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INITIAL TEST I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Translate the sentences Dac vei nva cntecul, vei lua o not bun.

Dac vei scrie o scrisoare, prietenii ti vor veni. Ea va bea suc de portocale dac vrea s fie sntoas. Dac vei avea energie, tu vei juca fotbal. Dac vei avea bani, vei cumpra o main. El va construi aceast cas daca va avea timp. II. Put in the plural the following nouns: Singular Desk Table Bus Church Potato Hippo Match Plural Piano Tomato Cliff Giraffe Wife Berry Knife Singular Plural


Read the text and translate it:

Matt: Have you got time for a coffee? Kelly: Im afraid not! Im meeting my grandmother in ten minutes and were going to do some shopping Matt: Oh well, never mind. Um What are you doing on Friday evening? Kelly: I dont know yet. Why? Matt: Well, theres a new club opening near the castle. They play live music and its free if you get there before nine. I was wondering- would you like to go? Kelly: Id love to Matt: Ok. Great! Ill come and pick you up at about half past eight.


Use Present Continuous for the verbs in parenthesis a) He (sit) here for half an hour. b) Have they (beat) my sister? c) You ( ask) me that question for a few days, now! d) I (look) at that photo for hours. e) The teacher (scream) in the classroom since morning.


Use Past Continuous for the verbs in parenthesis a) The sun ( rise) when I woke up. b) When mother called me I ( sleep). c) When the phone rang, she ( draw) a picture. d) They (live) in Spain when the war broke out. e) Tom ( swim) in the river when it started to rain.


Use Present Perfect Simple for the verbs in parenthesis a) That woman (pick up) wild flowers. b) Alex ( play) cards with his sister. c) Paul ( study) Latin in Italy. d) John (write) a letter to his cousin. e) Grandma (nod) her head. Complete the sentences with who , which or where.


1. The street. I live is very noisy. 2. This is Alison, .works in the same company as my sister. 3. Theres a shop near here .. I buy magazines. 4. People . smoke can get a lot of disease. 5. I live in Cleja, a beautiful village in the east of Romania. 6. My teacher, isnt English, lives in Bacu.

VIII. Give the comparative and the superlative of the following adjectives: simple, easy, fat, thin, long, difficult, interesting

bad, far, good,

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