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RuntimeException need not be declare or caught(line 7 try catch).

If Exception Then u have to

Integer(42) & new Integer(“42”) same . x.add(Integer.parseInt(“812”)) ok as java 5. Integer.parseInt(“812”) returns int
s=null.SOP(s) will print null.
instanciation block is called at Obj instanciation Only. {go();}
check the order a,b,c,1,2,3 are printed. say() method can be accessed at the same time by multiple thread .
The constructor & initialization block starts from top most class then to subclasses.What I in the initialization block will be
1st. then Constructor will be printed.It is tested.Check with the with the book.
Check It is working ??????????????
return type of the any overridden method will be exactly same , change in arg type will make new method.Chk for Integer in Java
here s2-s1, that’s why sorted in reverse based on 2nd char of the strings.
should be ‘import static java.lang.System.out; all identifiers are correct *********
value assigning to final constants are ok.*******
check it system shows correct only for A ??????????????????/
if the Father constructor was private then syntax error constructor not visible will be there. even though super() is called from
subclass. that’s why make constructor public or protected.

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