Complete Works Tableofcontents

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The Works of Milton Erickson Table of Contents:

Article Title: Initial Experiments Investigating the Nature of Hypnosis Further Experimental Investigation of Hypnosis: Hypnotic and Nonhypnotic Realities A Special Inquiry with Aldous Huxley into the Nature and Character of Various States of Consciousness Autohypnotic Experiences of Milton H. Erickson Historical Note on the Hand Levitation and Other Ideomotor Techniques Deep Hypnosis and Its Induction Naturalistic Techniques of Hypnosis Further Clinical Techniques of Hypnosis: Utilization Techniques Transcript of a Trance Induction With Commentary The Confusion Technique in Hypnosis The Dynamics of Visualization, Levitation and Confusion in Trance Induction Another Example of Confusion in Trance Induction An Hypnotic Technique for Resistant Patients: the Patient, the Technique, and its Rationale and Field Experiments Pantomime Techniques in Hypnosis and the Implications The Surprise and My-Friend-John Techniques of Hypnosis: Minimal Cues and Natural Field Experimentation Respiratory Rhythm in Trance Induction: The Role of Minimal Sensory Cues in Normal and Trance Behavior Indirect Induction of Trance: Simulation and the Role of Indirect Suggestion and Minimal Cues Notes on Minimal Cues in Vocal Dynamics and Memory Concerning the Nature and Character of Posthypnotic Behavior Varieties of Double Bind Two-Level Communication and the Microdynamics of Trance and Suggestion Indirect Forms of Suggestion Page: 1 15 76 99 124 128 155 165 192 242 275 279 280 311 319 338 343 350 355 385 403 423

Possible Detrimental Effects Of Experimental Hypnosis An Experimental Investigation of the Possible Antisocial Use of Hypnosis An Instance of Potentially Harmful Misinterpretation of Hypnosis Stage Hypnotist Back Syndrome Editorial, The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, July, 1964 Editorial, The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, July, 1965 Hypnotic Induction of Hallucinatory Color Vision Followed by Pseudonegative Afterimages Discussion: Critical Comments on Hiblers Presentation of His Work on Negative Afterimages of Hypnotically Induced Hallucinated Colors Induction of Color Blindness by a Technique of Hypnotic Suggestion An Experimental Investigation of the Hypnotic Subjects Apparent Ability to Become Unaware of Stimuli The Development of an Acute Limited Obsessional Hysterical State in a Normal Hypnotic Subject Observations Concerning Alterations in Hypnosis of Visual Perceptions Further Observations on Hypnotic Alteration of Visual Perception An Investigation of Optokinetic Nystagmus Acquired Control of Pupillary Responses A Study of Clinical and Experimental Findings on Hypnotic Deafness: I. Clinical Experimentation and Findings A Study of Clinical and Experimental Findings on Hypnotic Deafness: II. Experimental Findings with a Conditioned Response Technique Chemo-Anaesthesia in Relation to Hearing and Memory A Field Investigation by Hypnosis of Sound Loci Importance in Human Behavior Hypnotic Investigation of Psychosomatic Phenomena: Psychosomatic Interrelationships Studied by Experimental Hypnosis Hypnotic Investigation of Psychosomatic Phenomena: The Development of Aphasia-like Reactions from Hypnotically Induced Amnesias Hypnotic Investigation of Psychosomatic Phenomena: A Controlled Experimental Use of Hypnotic Regression in the Therapy of an Acquired Food Intolerance Experimentally Elicited Salivary and Related Responses to Hypnotic Visual Hallucinations Confirmed by Personality Reactions

449 454 485 487 489 493 496 502 509 524 543 559 564 566 569 572 590 603 610 630 643 655 661

Control of Physiological Functions by Hypnosis Hypnotic Alteration of Blood Flow: An Experiment Comparing Waking and Hypnotic Responsiveness A Clinical Experimental Approach to Psychogenic Infertility Breast Development Possibly Influenced by Hypnosis: Two Instances and the Psychotherapeutic Results Psychogenic Alteration of Menstrual Functioning: Three Instances Appearance in Three Generations of an Atypical Pattern of the Sneezing Reflex An Addendum to a Report of the Appearance in Three Generations of an Atypical Pattern of the Sneezing Reflex Time Distortion in Hypnosis: I Time Distortion in Hypnosis: II Special Discussion of Psychological and Psychiatric Implications Clinical and Therapeutic Applications of Time Distortion Further Considerations of Time Distortion: Subjective Time Condensation as Distinct from Time Expansion Clinical and Experimental Trance: Hypnotic Training and Time Required for their Development Laboratory and Clinical Hypnosis: The Same or Different Phenomena? Explorations in Hypnosis Research Expectancy and Minimal Sensory Cues in Hypnosis Basic Psychological Problems in Hypnotic Research Experience of Interviewing in the Presence of Observers A Brief Survey of Hypnotism Hypnosis: A General Review Hypnotism The Basis of Hypnosis: Panel Discussion on Hypnosis The Investigation of a Specific Amnesia Clinical and Experimental Observations on Hypnotic Amnesia: Introduction to an Unpublished Paper The Problem of Amnesia in Waking and Hypnotic States

665 678 681 687 691 697 701 703 713 743 748 773

781 787 793 815 817 827 830 838 846 851 858 865 870

Varieties of Hypnotic Amnesia Literalness: An Experimental Study Literalness and the Use of Trance in Neurosis Age Regression: Two Unpublished Fragments of a Students Study Past Weekday Determination in Hypnotic and Waking States On the Possible Occurrence of a Dream in an Eight-Month-Old Infant The Successful Treatment of a Case of Acute Hysterical Depression by a Return Under Hypnosis to a Critical Phase of Childhood The Experimental Demonstration of Unconscious Mentation by Automatic Writing The Use of Automatic Drawing in the Interpretation and Relief of a State of Acute Obsessional Depression Translation of the Cryptic Automatic Writing of One Hypnotic Subject By Another in a Trancelike Dissociated State Experimental Demonstrations of the Psychopathology of Everyday Life Demonstration of Mental Mechanisms by Hypnosis Unconscious Mental Activity in HypnosisPsychoanalytic Implications Negation or Reversal of Legal Testimony Permanent Relief of an Obsessional Phobia By Means of Communications With an Unsuspected Dual Personality The Clinical Discovery of a Dual Personality Findings on the Nature of the Personality Structures in Two Different Dual Personalities By Means of Projective and Psychometric Tests A Clinical Note on a Word-Association Test Study of Hypnotically Induced Complexes By Means of the Luria Technique A Study of an Experimental Neurosis Hypnotically Induced in a Case of Ejaculatio Praecox The Method Employed to Formulate a Complex Story for the Induction of an Experimental Neurosis in a Hypnotic Subject Applications of Hypnosis to Psychiatry Hypnosis in Medicine Hypnotic Techniques for the Therapy of Acute Psychiatric Disturbances in War

882 900 907 909 916 923 925 943 956 972 983 994 998 1011 1018 1046 1055 1071 1073 1098

1112 1134 1144 1156

Hypnotic Psychotherapy Hypnosis in General Practice Hypnosis: Its Renascence as a Treatment Modality Hypnotic Approaches to Therapy Clinical Note on Indirect Hypnotic Therapy The Hypnotic and Hypnotherapeutic Investigation and Determination of Symptom Function Experimental Hypnotherapy in Tourettes Disease Hypnotherapy: The Patients Right to Both Success and Failure Successful Hypnotherapy that Failed Special Techniques of Brief Hypnotherapy Pediatric Hypnotherapy Utilization of Patient Behavior in the Hypnotherapy of Obesity: Three Case Reports Hypnosis and Examination Panics Experiential Knowledge of Hypnotic Phenomena Employed for Hypnotherapy Burden of Responsibility in Effective Psychotherapy Use of Symptoms as an Integral Part of Hypnotherapy Hypnosis in Obstetrics: Utilizing Experiential Learnings A Therapeutic Double Bind Utilizing Resistance Utilizing the Patients Own Personality and Ideas: Doing It His Own Way Introduction to the Study and Application of Hypnosis for Pain Control Therapy of a Psychosomatic Headache Migraine Headache in a Resistant Patient Hypnosis in Painful Terminal Illness Interspersal Hypnotic Technique for Symptom Correction and Pain Control Hypnotic Training for Transforming the Experience of Chronic Pain Hypnotically Oriented Psychotherapy in Organic Brain Damage Hypnotically Oriented Psychotherapy in Organic Brain Disease: An Addendum

1162 1174 1177 1198 1217 1221 1240 1248 1252 1256 1279 1286 1293 1296 1309 1314 1325 1330 1333 1335 1343 1349 1352 1359 1374 1376 1402

Application of Implications of Lashleys Researches in a Circumscribed Arteriosclerotic Brain Condition Experimental Hypnotherapy in a Speech Problem: A Case Report Provocation as a Means of Motivating Recovery from a Cerebrovascular Accident Hypnotherapy with a Psychotic Symptom Prescription for Expanding the Psychotics World View Posthypnotic Suggestion for Ejaculatio Praecox Psychotherapy Achieved by a Reversal of the Neurotic Processes in a Case of Ejaculatio Praecox Modesty: An Authoritarian Approach Permitting Reconditioning Via Fantasy Sterility: A Therapeutic Reorientation to Sexual Satisfaction The Abortion Issue: Facilitating Unconscious Dynamics Permitting Real Choice Impotence: Facilitating Unconscious Reconditioning Latent Homosexuality: Identity Exploration in Hypnosis Vasectomy: A Detailed Illustration of a Therapeutic Reorientation Pseudo-Orientation in Time as a Hypnotherapeutic Procedure Facilitating Objective Thinking and New Frames of Reference with Pseudo-Orientation in Time Self-Exploration in the Hypnotic State Self-Exploration in Trance Following a Surprise Handshake Induction Reorganization of Unconscious Thinking without Conscious Awareness: Two Cases with Intellectualized Resistance against Hypnosis Psychological Shocks and Creative Moments in Psychotherapy Facilitating a New Cosmetic Frame of Reference The Ugly Duckling: Transforming the Self-Image A Shocking Breakout of a Mother Domination Shock and Surprise Facilitating a New Self-Image Correcting an Inferiority Complex The Hypnotherapy of Two Psychosomatic Dental Problems The Identification of a Secure Reality

1405 1407 1410 1416 1419 1422 1426 1433 1442 1445 1449 1457 1460 1465 1489 1492 1501 1503 1507 1524 1528 1533 1538 1547 1554 1561

The Hypnotic Corrective Emotional Experience Psychological Significance of Physical Restraint to Mental Patients Book Review Concerning Present Inadequacies in the Legal Recognition and Handling of the Mentally Ill A Teaching Program for Commissioned Reserve Medical Officers Hypnotism Early Recognition of Mental Disease Criminality in a Group of Male Psychiatric Patients Problem of the Definition and the Dynamic Values of Psychiatric Concepts Arrested Mental Development Psychological Factors Involved in the Placement of the Mental Patient on Visit and Family Care Opportunities for Psychological Research in Mental Hospitals The Concomitance of Organic and Psychologic Changes During Marked Improvement in Schizophrenia: A Case Analysis Cooperative Research in Schizophrenizia Grading of Patients in Mental Hospitals as a Therapeutic Measure Evolutionary Factors in a Psychosis* Some Aspects of Abandonment, Feeblemindedness, and Crime An Interpretation of a Case of Biological Deviation Marriage and Propagation Among Criminals Study of the Relationship Between Intelligence and Crime Appendix of Tables Bibliography Milton H. Erickson, M.D., September 1962 (Induction Techniques) Critical Evaluations: The Inhumanity of Ordinary People

1569 1577 1582 1587 1595 1600 1605 1619 1632 1645 1649 1657 1664 1679 1695 1701 1707 1717 1724 1732 1758 1770 1775 1778

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