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EEL303: Power Engineering I - Tutorial 1 1. (a) If v i. ii. iii. iv. = 141.4sin(t + 30 ) V and i = 11.31cos(t 30 ).

. Find for each The maximum value [ Vm = 141.4V , Im = 11.31A] The RMS value [Vrms = 100V , Irms = 8A] The phasor expression in polar and rectangular form [V = 100 0 , I = 8 30 ] Is the circuit inductive or capacitive

2. A single phase AC voltage of 240 V is applied to a series circuit whose impedance is 10 60 . Find R, X, P, Q and the power factor of the circuit. [R=5 , X=8.6602 , I=24 60 , P= 2.880 kW, Q= 4.9883 kVAR, p.f=0.5] 3. (a) A generator is rated 500 MVA, 22 kV. Its Y connected windings have a reactance of 1.1 p.u. Find the ohmic value of the reactance. [Xactual =1.0648 ] (b) The above generator is in a circuit for which bases are specied as 100 MVA, 20 kV. Find the new p.u. value of the reactance of generator. [Xpu =0.2662 p.u ] 4. Two generators at 10 MVA, 13.2 kV and 15 MVA, 13.2 kV are connected in parallel to a bus bar. They feed supply to two motors of inputs 8 MVA and 12 MVA respectively. The operating voltage of motors is 12.5 kV. Assuming base quantities as 50 MVA and 13.8 kV, draw the reactance diagram. The percentage reactance for generators is 15 % G1 G2 M1 and that for motors is 20 %. [Xp.u. = 0.6862p.u, Xp.u. = 0.4574p.u, Xp.u. = 1.0255p.u, M2 Xp.u. = 0.6837p.u] 5. Three generators are rated as follows: G1 - 100 MVA, 33 kV, 10 % X; G2 - 150 MVA, 32 kV, 8 % X; G3 - 110 MVA, 30 kV, 12 % X. Determine reactance of generators G1 corresponding to base values of 200 MVA, 35 kV. [Xp.u. = 0.1777p.u, G2 G3 Xp.u. = 0.08916p.u, Xp.u. = 0.16029p.u]

Electrical Engineering Dept - IIT Delhi

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