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How to Construct How to Learn in Physics Class To teach students how to learn; firs we should look at their interests, view of world and life styles. According to characteristics of studens best learning ways can change. We should use some strategies at the beginning to understand what they want;

Forethought. Students set short-term, challenging but attainable academic goals. They also estimate their ability--also called self-efficacy--to reach those goals. Performance. Students adopt "powerful" learning strategies, such as scheduling study time, using mnemonics and outlining course content. Self-reflection. Students evaluate how effectively their strategies help them meet their academic goals and adjust strategies accordingly. And we should use some strategies to make them study; Help students define tasks before them. Delineate what's called for in homework assignments and the resources, such as time, study materials and research databases, needed to complete them. Teach note organization. Suggest ways to summarize lecture content and fill in gaps in notes, says Zimmerman. Collect notes occasionally to check this. Impart learning devices. Tell students about mnemonic aids, such as knowledge trees that categorize information in branches. Also, encourage students to use outlines and other graphic organizers for writing, and study logs or diaries to manage their time, says Zimmerman. Model and encourage self-reflection. "Think out loud" when analyzing a theory or problem, so students will follow suit, says Pintrich. "When looking at a study, you might point out that you don't know much about the statistical technique used, that you need to ask a colleague," he says.


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