Student GPA

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* Filename: ""
* Created by 1,000_naymes for ICT 352
* Purpose: to calculate GPA for a student based on input from the user.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class StudentGPA

public static void main( String[] args )
declare and initialize variables
String openingMessage,
gradeInputMessage, gradeString, listMessage,
menu, quitMessage = "Goodbye.",
choiceInputMessage, choiceString, GPAMessage, finalGrade,
string4 = "A", string3 = "B", string2 = "C", string1 = "D", string0 =
byeString = "Q", list;

int choice, GPA = 0, grade = 0, number, i = 0;

display opening message
openingMessage = "Welcome to the student GPA program, \nwhich will calculate
the GPA of a student\n based on your entry of their most recent letter grades.";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, openingMessage );
choiceInputMessage = "Enter \n"
+ "1 to continue and enter student grades\n"
+ "2 to quit \n";
choiceString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( choiceInputMessage );
choice = Integer.parseInt( choiceString ); //converting string to integer

switch( choice )
case 1:
Boolean stringsAreEqual;
gradeInputMessage = "Please enter a letter grade for the student (A, B,
C, D, or F)\n or Q to quit.";
gradeString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( gradeInputMessage );
if( stringsAreEqual = gradeString.equalsIgnoreCase( string4 ) )
grade = 4;
if( stringsAreEqual = gradeString.equalsIgnoreCase( string3 ) )
grade = 3;
if( stringsAreEqual = gradeString.equalsIgnoreCase( string2 ) )
grade = 2;
if( stringsAreEqual = gradeString.equalsIgnoreCase( string1 ) )
grade = 1;
if( stringsAreEqual = gradeString.equalsIgnoreCase( string0 ) )
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grade = 0;
if( stringsAreEqual = gradeString.equalsIgnoreCase( byeString) )
int total = i + 1;
GPA = grade / total;
while( gradeString != "X" );
GPAMessage = "Their overall GPA is a " + GPA + ".0";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, GPAMessage );

list = " " + grade;

listMessage = "Your student's grades were " + list;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, listMessage );

case 2:
quitMessage = "Goodbye.";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, quitMessage );


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