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The Mystic Compassion Formula

(on one page)

1. Get into a nice, relaxed, focused state... breathe deeply 2. Think about someone with whom you have unresolved emotional issues... they pissed you off, broke your heart, lied to you, cheated on you, hurt your feelings, etc. (you can plan to work on specific issues, or just think of the first challenge that comes to mind) 3. Place your fingers on the neuro-vascular points on your forehead (this will bring blood back to the forebrain, and keep it flowing there) 4. Take responsibility for your part in the situation... accept yourself and your mistakes 5. Notice what else there is to learn, and accept it 6. Mentally project yourself into the other person, and imagine the situation from their point of view... accept their point of view 7. Mentally project yourself into a neutral third party, and imagine the situation from their point of view... accept their point of view 8. ***Optional Step*** If you are having any trouble accepting anything or anybody... you can mentally project yourself into a being you consider to be infinitely compassionate (Christ, Buddha, Krishna, etc.... whoever works best for you) and imagine the situation from their point of view... accept 9. Smile, tap your thymus, and allow yourself to notice that the acceptance of all sides of the issue is compassion... releasing resistance is compassion... notice the color of the compassion as it fills you, and mentally fill any other people in the situation with the compassion as well.

(if anything doesn't make sense, please reference the videos, the audios, or the ebook)

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