Creating Excel Worksheets: Reference Guide

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Creating Excel Worksheets

Microsoft Excel 2003

Reference Guide

University Technology Services

Computer Training
Excel 2003

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Copyright 2003 EBook Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or
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We take great care to ensure the accuracy of these materials; however, EBook Publishing makes no warranty, express or
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Excel 2003

GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................ 1

Creating an Excel 2003 Workbook........................................................................................... 2
How to Start Excel 2003 ..................................................................................................... 2
How to Create a New Default Excel Workbook .................................................................. 3
Getting Familiar with the Excel 2003 Screen .......................................................................... 4
Moving Around Your Cursor .................................................................................................... 6
How to Activate a Cell Using the Mouse............................................................................. 6
How to Move to a Cell Using Keyboard .............................................................................. 7
How to Move to Other Sheets within a Workbook .............................................................. 8
Selecting Cells Range in Workbook ........................................................................................ 9
How to Select a Single Cell............................................................................................... 10
How to Select a Range of Cells ........................................................................................ 10
How to Select a Range Of Cells Using <Shift>................................................................. 10
How to Select the Entire Column ...................................................................................... 11
How to Select the Entire Row ........................................................................................... 11
How to Select the Entire Worksheet ................................................................................. 11
How to Select Non-Adjacent Ranges................................................................................ 12
How to Select Multiple Worksheets .................................................................................. 12
Entering Data into Worksheet ................................................................................................ 13
How to Enter Text (Label) Into a Cell................................................................................ 13
How to Edit Cell Contents ................................................................................................. 13
How to Edit Contents Using Formula Bar ......................................................................... 14
How to Replace Contents in a Cell ................................................................................... 14
How to Delete Contents in a Cell ...................................................................................... 14
How to Undo and Redo..................................................................................................... 15
How to Enter a Number as a Value into a Cell ................................................................. 16
How to Enter a Number as a Label into a Cell.................................................................. 17
How to Enter Date into a Cell............................................................................................ 18
How to Use AutoFill to Enter Text..................................................................................... 19
How to Use AutoFill Options ............................................................................................. 20
How to Use AutoFill to Enter Sequence Numbers............................................................ 21
How to Save a Workbook for the First Time ..................................................................... 22
How to Save Another Copy Using `Save As’.................................................................... 22
How to Close the Current Workbook ................................................................................ 23
How to Open a Workbook................................................................................................. 24
How to Exit Excel 2003 ..................................................................................................... 24

PERFORMING CALCULATIONS .................................................................. 25

Using Simple Formula............................................................................................................. 26
How to Enter a Formula Using Keyboard ......................................................................... 28
How to Enter a Cell or a Range Reference Using Mouse ................................................ 28
How to Use AutoSum to Calculate Total Quickly.............................................................. 29
How to Use Relative References ...................................................................................... 30
How to Use Absolute References ..................................................................................... 31
Using Simple Functions.......................................................................................................... 33


Managing Worksheet Information.......................................................................................... 36
How to Move Information Using Cut and Paste................................................................ 36
How to Move Information Using Drag and Drop ............................................................... 37
Excel 2003
How to Copy Information Using Copy and Paste ............................................................. 38
How to Use Paste Options................................................................................................ 39
How to Copy Information Using Drag and Drop ............................................................... 40
How to Insert a New Row ................................................................................................. 41
How to Insert Multiple Rows ............................................................................................. 42
How to Delete Rows.......................................................................................................... 43
How to Insert a New Column ............................................................................................ 44
How to Insert Multiple Columns ........................................................................................ 45
How to Delete Columns .................................................................................................... 46
How to Insert a Cell........................................................................................................... 47
Managing Workbook Information .......................................................................................... 48
How to Rename Worksheet .............................................................................................. 49
How to Add New Worksheet ............................................................................................. 50
How to Rearrange Worksheet........................................................................................... 51
How to Copy Worksheet ................................................................................................... 51
How to Format Worksheet Tab ......................................................................................... 52
How to Add Worksheet Background ................................................................................. 53
How to Delete Worksheet ................................................................................................. 54

FORMATTING WORKSHEET........................................................................ 55
Adjusting Column Width / Row Height.................................................................................. 56
How to Adjust Column Width Using Mouse ...................................................................... 57
How to Adjust Column Width Using Menu ........................................................................ 58
How to Adjust Row Height Using Mouse .......................................................................... 59
How to Adjust Row Height Using Menu ............................................................................ 60
How to Hide / Unhide Rows / Columns............................................................................. 61
How to Freeze a Column / a Row ..................................................................................... 62
How to Split a Worksheet in Panes................................................................................... 63
Formatting Cell Using Toolbar ............................................................................................... 64
How to Change Font ......................................................................................................... 64
How to Change Font Size ................................................................................................. 65
How to Bold....................................................................................................................... 65
How to Italic....................................................................................................................... 65
How to Underline............................................................................................................... 65
How to Change Font Color ............................................................................................... 66
How to Align Data in a Cell ............................................................................................... 67
How to Indent Data in a Cell ............................................................................................. 68
How to Merge Cells and Center Data ............................................................................... 69
How to Change Number to Percentage ............................................................................ 70
How to Increase/ Decrease Decimal Points ..................................................................... 71
How to Copy Format Using Format Painter ...................................................................... 72
Formatting Cell Using Menu Options .................................................................................... 73
How to Double Underline Using Menu Option .................................................................. 74
How to Align Vertically ...................................................................................................... 75
How to Change Text Orientation....................................................................................... 77
How to Wrap Text in a Cell ............................................................................................... 78
How to Format Numbers................................................................................................... 79
How to Format Date .......................................................................................................... 80
How to Change Cell Background Color ............................................................................ 81
How to Add Outline Border ............................................................................................... 82
How to Add Double Line Border ....................................................................................... 83
Excel 2003
How to Format Table Using AutoFormat .......................................................................... 84

SETTING UP PAGE AND PRINT................................................................... 85

Setting Up Page ....................................................................................................................... 86
How to Insert and Remove Page Break............................................................................ 87
How to Set and Clear Print Area....................................................................................... 88
How to Change Page Orientation ..................................................................................... 89
How to Change Scaling .................................................................................................... 89
How to Change Paper Size............................................................................................... 90
How to Change Page Margin............................................................................................ 90
How to Align to Center Of Page........................................................................................ 91
How to Add Header / Footer ............................................................................................. 92
Previewing and Printing.......................................................................................................... 94
How to Print Preview......................................................................................................... 95
How to Print Active Sheets ............................................................................................... 96
How to Print Selected Cells .............................................................................................. 97
How to Print Multiple Copies............................................................................................. 98
Getting Objectives:
When you have completed these
lessons, you will be able to:

Started Create an excel workbook

Create a new default excel workbook
Create a new excel workbook using
Get Excel and Microsoft Online Help
Detect and repair errors
Recover excel program
Recover an excel file
Navigate around the cells in
Select cell ranges in workbook
Enter text into a cell
Enter number as value or label into the
Enter date into a cell
Use Undo and redo
Use AutoFill to enter text and sequence
Use Pick List to enter data
Enter data into a range of cells
Save and open workbook

 2003

Excel 2003

Creating an Excel 2003 Workbook

How to Start 1. Click Start button on the taskbar.
Excel 2003 The Start menu appears.

2. Click Programs >> Microsoft Office >> Microsoft

The Microsoft Excel application starts.

1. Click on
the taskbar.
2. Click Programs >>
Microsoft Excel.


ƒ You can also start

Microsoft Excel by
clicking the Excel
icon on the Microsoft
Office Shortcut Bar.

Excel displays the following screen. a new blank workbook is created

automatically, as shown below:

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Create a 1. From the menu, click File >> New.

New Default The task pane appears, as shown below.
Excel Workbook


1. Click File >> New.

2. Under New, click
Blank Workbook.


You can create a blank

new workbook quickly
by clicking the
on the Standard
toolbar or
press <Ctrl>+<N>.

2. Under New, click Blank Workbook.

The pointer changes to when you move it to the command.
A blank new workbook is created and the task pane disappears.

 2003

Excel 2003

Getting Familiar with the Excel 2003 Screen

This lesson describes screen elements specific to Excel 2003. This helps you to be
familiar with the program screen / interface. Some of the screen elements can be
“toggled” on or off. For this lesson, you screen may look slightly different to the
illustration below due to your own settings.

Menu Bar Title Bar Standard Toolbar Formatting Toolbar

Formula Bar Column Heading

Active Cell
Name Box

Row Heading
Vertical Scroll Bar

Sheet Tab Horizontal Scroll Bar

Status Bar Task Pane

 2003

Excel 2003

Screen Elements Functions

Title Bar Displays the program name and the workbook name you are working on.

Menu Bar Displays and access the drop-down menus that contain the Excel
command options.

Standard Toolbar Contains a number of buttons, which you click using the mouse, to carry
out some of the more commonly used command options.

Formatting Toolbar Contains a number of buttons that help you change the format or
appearance of text, such as bold and underlined.

Name Box Shows the selected cell, drawing object or chart item. You can also name a
selected cell / range or move to the selected cell / range.

Formula Bar Displays the content (value or formula) of the active cell. You can also edit
the formula using the formula bar.

Active Cell The selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. Only one
cell is active at a time. The active cell is bounded by a heavy border.

Column Heading Shows the column reference letter.

Row Heading Shows the row reference number.

Sheet Tab Shows the sheet name.

Horizontal Scroll Bar or Help you to scroll through your worksheet using the mouse.
Vertical Scroll Bar

Status Bar Displays information about a selected command or an operation in progress.

The right side of the status bar shows whether the keys (CAPS LOCK,
SCROLL LOCK, or NUM LOCK) are turned on.

Task Pane Display useful common tasks such as creating and opening a workbook.
There are task panes with different contents that help you do your work.
The contents of the task pane is context-sensitive, depending on what task
you are performing.

 2003

Excel 2003

Moving Around Your Cursor

When you want to place your cursor or activate a cell in order to insert, edit or format the
cells, there are ways to help you.

You can use:

ƒ Mouse
ƒ Keyboard
ƒ Go to command
ƒ Name box on the formula bar

How to Activate 1. Position the mouse pointer to the cell B3.

a Cell Using the The pointer changes to a white plus sign, as shown below.


1. Position the mouse

pointer over the cell
2. Click the cell B3 to activate it.
The cell B3 becomes active, as shown below.
you want to activate.
2. Click the cell to
activate it.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Move to 3. Press the key on the keyboard as shown in the table
a Cell Using below:
Press Move to:
Æ One cell to the right
Å One cell to the left

↓ One cell to the down

↑ One cell to the up

<Ctrl> + Æ Last cell to the right of the current region
<Ctrl> + Å First cell to the left of the current region
<Ctrl> + ↓ Last cell to the bottom of the current region

<Ctrl> + ↑ First cell to the top of the current region

<Home> First cell in the row
<Ctrl> + <Home> First cell in the worksheet
<Ctrl> + <End> Last cell in the worksheet which contains
Page Down One screen down
Page Up One screen up
<Alt> + Page Down One screen right
<Alt> + Page Up One screen up

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Move to 1. Move the mouse pointer to the Sheet2 tab.

Other Sheets The pointer is changed to a white arrow as illustrated.
within a

2. Click the Sheet2 tab.

Sheet2 is brought to the front most of all worksheets.


ƒ You can press

shortcut keys
Down> to move to
the next worksheet
and press
<Ctrl>+<Page Up> to
move to the previous

 2003

Excel 2003

Selecting Cells Range in Workbook

You need to select the cell (activate the cell) before you place the information in it.
Besides that, if you want to execute a command onto several cells, you may select all
the cells before you run the command.

A group of selected cells is called a range. A range can contain a block of cells, a
complete column, a complete row or a non-adjacent range. .

A cell A block of cells A complete column A complete row

Selected non-adjacent cells range

A non-adjacent range consists of separate blocks of cells that are selected at the same
time. A selected range is shaded except for the active cell, information appears in that
active cell when you type.

Active cell

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Select a 1. Click the cell B2.

Single Cell Click at the cell that you want to select. The Name box on the left of the formula
bar shows which cell is active.

How to Select a 2. Click the cell B2 and drag to the cell C4.
Range of Cells Cell B2 is the first cell while the cell C4 is the last cell of the selection range.
The range B2:C4 is then highlighted, as shown below.

How to Select a 1. Click the cell B2.

Range Of Cells This is where the selection begins.
Using <Shift>
2. Hold down <Shift>.
Excel marks the cell B2 as the beginning of the selection.

How to select a range

of cells using click
and drag
ƒ Click the first cell and
drag to the last cell.

How to Select a
Range of Cells Using
1. Click the first cell. 3. Click the cell C5.
2. Hold down <Shift>. This is the last cell of the selection. A range of B2:C5 is selected, as shown
3. Click the last cell. below.


ƒ You can also use the

arrow keys (Æ,Å,Ç,
È) to select a range.
Hold down <Shift>
and press arrow key
to select range.

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Excel 2003

How to Select 4. Click the Column B Heading.

the Entire The entire column B is selected, as shown below.


ƒ Click the Column

Heading and drag to
left or right to select
more than one

How to Select 5. Click the Row 3 Heading.

the Entire Row The entire row 3 is selected, as shown below.


ƒ Click the Row

Heading and drag up
or down to select
more than one row.

How to Select 6. Click the Select All button.

the Entire The button is located at the upper-left corner of the worksheet where the column
and row headings meet.


ƒ You can also press

<Ctrl>+<A> to select
the entire worksheet.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Select 1. Select the range C2:D4 as the first selected range.
Non-Adjacent The range is selected, as shown below.


How to select Non-

Adjacent Ranges:
1. Select the first range.
2. Hold down <Ctrl>. 2. Hold down <Ctrl>.
3. Select the non- The first selected range remains selected even when you select another range.
adjacent ranges.

How to select multiple 3. Click the range A6:C9 to include another non-adjacent
worksheets: range.
1. Click the first Both the ranges are selected, as shown below.
worksheet tab.
2. Hold down <Ctrl>.
3. Click the worksheet
tabs you want to

How to Select 1. Click the Sheet1 tab.

Multiple Sheet1 is selected.

TIPS 2. Hold down <Ctrl>.

The first selected sheet remains selected if you select subsequent sheet.
ƒ If you want to
deselect the
worksheets, click the 3. Click the Sheet3 tab.
sheet tab that is not Sheet3 is selected while Sheet1 still remains selected.
For the example on
the right, you can
click the Sheet2 as it
is not currently

 2003

Excel 2003

Entering Data into Worksheet

Excel provides different ways to enter and edit data in the cells on worksheet easily and
quickly. The data you enter in the cells is formatted automatically. E.g. When you type a
date 1/1/03 in a cell, Excel format the cell as a date automatically.

How to Enter 1. Click the cell A1.

Text (Label) Into Cell A1 becomes the active cell. You want to enter a text in the active cell.
a Cell
2. Type Jan.
Text appears in cell A1.


ƒ You can also click

Confirm button on
the left of the formula
bar to confirm the
entry. The same cell
remains active if you
click the confirm
3. Press <Enter> to confirm the entry.
button, while pressing You can also press <Tab> to confirm the entry.
<Enter> moves the
active cell down.

How to Edit Cell 1. Click the cell A1.

Contents You are going to edit `Jan’ to `January’ in cell A1.

2. Press <F2>.
The blinking insertion cursor appears at the end of the cell content.

How to enter text into 3. Type uary.

cell: This is to add text after the word `Jan’.
1. Click the cell.
2. Type the text.
3. Press <Enter>.

How to edit the cell

1. Click the cell.
2. Press <F2>.
3. Type the changes.
4. Press <Enter>.
4. Press <Enter>.
The cell is updated.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Edit 1. Click the cell A1.

Contents Using You are going to change `January’ to `Report for January’.
Formula Bar
2. Move the mouse over the formula bar and click at the
left of the word January.
When you position the mouse pointer over the formula bar, the pointer changes
to a text editor, also know as I-beam, as shown below.

How to edit text using

formula bar
1. Click the cell.
2. Click the contents in
the formula bar.
3. Type the changes.
4. Press <Enter>.
3. Type Report for and press <Enter>.
How to replace the You have just added text before the word `January’. You can use arrow keys to
cell contents move the cursor to the right and the left.
1. Click the cell.
2. Type the new entry.

How to delete the cell

1. Click the cell.
2. Press <Delete>.

How to Replace 1. Click the cell A1.

Contents in a You are going to replace `Report for January’ with `Feb’.
2. Type Feb and press <Enter>.
The text in cell A1 is replaced.

How to Delete 1. Click the cell A1.

Contents in a You are going to delete `Feb’ in cell A1.
2. Press <Delete>.
The content is deleted.

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Excel 2003

How to Undo 1. Click cell A1, type February and press <Enter>.
and Redo The text appears in cell A1. The active cell moves to cell A2.


To Undo, click . 2. Click Undo button on the Standard toolbar.

To Redo, click . Your active cell returns to the cell A1. The previous action, which was typing the
word February in the cell A1, is being reversed. The word `February' is


ƒ If you want to cancel

an entry in a cell or
the formula bar
before you press
<ENTER>, you can
just press <ESC> to 3. Click Redo button on the Standard toolbar.
undo the typing. The action that you undo previously is carried out again. The word February
ƒ You can click the appears again in the cell A1.
Undo button a few
times to undo more
than one previous
ƒ To undo multiple
actions quickly, you
can click the Undo
drop-down arrow to
list the previous
actions. Click at the
action, until which you .
want to undo.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Enter a 1. Click the cell A1.

Number as a You want to enter a number into this cell.
Value into a Cell
2. Type 100 and press <Enter>.
You will see that the value is aligned to right instead of left for label or text.


1. Click the cell.

2. Type the number.
3. Press <Enter>.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Enter a 1. Click the cell B1.

Number as a You want to enter a number as a label into this cell.
Label into a Cell
2. Type ‘200.
The apostrophe is a label prefix that will not appear on the worksheet.


1. Click the cell.

2. Type ' an apostrophe,
then type the number.
3. Press <Enter>. 3. Press <Enter>. Click the cell A2 again.
A SmartTag appears to let you know the cell is formatted as text. You can
convert the text to number if you want.

4. Click the SmartTag drop-down arrow and click Ignore

Error from the list.
The SmartTag indicator disappears, as you have confirmed to ignore it.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Enter 1. Click the cell A3.

Date into a Cell You want to enter a date into this cell.

2. Type 6/20/01.
If the date aligned to left, your computer date is probably set to DD/MM/YY
instead of MM/DD/YY. You should then enter the date as 20/6/01 or change the
date format in your control panel.

1. Click the cell.

2. Type the date with
slash (/) as the

TIPS 3. Press <Enter>.

ƒ A date is a value. The date format changes automatically, as shown below:
That is why it aligns
to the right.
ƒ If you want to change
the date format, click
Start >> Control
Panel >> Regional &
Language Options.
Click Regional
Options tab and click
the Customize
button. Click Date tab
and change the Short
Date format.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Use 1. In the cell A3, type Jan.

AutoFill to Enter This is the first cell that you want to enter the series of data.
2. Place the mouse pointer to the AutoFill Handle.
The pointer changes to a + sign.

SUMMARY AutoFill Handle

1. Type a data in any
2. Click and drag the
AutoFill Handle.
3. Click and drag to the right to fill the contents until cell
You can also drag down to fill the cells downwards.

ƒ You may want to try

January, Mon,
Monday, 1st Qtr or
1st Quarter.

The cells are filled, as shown below.

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Excel 2003

How to Use 4. Click the AutoFill Options.

AutoFill Options The options list appears, as shown below.


1. Click the AutoFill

2. Click the option from
the list.

5. Click the Copy Cells option from the list.

The AutoFill copies the cell content instead of fill the data series, as shown

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Use 1. In the cell A4, type 1. In the cell B4, type 2.
AutoFill to Enter You need to enter data in the first and second cells.
Numbers 2. Select both of the cells A4 and B4.
To highlight the cells, click and drag from the center of cell A4 and drag to cell

3. Move the mouse pointer to the AutoFill Handle

The pointer changes to a + sign.

1. Type the first and

second numbers in
the cells.
2. Select both cells.
3. Click and drag from
the AutoFill handle
of the selection.

4. Click and drag to the right to fill the contents until cell
The subsequent cells are filled with a series of numbers, as shown below.
ƒ You may try even
numbers (2 and 4),
odd numbers (1 and
3) or 0 and 5.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Save a 1. From the menu, click File >> Save As.
Workbook for The Save As dialog box appears.
the First Time


How to save a
1. Click File >> Save.
2. Type the file name.
3. Click the Save button.

How to save another

copy of the Workbook
1. Click File >> Save
2. Type the file name.
3. Click the Save button.
2. In the File name box, type Excel Training.
Excel has already entered a placeholder name in the File name box before you
type your own file name. Since the name is highlighted. You just need to type in
TIPS the new file name to overwrite it without having to click in the box.

ƒ You can also use

Save button to save
the file.

3. Click the Save button.

The file is saved in the default folder My Documents folder.

How to Save 1. From the menu, click File >> Save As.
Another Copy The Save As Dialog Box appears.
Using `Save As’
2. You can type in another file name, select a new folder
or new file type.
3. Click the Save button.
ƒ Use Save As Another copy of the file is created.
command if you
would like to save an
existing workbook
with a new file name,
or to save it in
another folder or to
save it in a different
file format.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Close 1. From the menu, click File >> Close.

the Current Excel prompts to ask if you want to save the changes you made if you have
made any changes that you have not saved.


1. Click File >> Close.

2. Click the Yes button.
2. Click the Yes button.
Only if you want to save the changes before closing the workbook.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Open a 1. From the menu, click File >> Open.

Workbook The Open Dialog Box appears, as shown below.


1. Click File >> Open.

2. In the Look in box,
select the drive or
folder that contains
the file you want to
3. Double-click the file
You can click the file
name, and then click
the Open button.
2. In the Look in box, select the drive or folder that
contains the file you want to open.
This is necessary only if the workbook is saved in another folder.

ƒ You can use the

shortcut key
<Ctrl>+<O> to open
a workbook.

ƒ You can also click the

Open drop-down
button to select if you
want to open as read-
only, open as a copy,
open in browser or
open and repair.

3. Double-click at the file name Excel Training.

This is the workbook you saved previously.

How to Exit 4. From the menu, click File >> Exit.

Excel 2003 Excel will prompt you to save your file before exit the application if you have not
save the existing files.


Click File >> Exit.

 2003

Performing Objectives:
When you have completed these
lessons, you will be able to:

Calculations Understand formulas

Use simple calculations
Use AutoSum to add
Apply Absolute and Relative References
Create formula with functions
Use AutoCalculate and Labels

 2003

Excel 2003

Using Simple Formula

Formula helps you to calculate and analyze data on your worksheet. Formula contains
operands and operators as illustrated below.


Operand Operand

Operand Example
Constant value 2
Cell reference A1
Range reference A1:B2
Label Jan Sales
Range name Revenue
Function Sum(A1:B4)

Operators: Symbols
Addition +
Subtraction -
Multiplication *
Division /
Percent %
Exponential ^

Microsoft Excel syntax, includes an equal sign (=) followed by the operands and the
operators like
= A1 - B6
=3 * A5
=Sales / Months
=5 ^ 4

 2003

Excel 2003

The order of the elements in a formula determines the final result of the calculation.
Excel performs the operations from left to right according to the order of operator

Operator precedence

Operator Description
: (colon) Reference operators
(single space)
, (comma)
– Negation (as in –1)
% Percent
^ Exponentiation
* and / Multiplication and division
+ and – Addition and subtraction
& Connects two strings of text (concatenation)
= < > <= >= <> Comparison

For example:
equals 8
Not 10 because Excel calculates multiplication before addition.

You can control the order of calculation by using parentheses to group operations that
should be performed first.

For example:
= (2 + 3) * 2
equals 10

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Enter a 1. Click the cell B5.

Formula Using You want to enter a formula in this cell.
2. Type =B2+B3+B4.
The formula always starts with = (equal sign) as illustrated below.


1. Click the cell that you

want to place the
2. Type = (equal sign)
and the formula.
3. Press <Enter>.

3. Press <Enter>.
The total is calculated. If you click at the cell B5, the formula appears in the
formula bar.

How to Enter a 1. Click the cell B5.

Cell or a Range You want to enter a formula in this cell.
Reference Using
Mouse 2. Type =, click B2, type +, click B3, type +, click B4.
The formula appears, as shown below.


1. Click the cell that you

want to place the
2. Type = (equal sign)
and use the mouse to 3. Press <Enter>.
click at the cell or The total is calculated.
range references.
3. Press <Enter>.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Use 1. Click the cell B5.

AutoSum to You want to calculate the contents in the cells above the active cell.
Calculate Total
Quickly 2. Click AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar.
The formula is created automatically. Excel adds the number above the active
cell. If no number is found above the active cell, the numbers on the left of the
active cell are added up. The formula appears, as shown below.


1. Click the cell that you

want to place the
2. Click .
3. Press <Enter>.

3. Press <Enter>.
The total is calculated.

1) If the active cell is not located at the

bottom or on the right of a list of
numbers. You can still use the AutoSum
button to calculate the total.
Click at the cell and click the AutoSum
button. Formula appears as displayed
on the right.

2) Click to select the cells to be


3) Press <Enter> to get the total.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Use By default, when a formula is created, references to cells or

Relative ranges are usually based on their position relative to the cell
References that contains the formula.

When you copy the formula, Excel will automatically paste

the adjusted references in the destination cells relative to the
position of the formula. Before you begin, type in the data for
SUMMARY Feb column, as shown below.
1. Click the cell that
contains the formula
you want to copy.
1. Click the cell B5.
You are going to copy the formula =SUM(B2:B4) in cell B5 to cell C5.
2. Use AutoFill or Copy
command to copy the
formula to another
2. Drag the AutoFill Handle to the right to fill the cell C5
3. The destination cell with the formula.
contains references AutoFill Handle is the small dot at the lower-right corner of the active cell B5.
that are relative to the
source formula.


ƒ If you drag the

AutoFill Handle down
or copy the formula
down, the range
reference B2:B4 The formula is copied from cell B5 to cell C5.
changes to B3:B5.
This means the row
number changes,
while the column
letter remains

3. Click the cell C5 to see the formula =SUM(C2:C4).

The range reference B2:B4 changes to C2:C4 when the formula is copied to the
right. Since you drag the AutoFill to the right, the column letter changes
relatively to the right but row number remains unchanged.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Use Use absolute references if you do not want Excel to adjust
Absolute the references in the formula when copying a formula to
References another cell.

Before you begin, type in the Sales column and the Unit
Price, as shown below. The formula in cell C2 is =B2*B7.
When you copy the formula to cell C3 using AutoFill, the
SUMMARY formula changes from =B2*B7 to =B3*B8. However, you do
1. Click the cell that not want B7 to change to B8 because the unit price is stored
contains the formula. in cell B7. So, you need to set the cell reference B7 as an
2. Edit the formula by
adding dollar signs
absolute reference. This prevents the cell reference from
`$' to the cell changing when you paste the formula to another cell. To set
reference you want to the cell reference as an absolute reference, add dollar signs
set as an absolute
reference. ($) in the cell reference.

1. Click the cell C2.

You are going to copy the formula =B2*B7 to C3:C5.

2. Click the AutoFill Handle at cell C2 and drag to fill

This is to find the sales for Mary, Steve and Total. You will get wrong results as
shown below.

3. Click the cell C3 to see the formula.

The formula is =B3*B8, which is a relative reference of =B2*B7 in cell C2.
However, the correct formula should be =B3*B7 instead.

 2003

Excel 2003

4. Click the cell C2 again. Change the formula in cell C2

by adding dollar signs ($) to the cell reference B7. The
new formula should be =B2*$B$7.
This is to set the cell B7 to become an absolute reference. You can change the
ƒ You may press <F4> formula in the formula bar.
function key to apply
$ to B7 instead of
typing the dollar sign
($) manually in the
formula bar. Click at
B7 in the formula bar
and press <F4>.

ƒ If you press <F4> to

apply $, it will first
change B7 to $B$7. If
you press <F4>
again, it changes to
B$7 and then to $B7
and finally back to
B7. 5. Click and drag the AutoFill handle down to cell C5.
The sales are recalculated.
ƒ $B sets the column B
to be absolute.

ƒ $7 sets the row 7 to

be absolute.

Click at cell C3, the formula appears to be =B3*$B$7. The cell reference B7
(absolute reference) remains unchanged while cell reference B2 (relative
reference) changes to B3.

 2003

Excel 2003

Using Simple Functions

Functions are used to simplify and shorten formula. Functions are predefined formulas
that perform calculations with specific input (arguments) in a particular structure.

For example:


could be replaced using functions as below:

Equal sign

Comma separators arguments
Function name

A function begins with the function name, followed by an opening parenthesis, the
arguments (multiple arguments are separated using commas), and ends with a closing

An Equal sign = is used if the function is at the beginning of a formula.

Arguments can also be constants, formulas, or functions.

For Example:
The SUM function adds up the values found within the parentheses.
=SUM(1,4,7) equals 12

 2003

Excel 2003

Other commonly used functions are shown in the following table.

Function Name Description Result

MAX() Find the largest number from the =MAX(20,25,15)
arguments Result: 25
MIN() Find the smallest number from the =MIN(20,25,15)
arguments Result: 15
AVERAGE() Find the average for the arguments =AVERAGE(20,25,15)
Result: 15
COUNT() Counts number of cells that contains =COUNT(1,4,B,3,20)
number from the arguments Result: 4
COUNTA() Counts number of cells that are not =COUNTA(1,4,B,3,20)
empty from the arguments Result: 5

Some functions do not need an argument in the parenthesis.

Function Name Description Result

Today() Returns current date =Today()
Result: 9/4/03
Now() Returns current date and time =Now()
Result: 9/4/03 12:20

 2003

Excel 2003

Managing Objectives:
When you have completed these
lessons, you will be able to:

Worksheet Move and copy data on worksheets

and Insert and delete cells on worksheets

Rename worksheet

Add and organize worksheets
Copy and delete worksheets
Hide and unhide a worksheet

Information Hide and unhide a workbook

Format worksheet tab
Add worksheet background

 2003

Excel 2003

Managing Worksheet Information

Excel provides simple and easy ways to let you reorganized the data or the information
on your worksheets. You can move or copy the cells to another location. You can also
add or delete cells, rows or columns on your worksheets.

How to Move 1. Select the range A1:C4.

Information You wish to move the selected range to A6.
Using Cut and


1. Select the cells.

2. Click Cut button on the Standard toolbar.
The selected range is cut and stored on the clipboard.
2. Click .
3. Click the destination
cell. 3. Click cell A6.
This is to specify where you want to paste the selected range.
4. Click .


ƒ If you can’t find the

button on the toolbar,
click on the far
right end of the
toolbar to expand the

ƒ You can also use the

shortcut key to cut
and paste.
4. Click Paste button on the Standard toolbar.
The selected range is pasted in the destination, as illustrated below.
To cut cells:
Press <Ctrl>+<X>.
To paste cells:
Press <Ctrl>+<V>.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Move 1. Select the range A1:C4.

Information You wish to move the selected range to cell A6. If you have moved the range to
cell A6 in previous lesson. You can either undo the previous actions or move
Using Drag and the table back to the cell A1.
2. Place your mouse pointer at the thick outline of the
highlighted range.
The mouse pointer changes to an arrow as shown below.


1. Select the cells.

2. Place your mouse
pointer at the thick
outline of the
highlighted range.
3. Click and drag the
range to the
4. Release the mouse
button. 3. Click and drag the range to the destination.
A gray outline appears to indicate the new location.

4. Release the mouse button to drop the cells.

The selected range moves to the new location.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Copy 1. Select the range A1:C4.

Information You wish to move the selected range to A6. If you have moved the range to cell
A6 in previous lesson. You can either undo the previous actions or move the
Using Copy and table back to the cell A1.
2. Click Copy button on the Standard toolbar.
The selected range is copied onto the clipboard.


1. Select the cells.

2. Click .
3. Click the destination
4. Click .

3. Click the cell A6.
This is to specify where you want to paste the selected range.
You can also use the
shortcut key to copy
and paste.
To copy cells
Press <Ctrl>+<C>.
To paste cells
Press <Ctrl>+<V>.

4. Click Paste button on the Standard toolbar.

The selected range is pasted as shown below. The paste option appears at the
lower-right corner of the pasted range.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Use 1. Click Paste Options.

Paste Options A list of paste options appears as shown below.


1. Click Paste
2. Click the paste option
you want from the list.


ƒ The cell A6 shows 0

(zero) because it
contains a formula
2. Click Link Cells option from the list.
The destination table is linked to the original table. If you change the data in the
referring to cell A1,
original table, the data in the destination table changes as well. You can see
which is empty. You
that the destination table cells contain formulas referring to the original table.
can delete the
For example, the cell C9 is linked to cell C4.
formula in cell A6 to
remove the 0.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Copy 1. Select the range A1:C4.

Information You wish to move the selected range to A6.
Using Drag
and Drop 2. Place your mouse pointer at the thick outline of the
highlighted range.
The mouse pointer changes to an arrow as illustrated.


1. Select the range.

2. Place mouse at the
thick outline of the
highlighted range.
3. Click and drag the
range to the
3. Click and drag the range to the destination.
A gray outline appears to indicate the new location.
4. Hold down <Ctrl>.
5. Release the mouse
button. 4. Hold down the <CTRL> key, before you release the
mouse to drop the cells.
A plus sign is shown on the upper-right corner of the arrow as illustrated. Hold
down <Ctrl> key is to copy the selected range instead of moving it.

5. Release the mouse button to drop the cells.

The selected range is copied to the new location.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Insert 1. Click the row 3 heading to select the entire row.
a New Row You wish to insert a new row above row 3.

2. Right-click the highlighted area.

A shortcut menu appears.


1. Select the row, above

which you want to
insert a row.
2. Right-click the
highlighted area.
3. Click Insert.


ƒ To quickly open the

shortcut menu, you
can right-click on the
row 3 heading.

3. Click Insert from the shortcut menu.

A new row is inserted above the selected row as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Insert 1. Select the rows 5 and 6.

Multiple Rows If you select 2 rows, you will insert 2 rows.


1. Select the rows,

above which you
want to insert the
2. Click Insert >>
2. From the menu, click Insert >> Rows.
The Rows command is enabled if you have selected the rows. The rows are
inserted above the selected rows.

ƒ The number of rows

you insert depends
on the number of
rows you have

ƒ You can also right-

click the highlighted
range to display the
shortcut menu. Then,
click Insert from the
shortcut menu.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to 1. Select the rows 5 and 6.

Delete Rows You want to delete the selected rows. Click the row headings to select the rows.

2. Right-click the selected area.

A shortcut menu appears.


1. Select the rows you

want to delete.
2. Right-click at the
selected area.
3. Click Delete.

3. Click Delete from the shortcut menu.

The selected rows are deleted.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Insert 1. Select the column B.

a New Column You want to insert a new column on the left of column B. To select the entire
column B, click the column B heading.

2. Right-click the highlighted area.

A shortcut menu appears.

1. Select the column

where you want to
insert a column.
2. Right-click at the
selected area.
3. Click Insert.

3. Click Insert from the shortcut menu.

A new column is inserted.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Insert 1. Select the column D and E.

Multiple You want to insert 2 new columns on the left of Feb.

2. From the menu, click Insert >> Columns.
1. Select the columns. The Insert Columns command is only available if you have selected a column.
2. Click Insert >> The columns are inserted on the left of the selected columns, as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Delete 1. Select the columns D and E.

Columns You want to delete the selected columns.

2. Right-click the selected area.

A shortcut menu appears.


1. Select the columns

you want to delete.
2. Right-click the
selected area.
3. Click Delete.

3. Click Delete from the shortcut menu.

The selected columns are deleted.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Insert 1. Right-click the cell B2.

a Cell You want to insert a blank cell at cell B2. A shortcut menu appears.

2. Click Insert from the shortcut menu.

The Insert dialog box appears.


1. Right-click the cell.

2. Click Insert.
3. Click the option you
4. Click the OK button.

3. Click the Shift cells down option button.

This will move the existing cells down.

4. Click the OK button.

A cell is inserted as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

Managing Workbook Information

Whenever you create a new workbook, Excel creates 3 worksheets by default, namely
Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3 in the new workbook.

If you want, you can change the default number of worksheets created in a new
1. From the menu, click Tools >> Options.
2. Click the General tab.
3. In the Sheets in new workbook box, enter the number of worksheets you want.
4. Click the OK button.

You can also manage and organize your worksheets after the workbook is created. You
can add new worksheets; delete existing worksheets; change worksheets' name; and
move or copy the worksheets.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Rename 1. Double-click the Sheet1 tab.

Worksheet You want to rename the worksheet. The sheet name is highlighted when you
double-click on it.


1. Double-click the 2. Type Jan.

sheet tab you want to The `Sheet1' is replaced by ‘Jan’.
2. Type the new
worksheet name.
3. Press <Enter>.
3. Press <Enter>.
The worksheet name changes to Jan.


ƒ You can also right-

click at the sheet tab
and click Rename
from the shortcut
menu to rename a

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Add New 4. Right-click the Jan sheet tab.

Worksheet You want to insert a new sheet on the left on Jan sheet.


1. Right-click the sheet

tab, where you want
to insert a new sheet.
2. Click Insert from the
shortcut menu.
3. Click the Worksheet
4. Click the OK button.

5. Click Insert from the shortcut menu.

TIPS An Insert dialog box appears.

ƒ You can also use the

menu to insert a 6. Click the Worksheet icon and click the OK button.
worksheet. From the A new sheet name Sheet4 is inserted on the left of Jan sheet as illustrated
menu, click Insert >> below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to 1. Click and drag the Sheet4 tab to the right along the
Rearrange row of sheet tabs to the right of Jan tab.
Worksheet You want to move the Sheet4 to the right of Jan sheet. The small arrow
indicates the new location of the sheet as shown below.

ƒ Click and drag the
worksheet tab to the
left or right along the
2. Release the mouse button.
The sheet moves to the right of the Jan tab.
sheet tabs.

How to Copy 1. Hold down the <Ctrl> key.

Worksheet This is to copy instead of moving the sheet.

2. Click and drag the Jan tab to the right along the row of
sheet tabs.
You want to copy the Jan sheet to the right of Sheet4. You can see that a small
TIPS arrow appears on the upper right of Sheet4 tab as shown below. A plus sign
appears in the mouse pointer, indicating that you are copying the worksheet.
ƒ If you want to copy
the sheet to another
workbook, right-click
the Worksheet tab,
click move or copy
command. Select the
destination workbook
from the to Book list
box. (The destination 3. Release the mouse button on the right of Sheet4 tab.
workbook must be Another copy of Jan sheet is created on the right of Sheet4 tab. The new
opened before you worksheet will be named after the source worksheet with a number behind it as
copy the worksheet). shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Format 1. Right-click the Jan worksheet tab.

Worksheet Tab You want to change the Jan tab color.


1. Right-click the
worksheet tab, for
which you want to
change color.
2. Click Format >>
Sheet >> Tab Color.
3. Click the color you
4. Click the OK button.

2. Click Tab Color.

The Format Tab Color dialog box appears.

ƒ You can also use the

menu to change the
3. Click Red.
You can select another color if you want.
tab color.
From the menu, click
Format >> Sheet >>
Tab Color.

4. Click the OK button.

A red underline appears in Jan sheet tab when the worksheet is still selected.

If you click at another sheet tab, the Jan sheet tab appears in red, as shown

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Add 1. Click the Sheet 4 tab to select sheet 4.

Worksheet You want to change the background of the worksheet.
2. From the menu, click Format >> Sheet >> Background.
The Sheet Background dialog box appears.

3. In the Look in box, select Windows folder. Scroll to

SUMMARY select the Feather Texture.bmp.
Depending on your windows setup, you may not find Feather Texture.bmp in
1. Select the worksheet,
your Windows folder. Look for any other image file you can find in your
for which you want to
change the
2. Click Format >>
Sheet >>
3. Select the image you
4. Click Insert.


ƒ To remove the
From the menu, click
Format >> Sheet >>
Delete Background.

4. Click the Insert button.

The image appears as the background of the worksheet.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Delete 1. Right-click the Sheet3 tab.

Worksheet You want to delete Sheet3. The shortcut menu appears.


1. Right-click the sheet

2. Click Delete from the
shortcut menu.
3. Click the OK button.

2. Click Delete from the shortcut menu.

Excel will prompt you to confirm the deletion if the worksheet contains data.
Else, the worksheet will be deleted immediately.

3. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

The selected worksheet is deleted.

 2003

Formatting Objectives:
When you have completed these
lessons, you will be able to:

Worksheet Adjust column width and row height

Hide / unhide rows and columns
Freeze panes
Split worksheet in panes
Format cells background and border
Change font and font size
Bold, Italic and underline
Align data in a cell
Merge cells and center data
Change number to percentage
Increase and decrease decimal points
Copy format using format painter
Double underline using menu option
Align vertically
Change text orientation
Wrap text in a cell
Format numbers
Format date
Change cell background color
Add outline border
Add double line border
Format table using AutoFormat

 2003

Excel 2003

Adjusting Column Width / Row Height

The column width and the row height of the worksheet could be modified to display the
worksheet appearance. The row height is adjusted automatically when you change the
size of the cell content. You can also adjust the appearance manually with the mouse or
the menu options.

Adjusted column width


 2003

Excel 2003

How to Adjust 1. Position your mouse pointer at the boundary on the

Column Width right of the Column D heading.
Using Mouse This is to adjust the column D width. The pointer is changed to a double-headed
arrow, as shown below.


1. Position your mouse

pointer at the
boundary on the right
of the column
heading of which you 2. Click and drag to the width you want.
want to adjust the The new column width appears when you drag the boundary.
2. Click and drag to the
width you want.


ƒ To AutoFit the width

of a column
- double-click at the
right boundary of the
column heading
- select the column, 3. Release the mouse button.
then click Format >> The column width is adjusted as shown below.
Column >> AutoFit

ƒ To adjust a few
columns' width at
the same time,
select the columns
you want, and then
drag any column-
heading boundary
within the selection.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Adjust 1. Select the Column B and Column C.

Column Width Click and drag the column heading B and C to select the columns.
Using Menu


1. Select the column, for

which you want to
adjust the width.
2. Click Format >> 2. From the menu, click Format >> Column >> Width. In
Column >> Width. the Column width box, type 6.
3. In the Column width
A Column Width dialog box appears, as shown below.
box, type the new
width you want.
4. Click the OK button.

3. Click the OK button.

The width of the selected columns is adjusted.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Adjust 1. Position your mouse pointer at the boundary below

Row Height the Row 2 heading.
Using Mouse This is to adjust the row 2 height. The pointer changes to a double-headed
arrow, as shown below.


1. Position your mouse

pointer at the
boundary below row
heading of which you
want to adjust the 2. Click and drag to the height you want.
height. The new row height appears near the mouse pointer when you drag the
2. Click and drag to the boundary.
height you want.


ƒ To AutoFit the
height of a row
- double-click at the
boundary below the
row heading
- select the row, then
click Format >>
Row >> AutoFit.

ƒ To adjust a few
rows' height at the
same time, select the
rows you want, and
then drag any row-
heading boundary
within the selection.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Adjust 1. Select the row 2.

Row Height Click the row 2 heading.
Using Menu


1. Select the row.

2. Click Format >>
Row >> Height.
3. In the Row height
box, type the new 2. From the menu, click Format >> Row >> Height. In the
height you want.
4. Click the OK button.
Row height box, type 40.
A Row Height dialog box appears, as shown below.

3. Click the OK button.

The row height is adjusted.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Hide / 1. Click cell A4.

Unhide Rows / You want to hide the Mary's data.


To Hide Rows
1. Select the cells in the
rows that you want to
2. Click Format >>
Row >> Hide.
2. From the menu, click Format >> Row >> Hide.
The entire row 4 disappears.
To Hide Columns
1. Select the cells in the
columns that you
want to hide.
2. Click Format >>
Column >> Hide.

To Unhide Rows
1. Select the cells on
either side of the
hidden rows.
2. Click Format >>
Row >> Unhide.
3. Click and drag to select A3:A5.
You need to select the cells on either side of the hidden row or column.
To Unhide Columns
1. Select the cells on
either side of the
hidden columns.
2. Click Format >>
Column >> Unhide.

4. From the menu, click Format >> Row >> Unhide.

Row 4 appears, as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Freeze a 1. Click cell B3.

Column / a Row You want to freeze column A and row 2, so that when you scroll your screen, the
sales person names and the column titles remain on your screen.


To Freeze Panes
1. Click the cell to the
right of the columns
you want to freeze,
or/and below the rows
you want to freeze.
2. Click Window >>
Freeze Panes.
2. From the menu, click Window >> Freeze Panes.
You can see that black lines appear on the left and above the active cell.
To Unfreeze Panes
1. Click Window >>
Unfreeze Panes.


ƒ You will only see the

Unfreeze Panes
command after
freezing panes. 3. Scroll down you screen.
The column titles remain on your screen.

4. Scroll to the right.

The sales person names remain on your screen.

5. From the menu, click Window >> Unfreeze Panes.

The freeze panes are removed.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Split a 1. Click cell E8.

Worksheet in The worksheet will split at the position of the active cell E8.


1. Click the cell where

you want to split the
worksheet in panes.
2. Click Window >>
3. Click Window >>
Remove Split to
remove the panes. 2. From the menu, click Window >> Split.
The worksheet window splits into 4 panes, as shown below.


ƒ Splitting worksheet in
panes is useful when
you want to view
different parts of the
data on a large

ƒ You can also remove

split or adjust the
proportions of the
panes by dragging
the separators
between the panes. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bar to scroll to show data in the empty
panes. You can fill the other panes with the data from different parts of the

3. From the menu, click Window >> Remove Split.

The panes are removed.

 2003

Excel 2003

Formatting Cell Using Toolbar

Excel allows you to control the appearance of the cells. This includes the data format,
font, alignment, border, and pattern of the cells.

How to 1. Select the range B2:D2, which you want to change the
Change Font font.
The cells are highlighted.


5. Select the cell, which

you want to change
the font.
6. Click the Font drop-
down arrow on the
Formatting toolbar. 2. Click the Font drop-down arrow on the Formatting
7. Click the font you toolbar.
want from the list. A list of the font types appears.

3. Click Times New Roman from the list.

Note that the font in range B2:D2 has changed.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Change 1. Select the range A3:A5.

Font Size You want to format the sales persons’ names.


How to Bold text:

Click or press

How to Italic text: 2. Click Font Size drop-down arrow on the Formatting
Click or press toolbar.
<Ctrl>+<I> A list of the font sizes appears.

How to Underline text:

Click or press

How to Change Font

drop-down arrow and
click the color you want.

3. Click 12 from the list.

The font size in the range A3:A5 has changed.

How to Bold 1. Click Bold button.

How to Italic 1. Click Italic button.

How to 1. Click Underline button.


 2003

Excel 2003

How to Change 1. Click the Font color drop-down arrow on the

Font Color Formatting toolbar.
The Font Color Palette appears.


ƒ If the formatting
buttons are not visible
on the formatting
toolbar, you can click

at the right of the

formatting toolbar to
show more buttons.
2. Click the Blue color.
The font is formatted as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Align 1. Select the range B2:C2.

Data in a Cell You want to align center the content in the range.


a. Select the range you

want to align.
b. Click the Alignment 2. Click Center button.
button you want on The cell content is aligned to center horizontally.
the Formatting

To align center, click

To align left, click

To align right, click

Alignment Button Description

Align cell content to center.
Align Center
Align cell content to left.
ƒ You can also Align Left
Justify Align the
data in the cell. Align cell content to right.
Select the range. Align Right
From the menu, click
Format >> Cells.
Click the Alignment
tab. Under Text
alignment, in the
Horizontal box, click

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Indent 1. Select the cell D2.

Data in a Cell You want to increase the indent for the content in the cell.


To Increase indent,

2. Click Increase Indent button.
To decrease indent, You can see that the indent in the cell has increased. Click the Increase Indent
button a few times to increase the indent for the cell.
To decrease the indent, click decrease indent button.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Merge 1. Select the range A1:D1.

Cells and Center You want to align the title of the table to the center of the entire table width.


a. Select the cells you

want to merge. 2. Click Merge and Center button.
The selected cells are merged and the title of the table is aligned to the center of
b. Click on the the merged cells.
Formatting toolbar.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Change 1. Select the range D3:D5.

Number to The selected numbers need to be changed to percentage format.


1. Select the cells you

want to change to
2. Click .
2. Click Percentage button.
Numbers are changed to percentage without decimal.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Increase/ 1. Select the range D3:D5.

Decrease Decimal You want increase and decrease the decimal places.


To increase decimal
1. Select the cells you
want to increase
decimal points.
2. Click .

To decrease decimal 2. Click Increase Decimal button twice.

points The numbers changes to 2 decimal points.
1. Select the cells you
want to decrease
decimal points.
2. Click .

3. Click Increase Decimal button.

The decimal numbers changes to 1 decimal point.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Copy 1. Select the cell A3.

Format Using You want to copy the format in the cell A3.
Format Painter


1. Click the cell, for

which you want to
copy the format. 2. Click Format Painter button.
2. Click . The format of the cell A3 is copied and your mouse pointer changes to a format
3. Select the cells, to painter.
which you want to
paste the format.


ƒ You can only paste

3. Click the cell A6 to paste the format.
The format of cell A3 is pasted to cell A6, as shown below. You can also click
the copied format
and drag to paste the format onto a range of cells.
once if you click the
Format Painter button
ƒ If you want to paste
the format you copy
to multiple non-
adjacent cells or
ranges, double-click
the Format Painter
when you copy the
After finish pasting
the format, press
<Esc> to disable the
format painter.

 2003

Excel 2003

Formatting Cell Using Menu Options

You can format the cell using Format Cells dialog box from the menu. From the menu,
click Format >> Cells, the Format Cells dialog box appears as shown below.

Tab Description
Number Specify the format style of the context in a cell.
Alignment Specify text alignment, text control and text orientation.
Font Specify font, font style, font size, font color, font effect and underline.
Border Specify border color and line style.
Patterns Specify the cell pattern and color.
Protection Protect the cell to be locked to avoid changes and formula to be hidden from

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Double 1. Select the range A3:A5.

Underline Using You want to format the text to have double underline instead of one.
Menu Option


1. Select the cell.

2. Click Format >>
2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the Font
3. Click the Font tab. tab.
4. Click Underline drop- The Format cells dialog box appears.
down arrow and click
5. Click the OK button. 3. Click the Underline drop-down arrow, and click Double
from the list.
The single underline is changed to double underline.

4. Click the OK button.

The cells format changes as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Align 1. Select the range B2:C2.

Vertically You want to align the months to the middle of the cell.


1. Select the cell.

2. Click Format >>
3. Click the Alignment
2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the
4. Click the Vertical Alignment tab.
drop-down arrow and The Format Cell dialog box appears.
click Center.
5. Click the OK button.
3. Click the Vertical drop-down arrow, and click Center.
You can also try other option, if you want.

4. Click the OK button.

The months align to the middle of the cells.

 2003

Excel 2003

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Change 1. Select the range B2:C2.

Text Orientation You want to change the text orientation.


1. Select the cell.

2. Click Format >>
2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the
3. Click the Alignment Alignment tab.
tab. The Format Cell dialog box appears.
4. In the Degrees box,
type the degrees you
want. 3. In the Degrees box, type 45.
5. Click the OK button. You can also click and drag the red diamond shape using the mouse to change
the degrees.

4. Click the OK button.

The month’s text orientation changes to 45 degrees anti-clock wise.

5. Change the Text Orientation again to 90 degrees anti-

clock wise.
The text orientation of the months changes, as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Wrap 1. In cell A9, type Unit Price in US currency. Then click the
Text in a Cell confirm button on the formula bar.
If you click the confirm button, the active cell remains in cell A9.


1. Select the cell.

2. Click Format >>
2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the
Cells. Alignment tab.
3. Click the Alignment The Format Cell dialog box appears.
4. Under Text control,
click to check the 3. Under Text control, click to check the Wrap text check
Wrap text check box. box.
5. Click the OK button. The Shrink to fit is disabled if the Wrap text is checked.


ƒ If you want the word

`US’ to appear on the
third line, click at the
left of the word `US’
in formula bar and Text control Description
<ALT>+<Enter> to options
insert a line break.
Wrap text Wrap text into multiple lines, depending on
the column width and the length of the cell
contents in a cell.

Shrink to fit Adjust the font size so that all data in a

selected cell fits within the column.

Merge cells Combines two or more selected cells into a

single cell.

4. Click the OK button.

The text wraps within the cell A9.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Format 1. Select the range C3:C6.

Numbers You want to format the numbers to currency.


1. Select the cells.

2. Click Format >>
3. Click the Number
4. In the Category box
click Currency from
the list.
2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the Number
5. Click the OK button. tab.
The Format Cell dialog box appears.

3. In the Category box, click Currency from the list.
The details options for the category appear on the right. Change the options if
ƒ If the cell displays necessary.
####### as shown

you need to enlarge

the column width in
order to see the cell
4. Click the OK button.
The numbers changes to currency. Note: The column is too small to display the
contents. You need to enlarge the column width to show the contents, as shown

 2003

Excel 2003

How to 1. In the cell B10, type Report Date and in the cell C10,
Format Date type 9/20/03.
The cell changes to a date format automatically.

2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the Number
1. Select the cell that tab.
contains a date. The Format Cell dialog box appears.
2. Click Format >>
3. Click the Number
3. In the Category box, click Date. In the Type box, click
4. In Category box, 14-Mar-01 formats.
click Date. You can see that the preview of the data appears in the Sample area.
5. In the Type box, click
the format you want.
6. Click the OK button.

4. Click the OK button.

The date format changes, as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Change 1. Select the range A6:C6.

Cell Background You want to change the cells background color to yellow.

2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the Pattern
1. Select the cell. The Format Cells dialog box appears.
2. Click Format >>
3. Click the Pattern tab. 3. Under Color, click Yellow from the color palette.
4. Under Color, click the You may choose the pattern if you want.
color you want.
5. Click the OK button.

4. Click the OK button.

The cells background changes to yellow.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Add 1. Select the range A2:D6.

Outline Border You want to draw an outline for the selected range.


1. Select the cell.

2. Click Format >>
3. Click the Borders
4. In the Line Style box,
2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the Borders
click the line style you tab.
want. The Format Cells dialog box appears.
5. Under Presets or the
Border area, draw
the border using the 3. In the Line Style box, click the thick line style. Click the
buttons available. Color drop-down arrow, select blue. Under Presents,
6. Click the OK button.
click the Outline button.
The selected options appear as shown below.


ƒ If you want to remove

all the borders, under
Presets, click the
None button.

4. Click the OK button.

An outline is added to the selected range.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Add 1. Select the range A3:D3.

Double Line You want to draw a double border above the selection.


1. Select the cell.

2. Click Format >>
Cells. 2. From the menu, click Format >> Cells. Click the Border
3. Click the Borders tab.
The Format Cells dialog box appears.
4. In the Line Style box,
click the Double Line
5. Under the Presets or
3. In the Line Style box, click Double Line style. Under
Border area, draw the Border, click Top Border button.
border using the The border settings are as shown below.
buttons available.
6. Click the OK button.


ƒ To remove the
border, click the
Border button again.

4. Click the OK button.

A double borderline appears above the selection.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Format 1. Select the table range A1:D6.

Table Using You want to apply a predefine table format at the selected table.


1. Select the table

2. Click Format >>
3. Click the table style
you want.
2. From the menu, click Format >> AutoFormat. Click the
4. Click the OK button.
Classic 2 table style.
The AutoFormat dialog box appears.

3. Click the OK button.

The Classic 2 style is applied to the selected table.

 2003

Setting Up Objectives:
When you have completed these
lessons, you will be able to:

Page and Insert and remove page break

Print Set print area

Setup Page Orientation
Change scaling and paper size
Control page margins
Align to center of page
Add header and footer
Preview the worksheet
Print active sheets
Print selected cells
Print charts

 2003

Excel 2003

Setting Up Page
Page formatting allows you to control features that will affect the entire page such as
page orientation, the scaling, paper size, page margins, header and footer of the
page etc. Your settings are applicable to the worksheet where you set the page

Left Margin Top Margin

Right Margin


Bottom Margin Footer


Page Orientation: Portrait Page Orientation: Landscape

Scaling: 150% of original.
Alignment: Center on page
Vertically and Horizontally

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Insert 1. Click cell A8.

and Remove This is where you want to insert the page break.
Page Break


To Insert a Page
1. Click the cell, above
which you want to
insert a page break.
2. Insert >> Page

To Remove a Page
2. From the menu, click Insert >> Page Break.
A page break indicator (dashed line) appears above the active cell. If you print
1. Click the cell, which is or preview the page, you will find that the first table is printed on the first page,
below or on the right while the second table is printed on the second page.
of the page break you
want to remove.
2. Insert >> Remove
Page Break.

3. Click cell A8.

You want to remove the page break. To remove a page break, you need to click
at the cell below or on the right of the page break line.

4. From the menu, click Insert >> Remove Page Break.

The page break is removed.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Set and 1. Select the range A2:B6.

Clear Print Area You want to set this range as the print area. Whenever you print your
worksheet, only the contents in the print area will be printed.


To Set Print Area

1. Select the range,
which you want to set
as the Print Area.
2. Click File >> Print
Area >> Set Print

To Clear Print Area

1. Click File >> Print
Area >> Clear Print
Area 2. From the menu, click File >> Print Area >> Set Print
A dashed outline appears around the Print Area, as shown below

ƒ If you want to set print

area, which is non-
adjacent, press
<Ctrl> while selecting
the cells.

Click the print preview button to preview the printout. Only the cells in the print
area would be printed.

3. From the menu, click File >> Print Area >> Clear Print
If you do not set a print area, the entire worksheet will be printed.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Change 1. From the menu, click File >> Page Setup. Click the Page
Page Orientation tab.
The Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below.

2. Under Orientation, click the Landscape option.

The default orientation is portrait.

1. Click File >> Page

2. Click the Page tab.
3. Under Orientation,
click the option you
4. Click the OK button.


ƒ You will not be able to

preview your
worksheet if you have
not setup your printer.

3. Click the OK button.

The orientation of the page is set to landscape (horizontal).

How to Change 1. From the menu, click File >> Page Setup. Click the Page
Scaling tab.
Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below.

2. Under Scaling, in the Adjust to box, type 150.

You can click the up arrow in the box to increase the number.

1. Click File >> Page

2. Click the Page tab.
3. Under Scaling, in the
Adjust to box, enter
the percentage.
4. Click the OK button.
3. Click the OK button.
The size of the printout on the worksheet increases.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Change 1. From the menu, click File >> Page Setup. Click the Page
Paper Size tab.
Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below.

2. Click the Paper size drop-down arrow. Click the paper

size you want from the list.
SUMMARY The number of paper size appears in the list depends on the printer you are
1. Click File >> Page
2. Click the Page tab.
3. Click the Paper Size
drop-down arrow, and
then click the paper
size from the list.
4. Click the OK button.

3. Click the OK button.

The paper size changes.

How to Change 1. From the menu, click File >> Page Setup. Click the
Page Margin Margins tab.
Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below.

2. In the Top, Left, Right and Bottom boxes, type the

margin you want to change.
SUMMARY The margin is in inch in this example.
1. Click File >> Page
2. Click the Margins
3. In the Top, Left,
Right and Bottom
boxes, type the
margin you want to
4. Click the OK button.

3. Click the OK button.

The margin is set.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Align to 1. From the menu, click File >> Page Setup. Click the
Center Of Page Margins tab.
The Page Setup dialog box appears, as shown below.


1. Click File >> Page

2. Click the Margin tab.
3. Under Center on
page, click to select
Horizontally and
Vertically check
4. Click the OK button.

2. Under Center on page, click Horizontally and Vertically

check boxes options.
This is to set the content to the center of the page.

3. Click the OK button.

The content appears in the middle of the printout.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Add 1. From the menu, click File >> Page Setup. Click the
Header / Footer Header/Footer tab.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.

2. Click the Custom Header button.

If you want to change the footer, click Custom Footer button.

1. Click File >> Page

2. Click the
Header/Footer tab.
3. Click the Custom
Header or Custom
Footer button.
4. Type in the text or
use the buttons to
insert self-updated
5. Click the OK button.

3. In the Left section box, type Microsoft Training. Click

the Right section box and then click Date button to
insert the current date.
The header is set as shown below.

 2003

Excel 2003

1. Click the OK button.

The header dialog box closes and the contents in the header appear in the Page
Setup dialog box, as shown below. Your date is different from the illustration as it
TIPS shows the current date.

ƒ If you want to display

page numbering in
e.g. Page 1 of 6
format. Type Page
&[Page] of &[Pages]

ƒ If you want to start

page numbering other Other buttons to customize the header and footer:
than 1, use
Button Functions Syntax
E.g. Number 3 is
display if you use Format Text
Insert Page Numbering &[Page]

Insert Total Page Number &[Pages]

Insert Current Date &[Date]

Insert Current Time &[Time]

Insert File Path &[Path]&[File]

Insert Current File Name &[File]

Insert Current Worksheet Name &[Tab]

Insert Picture &[Picture]

Format Picture

 2003

Excel 2003

Previewing and Printing

To get a better idea of how your worksheet will look like when you print it, Excel provides
you with a Print Preview mode. The Print Preview mode allows you to view your
worksheet as a reduced image of how it will print. Print Preview is the most accurate way
of displaying your worksheet and is useful to check if any obvious layout changes are
necessary before printing it.

You can select what you want to print from the worksheets: print the whole worksheet,
all active worksheets, only the selected range or only the chart as shown below.

Print whole worksheet Print selected range Print the chart

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Print 1. From the menu, click File >> Print Preview.
Preview Print Preview window appears.


1. Click File >>

Print Preview.
2. Click the Close
button to exit the


ƒ You can also click

Preview button
to go into Print
Preview mode.

Use the command buttons in the Print Preview window to

carry out more actions.

Button Action
Next Display the next page
Previous Displays the previous page
Zoom Enlarge / reduce the content in the preview
Print Print the current selection with printing
Setup Setup the page
Margins Display or hides margin handles
Page Break Display page break preview for you to adjust
Preview the page break
Normal View Display in normal view
Close Close the print preview window

2. Click the Close button.

The preview window closes and returns to the worksheet.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Print 1. Select the sheet that you want to print

Active Sheets Click at the sheet tab. To select multiple sheets, hold down the <Ctrl> and click
the worksheets tab for the worksheets you want to print.

2. From the menu, click File >> Print.

Print dialog box appears.

1. Select the sheets you

3. Under Print What, click the Active sheet(s) option
want to print. button.
2. Click File >> This is the default setting.
3. Under Print What,
click to select the
Active sheet(s)
4. Click the OK button.

4. Click the OK button.

All the selected sheets are sent to print.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Print 1. Select the range A2:B6.

Selected Cells To select multiple ranges, hold down the <Ctrl> and select subsequent ranges.


1. Select the cells that

you want to print.
2. Click File >>
3. Under Print What,
click Selection option
button. 2. From the menu, click File >> Print.
4. Click the OK button. The Print dialog box appears.

3. Under Print What, click the Selection option.

Only the selected cells are printed.

4. Click the OK button.

The selected cells are printed.

 2003

Excel 2003

How to Print 5. From the menu, click File >> Print.

Multiple Copies Make sure you are not selecting any chart. The Print dialog box appears.

6. Under Copies, in the Number of copies box, enter 2.

This is to print 2 copies of the selected worksheets.


1. Click File >>

2. Under Copies, in the
Number of copies
box, enter the number
of copies you want to
3. Click the OK button.

7. Click the OK button.

If you check the Collate box0, a complete copy of the document is printed before
the first page of the next copy is printed.

 2003


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