RUNNING HEAD: Survey Analysis

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RUNNING HEAD: Survey Analysis

The Analysis of Data Obtained from a Survey Marissa McMahan Statistics 1510 Taft College 10/28/2011

Survey Data Abstract Unable to write until after Phase III

Introduction This paper is about the collection of sample data of 65 from a population size of 2628. I will also be discussing whether there are relationships between peoples height, weight, ring, and shoe sizes among other variables. It is commonly believed that peoples ring and shoe sizes are often the same, but without the proper proof this is an implausible assumption. In addition I will be showing you the results of these questions with various graphs that will be used to explain the data. Methods In order to conduct this experiment I took the survey data which as I previously stated consisted of a population size of 2628 surveys. Once I have looked at this data I used my TI-84 to get a random sample of 65 surveys. I obtained my sample data by creating an extra column labeled as the keep column. After finishing this I went through the data and put an asterisk on every number my calculator selected for my sample statistics. Once finished with the process of getting my sample data I started to divide the data into the different categories needed to answer my questions. The questions I proceeded to answer are: 1. Is there a relationship between an appropriate combination of a persons height, weight, ring, or shoe size? 2. Is there a difference in gross income based on gender? 3. Is there a relationship between political party and a. If the respondent feels President Obama will be reelected? b. If the respondent is in favor of the heath care bill as passed? c. If the respondent is in favor of the death penalty. 4. Is there a relationship between handedness and a. In favor of the death penalty b. Amount of water consumed 5. Is there a relationship between age and change in political parties affiliation? 6. Is there a relationship between hours worked per week and currently being a student? 7. Is there a relationship between shoe size and gender? Materials The materials that were needed for me to conduct my experiment were the list of survey data, my TI-84, and my camera on my phone to take pictures of the graphs needed for the data.

Survey Data Results When I looked at the first question about whether there is a relationship between height, weight, ring and shoe size I entered all of the data into my TI-84 for the four different variables. Using my TI-84 I made a box plot for each variable in order to compare them all to find out whether there really is a relationship between them or not. The results are as follows:

This graph represents the height of each subject in my sample data. The Graph shows that the data is slightly skewed to the right; the mean for the data is 67.25 inches.

This graph represents the weight of each subject in my sample data. This graph is extremely skewed to the right, and the mean for this data is 167.1563 pounds. If you compare these two graphs you will see that they are very different, even though they are both skewed to the right it still shows a big enough difference to prove that weight is not relative to height and vice versa.

Survey Data

This graph represents the shoe size for each subject in my sample data. The box plot shows that the data is relatively symmetric; the mean for this data is 8.9375. The line that appeared on the bottom of the graph represents all of the subjects that did not enter their shoe size into the survey. If you compare this graph to the previous graphs it shows that shoe size may be relative to height but has no relation to weight.

This graph represents the ring size for each subject in my sample data. The graph obviously shows that the graph is skewed to the right and the mean is 5.4141. The line, like in the previous graph, represents all of the subjects who did not enter their ring size into the survey. If you compare this graph to the previous graphs it does not have any relation to the height or weight, but it does have some relation to the shoe size. So to answer the question about whether there is any relation to a persons height, weight, ring, and shoe size the answer varies. There is a relation between ring and shoe size, and there is a relation between height and shoe size, but there is no relation between height and weight, or weight and shoe or ring size. The remainder of the results will follow in Phase III Conclusion Unable to write until Phase III Appendix Unable to write until Phase III

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