89 $ v67.5 removes autospc re Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 6360 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - NFS Mount - Job Hangs Submitting a job from a machine that is nfs mounted may result in the job

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CR 6360 hanging. The exact cause of this specific problem is under investigation but is often the result of incompatibilities in the operating systems. Avoidance: Prior to MSC/NASTRAN V69, set system cell SYSTEM(207)=1; after that, set the keyword "sysfield=lock=no". This feature is designed to block file locking for those situations where, despite the correct programming of the file locking calls, the system hangs or aborts.

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 6365 MSC / MD Nastran Material Nonlinear Analysis - QUADX, TRIAX - Poor Answers The radial degree of freedom should be constrained for all grid points on the axis of symmetry for hyperelastic axisymmetric problems else poor answers may result. CR 6383 MSC / MD Nastran P-Elements - MODES - UFM 6500 (ADAPT) The modes command does not appear to work with p-elements and yields an incorrect fatal message. The following Case Control: ADAPT = 150 VUGRID(PLOT)=ALL ADACT = ALL $ METHOD=151 SPC=999 DISP=ALL SUBCASE 1 MODES=1 SUBCASE 2 STRESS=ALL resulted in the following fatal message: USER FATAL MESSAGE 6500 (ADAPT) MULTIPLE SUBCASES WITH DIFFERENT METHOD COMMANDS AND/OR SPC/MPC/SUPORT COMMANDS HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED

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CR 6383 WITH P-ELEMENTS IN NORMAL MODES ANALYSIS. USER INFORMATION: ONLY ONE BOUNDARY CONDITION AND ONE METHOD COMMAND PER RUN IS ALLOWED. Note that the method command and constraint requests are above the subcase level. Avoidance: There is no avoidance.

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CR 6481 MSC / MD Nastran p-Elements - EMGPMD - UFM 4659 P-element models with cylindrical or spherical coordinate systems generated using the Aries evaluator may encounter the message "USER FATAL MESSAGE 4659 (EMGPMD) DURING INTEGRATION FOR ELEMENT WITH ID =". This error is demonstrated by tpl deck pfms03.dat. Avoidance: Other than removing cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems which is probably not practical, there is no guaranteed avoidance. Changing the meshing or geometry of the model slightly may avoid the error.

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CR 6572 MSC / MD Nastran p-Elements - GMCURVs with MSC/Aries Geometry Evaluator For certain cases, when the end GRID or the secant point is mapped back to the GMCURV, the MSC/Aries geometric evaluator (i.e., group MSCGRP2 on the GMCURV or GMSURF entry) returns the following message:

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SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6498 (Aries B-spline Evaluator, Get Curve Parameter) GEOMETRY API MESSAGE FOLLOWS. USER INFORMATION: Numerical Error in Evaluator. Curve: 150. Point: ( 1.000000e+01 1.288252e+02 1.402565e+02).

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CR 6572 Avoidance: The problem is under investigation and it is unclear specifically when this error occurs or how to avoid the problem.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 6578 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transfer - VIEW3D, CHBDYG,AREA8, CHBDYG,AREA6 - Wrong Answers The boundary surface elements CHBDYG type AREA8 and AREA6 were implemented in Version 68 to complement higher-order conduction elements such as the CQUAD8, HEX20, and TRIA6. Using these surface elements in View factor calculations results in an incorrect view factor if the surfaces are not in-plane or on a curve surface. Therefore in order to model surfaces on curvilinear surfaces such as cylinder it is best to use AREA4 and AREA3 elements. Avoidance: Use CHBDYG,AREA4 instead of AREA8 to model curvilinear surface for view factor calculation. Similarly, use CHBDYG,AREA3 instead of AREA6 to model curvilinear surface for view factor calculation.

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CR 6598 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - PARAM - UFM 300, Improper Output MSC/NASTRAN has a restriction on the magnitude of an integer parameter of nine (9) digits. If an integer value with more than 9 digits is used for a parameter value (e.g. PARAM*,USETSEL,2147483648) then the parameter does not function properly. If the value of the parameter is hard coded directly in the DMAP (e.g. TABPRT USET,EQEXIN//'USET'/0/2147483648) the message " USER FATAL MESSAGE 300 FROM CRCARD ABOVE" is issued. Avoidance: There is no avoidance.

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CR 6676 MSC / MD Nastran Plotting - SPCFORCE, MPCFORCE, XYPLOT - Missing Output

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CR 6676 If XYPLOTs of SPCFORCEs or MPCFORCEs are requested, the items must be requested in the case control before the OUTPUT(XYPLOT) section. For example, if SPCFORCE plots are to be requested for points 1 and 5, the following output request (or a similar one) would be required in the case control: SET 99 = 1,5 SPCFORCE = 99 CR 6678 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Nonlinear Strains with Temperature Loads In nonlinear solution sequences, the output entitled "Nonlinear Stresses" prints mechanical strains which do not include the thermal strains. The true strains are the sum of the mechanical and thermal strains. The only exception to this limitation are the hyperelastic elements which output the true strain. Avoidance: There is no avoidance.


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CR 6733 MSC / MD Nastran P-Elements - TEMP(LOAD), PVAL,ADAPT - Wrong Answers If thermal loads are applied to p-elements and the PVAL entry (referenced by the ADAPT entry) defines the polynomial order to be 1, then the solution may converge to wrong results. Wrong results definitely occur for models with only one element. Avoidance: Set POLYi field on the PVAL entry to 3 or more.

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CR 6753 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Static - RESTART, PARAM, NMLOOP - Wrong Answers If PARAM,NMLOOP is used to restart from SOL 106 (nonlinear statics) into a linear solution, the data recovery output is performed using linear element properties. Ths design causes displacements and element results to be incorrect. However, the solution is performed using the nonlinear equilibrium position (allowing EIGENVALUES to be correct). Only data recovery is in error, hence

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CR 6753 displacements and element results are wrong. This design does not affect a restart from a nonlinear run to a nonlinear run. Avoidance: There is no reason to perform a RESTART from solution 106 to 101, perform the desired data recovery in solution 106.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 6814 MSC / MD Nastran p-Elements - GMCURV, GMSURF - Poor Answers When p-elements are connected to h-elements the polynomial order at the interface should be p=1. If GMCURV or GMSURF data is used along the interface surface the code ignores the different connections and allows the polynomial order to grow. Severe stress concentrations will be calculated at the connected points. Avoidance: Since the interfaces must be straight there is no need for geometry, remove the gmcurv or gmsurf from the interface.

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CR 6854 MSC / MD Nastran Sequencer - PARAM,SUPER, SEQP - SFM 4276, EC 7777, Traceback SEQMR If a superelement model uses PARAM,SUPER,2 without PARAM,MPCX,sid (where sid is the MPC set to be used), the run may fail with no messages in the sequencer. Avoidance: Include PARAM,MPCX in the run if PARAM,SUPER,2 is used.

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CR 6996 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - Q4TAPER - UWM 5491, UFM 4297 If an auxiliary model is used to generate the shape basis vector for a shape optimization analysis and in the subsequent dblocate optimization run an element exceeds the maximum allowable taper value of .5 then EMG issues UWM 5491 that may identify elements with bad geometry that do not exist in the model. The run may also issue USER FATAL MESSAGE 4297 indicating that an element has an interior angle greater than 180 degrees. An example of the warning message follows:

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Avoidance: EMG is reporting the internal identification numbers for the perturbed elemen Known Error Product Abstract CR 7002 MSC / MD Nastran Sequencer - GP2 - UFM 2007 If an attempt is made to use the punched grid and element output of a pelement run in the bulk data the following error will occur and the run will fail in the SEQP module or GP2 modules: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 2007 MODULE = GP2 ELEMENT ******** REFERENCES UNDEFINED GRID POINT 111001009

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USER FATAL MESSAGE 2007, ELEMENT******** REFERENCES UNDEFINED GRID POINT********. Description This message occurs since grid ids larger than 100000000 are not valid on the grid card and the vu-grids have ids greater than 100000000. . Avoidance: Following system cells should be set in a p-element run to generate smaller vu-grid ids and vu-element ids. System cell values are beginning and maximum for vu-grids and vu-elements nastran system(175)=9000, $ GRMAX = 1 Known Error Product Abstract CR 7010 MSC / MD Nastran Axisymmetric Fluid Elements - CAXIF4, VECPLOT - UFM 5423

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CR 7010 Models with CAXIF4 axisymmetric fluid elements fail in the VECPLOT module with the message: USER FATAL MESSAGE 5423 - ATTEMPT TO MULTIPLY INCOMPATIBLE MATRICES. This error has been fixed for real formats but complex formats still cause a fatal message. There is no plans to fix the complex formats since this capability has been replaced by more modern methods. Avoidance: Apply the following alter: compile selg nolist noref alter 63,63 endalter


Known Error Product Abstract

CR 7013 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - COMIFP, PUNCH - Produces Incorrect Bulk Data Entries The comifp module has been modified for Version 69 to support the part superelement concept. It can take ifp-like files from the sep2 module and punch bulk data files which may then be used as part files. At present, the RBE2 and RBE3 elements are punched incorrectly. Avoidance: An avoidance is to separate the elements not properly processed by hand.

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CR 7185 MSC / MD Nastran Response Spectra - SDR2 - Wrong Answers The response spectra summation process for the NRL and SRSS methods handle the CBAR and CBEAM elements differently. Both the NRL and SRSS methods involve taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the value of interest, in this case stress. For the BEAM element the summation is made for the combined bending and axial stress, while for the BAR element the bending and axial stress is summed

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CR 7185 independently to coincide with the BAR's output which prints the axial stress separately. This leads to incorrect results for the output of the maximum and minimum stress. Avoidance: The CBEAM element should be used for Response Spectra Analysis whenever stress results are desired.

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CR 7365 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transfer Analysis - VIEW3D, CHBDYE - No VIEW Factor Calculation The CHBDYE element references the conduction element for the geometry. If the user attempts to calculate the view factor exchange between two plates by using a line element such as a bar or rod and the CHBDYE element which references the rod element for the surface information, then no view factor calculation will be performed on the CHBDYE line element. . Avoidance: Use the CHBDYP,LINE to model the surfaces instead of the CHBDYE element.

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CR 7414 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - Poorly Labeled Output It is difficult to relate the output in solution 200 (DISPLACEMENT, STRESSES, SENSITIVITY, ETC ) to the design cycle. The output headers do not include the design cycle number for which the output is printed.

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Description Avoidance: Look for the "USER INFORMATION MESSAGE 9051" , which contains the design cycle information preceding the output. Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 7425 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - CALL - Incorrect PARAM Value Passed Back If a parameter is passed into a subDMAP on the CALL statement, it is possible that the program may pass a value of 0.0 back to the calling subDMAP for

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CR 7425 that parameter. This has only been observed if the following conditions are met: 1) The parameter appears on the CALL statement without the 'S' feature 2) The parameter is defined as being able to be changed in the bulk data or case control ( 'Y' option on the TYPE statement in the called subDMAP') 3) The same name is used for the parameter in the calling and called subDMAPs 4) The value of the parameter is changed in the called subDMAP Avoidance: Change the name of the parameter in the called subDMAP or use the 'N' option on the TYPE statement in the called subDMAP.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 7480 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - Delivery Database Build - SFE 4276 in XCSA When building a delivery database in more than one run, if any subDMAP fails compilation in the first run, which also compiles the NDDL, then a subsequent run may fail with BIOMSG error 3001 in GREAD and SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 4276 in XCSA. Avoidance: If this message is encountered, the delivery database is corrupted and must be rebuilt. To avoid corrupting the database again, do not compile any subDMAPs in the first run.

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CR 7481 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - Delivery Database Build - Poor Message, SFE 4276 in LINKER When building a delivery database in more than one run, if a subDMAP which is called by a main subDMAP fails during compilation in one run and then a link of the main subDMAP is attempted in the next run, then the run will fail with BIOMSG error 3001 in GREAD and SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 4276 in LINKER. The run should have failed with USER FATAL MESSAGE 443 or 444. Avoidance: Recompile the offending subDMAP and relink the main

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CR 7481 subDMAPs which call the offending subDMAP.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 7619 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - Nonlinear Analysis Data Recovery Restarts The current documentation does not make it clear how one should prepare input files to perform data recovery restarts with a nonlinear analysis. If the user expects to obtain any data recovery from solution 106, 129, 153 or 129, the input file should be prepared to perform the complete solution and not rely on the database to contain the necessary datablocks. For example, flux output must be explicitly requested in the cold start if one wants to obtain it on the restart. The user may specify flux(plot) if he chooses not to see the printed output in the cold start. CR 7644 MSC / MD Nastran Transient Heat Transfer - CELAS2, TEMPBC,TRAN - UFM 315 In transient thermal analysis, if the user has CELAS2 entries in the input test deck and there is also TEMPBC,TRAN bulk data entries, then the following fatal message will be encountered:

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0*** USER FATAL MESSAGE 315 (IFPDRV) FORMAT ERROR ON BULK DATA ENTRY TEMPBC 102 SORTED CARD COUNT = 761 Description This error occurs because the TEMPB,TRAN bulk data entry internally produce CELAS2 entries for the large conductance method. These entries then conflict with explicitly defined CELAS2 entries. Avoidance: Instead of CELAS2 bulk data entry uses CELAS1,and PELAS to define the thermal conductance value. Known Error Product CR 7685 MSC / MD Nastran

Known Error

CR 7685 Performance - MPYAD, FBS - Increasing Memory Causes Performance Degradation Increasing memory for a particular run may cause poor performance in sparse FBS and sparse MPYAD. This problem is usually caused by poor method selection and is considered a limitation. Avoidance: Other than requesting less memory or forcing more efficient methods (please see the MSC.Nastran Numerical Methods Guide) no avoidance exists.

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CR 7743 MSC / MD Nastran Submittal - notify=yes May Not Appear to Work. If a user has set the message state to off, e.g., with the 'mesg n' command, the notification message cannot be sent. This is most noticable when a job is run in the background, as the notification message is the only positive indication the job has completed. The user may receive no indication at all, or may receive the cryptic message "permission denied" when the notification is actually attempted. Avoidance: The user must enable messages for the notification message to be received under batch=yes.

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CR 7796 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - PLOTS - Missing Features, Missing Plots The "LABEL GSPC" and "LABEL EPID" are not supported with the new superelement features in Version 69. CR 7798 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - Parallel Processing EMA, SYSTEM(107) - Disabled by Default

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CR 7798 On most of the systems supporting parallel operation with MSC/NASTRAN, the Parallel EMA function shows little or no performance gain over the nonparallel EMA. Because of this, by default, Parallel EMA will be disabled on all platforms for MSC/NASTRAN Version 69. If a you wish to enable PEMA, you may do so by setting the MSC_PEMA environment variable to a value of YES (the test for "YES" is case-insensitive). In this mode, the standard SYSTEM(107) enable/disable tests for PEMA are active.


Known Error Product Abstract

CR 7814 MSC / MD Nastran P-Elements - GMBCs - Wrong Answers When boundary conditions in shell p-elements are specified on an edge using a global coordinate system, the answers become wrong for p=9 and the program crashes for p=10. The answers are correct up to the order of p=8. CR 7818 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - TRD2, NOLINi - Quits With No Message If a modal transient analysis is performed in Sol 200 (ANALYSIS=MTRAN) and the job contains NOLINi entries, the job may abort in module TRD2 with no message except a machine dependent message in the log file. Avoidance: NOLINi entries are not supported in solution 200. The modal transient analysis may be run in solution 112.

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CR 7854 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - TYPE - Possible Wrong Values for Parameters If a parameter is defined in the NDDL, and a DMAP "TYPE" statement declares it as changeable in CASE CONTROL or BULK DATA ("Y") but not as an "NDDL" parameter, then the program will incorrectly use the NDDL default value and TYPE for the parameter. If the parameter is listed as a qualifier

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CR 7854 (QUAL) in the NDDL, the default value works correctly in the DMAP. For example, the following subDMAP in SOL 100 SUBDMAP TEST input/output type parm,,i,y,maxit=10 $ parameter is in the NDDL, NDDL default = 4 type parm,,i,n,modacc=10 $parameter is in the NDDL, but "N" is used on the TYPE type parm,,i,n,maxratio=1 $ parameter is in the NDDL as RS, but "N" is used on the TYPE type parm,,i,y,mesh=1 $ different type than NDDL type parm,,i,y,seid=345 $ test a qualifier $ RETURN END will resul

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 25773 MSC / MD Nastran Rigid Elements - RSSCON - UFM 6689 RSSCON elements do not correctly connect warped solid elements to shell elements. In the case of a CHEXA with midside nodes out of alignment with the corner grids by more than TOLRSC*(element edge length), the shell attachment to the midside nodes results in the following improperly issued FATAL message:

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USER FATAL MESSAGE 6689 (CONSSD) RSSCON NUMBER 200 CANNOT CONNECT HEXA ELEMENT 1 TO QUAD ELEMENT 3 USER ACTION: CHECK GEOMETRY Avoidance: Other than modifying the geometry to eliminate the warped elements there is no avoidance.

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 26448 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - LOADSET, LSEQ - UFM 4390, Poor Design When the LOADSET command is used in partitioned bulk data

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CR 26448 superelements, all superelements for which the LOADSET applies must have LSEQ entries. If not, UFM 4390 will result. Avoidance: Either have LSEQ entries for all partitioned superelements using the LOADSET command or use the LOADSET command only in SUBCASEs applying to the superelements which have LSEQ entries.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 26500 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - DBLOCATE - SFM 1033 (XIO) When using DBLOCATE to continue any analysis into a subsequent optimization analysis, the following error occurs: 0*** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 1033 (XIO) FILE 0 NOT FOUND IN FIST 0********* DUMP OF XIO PARAMETERS 0XIO NAME = 0 ATTEMPTED OPERATION = OPEN (UPDATE) FILEXX = 0 . . . 0*** SYSTEM FATAL ERROR 4276.XIO ERROR CODE 4276 PID= 0 0*** USER INFORMATION MESSAGE: TO OBTAIN A NASTRAN DUMP, RESUBMIT JOB WITH DIAG 44 INSERTED IN THE EXECUTIVE CONTROL SECTION. This is caused because the DBLOCATEd file is read only, but optimization analysis requires the desiter qualifier to be set on the datablocks Avoidance: Change the DBLOCATE statements to include "convert (desiter=n)" where n is the design iteration number. Include a separate DBLOCATE stateme

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CR 26634 MSC / MD Nastran Postprocessing - PARAM,POST, ANALYSIS - Missing Plot Output

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CR 26634 Optimization jobs which have multiple analysis types and requests to the MSC/NASTRAN plotter can cause problems with the OUTPUT2 file for MSC/PATRAN. The OUTPUT2 file may be missing data and contain extra data. Avoidance: Do not combine NASPLOT requests with PARAM,POST,-1 in solution 200.


Known Error Product Abstract

CR 26772 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer - TEMPBC,TRAN - Wrong Answers If there are unreferenced type TRAN, TEMPBC entries in the test deck, then different answers occur. This is a design limitation. TEMPBC entries internally generate CELAS2 elements and DAREA input. The CELAS2 elements are generated whether the TEMPBC is referenced or not and this may cause unexpected results. Avoidance: Remove any unreferenced type TRAN, TEMPC entries.

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CR 26825 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Slide-Line Analysis - BLSEG, BCONP - Wrong Answers The statement below is in error. Replace unsymmetric with symmteric and vice-versa. Unsymmetric is the default and use the deafult option. Rakesh Allahabadi

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Wrong answers may occur for nonlinear slide-line analysis when the unsymmetric search option, PTYPE=2 on the BCONP bulk data entry is selected. Avoidance: Use the symmetric option which is the default.

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CR 26844 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 26844 Aeroelastic Analysis - SPLINEi, OMITi, ASETi - Wrong Answers In SOL 144 and for ANALYSIS=SAERO in solution 200, wrong answers will result if the user splines the aerodynamics to omitted degrees of freedom. Avoidance: Do not spline to omitted structural degrees of freedom


Known Error Product Abstract

CR 27755 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - EIGRL, REIGL - SFM 5299 Small models with many repeated modes may require smaller values for MAXSET else the following message may be encountered: *** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 5299.UNRECOVERABLE TERMINATION FROM LANCZOS ITERATION INTERNAL ERROR CODE = -3 USER ERROR RETURN = -33 Avoidance: Reduce the value of MAXSET on the EIGRL entry.

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 27820 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - PELAST - Possible Wrong Answers When the nonlinear property PELAST is used for the scalar spring, CELAS1 or CELAS3, the linear stiffness, Ki, must be greater than zero. If Ki is non-zero the actual value is replaced by the PELAST function. However, if 0.0 is entered then the value of 0.0 is used. CR 27930 MSC / MD Nastran Acoustic Analysis - Modelling Error - SFM 6169, Poor Message When a plate is immersed in a fluid, then the structural grid points will be attached to up to eight fluid HEXA elements (more if PENTAs and/or TETRAs are use) and two fluid/structure interfaces, one for each side of the plate structure. The fluid grids on each side of the plate are on different interfaces and thus must have unique coincident grids. Thus, at a point in space there

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CR 27930 should be two fluid grids and one structural grid. If only one fluid grid is erroneously used, that is, the fluid elements on both sides of the interface use the same grid, then the following error will occur: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 6169, FOUND TWO OR MORE STRUCTURAL GRID POINTS WITH IDENTICAL COORDINATES WHICH LIE ON THE FLUID/STRUCTURE BOUNDARY. USER ACTION: CHECK GRIDS AND/OR SET1 CARDS WHI

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 27968 MSC / MD Nastran Submittal - PSL: NUSR: unable to initialize (0 expired keys) The following error is issued in the log file when an abnormality occurs in the NUSR queues in the system. (i.e. if a nastran job gets killed some of the NUSR queues will not be removed from the system and following message will be issued when a subsequent job is started. PSL: NUSR: unable to initialize (0 expired keys).

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Description Avoidance: Flush the queues by rebooting the machine. or, Remove nastran related queues by the command ipcrm -q PROCESSID of the queue. Known Error Product CR 28104 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - TABPT of CSTM and BGPDT - Wrong Answers on Double Precision Machines If the TABPT module is used to print the CSTM or BGPDT tables on double precision, short-word machines, then incorrect data for the tables is printed. Description Avoidance: Use TABPRT (Formatted print of selected table data blocks) to print the CSTM and BGPDT table. TABPRT CSTM/////1$

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CR 28226 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - QUAD4 - Incorrect Corner Stresses and Forces with Variable Thickness The corner stresses and forces are incorrect for the QUAD4 element if variable thickness is specified. Avoidance: Do not request corner stresses, request stresses at the centroid (the default).

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CR 28554 MSC / MD Nastran Matrix Methods - Iterative Solver, ITER - SFM 6723 The iterative solver may issue the message "SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6723" NON POSITIVE DIAGONAL ELEMENT IN SCALAR ROW INCREASE IPART VALUE ON BULK DATA CARD".

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Description Avoidance: IPAD may be increased by 1, the current value is given in SYSTEM INFORMATION MESSAGE 4157 in the f04. However, SFM 6723 is often an indication of an ill-conditioned model. Thus, the model should be reviewed by plotting and/or by using the checka alter in the sssalter library. Known Error Product CR 28813 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - PARAM - CHAR8 Variables on PARAM Entries Must Be BCD, UFM 6011 The Quick Reference Guide states that character parameters are allowed as inputs on the PARAM entry. However, the full range of character values are not allowed. The Old Exec construct of "BCD" parameters is enforced by the preface. This construct states that only alphanmumeric values are used, that is, the first character must be

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CR 28813 a letter of the alphabet. An input of param, char, -1, where char is typed as a char8 variable in dmap, results in the fatal diagnostic: USER FATAL MESSAGE 6011 (IPVDFT) THE MAIN SUBDMAP VPS TYPE OF PARAMETER CHAR DIFFERS FROM THE TYPE DETERMINED FROM PARAM CARD DEFINITION. USER INFORMATION: VPS TYPE IS CHARACTER. PARAM TYPE IS INTEGER.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 28857 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - Multi Master - SFM 4276 EC 3001 The multi-master technique, allows the user to develop a design task in pieces. That is, an automotive design task might have a chassis in one model, the body in another and doors and windows in other models. As part of the adjoint sensitivity development, an efficiency was introduced, which skips the generation of pseudo-loads if there are no active responses for a particular subcase. Unfortunately, this breaks the random order capability of the multi-master technique which would allow the user to have pseudoload information available on a standby basis in case a later job submittal requires it. If a later run needs the pseudo-load information from a previous run, which did not calculate it, then the message "SYSTEM FATAL ERROR 4276.GREAD ERROR CODE 3001 PID= 0" is issued. Avoidanc

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CR 28965 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis/Hyperelastic Elements - Lumped Mass, MATHP - Wrong Answers The 20-noded hyperelastic hexa element produces wrong answers when used with lumped mass. The mean pressure output is wrong for all hyperelastic elements. Avoidance: Use consistent mass, ignore the mean pressure output.

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CR 29342

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 29342 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - External SE with CMR, CSET - CMR DOF AUTOSPC'd in SE0 .If a component mode DOF from an external SE is not being attached into the residual structure as anticipated it is an indication that the mode is either a linear combination of the static transformation vectors or the first mode calculated. MSC/NASTRAN will eliminate this mode via the autospc and INREL DMAP mechanism by design. Two avoidances exist.

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Description 1) remove the cset entries from the external SE run. or 2) ask for more modes to be calculated and add a second spoint putting it into the qset. Known Error Product Abstract CR 29421 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - after keyword - Maximum File Size 2 Giga Bytes On an SGI IRIX 6.4, use of the NASTRAN keyword "after" will lower the maximum filesize from unlimited to 2Gb. This is error is caused by a bug in the SGI operating system. Avoidance: There is no avoidance except not to use the "after" keyword. Known Error Product Abstract CR 29779 MSC / MD Nastran P-Elements - h-p Interface, FEEDGE - Incorrect Results When a model consists of both h- and p-elements, the edges of the pelements which are on the h-p boundary will not remain at p-level 1 if these edges are defined with curved geometry. These edges will adapt to higher p-level, giving incorrect results. Avoidance: Do not define curved FEEDGE geometry on the h-p element boundary. Known Error Product CR 29922 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 29922 Rigid Elements - RSSCON, SECNSD - UFM 6692 When a highly skewed plate element is attached to a solid element with an RSSCON entry, the run may fail with the message: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 6692 (SECNSD ) RSSCON NUMBER *** CANNOT CONNECT AN EDGE OF QUAD ELEMENT *** TO HEXA ELEMENT *** Avoidance: The only avoidance is to reduce the skewness of the plate element or to use the GRID option on the RSSCON entry.

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CR 30147 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - NLPCI, CRIS - Negative Load Factors If the Crisfield arc length method (TYPE=CRIS) is used in a post buckling analysis, then the job may not converge. A symptom of this problem is the printing of large negative load factors as shown below.

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SUBID 2 LOOPID 29 LOAD STEP -6.389 LOAD FACTOR-7.38852477 SUBID 2 LOOPID 30 LOAD STEP -7.891 LOAD FACTOR-8.89144518 SUBID 2 LOOPID 31 LOAD STEP -10.059 LOAD FACTOR*********** Avoidance: Use the RIKS method or SOL 400.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 30325 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP - Reserved Names If a parameter or datablock on a type statement uses a name that has "cond" as a prefix, for example, condnosq, then the results using these parameters or datablocks in subsequent operations are unpredictable. For example, in the following dmap operation,

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type parm,,rs,n,condnosq $ condnosq = 1.0 $ message //condnosq $ does not produce a value of 1.0 for the condnosq parameter. The reason is that "cond" is a dmap exec statement for branching operations.

Known Error

CR 30325 Avoidance: Do not define a datablock, parameter, or label using "cond" as a prefix for the name.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 30575 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - Limit on the Number of Design Variables There is a limit imposed by the optimization algorithm used for design optimization that the number of design variables (NDV). squared must be less than the number of machine precision words available. For example, if a job is run with 40 million single precision words, the number of design variables must be less than the sqrt(40,000,000/2) = 4472 on a short word machine and 6324 on a long word machine. CR 30703 MSC / MD Nastran Postprocessing - XDB Limitation - Maximum Number of Grids There is a limit on the number of GRID points which can be processed by the DBC module for the ".xdb" file. The limit is dependent on many factors, one of the most significant factors is the solution sequence. For dynamic and nonlinear solution sequences the limit is 214748 GRID points. If more GRIDs than this exist in the model, some of the desired data may not be processed and placed in the ".xdb" file.

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Although there is still a limit on the total amount of data DBC can process, Version 70.5 contains changes that take into account the actual number of timestep or load steps actually solved. Thus, the program can more accurately predict the amount of data that it must process. The maximum number of grids is now determined dynamically and this change effectively greatly increases At 2005R2 this limitation is removed with DBCFACT=2.

Known Error Product

CR 30776 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 103, Element Strain Energy (ESE) incorrect when used with static preload (STATSUB)

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CR 30776 The element strain energy output for modes found in SOL 103 using STATSUB is incorrect. It includes only the linear portion of the ESE; the differential stiffness contribution is ignored. Avoidance: The following alter will calculate the strain energy contribution of the differential stiffness in addition to the linear portion: $ the following dmap is for V70 SOL 103 with STATSUB $ after the solution completes, there are 2 ESE outputs $ 1st: unstiffened ESE due to KELM $ 2nd: stiffened ESE due to KDELM $ combine these to get the total modal ESE $ this has not been tested with superelements. COMPILE SEKDR,NOLIST,NOREF ALTER 'EMG.*KDELM' $ CALL DBSTORE KDELM,KDDICT,,,//-99/SEID/'DBALL'/0 $ COMPILE SEDRCVR,NOLIST,NOREF ALTER 'OFP.*ONRGY1


Known Error Product Abstract

CR 30782 MSC / MD Nastran Static Condensation - Approximate Results for Differential Stiffness Static Condensation is approximate for differential stiffness which is used in buckling analysis, nonlinear analysis, and analysis that uses the STATSUB entry. Users can use this knowledge to omit local modes from their buckling analysis, but it can also lead to poor or unexpected results depending on the geometry and degrees of freedom omitted by static condensation. Static condensation occurs when there are superelements, ASET, ASET1, BSET, BSET1, BNDFIX, BNDFIX1, BNDFREE, BNDFREE1, CSET, CSET1, or OMIT, OMIT1 entries in a model. CR 30805 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - Multiple Subcases - Error in Bisection logic, Infinite LoopSFE 3002 (TOLAPP) In a nonlinear analysis, in some instances, the load factor tolerences may be in error. When this occurs the value of the load factor exceeds 1.0 and the solution may enter an infinite loop or produce some other error later

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CR 30805 on. The problem is identified when one of the load factors > 1.0 Avoidance: On the NLPARM entry increase the ninc field by 1 and restart into the offending subcase. This will change the tolerance

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CR 30852 MSC / MD Nastran Postprocessing - PARAM,POST,-4 - UIM 1207, UIM 1206 If PARAM,POST,-4 is used and FORMATTED output is requested in the OUTPUT2 file, error messages 1207 and 1206 will occur indicating that several datablocks have not been written to the file. An example of these message are: USER INFORMATION MESSAGE 1207 (OUTPN2) THE DATABLOCK KDICT /KDICT DEFINED AS NDDL TYPE KDIC IS NOT SUPPORTED BY NEUTRAL FILE TRANSLATION. THIS DATABLOCK WILL NOT BE TRANSLATED TO NEUTRAL FORMAT 0*** USER INFORMATION MESSAGE 1206 (OUTPN2) THE DATABLOCK OPHIG /OPHIG IN AN OUTPUT2 REQUEST IS NOT DEFINED IN THE MSC/NASTRAN DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE (ND This is due to the fact that these datablocks are not described in the NDDL.

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Avoidance: Use binary OUTPUT2 if PARAM,POST is set to -4. Known Error Product Abstract CR 30903 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - PARAM,AUTOSPC - Incorrect Constraint If two or more superelements which have no internal constraints applied, meet at a single GRID point, and no elements which are not in those superelements connect to that GRID point, AUTOSPC may incorrectly constrain that point. The reason for this is that the reduced stiffness matrix at a single point for a determinate structure with no constraints is a null matrix. This limitation is unlikely to affect real world models since it is unlikely that the boundary between superelements will be comprised of a single point.

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CR 30903

Avoidance: 1. Put the DOFs you want as dynamic analysis variables on spcoff bulk data entries. 2. Put in small springs to ground, large enough to turn off autospc but not large enough to change dynamic analysis results. This is the most practical method for supere Known Error Product CR 30959 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - CGAP, PGAP - Possible Wrong Answers when U0 is Negative Use of a gap element (tmax>=0.) with a negative value of U0 when GA and GB are NOT coincident may lead to wrong answers. Consider two grids on the x-axis with GA to the left of GB and the CID field blank and U0 specified to a negative value. Then the gap will always try to push GA to the left and GB to the right regardless of whether GA comes first or GB comes first in field 4 on the CGAP entry. Thus, a press fit with the inner radius of the outer disk at GA and the outer radius of the inner disk at GB would always pull in the wrong direction when UO is negative. Avoidance: To make the gap sensitive to the order of GA and GB with U0 negative, the CID entry of field 9 must be specified. Known Error Product CR 30987 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - EIGRL, GMINTC, GMINTS - Possible Missing Roots, SFM 5407 The Lanczos method of eigenvalue extraction does not work well when interface elements (GMINTC or GMINTS) are present, roots may be missing in the range. This may lead to the message: Description SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 5407 (LNCS1D) INERTIA (STURM SEQUENCE) COUNT DISAGREES WITH THE NUMBER OF MODES ACTUALLY COMPUTED IN A (PARTIAL) INTERVAL Avoidance: If interface elements are present, the SINV method is

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CR 30987 recommended.

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 31000 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - READ - Initial Vectors Ignored The READ module has provisions for initial vectors as input for the Lanczos method. These vectors are ignored in the READ module. Avoidance: Use the REIGL module.

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CR 31141 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - EIGRL, very large v2 - Possible Wrong Answers If the specified V2 value on the eigrl entry is substantially larger than the last mode found and the absolute value of V2 is large (e.g., 99999.), then the eigenvectors may be incorrect. This can lead to incorrect responses in a subsequent modal response analysis. This error is most likely to occur if there are massless degrees of freedom and/or large mass in the model and the above conditions exist. If the model is stable, a possible symptom of this error is large rotational displacements in the eigenvectors. This error does not occur with the new Lanczos method which is the default method in Version 70.5. Avoidance: There are two possible avoidances: 1. In v70.5, use the new Lanczos (the default method). 2. Based on the last eigenvalue calculated and the sturm sequence

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CR 31209 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - READ, REIGL - SFM 5401 If f1 is set on an eigrl entry to avoid computing rigid body modes, and f1 is much closer to the origin than the first flexible mode's frequency, than SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 5401 may be encountered. Avoidance: An avoidance is to first run with f1 blank. It should be possible to compute the flexible modes, as well as the rigid body modyes. On a

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CR 31209 second run, set f1 10% below the first flexible mode.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 31237 MSC / MD Nastran Online Encyclopedia - Installation If MSC/NASTRAN Online Encyclopedia (MNE) is installed on a directory path name that is too long or contains a name with embedded space characters (e.g. "Program Files"), the documentation browser will not execute properly. Avoidance: Use the suggested default directory :\msc

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CR 31304 MSC / MD Nastran Transient Analysis - PARAM,ADSTAT,YES with TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Answers For SOL 109 and 112 a STATSUB can be used to define a preload. The default for PARAM,ADSTAT is YES, which implies that the static displacements, SPC forces and MPC forces will be included in the output. There are limitations such as the static load is not included. Another limitation is that element forces and stresses will be incorrect if thermal expansion was used in either the static preload or the dynamic load. CR 31381 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - INPUTT2 - UFM 1019, SFM 6551 If the .dat file that is used to read the INPUTT2 file has the same prefix as the referenced INPUTT2 file--for example, test.dat is the .dat file and test.op2 is the referenced INPUTT2 file--then depending on the value of STATUS=x, the job may fail with one of the following error messages: ASSIGN INPUTT2='test.op2',UNIT=12 USER FATAL MESSAGE 1019 (OPNPFL) FORTRAN UNIT OPEN ERROR IOSTAT = 6, No such file or directory(errno=2) LOGICAL = INPUTT2 FILE = test.op2 SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6551 (INPTX2)

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CR 31469 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - SECONCT - UFM 4156 If PART superelements are used in a model and manual connections are specified through the SECONCT entry and there are coincident exterior points in the PARTs, the run will fail when attempting to connect the reduced matrices with UFM 4156 indicating an incorrect matrix trailer as shown below: USER FATAL ERROR 4156--- DIMENSIONS OR TYPE OF DATA BLOCK XAAV , SUPERELEMENT xx TRAILER=( 1278 1278 6 2 58 52) ARE INCONSISTENT WITH SUPERELEMENT MAP. FATAL ERROR Avoidance: Coincident points are not supported when connecting PART superelements. It is possible that the error could be avoided by only connecting one of the points to the other PARTs in the model and using an RBAR or CBUSH to connect the coincident points in the PART. If the automatic connection logi

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CR 31578 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - Load Factor Greater than 1.0 causes Infinite Loop In a nonlinear analysis, on some instances, the load factor tolerances may be in error. When this occurs the value of the load factor exceeds 1.0 and the solution may enter an infinite loop or produce some other fatal message later on. The problem is identified when one of the load factors > 1.0 Avoidance: On the NLPARM entry increase the NINC field by 1 and restart into the offending subcase. This will change the tolerance calculation.

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CR 31778 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - DECOMP - UWM 4698 Does not Identify Degrees of Freedom When running sparse decomposition in solution 106, the message: USER WARNING MESSAGE 4698, STATISTICS FOR DECOMPOSITION OF MATRIX ***. THE FOLLOWING DEGREES OF FREEDOM HAVE FACTOR DIAGONAL RATIOS GREATER THAN *** OR HAVE NEGATIVE TERMS ON THE FACTOR DIAGONAL" does not list the grids/dofs corresponding to the negative diagonal terms.

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Avoidance: Run the job with SPARSE=1 to identify the negative diagonal terms.

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CR 31970 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - CSUPEXT Ignored if no Elements Exist in a Superelement If there are no elements inside a superelement, but there are interior points, and CSUPEXT entries are used to define the exterior points, the CSUPEXT entries will be ignored. Avoidance: Add PLOTEL elements between interior and exterior points.

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CR 32143 MSC / MD Nastran P-Elements - TETRA - Incorrect Mass Matrix The mass for TETRA p-elements at p-level 1 is incorrectly calculated. Avoidance: Run the analysis at a p-level of 2 or higher when using TETRA p-elements are present. CR 32157 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 32157 Online Documentation - Installation - Not a Valid WorldView Document The MSC/NASTRAN Online Encyclopedia issues a "Not a valid WorldView document:" error message when any hotlink button on a book selected from the main books menu is picked. Iview configuration file entries for fulltextPath and welcomeDoc are valid and the documents could be selected manually from the Open/File menu picks.


Resolution/Avoidance: This problem could occur on any system where: 1) the mne collections are moved from one location to another 2) the mne installation directory is nfs mounted or linked to a differently named location As part of the installation process, several *.cfg files are created on the fly and locations are hardcoded with pathname of the installation directory. If the mne collection directory is changed, it is not sufficient to upd

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 32303 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer - SUBCASE, SET - Missing Output In nonlinear transient heat transfer (SOL 159), if different subcases request different outputs, only the request for the first subcase will be honored and no output will be obtained for subsequent subcases. In the following example thermal results for grid 1 and 2 will be output for subcase 1 but no thermal output will be obtained for subcase 2. SUBCASE 1 TSTEPNL = 100 DLOAD = 200 SET 1 = 1,2 THERMAL =1 SUBCASE 2 TSTEPNL = 100 DLOAD = 200 THERMAL = ALL

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CR 32303 Avoidance: The only avoidance is to request the same output for all subcases above the first subcase. In the above example, request THERMAL=ALL above the first subcase.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 32504 MSC / MD Nastran Restarts - TEMPD - Inefficient Processing If a bulk data entry used to define a temperature loadings (TEMP,TEMPD,etc) is changed on a restart, the restart logic will delete the stiffness matrix and create a new one. This results in inefficient restarts. Avoidance: Either:

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1) Place all TEMPi entries in the initial input file, or 2) Insert the following DMAP in the restart run; $ DMAP alter to remove checking for changed in temperature $ BE CAREFUL WHEN USING THIS, AS IT REMOVES SOME OF THE RESTART LOGIC compile ifpl alter 'restart.*geom3,geom3r','' compile phase0 alter 'restart.*geom3s,geom3sr','' CR 32612 MSC / MD Nastran P-Elements - BEAMP - Wrong Answers at P=2 A BEAMP p-element has bad residual bending flexibility when p=2. The error is more apparent when small values for the modulus "E" are used.

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Description Avoidance: Set NASTRAN SYSTEM(226)=1, to turn off the residual bending flexibility. Known Error Product CR 32615 MSC / MD Nastran Submittal - A "$" Sign in Command Line Argument Causes Argument to be Truncated If a command line argument contains a dollar sign ('$'), the command line argument is truncated at the dollar sign. This probably should only occur

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CR 32615 for NASTRAN cards encountered in RC file processing. Avoidance: There is no avoidance for Windows NT. The error can be avoided on UNIX by quoting the argument and escaping the dollar sign, however, a dollar sign is a very unusual UNIX filename character.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 32717 MSC / MD Nastran Complex Eigenvalue Analysis - CEAD, EIGC - signal number 10: Bus error If the INV complex eigenvalue method is used in version 70+ and the model contains transfer function callout (tfl) and p-elements, then the job may fail with one of the following error messages: Receiving signal number 10: Bus error

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Trap encountered: SIGSEGV - Segmentation violation Access violation Avoidance: Use the complex lanczos method instead of the inverse method.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 32760 MSC / MD Nastran Utilities - estimate program, replication entries - UFM (estimate.generate_) If the input file uses the nastran replicator to generate continuation entries, the ESTIMATE program may fail with the following error messages: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE (estimate.generate_bulk_entry) In file "run1.dat", at line 26: *1, *2, *2 Field 10 is blank. Avoidance: Echo the input file into a sorted nastran punch file and run the ESTIMATE program on the new file.

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CR 32909 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer - PARAM,AUTOSPC - Wrong Answers

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CR 32909 The default for PARAM,AUTOSPC is NO for the nonlinear solution sequences, this includes solution 159 for nonlinear transient heat transfer. This is because AUTOSPC only acts on the linear portion of the kgg matrix and thus if it was YES it could lead to wrong answers. To prevent possible wrong answers, Version 70.5 ignores a YES setting for AUTOSPC. The correct action would be for AUTOSPC to act on the sum of the kggl and the kggnl matrices. The correction of this error will be to take this action. Avoidance: Do not use the PARAM,AUTOSPC,YES in transient heat transfer analysis. Identify any isolated/disjoint grids and constrain them.


Known Error Product

CR 32951 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - CGAP - Poor Answers when GAPs used with Mid-Side Nodes GAP elements do not work well with elements with midside grid points. Irregular stresses will be produced in elements near the GAPs. This problem is severe when quadrilateral faces are involved (HEXA-20) and moderate when triangular faces are used (TETRA-10). Avoidance: Use elements without midside nodes.

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 33023 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - SEPLOT - No Contour Plot Output Currently, the SEPLOT module does not support contour plots of superelements. Avoidance: There is no avoidance.

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CR 33285 MSC / MD Nastran Plotting - Aeroelastic Elements - Missing Plot Output Beginning in Version 70.5 the NASTRAN plotter no longer supports aeroelastic

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CR 33285 elements. Avoidance: The only avoidance is to use Version 70 or PATRAN Version 8.1 which is due out by the end of this year.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 33500 MSC / MD Nastran Static Aeroelastic Analysis - Wrong Answers for Multiple Interference Groups If multiple interference groups are used with bodies in any interference groups except the last one and control surfaces exist, the DJX matrix generated by ADG (adgdjx routine) is corrupted. Avoidance: Specify a single interference group.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 33942 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation/Differential Stiffness - EIGR, EIGRL - Poor Rigid Body Modes If the pressurized modes of a free-free structure are desired, the rigid body modes may not be very clean and may only be separated from the flexible modes by 3 orders of magnitude. Negative values may also be observed. This condition may occur in any model with follower stiffness or rigid elements. Avoidance: No avoidance is necessary. Even though eigenvalue analysis without follower forces typically produces 6 orders of magnitude separation between the flexible and rigid body modes the answers should be acceptable.

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CR 33955 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - CBEAM, CBAR, TEMP(INIT), TEMP(LOAD) - Incorrect Beam Stresses In Version 70.5 if TEMP(INIT) references TEMPRB or TEMPP1, then TEMP(LOAD) must reference TEMPRB and TEMPP1 for the same elements, conversely if TEMP(LOAD) references TEMPRB or TEMPP1, then TEMP(INIT) must reference TEMPRB or TEMPP1

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CR 33955 for the same elements, else wrong answers will results.

Known Error Product

CR 34236 MSC / MD Nastran Installation/Authorization - FlexLM Failing on NEC SX4 with SIGALARM error -5038 There is a problem on the NEC SX4 machine using the FlexLM network licensing manager that may cause large jobs to fail with the message: SIGALARM Alarm call 5038 error. Avoidance: There is no avoidance, use a node lock authcode instead.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 34270 MSC / MD Nastran P-Elements - Wrong Answers for p-BEAM Element at p=1 BEAM p-elements with p-order of 1 are stiffer in bending than BEAM helements due to incorrect residual bending flexibility in BEAM p-elements. Avoidance: The avoidance is to start at a p-order of 3.

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CR 34535 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - PCOMP, MAT8, SDRCOMP - UWM 2020, UFM 5503 In solution 200, if ply failure indice responses are requested for a composite element whose PCOMP entry references a material entry that does not define the composite failure allowables for one or more of the plies, then the following fatal and/or warning messages are issued and the failure index responses are not used for that element in the optimization analysis.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 34590 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue analysis - EIGB, SINV, CYCLIC4 - SFE 4276, FREAD EC 3002 In SOL 16, cyclic buckling, if the SINV method is used, and no eigenvalues are found for the current harmonic, then the run fails with the following message in CYCLIC4.

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Description *** SYSTEM FATAL ERROR 4276.FREAD ERROR CODE 3002 PID= 0 Avoidance: Use the Lanczos method. Known Error Product Abstract CR 34699 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transer Analysis - Coupled Convection - SFM 6934 The fatal message below will be encountered if a connection grid is also specified as an ambient point. *** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6934 (EMGPOM) FOR ELEMENT ID = 100020 AND FILE TYPE = 1 EMGPRO DETERMINES A DIFFERENT COUNT OF ACTIVE CONNECTION SILS THAN DOES CALLER OF EMGPOM EMGPRO COUNT = 5 CALLING ROUTINE COUNT = 6 Avoidance: If the PATRAN interface is being used, make sure there are no overlapping points between application region one and application region two while applying coupled convection LBCs. Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 34795 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Static Analysis - PARAM,BUCKLE, Thermal Loads - UFM 2044 In a PARAM,BUCKLE,1 restart with thermal loads, if the PARAM,LOOPID specifies

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CR 34795 a loop ID which occurred in a subcase earlier than the previous subcase in the cold start run, then the restart run will fail with UFM 2044 in the NLCOMB module. Avoidance: In the restart run remove all subcases after the subcase in which PARAM,LOOPID occurred. For example, if the cold start contained 4 subcases and PARAM,LOOPID value occurred in the 2nd subcase, then remove the third and fourth subcases in the restart run.

Known Error Product

CR 34824 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - CQUAD4,CTRIA3 TABLEM1 - Wrong Intermediate Output All output for the QUAD4 and TRIA3 elements at intermediate steps (NLPARM INTOUT > 1) is wrong when there exists a temperature dependent material property. Avoidance: Other than ignoring the intermediate output there is no avoidance.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 35324 MSC / MD Nastran Submittal - No Output If an MSC/NASTRAN output file is opened by some other program, that other program may prevent MSC/NASTRAN from using the file. If it does, an error message such as the following may be displayed:

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*** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: run_job) Unable to rename: ./d10101d.out to ./d10101d.out.1 Avoidance: Close any MSC/NASTRAN output files in use by other programs.

Known Error Product

CR 35410 MSC / MD Nastran

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Known Error Abstract

CR 35410 Nonlinear Transient Response - SPC, LSEQ - SFM 6920 in MATMOD In SOL 129, if the number of unique, with respect to DAREA ID, LSEQ Bulk Data entries is less than the number of subcases and static enforced displacements are specified, then SFM 6920 will be issued from the MATMOD module. Insert the following DMAP alter: compile nltran alter 'MATMOD YST','' paraml yst//'trai'/1/s,n,yscol $ if ( yscol>1 ) then $ MATMOD YST,,,,,/YS,/1/1 $ else $ equivx yst/ys/-1 $ endif $ yscol>1 alter 'MATMOD YST'(2),'' paraml yst//'trai'/1/s,n,yscol $ if ( yscol>1 ) then $ MATMOD YST,,,,,/YSt1,/1/1 $ else $ equivx yst/yst1/-1 $ endif $ yscol>1 CR 35695 MSC / MD Nastran Restarts - Nastran fails to trap invalid dbset that have been copied. Nastran fails to trap invalid copies of DBSETs used in RESTART (or reuse) runs. The following sequence demonstrates the problem: > nastran s31498a.dat # cold start run creates s31498a.MASTER and s31498a.DBALL > cp s31498a.MASTER s31498b.MASTER # copy s*a.MASTER to s*b.MASTER; DBALL is not copied > nastran s31498b.dat # run using s*b.MASTER; nastran finds s*a.DBALL using autoassign > nastran s31498a.dat # run using s*a.MASTER; nastran fails to recognize s*a.DBALL was modified above and is no # longer in synch with s*a.MASTER CR 35760 MSC / MD Nastran


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Known Error Abstract

CR 35760 Transient Analysis - MPCFORCES - Inconsistent Answers In a transient analysis, the MPCFORCES may appear incorrect because they may vary when the independent and dependent degrees of freedom are reversed. This is due to the inconsistency between the way the "equilibrium" is calculated using the modified Newmark integration scheme (which is evaluated at 3 time steps-- Un+1, Un, and Un-1) and the MPCFORCE data recovery (which is evaluated at Un). Avoidance: Use a smaller time step if mpcforces are desired. The error is negligible if (delta t)**2 * acc << disp

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 35937 MSC / MD Nastran Performance - CPU Time not reported consistently The CPU time reported in the f04 file is not consistently reported across all platforms. Thus, comparisons of CPU time between machines that are reported differently are meaningless. The method of reporting for most systems is shown below: Compaq: user + system Cray: user HP: user IBM: user + system NEC: user SGI: user Sun: user Windows: user + system Avoidance: To compare CPU times across different platforms, use the time summary at the end of the LOG file.

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 36112 MSC / MD Nastran Transient Response Analsyis - DRMS1 DMRH1 - UWM 5186, Missing Output DMAP modules DRMS1 and DRMH1 will issue the message: *** USER WARNING MESSAGE 5186. (DRMH1C)

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CR 36112 A CHANGE IN WORD 2 OF THE OFP-ID RECORDS OF DATA BLOCK 101 HAS BEEN DETECTED. PROCESSING OF THIS DATA BLOCK HAS BEEN TERMINATED. and no output will be produced when the input OUGV1 matrix contains more than 1 type of grid output request (e.g. displacements AND velocities).

Avoidance: The easiest avoidance is to only include one type of output request in the case control (e.g. DISP or VELO or ACCE). A possible DMAP avoidance would involve breaking the UG matrix into 3 separate matrices (disp, vel, acc) before running through SDR2 to make 3 separate OUGV1s. Known Error Product Abstract CR 36160 MSC / MD Nastran User's Modifiable - blank common block - Possible Wrong Answers The blank common block name for the User's Modifiable has been changed for Version 70.5. If the old name common / / is used, the results may be unpredictable. Description Avoidance: Replace the following common block common / / with common /BLNKCM/ Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 36366 MSC / MD Nastran SSSALTERs - mtacca.vxxx - Wrong Answers SSSALTER mtacca.vxxx assumes that the modes are mass-normalized. If your modes are not mass-normalized, wrong answers will result. Avoidance: Use the default (MASS) eigenvector normalization. Known Error Product CR 36790 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 36790 Radiation Heat Tranfer Analysis - VIEW, UDSFA - UFM 6136, estimate=mem, unsymmetric decomp MEM=estimate did not yield the correct estimate for a large heat trasnfer radiation problem. The job subsequenty Failed with the message: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 6136 (UDSFA) INSUFFICIENT CORE FOR NUMERIC PHASE OF SPARSE DECOMPOSITION. USER ACTION: INCREASE CORE BY 5217107 WORDS 0FATAL ERROR Avoidance: Use the following dmap alter to run the symmetric decomp instead of the unsymmetric decomp sol 153 diag 8 compile nlstatic list noref alter 'IF ( DCMPKLLT ) DCMP' (1,-1)$ modtrl kllrh////6/$ cend Heat transfer problem is all symmetirc problem and thus using symmetric decomp is a lot faster.The only exception is when there is fluid elements in the problem such as CONVM or when when the user imported the radiationmatrix from other software that has input an unsymmetric radiation exchange matrix (RADLST and RADMTX with MTXTYP =3 These are the unsymmetric physics applications anyway. As for the N4W avoidance:(there is no dmap available) Therefore the user can use: NASTRAN system(209)=0 in the executive section to force the unsymmetric solver to run UDCOMP which will require less memory or Increase mem=20MW in the NASTRAN submittal command

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CR 36836 MSC / MD Nastran FMS - INIT - UFM 1257 If a large value is assigned to a DBSET member, e.g.,

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init scratch logical(scratch(50gb)) then the job may fail with the following unclear messages:

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CR 37089 MSC / MD Nastran Aeroelastic Analysis/Superelements - SPLINEi - AECOMP Datablock Does not Exist If external superelements are used in an aeroelastic solution and all splines are contained within the external superelements, the run will fail claiming that datablock AECOMP does not exist. CR 37247 MSC / MD Nastran Transient Analysis - TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Answer In transient analysis, thermal strains are not subtracted from the total strains before computing the state of stress. This leads to wrong answers. Avoidance: This is a limitation, there is no avoidance.

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CR 37336 MSC / MD Nastran SSSALTERs - SEGYRO, CYGYR0 Alters - Wrong Results with Parameter DEPEND=-1 The SEGYRO alter puts the gyroscopic terms in the damping matrix and not in the mass matrix for param, depend,-1 and this leads to wrong answers. The assumption eigenvalue lambda = i*Omega is not valid in a rotating reference frame. The Corillis forces are equal to the mass times the cross product of the

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CR 37336 rotation vector times the velocity vector in the ROTATING SYSTEM. ie. f=m(omega X V ). The assumption that lambda is proportional to i*omega is only good for a limited set of response cases where the applied load has the same frequency as the rotations. An example would be an unbalanced turbine. The problem would diverge at the critical rotational frequency.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 37382 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analyis - CBUSH1D, PARAM,LGDISP - Wrong Answers Small initial values of stiffness for the CBUSH1D element, i.e. K=1, may lead to wrong results when PARAM, LGDISP,1 is specified. The problem occurs because the compression displacement is not limited to the length of the element. Avoidance: Specify a larger value for the stiffness.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 37633 MSC / MD Nastran Restart - EIGRL, EIGR - Inefficient Restart In a restart run, if an unreferenced EIGRL (or EIGR) is added to the restart run input, then the modes will be recalculated even though the entry is not referenced. Avoidance: Remove the unreferenced EIGRL/EIGR entry.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 37635 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Analysis - RESTART, PARAM,G, GE -Different Answers In a nonlinear transient restart analysis, if large displacement is turned on (param,lgdisp,1), and param W3 damping exists in the model (with PARAM,G ), the results may be different than the one in the coldstart run. The difference is due to the possible non-syncronization of the stiffness update between the coldstart and restart runs. Avoidance: Recommended damping in nonlinear transient (SOL 129) is param,

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CR 37635 W4 damping with GE value in MAT1. If stiffness update syncronization is desired with param W3 damping, set KSTEP=1 to force the stiffness update. Care must be exercise when there is adaptive gap element since the penalty stiffness can be fictituously high inducing an unrealistic high damping force.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 37862 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - FLEXlm can not be used with system checkpoint capabilities MSC.Nastran jobs (as well as any other program) that use FLEXlm licensing or any other socket-based communications cannot be checkpointed by system-level checkpoint/restart capabilities, such as SGI's cpr utility. If attempted messages similar to the following will be issued in the log file: Checkpointing id 259527 (type PID) to directory /tmp/test.cpr CPR Error: Uncheckpointable fd, pid 259527 fd 10 type socket Checkpoint failed. Restarted all processes back to their running states CPR Error: ckpt_create child failed: errno 47 (Checkpoint/Restart error) Failed to checkpoint process 259527 --------------------------------Avoidance: Use a node-lock authorization code for licensing and avoid the use of any socket connections by MSC.Nastran.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 37990 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - Beam with Warping Failed to Converge - SFM 4549 BEAM elements with warping are not allowed in geometric nonlinear analysis.

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A nonlinear analysis of a CBEAM with the warping degree of freedom specified may results in failed convergence or SFM 4549 followed by a traceback: SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 4549, SINGULAR (C+KBRR) MATRIX ENCOUNTERED FOR BEAM ELEMENT 1001

Known Error

CR 37990 Traceback: Offset 0x00003e28 in procedure nmepd_ Offset 0x000009d0 in procedure nmatd_ Offset 0x000022dc in procedure nbem2d_ Offset 0x0000017c in procedure nembrd_ Offset 0x00001124 in procedure nlemg_ Offset 0x00000790 in procedure nliter_ Offset 0x00000088 in procedure xsem15_ Offset 0x00000990 in procedure mainal

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 38031 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Thermal Analysis - Missing Results from XDB A multiple subcase transient thermal analysis will be missing temperature results in the OP2 and/or XDB files for the 2nd and subsequent subcases. Avoidance: A DMAP avoidance is under investigation.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 38073 MSC / MD Nastran Cyclic Symmetry - RESTART, STATSUB - Inefficient Restart If a restart from SOL 114 (Cyclic static) into SOL 115 (Cyclic modes) is performed to calculate pre-stressed modes of the model, the static solution will be re-calculated in SOL 115. There is no avoidance.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 38167 MSC / MD Nastran Installation - nastran command: fails with multiple 70.7.X versions If V70.7.2 of MSC.Nastran is installed in the same directory as V70.7.0, then both cannot run. The intent was to allow users to use "nast7070" for V70.7.0 and "nast707" or "nast7072" for V70.7.2. This feature was broken in the V70.7.x releases. Avoidances: 1. Install V70.7.2 in a directory with a different MSC_BASE than V70.7.0

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CR 38167 2. Use V70.7.2 and not V70.7.0 Details: Nastran can not have seperate versions installed in directories like: /msc/md200700/linux /msc/md200701/linux /msc/md200702/linux Rather, the whole tree needs to be under the version. Ie: /msc/md200700/msc2007/linux /msc/md200701/msc2007/linux /msc/md200702/msc2007/linux The /msc/bin/nast* files will need to have links made to /msc/VERSION/msc2007/bin/nast2007

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 38412 MSC / MD Nastran Submittal - "pwd: cannot access parent directories" error Under not-fully-understood circumstances a small subset of C shell users may encounter the following error message: $ /nast/deliv/msc707/unix/bin/msc707 /nast/deliv/msc707/unix/bin/msc707[42]: pwd: cannot access parent directories /nast/deliv/msc707/unix/bin/msc707[97]: cd: bad argument count when submitting a nastran job. Avoidance: One avoidance is to use the Korn shell (ksh) as the login shell.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 38458 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - QUAD4 - Plastic In-Plane Bending, Wrong Answers If a nonlinear analysis is performed with QUAD4 elements with elastic, perfectly plastic material and the elements are loaded in pure shear and twise (no bending, no axial load), then the results may incorrectly indicate that the model can sustain increasing loads even after the elements in the critical load path have reached the inplane shear plastic limit. This

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CR 38458 problem only occurs for coarse meshes subjected to pure shear loads. It is not likely to affect real world models.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 39219 MSC / MD Nastran Complex Eigenvalue Analysis - EIGC - Missing Eigenvalues In MSC.Nastran Version 70.7 the new Block Complex Lanczos Eigenvalue analysis method automatically reverts to real operations when no damping matrix exists. This may cause roots to be missed in acoustic/fluid problems.

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Avoidance: Two possible avoidances are: Description 1. Introduce a false damping matrix by applying the following alter: compile gma alter 'acsyml\=','' acsyml=(acsym='yes' and fs) $ endalter 2. Force the method to always use complex arithmetic by setting system(108)=16384. Known Error Product CR 39304 MSC / MD Nastran Postprocessing/Cyclic Symmetry Normal Modes - DBC, PARAM,POST,0 Incorrect Results in XDB Cyclic Symmetry Modal Analysis produces incorrect XDB outputs. The results for modes may be truncated. CR 39326 MSC / MD Nastran Database - SFM 1041 (GALLEX) A limit in the database directory size may cause large jobs to fail with the message SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 1041 (GALLEX).

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CR 39326 Avoidance: This limitation can be overcome by increasing the buffsize and/or setting system(158)=1000 and system(159)=500 to allow for a larger expansion of the database.

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CR 39609 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - SGI ffio may result in a traceback The FFIO feature may cause problems on some SGI operating systems. The jobs may stop with a traceback in ffopen.

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Receiving signal number 5: Trace/BPT trap Avoidance; Setting ff_io_opts = 'casecon.DB* casecon.db* casecon*SCR* casecon*scr* may solve the problem. Else turn off FFIO.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 39695 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - PARAM,RESVEC,YES - Traceback in READ PARAM,RESVEC,YES may cause a floating point error in READ. This occurs when the number of modes plus residual vectors exceeds the rank of the mass matrix. This problem typically only occurs in very small test models where all modes may be unexpectedely calculated. Avoidance: Modify the EIGR(L) record so not all modes are computed. If there are disjoint submodels, do not get all of the modes for any submodel for which there will be residual vectors.

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CR 40037 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transfer Analysis - VIEW3D - Wrong Answers The View factor calculation may have trouble detecting elements when the elements are very close. This may lead to wrong answers.

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Avoidance: Decrease the ETOL error estimate from default 0.1 to a small number such as 0.0001 on the VIEW3D bulk data entry , so that the VIEW3D program will go and calculate the view factor using the contour integration

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CR 40037 method

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 40088 MSC / MD Nastran SSSALTERs - mtacca - Wrong Answres SSSALTER mtacca.vxxx correctly calculates the rigid-body acceleration terms based on the initial conditions, however it does not include the effect of the initial rigid-body acceleration on the rigid-body velocity and displacement terms. Avoidance: The flexible results are correct. If the relative solution is obtained (positive value of PARAM,RBMODES), the answers are correct..

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CR 40280 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - CBUSH, PBUSHT ,CBUSH1D, PBUSH1D - SFM 3003 In SOL 106, the use of CBUSH or CBUSH1D elements with a nonlinear forcedeflection with a lot of zero slope around the origin may lead to the following unclear fatal message SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 3003 (NLITER) ATTEMPT TO READ PAST THE END OF A LOGICAL RECORD IN DATA BLOCK MESTNL (FILE 208) IN SUBROUTINE NLINIT This is due to the fact that all the nonlinear stiffness is zero for this iteration. This should rarely occur-usually with single element decks. If it does add a dummy nonlinear element that will never have a zero slope as for example: $ put in a mnl dummy element $23456789 0 CBUSH 6666 333333 777777 888888 PBUSH 333333 K .1 PBUSHT 333333 KN 1212 TABLED1 1212 -2.3 -9.-9 0.

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CR 40395

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 40395 MSC / MD Nastran GPFORCE - GPFDR, CQUAD8 with thermal loads - Wrong Answers The applied load may be incorrect for Grid Point Force output when thermal loads are applied to CQUAD8 elements. Avoidance: There is currently no avoidance.

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CR 40408 MSC / MD Nastran Damping - GE, MAT8 - Possible Wrong Answer The value specified for the GE, material damping, field on the MAT8 entry is being ignored if it is referenced by a PCOMP entry.

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Avoidance: If the GE field is important, replace the PCOMP/MAT8 with equivalent PSHELL/MAT2/MAT1 entries. CR 40465 MSC / MD Nastran Complex Eigenvalue - EIGC, Massless DOF - SFM 3002 In MSC.Nastran Version 70.7, if the model contains massless degrees of freedom and the old lanczos single vector method (system(108)=2) is used, then the job may fail with the following error messages:

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CR 40628 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - CROD, TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Stress Results for Linear Elements If a thermal load is applied in one subcase in a nonlinear analysis and

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CR 40628 then is removed in a subsequent subcase, the total thermal load is removed in one step from linear elements. This may lead to incorrect stresses for intermediate output. The output at the end of each subcase is correct.

Avoidance: Insert MATT1 for the linear element using a constant property, then the stress will be correct for the linear elements at the immediate output. Known Error Product Abstract CR 40700 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - SWM 6065 (DBC), UWM 4698 (DCMPD) When using PART superelements (BEGIN SUPER), error messages 6065 and 4698 may use internal numbers, rather than the original ids, to identify GRID points. *** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 6065 (DBC) *** DBCMSG ERROR MESSAGE 19 FROM SUBROUTINE DBCEQG EXTERNAL GRID ID 2000000334 DOES NOT MEET UPDATE ASSUMPTIONS, CHECK MODEL BEFORE PROCEEDING. Description Avoidance: To guarnatee a specific order boundary grids are biased with the value of system cell 223. The default value for this system cell is 2,000,000,000. Subtracting this value from the value identified in the message will obtain the external grid id.

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*** USER WARNING MESSAGE 4698 (DCMPD) STATISTICS FOR DECOMPOSITION OF MATRIX (NONE) . THE FOLLOWING DEGREES OF FREEDOM HAVE FACTOR DIAGONAL RATIOS GREATER THAN Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 40826 MSC / MD Nastran DMAP -- OUTPUT2 with MATRIX neutral format - Wrong answers On short-word computers (all except Cray and Nec), if OUTPUT2 is used to output a single precision matrix in neutral format then the INPUTT2 of the neutrally formatted matrix will produce wrong answers.

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CR 40826 Avoidance: Use the ADD or ADD5 module to convert the matrix to double precision before passing it to OUTPUT2.

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 40910 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Analysis - RESTART/CGAP - Missing CGAP Output If a nonlinear transient analysis restart run adds a request for CGAP element force/stress output the output may be missing. Avoidances: Request the output in a cold start run.

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 41057 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - PCOMP, TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Answers A nonlinear analysis with temperature loading applied to composite elements where the PCOMP specifies an unsymmetric thermal coefficient expansion in the 1 and 2 direction results in wrong answers. CR 41137 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - EIGRL - Lanczos unreliable for diagonal input matrices. The Lanczos method gets eigenvectors with poor orthogonality when there are repeated roots, and both the mass and stiffness matrix are diagonal. On some occasions these matrices can also cause overflow exits. Diagonal matrices occur most commonly on research efforts when using dmap. Avoidance: Use the AHOU method instead.

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 41152 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - PARAM,SNORM - Slow Convergence When net rotations of shells become large in Sol 106 or Sol 129, some examples have shown that convergence is slower in Version 2001 than in 70.7. This is caused by shell normals which are turned on by default in 2001.

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CR 41152 Convergence can improve by turning shell normals off (PARAM, SNORM, 0.).

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 41165 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - EIGRL - Possible Wrong Answers If f1 is specified as 0.0 on the EIGRL entry and the model contains a "large mass" for enforced motion the run may produce poor answers. Avoidance: Leave f1 blank.

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CR 41221 MSC / MD Nastran Distributed Memory Parallel - DOMAIN, dmp - Job Hangs if Insufficient Space Distributed Memory Parallel jobs, dmp=n, executed on Sun systems may hang if insufficient space exists. Currently, this is a limitation of the Sun MPI implementation but this problem may also exist on other machines. Avoidance: The only avoidance is to provide more space.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 41276 MSC / MD Nastran Lagrange Multiplier Technique - Wrong Answers When using enforced velocity in transient analysis with the Lagrange Multiplier approch, the LMT variables may show an instability. This appears as a high frequency signal at the forcing variable only. If this is encountered, contact MSC, and ask for details on residual mass. Mention this Client Service Request Number (41276). CR 41365 MSC / MD Nastran Acoustic Analysis - STATSUB, PARAM, RESVEC, RESVINER, INRLM - UFM 9050 If the STATSUB Case Control or PARAMs, RESVEC, RESVINER, or INRLM is requested in a fluid-structure model then the job may fail with UFM 9050.

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CR 41365 Avoidance: Specify a SUPORT entry for any grid point in the fluid model.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 125588 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - multi-MASTER restart - UFM 3046 (TRD1) A multi-MASTER residual structure run may fail and issue USER FATAL MESSAGE 3046. Avoidance: If this fatal message is encountered add the following commands into the Case Control: SET 99=0 SELR=99 SELG=99 Else, insert NASTRAN OLDDAREA=0 above the FMS and Executive section

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CR 1-3012601 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Analysis - OLOAD - OLOAD output may not include follower force effect. In Version 2001, the OLOAD output does not include the follower force effect in SOL 129 when static loads are selected but the case control command LOADSET and bulk data entry LSEQ are omitted. This is a cosmetic problem that will not affect the other results. CR 1-3063705 MSC / MD Nastran Distributed Memory Parallel - DOMAINSOLVER, GDMODES, SEQP - No Message If a user attempts to submit a model with superelements in SOL 103 with geometric domain Lanczos the job will fail in the SEQP module and will not issue a meaningful message. Avoidance: This is a limitation. References to superelements must be removed

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CR 1-3063705 from the model.

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CR 1-3068612 MSC / MD Nastran Aeroelastic Analysis - AMP - SFM LAJJT Matrix Not Available If multiple aero methods such as strip theory and the doublet lattice method are used in the same run, the AMP module will produce a message that the LAJJT matrix is not available. Avoidance: Do not run multiple aero methods in the same run or run in a Version 70 or earlier system.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-3297102 MSC / MD Nastran Complex Lanczos - EIGC - UFM 6138 In a complex eigenvalue problem using complex lanczos, if insufficient memory is available for sparse fbs, then the following messages will be issued: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 6138 (UDSFBI) INSUFFICIENT CORE FOR SPARSE FBS USER ACTION: INCREASE CORE BY 1002 WORDS

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However, increasing the MEM keyword may not increase the allocated memory. Avoidance: Use one of the following avoidances. 1. Add nastran system(108)=512 to use the QZ HESS method. 2. Add nastran system(108)=2 to use the old complex Lanczos 3. Add nastran system(108)=131072 to the input file

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 1-3458801 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Analysis - Wrong answers NO>1 w/ AUTO or TSTEP Wrong answers are produced if METHOD=AUTO or TSTEP are specified on the TSTEPNL entry and the NO field (nskip) is > 1.

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CR 1-3458801 This error will not be fixed. The functionality of METHOD=AUTO or TSTEP is fully replaced by METHOD= ADAPT. The AUTO and TSTEP methods have been de-documented but are not blocked.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-4015495 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transfer Analysis - VIEW3D, CHBDYP - Wrong Answers Bob Harder is looking into it. - Raj The VIEW3D module gives bad results for the chbdyp,line option for rod structures that span 360 degrees. When there is potential shading where the ERROR=YES, for example 1-18 sees the error,then it will recompute the view factor using contour integration. The error of NASTRAN is that It Does not using the contour integration method,and the view factor 1-18(on the second times) is 0.554. The theory for 1 to 18 using Hottel's String method is 0.02851 *** VIEW FACTOR MODULE *** OUTPUT DATA *** CAVITY ID = 10 ***

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ELEMENT TO ELEMENT VIEW FACTORS C* PARTIAL SURF-I SURF-J AREA-I AI*FIJ FIJ ERROR SHADING ERROR SCALE 1 - 18 6.5403E+00 6.82983E+00 1.04427E+00 6.8657E+01 NO YES 1 52 6.5403E+00 1.06617E+01 1.63015E+00 2.4993E+02 NO YES 1 18 6.5403E+00 3.62416E+00 5.54126E-01 240/256 1 52 6.5403E+00 1.32828E-01 2.03091E-02

Avoidance: Use the older view module. The older view factor can be selected by commented out the VIEW3D bulk data entry. See attachment :2d_chbdyp_view_dcc_old.dat

Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract

CR 1-4273414 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - DVMRELi - SFM 4276 EC 3001 from DSAB0 In an optimization job, when an existing MATi entry is being designed by a DVMREL1/2 but has not been referenced by any property entry, then the job will fail in DSABO with SFM 4276, EC 3001.

Description Avoidance: Make sure the problematic MATi entry is referenced by a property entry. Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-4534835 MSC / MD Nastran ACMS - MPCs, PLOTELs - SFM 6802, SEARCH KEY When using PACMS in a model that has many MPCs (mpc, rbei, etc.) and/or PLOTELs, the job may fail with the following unclear messages: *** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6802 (SEPSUP) SUPERELEMENT xx HAS FAILED TO AUTOMATICALLY DERIVE A SEARCH KEY. USER ACTION: REVIEW MODEL FOR REASONABLE GEOMETRY AND SELECT SEARCH KEY VIA OVER-RIDE PARAMETER AND/OR REVIEW GRID POINT LOCATIONS FOR REASONABLE GEOMETRY Avoidance: The exact cause of this problem is not yet known. Other than using a serial run, there is no known avoidance. Adjust system cell 360 (from 10 to 2000) Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-4534854 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - EXTRN and PARAM, EXTOUT, DMIGOP2 - SFM 4252 In Version 2001, if an external superelement was created PARAM,EXTOUT,DMIGOP2, and in the assembly run, PARAM,EXTUNIT is specified in the Case Control then the run might terminate with SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 4252, indicating that matrix XAAV does not exist for that superelement. PARAM,EXTUNIT must be specified in the Bulk Data section of the external part superelement.

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CR 1-4669601 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation/DMAP - ADD5 - CD Parameter When the add5 module has a purged CS parameter for a data block, and an explicit CD parameter set equal to zero, the module uses the default for the CS parameter, which is 1.0. Complex Double paremeters used as inputs to the add5 module should not be set to zero values. This is a limitation that should be documented.

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Avoidance: If a variable parameter is used to set the value of the DP input parameters, and its value can be the DP equivalent of zero, the default value of the corresponding SP parameter will be used instead. That happens to be unity, unless changed with an explicit value. When using DP paramters set by variable parameters, it is therefore a good practice to use calls of the form ADD5 A,B,C,D,E/X/0./0./0./0./0./ALPHAD/BETAD . . etc.

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 1-5450201 MSC / MD Nastran SSSALTER - vma.v2001 withdrawn - Wrong Answers. SSSALTER vma.v2001 is being withdrawn because it may produce wrong answers, it is too costly to update and correct, and the means to get most of its capability without alters is included in Version 2001. CR 1-5643535 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - EIGRL - Missing Eigenvalues If both F1 and ND are specified on an EIGRL entry, it is possible that the number of eigenvalues in the output will be fewer than ND.

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Description Avoidance: This has only been observed in one model and removing F1 from the entry resulted in the correct number of roots being found. Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 1-6051920 MSC / MD Nastran SSSALTER - nlgyroa.vxx - UFM 5423 If the nlgyroa.vxx is used and m-set exists in the model (e.g., RBAR, RBE2,

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CR 1-6051920 etc.), then the job will fail with the following message: USER FATAL MESSAGE 5423 (SADD5) ATTEMPT TO ADD INCOMPATIBLE MATRICES, (SADD5) Avoidance: Replace the MPCs with a stiff BAR.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-6725801 MSC / MD Nastran Acoustic Analysis - PARAM,DDRMM,-1 - Wrong DB(A) answers If PARAM,DDRMM,-1 is specified in an acoustic run then the DB(A) column in the "COMPLEX ACOUSTIC RESULTS" output may be incorrectly non-zero even though the P column is zero. Avoidance: Run with PARAM,DDRMM,0 which is the default.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-7162927 MSC / MD Nastran Restarts/Aeroelastic Analysis - RESTART- AJJ unnecessarilty recomputed A SOL 145 or SOL 146 aeroelastic analysis RESTART where only changes are made to the structural model will unnecessarily recalculate the AJJ matrix even though the aeroelastic model is unchanged.

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Description Avoidance: Resusing the aerodyanmics by DBLOCATING the ADB dbset works as an alternative to the automatic restart. Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-8004001 MSC / MD Nastran Parallel Processing - Vendor implementation of tfork for parallel is missing MSC.Nastran does not support SMP parallel on Primepower because the vendor implementation of tfork is missing. Delivered tpl problems dxxtp10 and others will fatal with the message: vendor implementation of tfork is missing. Avoidance: There is no avoidance.

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CR 1-8448301 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - CQUADP, CTRIA3 unrecognizable Entries in Punch File A p-element optimization run may produce user unrecognizable Bulk Data entries in the punch file for all types of shell elements such as CQUAD4P, CTRIA3P etc. These entries will lead to a fatal message if they are subsequently read back in as bulk data. Avoidance: Remove these entries before reading back in.

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CR 1-8748813 MSC / MD Nastran Rigid Elements - RBE3 - Poor Message, Bad m-set selection may lead to floating point exception. When an RBE3 element is defined with a bad selection for the m-set, the element matrix may be singular. This can cause a floating point exception message to be issued from the VECPLOT module. The message does not indicate the cause of the problem. Avoidance: Other than verifying that the RBE3s reference a statically determinate m-set, there is no avoidance.

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CR 1-10342205 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - RESTART - UFM 9086 In a nonlinear analysis, model changes are not allowed in a restart run. The only allowables changes are boundary condition changes in SOL 106. If property values are changed in a restart, then the job will fail with the following misleading messages:

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CR 1-10342205 Avoidance: Do not perform model changes in a nonlinear restart as it is not supported in MSC.Nastran.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-10441318 MSC / MD Nastran Complex Eigenvalue - CLAN - Possible Wrong Answers Beginning in Version 70.7, when using complex Lanczos, the phase angles for the complex eigenvectors may be inaccurate if they are small numbers.

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Avoidance: There are two possible avoidances. Description 1. Use the Hess method. 2. Add the following system cell to the top of your input file nastran system(108)=24567 Known Error Product CR 1-11794410 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - PARAM EIGD with DVPREL and DVMREL UFM 6920 (MATMOD) IF PARAM,EIGD,YES is set and property plus material sensitivities are requested, the subdmap EIGVECDS will fail with the message: SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6920 (MATMOD) The problem occurs because the DMAP logic in EIGVECDS has DVSG1 for DKPHI and DVSG1 for DMPHI, then the variables are wrong for MATMOD. Avoidance: Use ONLY property OR material sensitivity in one run. Results for both cases can be combined externally Note: PARAM,EIGD has not been supported since V2004 when Eigenvector optimization was added to MSC.Nastran, therefore the existing issue will not be enhanced and this CR will be marked as a limitation.

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CR 1-12310701 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - Superelements, DCONSTR - Missing Fatal Message If a DCONSTR points to a response that does not exist, it is typically a User Fatal Error. However, if the the design task includes superelements, the user input error is not detected and the DCONSTR that points to the nonexistent response is simply ignored.

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Description Avoidance: There is no avoidance except to carefully check that the referenced responses exist or to remove the superelements from the job for purposes of checking the user input. Known Error Product CR 1-12711702 MSC / MD Nastran Parallel Processing - DMP, PARAM,INREL - Wrong Answers, UWM 9088 (SELG) A static analysis with dmp and inertial relief (PARAM,INREL) may yield the following message and incorrect results. USER WARNING MESSAGE 9088 (SELG) PARAM,INREL,-1 OR -2 IS PRESENT BUT NO MASS IS DEFINED. THEREFORE THE INERTIA RELIEF LOADS WILL NOT BE COMPUTED AND THE SOLUTION WILL ONLY REFLECT THE APPLIED LOADS. Avoidance: There is no avoidance. Known Error Product CR 1-13116701 MSC / MD Nastran Postprocessing - PARAM, POST, 0 for GDACMS requires SORT2 output or XY plot request Postprocessing of ACMS output is not possible in Patran unless SORT2 is requested or an XY plot request is made. CR 1-13178016 MSC / MD Nastran Distributed Memory Parallel - Linux - SFM 6833 (PNRBRO)

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CR 1-13178016 If a Linux cluster mixes nodes of MSC.Linux or RedHat Linux with SuSe Linux, dmp jobs may fail with the following fatal message: *** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6833 (PNRBRO) MPI ERROR ENCOUNTERED (INTERNAL ERROR CODE IS 2759): USER ACTION: PLEASE VERIFY THAT THE PARALLEL OPERATING ENVIRONMENT (POE) IS WORKING CORRECTLY. IF IT IS VERIFIED AND THIS ERROR STILL OCCURS, PLEASE CONTACT MSC CLIENT SUPPORT. Avoidance: Do not allow dmp to point to nodes with different operating systems.


Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-13262201 MSC / MD Nastran ACMS - Multiple SPCs - SFM 3001 (MCE1) ACMS in SOL 111 with multiple SPC sets may fail with the message: : *** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 3001 (MCE1) THE INPUT DATA BLOCK NAMED USET1 AT POSITION 1 DOES NOT EXIST. or it may fail with no message.

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Avoidance: Insert PARAM,AUTOQSET,NO, specify dummy DELAYs for those grid points that are experiencing a change in boundary condition, and insert the following alter: compile phase1dr alter 'ENDDO \$ BCFLAG and'(,-1) if ( seid>0 ) bcflag=false $ endalter

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 1-13338503 MSC / MD Nastran Superelements - SUPER, normal modes - missing or excessive output In normal modes with superelements, if SUPER=ALL is specified above all subcases and there is a mixture of subcases with SUPER>0 and SUPER=0 commands

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CR 1-13338503 then output requests may be missing for some eigenvectors or unwanted output may be generated for some eigenvectors. Avoidance: There are 3 posssible avoidances: 1. Remove SUPER=ALL. 2. In the residual strurcture subcase, use a set id to define the residual structure, e.g., set 100 = 0 super = 100 3. Create a set that contains the grids and elements for the selective SEs and request output for all SEs

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-13459501 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - ADAMSMNF - Cray Does Not Support Adams MNF The Cray SV1 release of MSC.Nastran 2004.0 does not support the creation of an MSC.Adams modal neutral file (mnf). The ADAMSMNF Case Control command wwill result in the traceback shown below: Beginning of Traceback: Called from line 42 (address 12026636a) in routine 'TRBK'. Called from line 40 (address 76375d) in routine 'RECOVR'. Called from line 112 (address 54204c) in routine 'sysrcv'. Called from address 11512176a in routine '__handlr'. Called from address 12166657a in routine 'findmemarea'. Called from line 4543 (address 12171173a) in routine 'removememarea'. Called from line 4501 (address 12171076d) in routine 'releasememory'. Called from line 1229 (address 12163766c) in routine 'Release_Memory'. Called from line 464 (address 13372526d) in routine 'MNF_CreateModeFile'. Called from line 575 (address 13373114c) in routine 'MNF_SetModeVec'. Called from line 681 (address 13254356b) in routine 'MNF_SET_MODE_SHAPE_VEC'. Called from line 142 (address 13231560d) in routine 'AFSCMS'. Called from line 528 (address 13202711d) in routine 'AFGMNF'. Called from line 136 (address 13201120c) in routine 'XSEM16'. Called from line 133 (address 53323d) in routine '$SEGCALL'. Called from line 133 (address 226002b) in routine 'XSEMDR'. Called from line 66 (address 62003b) in routine 'NASTMON'. Called from line 379 (address 1372d) in routine 'MAINAL'. Called from line 343 (address 53300d) in routine '$SEGRES'. Called from line 343 (address 10124663d) in routine '$START$'. End of Traceback.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-13605804 MSC / MD Nastran ACMS - GDACMS - SFM 4252 issued if null stiffness for a component. ACMS may fail with the following message if a domain contains no elastic elements, and thus no stiffness. SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 4252 (SEMA) MATRIX XAAV FOR UPSTREAM SUPERELEMENT 83 DOES NOT EXIST

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Avoidance: IInsert the following DMAP alter compile sema1 alter 'SEMA BGPDTS' upfm=0 $ endalter

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-13659501 MSC / MD Nastran ACMS - GDACMS may fail if component has no mass - UFM 9104 GDACMS may fail with the message USER FATAL MESSAGE 9104 if a component has no mass. Avoidance: Apply the following alter: compile sekmr alter 'atsprt=false' dbstatus mgg//s,n,nomgg $ if ( nomgg<1 ) atsprt=false $ compile semr3 alter 'call semr1' paraml mvv//'null'////s,n,nullmvv $ if ( nullmvv<0 ) then $ TYPE PARM,nddl,RS,Y,maxratio,FZERO $ TYPE PARM,nddl,I,Y,bailout $ EQUIVX KNN/KFF/NOSSET $ IF ( NOSSET>-1 ) UPARTN USET,KNN/KFF,,,/'N'/'F' $ UPARTN USET,KFF/KOO,,,/lfset/'O' $ UPARTN USET,knn/,,kox,/'n'/'o' $ UPARTN USET,kox/kot,,,/'t+s+q'/'t'/'s+q'/2 $ DCMP USET,SILs,EQEXINs,Koo,,/ LYY,UYY,ORSEQ/ -1/0/BAILOUT/MAXRATIO/oSET/1.E-20/16//////

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CR 1-13659501 S,N,SING/S,N,NBRCHG/S,N,ERR $ FBS Lyy,,KOt/GOT//-1 $ return $ endif $

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-13760501 MSC / MD Nastran Rotor dynamics jobs can go unstable in transient integration Some of the terms used in rotordynamixs are nonlinear (equivalent to NOLINs) and may cause the linear transient integration scheme to go unstable. The manual states that the integration routine is unconditionally stable, but that is only for linear, stable problems.

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Description Avoidance: If an instabilty occurs in linear transient rotordynamics, try reducint the integration timestep. If that fails, check the rotordynamics forces to verify that they are not growing unconditionally. Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-14051758 MSC / MD Nastran Licensing - FlexLM uncounted nodelock codes on SGI Altix / Linux Itanium 2 It has been reported in MSC.Nastran 2004 on SGI Altix Linux Itanium 2 computers that uncounted nodelock FlexLM licenses do not work. Description The nastran log file shows that the MSCID is different than lmhostid on a SGI Altix computer (Linux - Itanium 2). Avoidance: Use the MSCID reported by Nastran when generating the license. Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-14068501 MSC / MD Nastran DMP - Linux - LAM won't boot with BAT=YES Starting w/ 2001R4 (2001.0.9) MSC.Nastran boots the LAM/MPI daemons for the user. However, with RH7.3 and Slackware systems, the LAM daemons may not boot if "BAT=YES" is specified.

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CR 1-14068501 Avoidance: Use BAT=NO This problem does not occur w/ MSC.Linux. The problem is because when BAT=YES is used, the first process completes, and the child processes become ZOMBIES. We set a flg to ignore child zombies. Because of that flag, LAM daemons will not start from within the shell. I think starting the lam daemons for the users is more important then BAT=YES, so I am leaving the code as is.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-14627054 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear - PELAST, Kn - Possible Wrong Answers If the load deflection capability (Kn) is used with PELAST in a nonlinear analysis, then the results may be incorrect. The results are dependent on the connectivity order.

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Description Avoidance: Use the CBUSH/PBUSH/PBUSHT instead. If the length is nonzero, the orientation vector method must be used instead of the CD field Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-14629706 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - TEMP(LOAD) - Wrong Intermediate Results Hi: This is a general limitation. For nonlinear static analysis with thermal load, all intermediate data recovery of stress and strain is not correcrt to "LINEAR" elements. Description The definition of "LINEAR" elements including 2 groups of elements (1) All elements have no nonlinear capability, such as CBAR, CSHEAR,..., and (2) All elements have nonlinear capability but there is no geometrical or material nonlinearity behavior applied to them. Please also see 1-16331802.

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CR 1-14629706 Regards, Fisher ======================== In nonlinear analysis, sol 106, using temp(load) stresses and nonlinear strains are incorrect for intermediate output (intout=yes on nlparm entry). This is true for MAT1 and MAT1/MATT1 using param,epsilont,secant which is the default. Avoidance: Use param,epsilont,integral and make alfa temperature dependent if not already the case.

Known Error Product

CR 1-14976512 MSC / MD Nastran Postprocessing - PARAM,POST,0 - xdb file missing pressure and decibel results. Acoustic pressures and decibels are not available in the xdb file. Avoidance: Use the op2 file for pressures.

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files are in attachments Note data is in the xdb, this is a DRA issue or a design change in complex eigtnalues.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-15000431 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Transient Analysis - CBUSH - Incorrect Element Forces If Field 6 of the TSTEPNL is set to AUTO, the element forces for the CBUSH element with PBUSHT will be incorrect in a SOL 129 run. Note that the AUTO and TSTEP methods have been de-documented after version 70.5. Also SOL 109 yields correct results for the test case. The element forces are correct when using the ADAPT (default) method.

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CR 1-15062701 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 1-15062701 Phase change analysis failed to converged using SOL 159 - avoidance: use SOL 400 will converge Phase change analysis failed to converged with refined mesh using SOL 159 - This is a limitation

Description avoidance: use SOL 400 thermal analysis to run the phase change analysis, and the problem can be converged. Known Error Product CR 1-15398609 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - CDMAPi - SFM 3008, Insufficient core for lapack method In eigenvalue analysis (SOL 103, 111, 112) a model with a lot of damper elements may fail with insufficient core during the Housholder Eigensolution even though a significant amount of memory is requested. The HOU eigenvalue solution is used during the residual vector calcualtion and the number of dampers affects the size of the problem. Avoidance: Specify RESVEC(NODAMP)=YES or pply the following alter with param,resvec,no. compile phase1a $ only use when RESVEC=NO alter 332 $ 2004.0.0 beigrd = false $ rvdam = false $ endalter $ For sols 103 and 111 with RESVEC=YES (in 111 default) param,resmeth,lan should work. Known Error Product CR 1-15641036 MSC / MD Nastran

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Correcte GL d Version Abstract SOL 400 - PARAM,POST,0, DBC Module - SWM 6065 (DBC) There are two problems in this CSR --Descripti (1) The subDMAP, nonlin, of SOL 400 does not handle the NLSTRESS correct on in DBC module(s) in the PHASE 2 before calling SUPER3 module when ANALYSIS=NLSTAT.

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CR 1-15641036 (2) The current logic of DBC does not recognize "SUBCASE-STEP" case control structure that only uses in SOL 400. I have already fixed problem (1) in V2006t1. We may need DBC expert in problem (2) - I have talked to KKK and sent some outputs to him for suggestion. I will hold this CSR before KKK has time to look into it. 04/21/2005 CJY ====================================================================== ============== SOL 400 encounters a problem processing results in the DBC module and issues the following message: *** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 6065 (DBC) *** DBCMSG ERROR MESSAGE 14 FROM SUBROUTINE DBCROL UNABLE TO OPEN INPUT RELATION NLLF RETURN CODE = 1. *** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 6065 (DBC) *** DBCMSG ERROR MESSAGE 14 FROM SUBROUTINE DBCROL UNABLE TO OPEN INPUT RELATION NLLF RETURN CODE = 1. Avoidance: Use PARAM, POST, -1 and the output2 file.

Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 1-15782011 MSC / MD Nastran Error when rigid body modes, v1, nd are used and v1 is low Occasionally a FACTOR ERROR is reported when the mode is very close to the value of V1 on the EIGRL entry. This can be avoided by changing V1. CR 1-15847916 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - NLPARM - Incorrect Convergence Message Nonlinear analysis, SOL 106, may issue the message that the "SOLUTION HAS CONVERGED" even though there are large residual forces which is evidence that the solution is not converged. You should look at the error measures to see if convergence really occurred. CR 1-16107901 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 1-16107901 Optimization/Design Sensitivity - SPCD, MTRAN - Wrong answers The new relative motion formulation is not supported in SOL 200 for ANALYSIS=MTRAN. (This is because the TRD2 module does not support the new initial condition capabilities). Avoidance: A direct transient solution should be selected.

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Known Error Product

CR 1-16158821 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transfer Analysis - TEMPBC - Unreferenced TEMPB leads to wrong answers. In nonlinear heat transfer analysis if input includes TEMPBC entries that are not referenced by DLOAD entries at the same degrees of freedom for which there are other TEMPBC entries that are referenced, then wrong answerws will result. Avoidance: Remove the unreferenced TEMPBC entries.

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 1-16901604 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - CBUSH, PBUSHT, MPC - Wrong Answers If forces converge to unexpected results in nonlinear-it is recommended that the convergence tolerences be tightened to see if better convergence can be obtained. CR 1-16969464 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - SYSTEM(55)=0 - UFM 315 (IFPDRV) If SYSTEM(55) is set to 0, Nastran will likely fail in ifpdrv with the message: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 315 (IFPDRV) FORMAT ERROR ON BULK DATA ENTRY GRID SYSTEM(55), a.k.a. IPREC, only expects a value of 1 for single precision or two for double precision. The user is never expected to set this system cell.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-18076410 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transfer - CTETRA - Fails to Converge Nonlinear heat transfer models with CTETRA 10 elements may fail to converge. Avoidance: Do not use the CTETRA 10 noded element in nonlinear heat transfer. Use the 12 noded CTETRA or the CHEXA element. This is a limitation using SOL 159 for CTETRA 10 element for phase change thermal analysis. Avoidance: Using the SOL 400 for phase change thermal analysis

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CR 1-18679258 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - GPFORCE, TEMP(LOAD) - GPFORCE incorrect in nonlinear with thermal load The GPFORCE balance is incorrect in SOL 106 when there is thermal load because the themal load contribution is included twice. This is a limitation of SOL 106. Please note that the results in SOL 400 are correct. Avoidance:

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Description (1) Replace "SOL 106" by "SOL 400" (2) Add "ANALYSIS=NLSTAT" in the case control deck (you really need not do it in this deck since the default of ANALYSIS is NLSTAT in SOL 400.), (3) Replace "SUBCASE" by "STEP" in the case control deck (you can also skip this change since this test deck is single SUBCASE only.). Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-18769661 MSC / MD Nastran Optimization/Design Sensitivity - GDACMS, SCR=NO - UFM 1126 (SEDRDR) When a GDACMS optimization job is submitted with the scr=no option, it may fail with the message *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 1126 (GNFIST) DMAP MODULE DISUTIL IS ATTEMPTING TO OUTPUT DATABLOCK 201 NAME

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CR 1-18769661 = EPT , WHICH ALREADY EXISTS. USER ACTION: DELETE THE DATABLOCK, OR USE FILE EPT=OVRWRT Avoidance: Restarts are not supported in dmp, submit with scr=yes.

Known Error Product

CR 1-19005078 MSC / MD Nastran Distributed Memory Parallel - GDACMS, DOMAINSOLVER ACMS(PART=GRID) - Incorrect MPCFORCEs Incorrect mpc force results, requested by MPCFORCE=n where SET n is not ALL, may be generated with GDACMS, which is requested with DOMAINSOLVER ACMS(PART=GRID). Avoidance: Request MPCFORCES=ALL or insert the following DMAP alter: compile spdr0 alter ' outprt ' type db msf,bsf,ksf,k4sf,mmg,bmg,kmg,k4mg $ call spdr2 cases,xycdbs,uset,mmcdb,,adrdug,gm,, msf,bsf,ksf,k4sf,ksf,mmg,bmg,kmg,k4mg,, vmpcg,vspcg/ vmcg,vscg/ 'freqresp'/false/false/' ' $ equivx vmcg/vmpcg/-1 $ matgpr bgpdts,uset,,vmpcg//'h'/'g' $ alter 'if ( noup=-1 and ','' if ( noup=-1 and nov01s>0 and sdrs=-1 ) then $ endalter CR 1-19458251 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - MSC.Documentation (pdf files) crash with Acrobat reader version 7 The MSC.Documentation (pdf files) can be properly browsed with Acrobat Reader version 5 and 6, but when using version 7, Acrobat reader crashes. (this error refers to V2005 documentation is no longer an issue in current versions of the documentation) CR 1-20258966 MSC / MD Nastran

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Known Error Abstract Description

CR 1-20258966 Cyclic Symmetry - UFM 4319 on AIX 5.1 only SOL 114, cyclic symmetry, jobs may fail in Version 2005 on IBM AIX 5.1 with USER FATAL MESSAGE 4319. Avoidance: Run on a different platform or use an earlier version.

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CR 1-21699761 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation - QRG - RSSCON, AUTOMSET - Wrong Answers AutoMset is not compatible with RSSCON input and will lead to wrong answers. This is a known limitation that must be documented. Avoidance: Remove PARAM,AUTOMSET,YES.

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CR 1-22182521 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Analysis - SOL 106 with Rigid Elements, RBE2, PARAM,LGDISP,1 Wrong Answers Nonlinear Rigid elements are not supported in Sol 106. Use Sol 400. SOL 106 with rigid elements such as RBE2 may give wrong answers when PARAM,LGDISP,1 is included even if the structure exhibits linear behavior. Avoidance: Do not use rigid elements in SOL 106 with PARAM,LGIDSP,1

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CR 1-22266681 MSC / MD Nastran Distributed Memory Parallel - GDMODES, MDMODES - SFM 6144 (MERGE1), Job Hangs GDMODES is not designed to support component mode reduction with external superelements. If attempted the job will fail with SYTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6144 (MERGE1). MDMODES should work but may hang.

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Avoidance: Run without DMP.

Known Error Product

CR 1-31899102 MSC / MD Nastran Post-processing - param,post,0- Eigen vectors in xdb file are wrong in SOL 103 GDACMS Eigenvectors in the xdb file are wrong if GDACMS is used in SOL 103.

Corrected Version GL Abstract Description Avoidance: op2, f06, and punch files are correct Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-35365026 MSC / MD Nastran Matrix Methods - DECOMP - PARAM,ASING,-1 DCMP, ERR flag In an analysis which has null columns in the stiffness matrix (plane strain for example) where the null columns are retained in the L-set, the DCMP module will cope with these null columns by placing 1.0 on the leading diagonal of the null columns. This behavior is controlled in subDMAP SEKRRS (for SOL 101) by the DECOMP parameter which is forced to a value of 16 if user parameter ASING is left at its default value of 0. However, if PARAM,ASING,-1 is set the DECOMP parameter retains the value -1, and the action taken in DCMP is the standard action of replacing every zero term on the leading diagonal with 1E-10. Normally (when the zero terms on the leading diagonal are not also part of a null column) this would set the ERR parameter to -1 on exit from the DCMP module and the DMAP would trap this and issue a UFM. However, starting from Version 2004.5, the ERR parameter is not set to -1 when the zero leading diagonal term comes from a null column. The consequence is that any loads applied to singular dofs generate large displacements (if ASING is set to -1) and displacements equal to the value of the applied load (if ASING is left at 0). Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 1-41285296 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 600; read error: no such option (caused by space in path) .SOL 600 does not support spaces in any path and there is no intent to do so. Such jobs will be fataled out for MD R2. For MD R3 and subsequent releases spaces in the path are allowed.

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CR 1-41285296 A SOL 600 job that is run from a directory that has a space in the path will fail with a message similar to the following: Marc will be executed using the command: f:\msc\nast2005r3\msc20055\marc\\tools\run_marc.bat -jid F:\clients\space in path\ddd.marc.dat -v no -iam nanl -sdir g:/scratch -b no *** ISHELL PROGRAM 'f:\msc\nast2005r3\msc20055\marc\\tools\run_marc.bat' STARTED *** read error: no such option: in or input value: path\ddd.marc.dat *** ISHELL PROGRAM 'f:\msc\nast2005r3\msc20055\marc\\tools\run_marc.bat' COMPLETED *** AVOIDANCE: remove spaces from the path

Known Error Product

CR 1-46863451 MSC / MD Nastran External Superelements - extseout(dmigpch), fluid on the boundary - UFM 7556 If the EXTSEOUT(DMIGPCH) option is used in the reduction run for the external superelement with fluid/structure coupling and there are fluid poinits on the superelement boundary (i.e., specifed on the ASETi entries), then the job will fail in the assembly run with the following messages: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 7556 (SEPMAB) *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 7556 (SEPMAB) SUPERELEMENT xx HAS BOTH INTERIOR STRUCTURAL AND FLUID GRID POINTS. USER ACTION: REASSIGN GRID POINTS AND/OR ELEMENTS SO THAT THE SUPERELEMENT'S INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR POINTS ARE ALL FLUID OR ITS INTERIOR POINTS ARE ALL STRUCTURAL. Avoidance: Remove the fluid points from the ASETi entries or use one of the other methods (e.g., dmigop2)

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CR 1-47123337 MSC / MD Nastran External Superelements - EXTSEOUT- Statics with TEMP(LOAD), OTM

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CR 1-47123337 stresses incorrect in assembly In static analyis, for EXTSEOUT external superelements, the assembly run with TEMP(LOAD) will give incorrect results for Forces and Stresses on the external superelement. NOTE: The residual is correct and the displacements/spcforces on the external are correct. Avoidance: : Use PARAM,EXTDROUT and use the 3-step process to recover stresses in the upstream superelements.


Known Error Product

CR 1-51472746 MSC / MD Nastran If more than one RFORCE is included in the LOAD entry, gyroscopic loads use only the first one If RGYRO loads are requested and the static loads are defined using LOAD entries, the first RFORCE (in numeric order, not necessarily in input order) will be used to calculate the gyroscopic loads. All other RFORCE entries referenced on the LOAD entry will not be used in the gyroscopic load calculations. CR 1-51552281 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 600 w/ COORD SYSTEMS - DDM - Parallel does not work This is a Marc limitiation. In order to add coord sys capability for CBUSH and cylindrical/spherical system MCID's the new Marc COORD SYS option needed to be used. For models without CBUSH coordinate orientation or MCID's specified by a coordinate, enter the following parameters PARAM,MRCOORDS,1 PARAM,MRORINTS,1 Starting with tier 1 systems as of 6/22/2007 the above will happen automatically. E Dickerson 6/22/2007 Starting with MD R2, SOL 600 analyses with COORD SYSTEMS will not run parallel. Avoidance: Convert local coordinate systems to the global coordinate system.

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CR 1-52721829 MSC / MD Nastran Eigenvalue Analysis - WEIGHTCHECK(SET=(G,A))=YES and PARAM,MHRED,YES - Wrong answers If PARAM,MHRED,YES is active then the WEIGHTCHECK printout for the Aset will show a reduction in mass from the G-set printout. But this will not affect the subsequent results in the run or in a subsequent restart. Avoidance: Insert PARAM,MHRED,NO.

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CR 1-53887611 MSC / MD Nastran DMP/Eigenvalue Analysis - SFM 3034 in Lanczos Lanczos sometimes has a problems detecting rank-deficient sets of Lanczos vectors and this may lead to the folloiwng fatal message:

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Description Avoidance: Not running dmp or setting system(166)=48 may avoid the problem. Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-55077699 MSC / MD Nastran Elements - TEMPP1, CTRIAX6 - Wrong Answers TEMPPi entries are not designed to work with CTRIAX6 elements and will produce incorrect results. Avoidance: Define the temperature loading with TEMPD Known Error Product CR 1-55088236 MSC / MD Nastran Thermal Stress - TEMPP1 cannot be apply to CTRIAX6 - Unexpected Answers, Missing UFM 4016 The CTRIAX6 element does not understand TEMPP1 data. It the data as zero and no warning messages are issued. USER WARNING MESSAGE 4012 followed by USER FATAL MESSAGE 4016 should have been issued.

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CR 1-55088236 See the documentation on TEMPP1 where CTRIAX6 is NOT on the types.

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CR 1-55673351 MSC / MD Nastran NLRGAP (and NONINi) with Nastran SPCD relative enforced motion method gives wrong answers. When using SPCD enforced motion, the integration used the relative displacements (by default). This is incompatible with NOLINs (including NLRGAP) which must use absolute motion. Use PARAM,ENFMETH,ABS to fix this problem. The default has been changed to ABS for Version 2010). CR 1-56030282 MSC / MD Nastran Heat Transfer Analysis - TEMPBC - DBCMSG 41 The following error message may appear when TEMPBC entries are specified: *** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 6065 (DBC) *** DBCMSG ERROR MESSAGE 41 FROM SUBROUTINE DBCEQE ELEMENT 1000001 WAS PREVIOUSLY ELAS2 AND IS CURRENTLY A HEXA THE DBC MODULES ASSUMPTIONS ARE UNIQUE ELEMENT IDENTIFICATIONS WITHIN A SUPERELEMENT OR RESIDUAL STRUCTURE. This error is caused by the internal generation of CELAS2 entries with element ids of existing elements.

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CR 1-56537391 MSC / MD Nastran Default setting of radiation enclosure calculations may add heat to system. Due to inaccuracies, the default setting of view factor calculation in an opened enclosure may result in energy loss (sum of view factors < 1.0) or energy gain (sum of view factors > 1.0) in the system. In most conditions, the radiation will be lost to space because the sum of view factors is less than 1.0; however, there exists some cases that the heat is added to the system because the sum of view factors is greater than 1.0. To achieve accurate

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CR 1-56537391 results, the user may specify NASTRAN SYSTEM(87)=3 to scale back the sum of view factor to 1.0 so that all radiation energy will be conserved.

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CR 1-59419426 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 600 - NLAUTO is not effective to control time stepping if MCHSTAT is also used The following scenario will result in the NLAUTO entry not controlling the time stepping: 1. Run a SOL 600, 159 (transient thermal anlaysis), and get temperatures in t16 file. 2. Run a SOL 600, 106 (static structural analysis) using initial temperature and temperature load of the t16 file from step 1. In the second run, NLAUTO is used to control time stepping, but it is not effective to control time stepping since the translator uses "AUTO THERM" instead of "AUTO STEP" ignoring parameters defined on the NLAUTO entry such as total time. "NLAUTO" should be tranlated into "AUTO STEP" in marc.dat as written in Quick Reference Guide while "MTHERM" is translated into "AUTO THERM" in marc.dat.

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CR 1-59529106 MSC / MD Nastran Connection Elements - CINTC on curved geometry does not pass GROUNDCHECK or PARAM CHECKOUT YES A model with curved geometry (a cylinder for example) and a CINTC line interface will fail the GROUNDCHECK at the NSET level. Other indications are EMH is not null from PARAM,CHECKOUT, YES. The CINTC algorithm must be refined to preserve the rigid-body modes, while retaining the flexibility of CINTC connection. CINTC is not going to be modified, Glued Contact can be used instead.

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CR 1-60302368 MSC / MD Nastran

Known Error

CR 1-60302368 ILP64: SOL 400 - TA1M - FATAL NON-LINEAR ELEMENT ERROR on Solaris mode=i8 SOL 400 jobs, such as TPL test nclevrbm.dat, may fail in the TA!M module on to Solaris ilp64 (a.k.a i8) system with the message FATAL NON-LINEAR ELEMENT ERROR. CR 1-63482165 MSC / MD Nastran DMP/Eigenvalue Analysis - SFM 3034 in Lanczos This may be related to known limitations of the Lanczos method when the mass/differential stiffness matrix has coupled singularities. Lanczos sometimes has a problems detecting rank-deficient sets of Lanczos vectors and this may lead to the folloiwng fatal message: eigenvalue location information from factorization -------------------------------------------------shift at: 1.1844D+06 there are 852 eigenvalues to the left of 1.1844D+06 block size used : 7 no. of eigenvalues to compute on the right: 167 no. of eigenvalues to compute on the left : 192 number of steps : 0 eigenvalues found : 0 total no. eigenvalues: 168 *** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 3034 (LNNHERR) INTERNAL FAILURE IN THE LANCZOS PROCEDURE: M-ORTHOGONAL QR PROCEDURE FAILED TO CONVERGE. PROBABLE CAUSE: MASS MATRIX IS INDEFINITE (MODES) OR STIFFNESS MATRIX IS INDEFINITE (BUCKLING). USER ACTION: CONTACT MSC CLIENT SUPPORT. *** fatal error no. -728 *** subroutine lnnp2cd unrecoverable termination from lanczos iteration internal error code: -6 the following 82 computed eigenvalue(s) comprise all the eigenvalues in the region between the least and the greatest in this list

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Avoidance: Not running dmp or setting system(166)=48 may avoid the

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CR 1-63482165 problem.

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CR 1-72589921 MSC / MD Nastran Licensing - Lapi, Discrete - SGI Irix will not work with Lapi 7.3.0 and above MD Nastran R3 on SGI Irix has reached the operating system limit of the dso table size and this prevents upgrading the Lapi FLEXlm licensing layer to 7.3 or above. Until this is resolved the DISCRETE double check out problem, quality 1-72344531, can not be addressed on this platform. CR 1-74205731 MSC / MD Nastran Performance - Windows Vista 64, Server 2008 Vista 64 and Server 2008 64 have removed a system tuning parameter that controls memory usage. Without this option, when memory usage approaches 100 percent, I/O intensive applications, especially those such as Nastran that generate very large data files overwhelm the system cache, to the point that there is no physical memory left and the machine will appear to hang.

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Avoidance: The work-around is to tell the various I/O intensive applications to bypass the use of system caching for their very large files. This is done by specifying the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING option in the FlagsAndAttributes argument specified for CreateFile when the file is opened. For MSC.Nastran and MD Nastran, the files for which this bypass is necessary are the SCRATCH and SCR300 files. In nastran this is accomplished by specifying RAW=YES as a SYS keyword for the appropriate files. Note that RAW=YES also requires that BUFFIO be requested instead of the default of MAPIO=YES.) Unfortunately, through a documentation oversight, the use of RAW=YES for Windows is not documented in the IOG. This will be corrected. These SYS options may also be specified by using the SYSFIELD command line or RC File keyword option. Example of these specification on the nastran command is nastran jid MEM=4GB SYSFIELD=SCR*(RAW=YES,BUFFIO=YES,WNUM=32,WSIZE=16MB)

Known Error

CR 1-75641588

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-75641588 MSC / MD Nastran Nonlinear Heat Transfer - Large # of load cases in sol159 may fail in TAHT A SOL 159 with a large number of load cases may fail in TAHT.

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SJF's comments: this is a user error cause by a duplicated TLOAD1 ID. We cannot trapped this error because this is pass ifp already.

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CR 1-76893031 MSC / MD Nastran Documentation/QRG - QRG, BCTABLE - Missing Description In MD R3, the discription of QRG BCTABLE for BGST contains the descriptiion for BGSN and vice-versa. The documentation currently reads: BGST Maximum normal stress for breaking glue. See Remark 23. (Real,Default = 0.0) BGSN Maximum tangential stress for breaking glue. See Remark 23. (Real, Default= 0.0) and it should be: BGST Maximum tangential stress for breaking glue. See Remark 23. (Real, Default= 0.0) BGSN Maximum normal stress for breaking glue. See Remark 23. (Real,Default = 0.0)


Known Error Product

CR 1-77150361 MSC / MD Nastran Defining time-varying temperature with DLOAD, TEMPBC and TLOADi in SOL 600. time-varying boundary conditions with the Case Control (DLOAD) and TEMPBC(TYPE="TRAN"), TLOADi, TLOADi are not yet supported in SOL 600 heat transfer analyses. CR 1-79187490 MSC / MD Nastran

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CR 1-79187490 SOL600: In dynamic transient analysis, MARC translator cannot translate "Gravity Load" correctly. All SOL 600 dynamic analyses are presently limited to one TABLEDi. CR 1-79187535 MSC / MD Nastran SOL600: In dynamic transient with subcases, MARC translator can't translate "Gravity Load" correctly All SOL 600 dynamic analyses are limited to using only one TABLED1. CR 1-79811428 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 400 - Corrupt XDB, SWM 6065 DBC, EC 23, GRIDBK, NLLF Additional output requests in subsequent steps in SOL 400 as shown below will result in a corrupt XDB File. Example: SUBCASE 1 STEP 1 NLPARM=1 LOAD = 1 STEP 2 NLPARM=2 LOAD = 2 DISPL=ALL The following warning message will be printed to the f06 and the xdb file will be corrupt. *** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 6065 (DBC) *** DBCMSG ERROR MESSAGE 23 FROM SUBROUTINE GRIDBK OUTPUT LIST SYNCHRONIZATION PROBLEM FOR NLLF VALUE = 1.5000E+00, POSITION = 0. Avoidance: 1) request the output in all STEPs 2) use OP2 3) use MASTER/DBALL

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CR 1-81055041 MSC / MD Nastran CELAS recovery with resvec=yes. Limitation of the Large Mass Method For data recovery for the structural line and surface elements or scalar elements there is no provision for a modal damping in the element force calculation. While this is a limitation, it is there because there is no physical way to relate a global modal damping to a local force value. This is a Limitation to the Large Mass Method of analysis. CR 1-97136055 MSC / MD Nastran UFM 3060 (SCA Service Loader) Unable to obtain licenses for SCA.MDSolver.System.PrintServer MDr3 will issue a misleading error message if no MD_Nastran feature is available (either it is missing from the license file or the license server is down).

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*** USER FATAL MESSAGE 3060 (SCA Service Loader) - AUTHORIZATION ERROR *** UNABLE TO OBTAIN LICENSES FOR SCA.MDSolver.System.PrintServer PLEASE REFER TO THE LOG FILE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS CR 1-97302570 MSC / MD Nastran Displacements are off in the fifth or sixth significant place in mode I4 as compared to mode I8 Inaccuracies in displacements may occur on mode=i4 machines because of single precision material property processing. These inaccuracies are typically noted in the 5th or 6th decimal place of the displacements. The precision is improved when mode=i8 is used. The reason is that material properties are calculated in single precision across all platforms - this limitation will remain so. CR 1-108130295 MSC / MD Nastran Dynamics - PARAM,MODACC, superelements - Wrong answers With PARAM,MODACC, the displacement results for all residual structure GRIDs,

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CR 1-108130295 including superelement boundary GRIDs include the modal acceleration method adjustments. But displacement results for upstream superelement at same boundary GRIDs do NOT include the modal acceleration method adjustments. Subsequent derivative results (internal DISPLs, stresses) for the upstream SEs are based upon the un-adjusted boundary responses and match runs w/out Modal Aceleration. Avoidance: None

Known Error Product

CR 1-180738247 MSC / MD Nastran Flexible elements that reference SPOINTs instead of GRIDs causes unpredictable results A flexible element (such as a CQUAD4) that references an SPOINT can produce erroneous results. Avoidance: do not use SPOINTs for flexible elements.

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CR 1-231907165 MSC / MD Nastran Shell-to-solid contact could give strange results if beam-to-beam contact is active. An MD R3 Sol 101/400 analysis could give strange results if in the model shell-to-solid contact occurred, while the beam-to-beam contact capability (BEAMB parameter on the BCPARA option) was active. The problem could be avoided by deactivating the beam-to-beam contact capability. CR 1-253725753 MSC / MD Nastran limit on intrinsic functions, SWM 203(PRCFOI) Intrinsic functions MAX and MIN are limited to <100 arguments. If more arguments are desired, the functions may be concatenated. *** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 203 (PRCFOI)


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CR 1-254934701 MSC / MD Nastran Sol400 jobs with PCOMPLS using INT8=L behave too stiff in bending. MDr3 Sol 400 jobs with PCOMPLS using the integration code L are too stiff in bending when compared to integration code ASTN. This means INT8=ASTN is preferred over INT8=L in applications where bending behaviour is important. CR 1-257507306 MSC / MD Nastran Thermal expansion computation different between linear and nonlinear for SOLID elements In version 2005 R3 for LINEAR analysis of CHEXA, CPENTA, and CTETRA elements the computation of the method for thermal expansion was improved (CR#119456411).

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Description The new computation of the method for thermal expansion was not included because of theoritical difficulties for NONLINEAR analysis. So SYSTEM CELL OLDTLDMETH(428) will not change results for NONLINEAR analysis. Known Error Product Abstract Description CR 1-257790908 MSC / MD Nastran Wrong transformation of BAR orientation vector Wrong transformation of BAR orientation vector when field 9 has "BGG". SOL 600 only sypports "GGG" in field 9. This limitation has been noted in the 2010 QRG. CR 1-257934101 MSC / MD Nastran

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Known Error Abstract Description

CR 1-257934101 Axisymmetric Analysis - DISP(PUNCH) - wrong answers Displacements are written incorrectly to the pch file when DISP(punch) is requested for a model with axisymmetirc elements (CCONEAX and RINGAX). Avoidance: None.

Known Error Product

CR 1-258033096 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 106, Restart, TEMPD or TEMP Input Entry in Restart Deck Yields UFM 9086 Restarting SOL 106 with a TEMP(LOAD) change with the selected TEMPD in the restart bulk data yields the following fatal error: ^^^ USER FATAL MESSAGE 9086 (GETLOOP) ^^^ PARAM, LOOPID, 6 DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO A VALID LOOP IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. Avoidance: Place the same TEMPD in the initial run and the restart successfully executes or switch to SOL 400

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CR 1-258161471 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 200 sensitivity on mass moment of inertia in rotordynamic is incorrect SOL 200 sensitivity on Ixx, mass moment of inertia, terms in rotordynamic is incorrect. In rotordynamic, Ixx produces damping terms which is not properly handled in Ixx perturbation. Avodiance: None.

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CR 1-258234412 MSC / MD Nastran SOL106 with Temprature LBCs and Large displacement ON, modes are not correct When SOL 106 or 400 are used to perform nonlinear analysis, followed by perturbation analysis about the converged solution, it is essential to ensure the matrices are updated to the converges solution. The best way to insure

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CR 1-258234412 this is to select a method like "ITER-1" or "PNT". The "AUTO" method is likely to geve poor results for the ensuing perturbation analusis. Perturbation types supported are vibration modes, nonlinear buckling and dynamic response.

Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract Description Known Error Product

CR 1-258478801 MSC / MD Nastran MDr3 QRG VCCT bulk data entry remark 8 refers to "n1", but this hsould be "G1" The MDr3 QRG VCCT bulk data entry in remark 8 makes a reference to "n1", but this should be "G1". CR 1-264023131 MSC / MD Nastran Complex Eigenvalue Analysis - CTRIAX6 element - stress/strain output header is wrong Complex eigenvalue output headers for CTRIAX6 element results are mislabeled with FREQUENCY instead of EIGENVALUE. Avoidance: none.

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CR 1-264784804 MSC / MD Nastran UNSTRUCTURED datablocks can only be written using tabpt or output2 (UNFORMATTED) UNSTRUCTURED data blocks are not supported by output2 (FORMATTED) and tabprt, as they use the NDDL description to write datablocks.

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For example , here is ACPT's description from the nddl : DATABLK ACPT TYPE=UNSTRUCTURED PATH=aegeom LOCATION=ADBX, $ Desc={Aerodynamic Connection and Property Table } Avoidance: use OUTPUT2 binary or TABPT

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-266789898 MSC / MD Nastran difference between PSIT and MEFFMASS in virtual mass method When performing response spectrum analysis, it is possible that the participation factors may be different from those obtained using MEFFMASS from a model with the dof on the SUPORT entry constrained. If this occurs, the reason is that the participation factors calculated in response spectrum include mass associated with the SUPORT entry (including mass transferred to the SUPORT dof by MPC equations or R-elements), but the run with those dof constrained will not include mass associated with them. If you wish to obtain identical participation factors, then there must be no mass other than the 'large mass' associated with the SUPORT dof (and any dof connected to them by Relements or MPC equations). CR 1-267031324 MSC / MD Nastran Miscellaneous - Windows, "+" and "-" in filenames on the command line poor message If a file name conatins a "+" or "-" then the command may be improperly interpreted on the Windows command line. "+" sign or "-" has a special meaning to the Windows command line. For example, "+" means "concatenate two files". For example, "copy a+b c" will copy files a and b putting them together to create file c. Avoidance: Enclose the filename in quotes.

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Known Error Product Abstract Description

CR 1-267698364 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 600 - Degree of Freedom is not removed correctly Degree of Freedom is not changed correctly for change in SPC's for the second subcase. Fixed in 2010 CR 1-268156611 MSC / MD Nastran

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Known Error Abstract

CR 1-268156611 CWELD using GRIDID type gives UFM 7549 If a CWELD element is configured using GRID point coordinates with small values, the solution may fail with: *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 7549 (SEPWLD) FOR CWELD ELEMENT ID= XXX, THE PROJECTION OF GS GRID ID= YYY ONTO THE SURFACE CANNOT BE FOUND OR LIES OUTSIDE THE SURFACE. USER INFORMATION: THE FIRST THREE SHELL GRIDS ARE AAA BBB CCC The CWELD element requires that it can project to a "diameter" size patch of shell elements. If it can not the the user must adjust the CWELD location. In some cases, if the user uses Bulk Data entry SWLDPRM the code will attempt to change geometry for the user.

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CR 1-268413091 MSC / MD Nastran Case Control option NLOPRM NLDBG=(N3DBASE), output not printed to .f06 for SOL 101 glued contact. In glued contact, NLOPRM NLDBG=N3DBASE does not function because NLOPRM is not intented for the permanently-glued contact.


No message is issued on this matter. Nastran ignores NLOPRM when the glued contact is requested. NLOPRM works only for nonlinear analyses, including SOL 101 general contact.

Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract

CR 1-269651261 MSC / MD Nastran Materials not supported by SPH elements Error: For MD SOL700 MD 2010, there is no indication which material model is available with SPH elements. It appears that the following materials should be available with SPH: MATD001, MATD003, MATD005, MATD006, MATD009, MATD010, MATD012, MATD013, MATD014, MATD015, MATD016, MATD018, MATD019, MATD024,


Known Error

CR 1-269651261 MATD025, MATD030, MATD036, MATD057, MATD063, MATD064, MATD072, MATD72R, MATD076, MATD77H, MATD083, MATD087, MATD112, MATD127, MATD145, MATD147. However, only MATD009 and MATD010 (with EOS) can be used with SPH elements. These materials that are unsupported issue the following messages: psph (= 1) references wrong material type (= 1) psph (= 1) references wrong material type (= 3) psph (= 1) references wrong material type (= 5) psph (= 1) references wrong material type (= 14) psph (= 1) references wrong material type (= 15) psph (= 1) references wrong material type (= 24)

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-270201206 MSC / MD Nastran Use of CASI solvers for topology optimization runs involving contact Topology optimization problems involving contact use Lagrange multiplier degrees of freedom. This type of degree of freedom generates non-positive definite stiffness matrices. The CASI element-based iterative solver may fail for this class of problem depending upon the "degree" of non-positive definteness involved since it currently is limited to a very small class of problems that produce only "mildly" indefinite matrices. The message generated is internal to the CASI solver and will indicate that it has encountered a negative diagonal term. Avoidance: Use the sparse direct solver.

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Known Error Product

CR 1-270693849 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 400 thermal with analysis=hstat -TEMP(INIT) and LOAD cannot use the same set ID - UFM 628 SOL 400 thermal with analysis=hstat -TEMP(INIT) and LOAD cannot use the same set ID - UFM 628

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Known Error

CR 1-270693849 NUMBER IN BULK DATA DECK. THE SET IDENTIFICATION MUMBER IS 2. 0FATAL ERROR Avoidance : use different set ID for TEMP(INIT)=x and LOAD=y

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-277249266 MSC / MD Nastran If GAP,KA is too large you may get incorrect results If you choose a PGAP,KA gap stiffness too large, the automatic convergence criteria may accept a wrong answer. There are three things that can be done: 1. Choose a smaller "KA", about three to five orders of magn1tude greater that the local structure stiffness. 2. Reduce the values of EPSP and EPSW on the NLPARM record. 3. Use the "adaptive" GAP, see PGAP,TMAX (this helps some, but still a really excessive KA can still give bad answers). CR 1-278822913 MSC / MD Nastran MPCPCH is not supported in Segment-to-Segment Contact The keyword MPCPCH in NLOPRM case control command does not support segment-to-segment contact since it uses the Augmented Lagrange Multiplier method instead of the multiple point constraint method, which is used by node-to-segment contact. A model with segment-to-segment contact (BCPARA,METHOD,SEGSMALL) and NLOPRM MPCPCH will fail with:

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Known Error Product

CR 1-280629495 MSC / MD Nastran

Known Error

CR 1-280629495 Using large mass to do enforced motion in sol129 does not seem to enforce displacement/velocity When requesting enforced motion by the big foundation mass method, you must supply initial conditions if the initial diisplacement or velocity is nonzero. If you select time steps that are too large the results will be inaccurate. Avoidance: Instead of initial condition records you can delay the enforced motion to start after a couple time steps. CR 1-284318681 MSC / MD Nastran UFM 9994 (BULKPM) duplicate error message for every entry in input file If job is submitted with SCR=NO and IFPSTAR=yes and the IFPDAT database is in the subdirectory, but .MASTER/.DBALL have been removed, then the job will fail in the input file reader complaining that there are duplicate entries. The messages will look similar to this: *** USER INFORMATION MESSAGE 9991 (SDLWIF) Bulk Data errors were encountered at Include level 0. File: E:\tmp\xx.bdf *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 9994 (BULKPM) Entry Violation for Entity: PARAM with NAME=POST near line 18 Entry is duplicated previously with the same key(s). *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 9994 (BULKPM) Entry Violation for Entity: PARAM with NAME=PRTMAXIM near line 19 Entry is duplicated previously with the same key(s). Avoidance: remove .IFPDAT before submitting the job. Note: this behavior can be experienced in Patran - CR 1-277241241

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Known Error Product

CR 1-284821387 MSC / MD Nastran Inertia Relief - multiple subcases for disjointed models - Incorrect SPCFORCE results Inertia relief on multiple disjoint models produces incorrect SPCForces.

Corrected Version GL Abstract Description Avoidance: Separate disjoint models into separate runs.

Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-284911131 MSC / MD Nastran SOL600 DDM fails by COORD SYSTEM error if there are BAR elements. SOL 600 models that require coordinate systems cannot be run using DDM for parallel processing. This is a limitation in Marc. The workarounds are to not use DDM or to use the newer Pardiso or MUMPS solvers for parallel and/or multi-threading for systems with Intel chips. For the special case of bar/beam elements where coordinates are needed for pin codes, PARAM,MARCPINN,3 may be added to the bulk data and DDM used, however the resutls may not be as accurate as desired. CR 1-285719641 MSC / MD Nastran ssstat file is not generated when DYTIMHS card is used. ssstat file is not generated when DYTIMHS card is used while it is generated when dyparam, lsdyna,database,ssstatm card is used. CR 1-286267228 MSC / MD Nastran Release Guide Problem ns2sc69 missing from TPL The MD 2010 Release Guide lists TPL problem ns2sc69, but it is missing from the TPL. The tpl file is actually \tpl\nsg_400\q285147074.dat

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Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract Description Known Error Product Abstract Description

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-286417497 MSC / MD Nastran param,buckle,2 seems to affect convergence Adding param,buckle,2 to the nonlinear solution 106 can affect the convergence characteristics. If PARAM.LGDISP was not set, it will be set to 1 if PARAM,BUCKLE is requested. CR 1-286435555 MSC / MD Nastran

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Known Error Product

Known Error

CR 1-286435555 no xdb otuput when user tries param,solid,xxxx and param,model,xxxx parameters. The parameters SOLID and MODEL are obsolete. However, if used, they may result in no xdb output

Corrected Version GL Abstract

Description Avoidance: Remove PARAM,SOLID and / or PARAM,MODEL from the input file. Known Error Product CR 1-286745332 MSC / MD Nastran sol 103 running with dmp or domainsolver(modes) will not calculate residual vectors sol 103 will not generate residual vectors( using resvec=yes) when domainsolver modes(PARTOPT=GRID). Avoidance: use domainsolver modes(PARTOPT=DOF) or domainsolver acms CR 1-286774901 MSC / MD Nastran Duplicate Stress output in .f06 Nastran may give duplicate stress output. This can occur in either the '.f06' or the '.pch' file. This happens because the STRESS and NLSTRESS outputs are the same for some elements. One way to avoid this is to add a case control command NLSTRESS=NONE in addition th the STRESS output command. CR 1-287759881 MSC / MD Nastran sol 600 thermal contact: stops with bctable error In SOL 600, a model with thermal contact fails with the following error in the .f06 Description Severe Warning in SOL 600 - BCTABLE uses table ID of 1 which does not exist. Please check the input data Avoidance: The model that produced this error is under investigation. Known Error CR 1-287960848

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Known Error Product Abstract

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Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract Description

CR 1-287960848 MSC / MD Nastran MD 2010 QRG: Error in NLOPRM DBGPOST In MD 2010 QRG, Remark 4 of NLOPRM refers to output in the .f06 file. The correct remark should be: 4) For DBGPOST, all nonlinear information is placed in the MASTER/DBALL. CR 1-288161421 MSC / MD Nastran RTYPE=FREQ with Rayleigh Quotien Approximation (ATTB=blank) does not work with MultiOpt In Multi Model Optimization (multiopt) a DRESP1 with RTYPE=FREQ and Rayleigh Quotient Approximation (ATTB=blank) does not work. This problem can be avoided by resetting ATTB = 1 or 2 (1 is recommended ) or by using DRESP1=EIGN

Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract


Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract

CR 1-288324841 MSC / MD Nastran SOL 200 job with large number of subcases and design constraints may fail with no responses A SOL 200 job with large number of static subcases and design constraints may fail in DSAD module with UFM 5629 *** USER FATAL MESSAGE 5629 (DSAD1C) THERE ARE DRESP1 ENTRIES FOR RESPONSE TYPE = DISP BUT THERE ARE NO CORRESPONDING OUTPUT RESPONSES. USER ACTION: CHECK THAT THE GRID ID'S LISTED ON THE DRESP1 ENTRIES EXIST.

Description Avodiance: insert following DMAP alter Compile descon $ for static subcases only; no dmap alter is needed $ for decks with only Static AERO subcases Alter ' dsprm ','' $ DSPRM RSP1CT//S,N,WGTVOL///s,n,dostatx/S,N,FAILI/ S,N,CSTRES /S,N,CSTRN /S,N,DOFREQ /S,N,DOCEIG / S,N,DOMTRAN / /s,n,dosaerx / //

Known Error

CR 1-288324841 S,n,dostaty //// /s,n, doese / / s,n,dorms /S,N,DOEIGV /s,n,dogpfe /s,n,dogpfp / s,n,docomp /s,n,dofmass /s,n,CSTRAT /s,n,pfaefm / s,n,acpwri /s,n,acafpm /s,n,domnp1 /s,n,domnd1 / s,n,domnp3 $

Known Error Product Corrected Version Abstract

CR 1-288613382 MSC / MD Nastran Incorrect message for residual stiffened fraction in progressive failure analysis A progressive failure analysis model has been observed to fail with: *** ERROR - RESIDUAL STIFFNESS FRACTION OF MATF ID = 2 MUST BE LARGER THAN ZERO *** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 7747 (TA1M) 1 unrecoverable error(s) encountered due possibly to bad input.


This is under investigation. Update - Shiva: 25th Nov., 2010 --------------------------------------This issue affected only the STRAIN criterion on MATF. The residual stiffness fractions were not initialized in this case and this caused the error.

Shiva Known Error Product Abstract CR 1-288717520 MSC / MD Nastran CSEAM stress documentation incorrect The equations for Figure 14-1 of MD4 Nastran V2010 Release Guide Page 371 for XSA1,XSA2,XSB1,XSB2 stress data recovery should read: Description xSA1 = xs (W/2) t1s (T/2 )t2s xSA2 = xs +(W/2) t1s (T/2) t2s xSB1 = xs (W/2) t1s + (T/2) t2s xSB2 = xs + (W/2) t1s + (T/2 )t2s where the signs have been corrected.

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Known Error Product Abstract

CR 1-288718219 MSC / MD Nastran Different ASET and SUPORT entries causes UFM 6143 USER is attempting to do preload (using DEFORM loading) modes for creating reduced model by using ADAMSMNF command. When suport dofs are different and are not subset of ASET following error message issued. User is using only one node as the attachment node (ASET dof) and being forced to use dofs other than ones specified on the aset for suport dofs. I assume this will be a limitation that only one connection point can not be used.

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*** SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 6143 (UMRG1PR) THE SIZES OF THE INPUT MATRICES AND THE DOF SETS ARE INCOMPATIBLE. SPECIFICALLY: The number of columns in GOT is not equal to the size of the COMP-set User Information: Size of input matrices and DOF sets: GOT : Rows= 1158 by Cols= 12 Set sizes: Major (A-set)= 26 Set0 (Q-set)= 20 Set1 (COMP-set)= 6

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