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Writing Assignment using Seven Elements of a Great Writing Project - Letter to a Public Official Project Summary: Now that

weve studied how to write letters to public officials, its your turn to express your opinion! Write a persuasive letter as a concerned citizen to a public official or leader to express your position about an issue that concerns you. In class, we have brainstormed possible topics, including: School issues: Changing to block schedule classes Cutting the tennis team to save funds The quality of school lunches The cancelation of this years field trip to Washington, D.C. The new same-sex charter school, Madison Prep

Community issues: The curfew time for teenagers in Madison Decreasing funding for local social service organizations Wisconsins concealed-carry law

Other topics are also welcome -- feel free to discuss your ideas with me.

Purpose: Students will: - Practice research skills - Write persuasive arguments supported by research - Practice formal letter writing

Writers Role: A concerned citizen that has an opinion about a certain issue Audience: A public official of your choice Form: A formal letter that contains three points that support your position Focus Points: 1. Clearly state your argument 2. Support your position with at least three arguments that are supported by research 3. Your letter should match the style of a formal letter. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Identify your issue and argument Research your arguments Write first draft of your letter Conference with teacher Write second draft of your letter Peer conference your letter Write final draft of letter Send to public official

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