Case Analysis Instructions

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Case Ana|ys|s

lease noLe Lhe followlng ln connecLlon wlLh your case analysls ln conLlnuaLlon of whaL l may also
explaln ln Lhe class

l lormaL of case / managemenL reporL
C Cover page wlLh LlLle and names of Leam members
C LxecuLlve summary
C Maln body of Lhe reporL
o roblem sLaLemenL / key lssues
o SupporLlng argumenLs
o AlLernaLlve sLraLegles
o 8ecommendaLlons
o lmplemenLaLlon plan

C 8eferences
C Appendlces (lf any)

ll Analyslng Lhe case meLhodology Lhe sLeps Lo follow
1 Map Lhe buslness landscape
2 lndusLry level analysls
3 Analyse Lhe flrm
4 ldenLlfy change drlvers
3 ldenLlfy key managemenL lssues (your case analysls should be hypoLheslsdrlven)
6 1esL your hypoLhesls / selecL approprlaLe frameworks and LheoreLlcal models
7 uevelop recommendaLlons
8 uevelop lmplemenLaLlon plan

noLe 1he sLeps are prlmarlly meanL Lo gulde you and noL Lo be used as headlngs ln your reporL

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