H Abstract

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Wassim Ferose H.1, Gokul Prasath R. 1, Alagappan M. 1, Anju G. 1

1PSG College

of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Neural disorders like epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease have become a major area of concern because of their complexity and the huge number of occurrences. At present, most of the treatments are based on drugs and external nerve stimulation demanding critical care. This study aims at the design and simulation of an implantable micro-electrode which can lead to better understanding of the brain. This electrode can be used for the electrical stimulation of the brain and can essentially aid in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with neural disorders. The electrode design consists of shanks which are arranged in a uniform pattern to facilitate accurate delivery of required current to the affected sites. The micro-electrode was modeled and simulated using the MEMS module of Comsol Multiphysics 4.1. The electrode designed has the dimensions of 10?m at the tip. This micro-level dimensions confines to the cellular dimensions of neuronal cells and hence helps in the effective delivery of the required current. By using three dimensional arrays of stimulating and recording electrodes, accurate treatment of the disorders using a feedback system is possible. Such studies at the cellular dimensions will give important insights in the signal processing occurring in the nervous system and the disorders that disrupt them. In case of chronic studies, further advances in electrode-tissue interface can be done. Comsol Multiphysics 4.1 helps in the easy simulation and analysis of the electrode model. The various physical characteristics like the stress-strain, pressure, fatigue, etc, experienced by the electrode can be studied and also suitable materials can be substituted for determining the most efficient model.

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