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CASE STUDY: EUROPEAN TOUR OPERATORS Introduction: comment on the recent trends of European Holidaymakers.

2 MARKS 120 WORDS 152 WORDS There have been many changes in the behaviours of European Holidaymakers over the last number of years. We can see this having gone through the information provided in the European Tour Operators: confronting competition in the tourism industry article that there has been a marked change in the recent trends of European holidaymakers. We can see that the European holidaymaker now has the choice to deal with many different channels when making their choices. The traditional channel of the tour operation is now in direct competition with Airlines, who now provided an encompassing service as well as the very popular area of online channels. The online travel agencies such as Expedia have been experiencing growth on an ongoing basis, whilst tour operators were experiencing decline. In general Europeans take more vacations and are inclined to select the option which is both more cost efficient and time efficient for them, the package holiday.

Competitive influences in the macro-environment (PESTAL Model) 8 MARKS 480 WORDS The macro environment is the external, uncontrollable factors that influence judgements made within an organisation/business. Political airport taxes, Economic exchange rates Social income and disposable wages, social trends, population variation Technological ebooking, apps for phones, obsolescence Environmental Legal This provides us with a comprehensive list of influences on the possible success / failure of particular strategies.

The relative importance of the 5 Forces, using Porterss analysis structure. 10 MARKS 600 WORDS -

The threat of entry The threat of substitutes The bargaining power of buyers The bargaining power of suppliers The extent of rivalry between competitors

How might these 5 forces change in the future and how might this impact on TUI Travel 5 MARKS 300 WORDS The possible impact on TUI Travel based around the five forces mentioned above could be very big. As there are continuous changes in both the Tour Operators market and the general holiday market. Each of the five forces could have their own effect

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