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ACT I SCENE I. A desert place. (Thunder and lightning.

Enter three Witches)

First Witch When shall we join again In thunder, lightning, or in rain? Second Witch When the loud cheers are finished, When the battle is lost and won. Third Witch Just before we watch the set of sun. First Witch What is the chosen place? Second Witch In the gloomy field. Third Witch There we join with Macbeth. First Witch Shoo black cat! Second Witch In the field that gives us chills. Third Witch Before the shining sun shows. ALL Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.

SCENE III. A heath near Forres. Thunder. Enter the three Witches First Witch Where hast thou been, witch? Thou art late. Second Witch Catching small swine. Where hast thou been, witch?

First Witch A sailor's wife had chestnuts in her lap, And munched, and munched, and munched:-'Give me,' I shouted. 'Shoo thee, witch!' the mangy lady cries. Her husband left for Aleppo on a ship But my sail can catch him easily, Ill turn into a rat without a tail, And Ill scare the sheep out of his sleep. Second Witch I'll give a witch some wind and Ill give a witch some more wind. First Witch I shall handle this all alone, I know which way the wind will blow, All the different ways they can go, I will scare him until he turns white He shall not sleep during day or night I will put a spell on him Black and Blue, Dark and grim Eerie an itch For I am the witch Then all the chestnuts will be witches chestnuts Second Witch Show me, show me. First Witch Here I have the chestnut shells Proof that my magic used all the right spells (Drum sounds) Third Witch A drum, a drum! Macbeth does come.

ALL The weird witches, joined in hand, With magic of the shore and land, Shall witches go about, about: Thrice to thine and thrice to mine And thrice again, to make up nine. Peace! the charm's wound up. (Exit)

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