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Letter From Birmingham Jail Quiz


Directions: This quiz is composed of true/false, multiple choice, and short answer questions. Please write true or false in the blank for the true/false questions. Circle your answer for the multiple choice questions and fill in the letter in the blank. For the short answers, you must answer in complete sentences, it must be at least 7-10 sentences long, and remember to proof read your answers. Turn your quiz over and look up when you are finished. Good Luck! True or False, Multiple Choice (1 point each) _____ 1. Martin Luther King Jr. frequently writes letters to people who have concerns and criticisms about the sit-ins, marches, and other nonviolent direct-action campaigns he organized. _____ 2. Birmingham, Alabama was a representation of other cities in the South. Martin Luther King Jr. worried that the severity of segregation and violence in this city could indirectly affect other cities as well. _____ 3. Martin Luther King Jr. states that it is a historical fact that privileged individuals will give up some of their privileges to the oppressed if violence erupts between the two groups. _____ 4. Which of the following was NOT a basic step Martin Luther King Jr. described in a starting a nonviolent campaign? A. self-purification B. collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist C. direct action D. going door-to-door getting people to campaign with you E. negotiation _____ 5. According to this letter, what is the phrase that Martin Luther King Jr. is tired of hearing? A. Separate but equal is fair B. Wait C. Stop D. Stay E. Whites only

Short Answer (5 points each) 6. Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) an event or idea that Martin Luther King addressed from the letter that you feel best demonstrated the inequality that African Americans faced during this time. Then, explain why nonviolent direct action was justified in the example you provided.

7. Do you think white people from 1963 would support and join Martin Luther King Jr. on his campaign for civil rights based on the arguments he makes in this letter? Explain why.

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