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YELLOW CLEARANCE BLACK BOX BLUES Secret Society Missions Computer Phreaks: The Black Box appears to contain

data that The Computer has no access to, which makes it interesting and desirable to us. Obtain it, so that we may study this data. Anti-Mutant: Apparently, this Black Box can give its user a completely new mutant power, called Perfect Pitch. We dont know what it does, but it sounds creepy; burn the box and kill anyone who opens it. FCCC-P: Weve heard rumors that this Black Box contains a demon-virus. Find it and bring it back to us, so that we may present it to Friend Computer and receive Its blessings. Communists: The Box is a propaganda device, painted in black the color of the ancient Anarchists. So powerful are its propaganda abilities, that if we cannot have it, it must be destroyed so that it doesnt fall into the wrong hands. Frankenstein Destroyers: Weve got conclusive proof that the contents of the Black Box contain evidence of Mans superiority over Machine. The servants of The Computer must not be allowed to destroy. Pro-Tech: The Black Box contains humanitys greatest technological achievement: the synthesizer. We must have it! Illuminati: Weve gotten word that Corpore Metal has imprinted their members with some sort of post-hypnotic suggestion, triggered by the words Six Million Credit Man. Please confirm or deny that this is the case by seamlessly inserting the trigger into your everyday speech. Illuminati: R&D will be issuing you some experimental technological mutation simulators for your mission. Obtain the Neurocalculator and use it at every opportunity.

R&D Experimental Technological Mutation Simulators Sensory Enhancer Helmet: Meant to simulate the mutation Hypersenses, the SEH enhances the users hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch. Unfortunately, it does this too well, and can overwhelm the users sensory input, causing them to pass out. Electroshock Gauntlets: Meant to simulate the mutation Electroshock, the Electroshock Gauntlets, once turned on, cannot be turned off, making handling weapons and electronics rather awkward. Omnigestoline-NG Pill: Meant to simulate the mutation Matter Eater, the Omnigestoline-NG Pill does allow the taker to eat anything, for somewhere between one and twelve hours. After that,

the stomach reverts back to normal; in testing this often meant any undigested material ended up killing the user. Manipulatron: Meant to simulate the mutation Super Strength, the Manipulatron does allow the wearer to lift large items. Unfortunately, R&D forgot to include braces for the spine and legs, meaning, while a user can lift one thousand tons, they often end up squished. Experimental Manual Operations Extensor, Mark 26: Meant to simulate the mutation Telekinesis, the Mark 26 is a harness mounting dozens of magnetically controlled wire filaments that can coil tightly or extend to five meters, controlled by the user. Unfortunately, the slightest impulse causes the filaments to fly off in random directions, pick something up, and pull them back to the user. Biofeedback Monitor System: Meant to simulate the mutation Adrenalin Control, the BMS monitors the wearers heart rate and injects him with a cocktail of drugs to aid him in combat. In reality, the monitor is rather finicky and likes to inject the user with drugs during any stressful or annoying situation, such as standing in line, filling out paperwork, or dying. Neurocalculator: Meant to simulate the mutation Deep Thought, the Neurocalculator is meant to provide the wearer with insightful and well thought out answers. In reality, it usually floods the users brain with irreverent trivia, causing them to stand there spouting random facts. Teleportransitron: Meant to simulate the mutation Teleportation, it does indeed work, but the slightest bump causes it to teleport random pieces of clothing, weapons, and body parts. Suggestor Glasses: Meant to simulate the mutation Charm, they actually work, but they are reliant on the wearer getting someone to look into their eyes. Speakers attached to the side of the glasses constantly blare, LOOK INTO MY EYES CITIZEN! YOU ARE NOW GETTING VERY SLEEPY! There is no way to turn the speakers off. Neurofrabulator: Meant to simulate the mutation Telepathy, the Neurofrabulator has two artificially grown telepathic brains attached to it that, in theory, read the surface thoughts of others and then report them to the wearer. The two brains (named Laurel and Hardy) actually hate each other and constantly bicker in the wearers head. If they can be convinced to actually work together, they generally team up on the wearer and threaten to black mail him using his darkest secrets. Autoresponse Imager: Meant to simulate the mutation Polymorphism, the Autoresponse Imager is a belt that has several pre-programmed images that it can project and match to the users movements. Theoretically it has access to any image the wearer can imagine, but it actually only has about ten things it can actually use (couch, warbot, broom, balloon, petbot, chair, door, the Mona Lisa, Bugs Bunny, and a toilet).

Lung/Gill Suit: Meant to simulate the mutation Water Breathing, its a skin tight suit that allows the user to breath underwater. It works perfectly, but theres really nowhere in the Complex to actually test it. Adaptiron: Meant to simulate the mutation Adaptation, its a bulky, mechanical suit meant to allow the wearer to adapt to any situation. It doesnt work quite as advertised (Charm produces a strobe light and speakers that loudly announce THIS CITIZEN IS EXTREMELY LIKABLE, Adhesive Skin produces normal glue, Flight produces an uncontrollable jetpack, Electroshock produces a small charge that usually shorts out the suit, etc).

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