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Dear Leader,

Review during pre-session portion of program. "If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas Edisons quote reminds us that we are far more incredible than we realize. Application of this philosophy allows us to reap the rewards of empowerment, self-fulfillment and confidence. These leadership traits are contagious and become a driving-force to a life of self-propelled abundance. Once we learn to embrace, care, and accept our whole self, we awaken to luminous insight that inspires selfdiscovery. You are ingenuously made to fulfill a unique purpose that will soon be discovered. In my own life I have witnessed this philosophy in action. This wisdom gave me the confidence to pursue my Master's Degree in Public Health, publish my first article, and led to my selection as the Public Health Nurse of the Year for the Commonwealth of Virginia in 2008. Shortly after, I was named as a leader in "Leadership Secrets of Local Government and Human Resources Officials and was promoted to a position where I am able to make a difference in the lives of over 49,000 students. Here, the application of this philosophy continues to prove itself in powerful ways. I have been able to assist Henrico County Public Schools win multiple NACo Awards, and the 2011 Virginia Healthy Business of the Year Award. This led to my selection as one of the Forty Emerging Nursing Leaders Under 40," by the Virginia Nurses Foundation. I use these examples, to demonstrate the power you have to create the future you imagine, not just for yourself, but more importantly, for those you serve. With over sixty years combined, in nursing, dietetics, education and physical fitness, we designed this book with you in mind. As mothers, teachers, and friends we care and are committed to coaching in a way that engages you to create the future you desire. You will set goals and become aware of all the things you are capable of.... We believe in you and know that you have what it takes literally astound yourself. You are worth every iota of the three years, thousands of hours, and lifetime of experience that we bled into these pages. It is our hope that as you lead, you navigate with fidelity and guide others with your heart. ~Jessica Dawson Whether you are interested in self-improvement, connecting with a group, leadership opportunities, or pursuing the health profession, this program is for you. Over the next nine sessions, you will develop, achieve, maintain, and promote a personal plan for long-term health and well-being (Virginia Standards of Learning, SOL, 9.1), recognize the link between nutrition, rest, activity, and play in maintaining lifelong wellness (SOL, 9.2), analyze, process, and evaluate the effect of healthy behaviors (SOL, 9.3), work with the school/community to impact overall wellness (SOL, 9.4 & 9.5), model health concepts, behaviors, and skills to reduce health risks and enhance your health (SOL, 10.1) evaluate and improve protective factors that will keep you healthy (SOL, 10.2), learn how to promote and market a healthy lifestyle (SOL, 10.4) and learn to become a positive health-conscious role model within the community and school/work environment (SOL, 10 5 & 10.6). Practiced leadership skills combined with valid health education are the catalyst for a healthy environment. Successful practice of these leadership skills generate confidence in one's ability, and this confidence fuels action. This process can be used at any time to attain any goal. Learn how to apply the Six Pillars of Character and lead your community to a healthy way of life. In addition, this group affords you the opportunity to explore and gain experience in the health profession. As you work through the next nine sessions, contact us with any questions. All contact information can be found on

The Six Pillars of Character is a registered trademarks of Josephson Institute.

Assessment: Getting Started

Prior to the first session, solicit the interest of the school/community. Request permission from the principal, in the school setting, and the parent, in the community setting. The program was developed for female teens in grades 9-12 who are potential and/or natural leaders. Males should NOT be excluded but should be advised that the program was developed for females. Consider making announcements via the intercom, setting up a display at lunch, or could request names from teachers, nurses and counselors (promotional materials are located in the reference section at the end of the book, the Toolbox). Books can be obtained by using the information in the Toolbox. The room should provide plenty of space for each participant and facilitator. Internet access is beneficial during each program session but is not a necessity.

Planning: Getting Ready

The facilitator should plan for approximately 10 students. Planning includes: review of each session, materials and the website; organization of the class roster; ensuring parental permission; securing a location; and making classroom passes if needed (reproducible class materials and check-lists are available in the Toolbox). Notify participants and classroom teachers in advance and provide a schedule and group objectives. The meeting room should have desks, chairs, internet access (if watching video session) and a chalk-board-like device (book may be used if not available). One book and pencils should be available for each participant. Collect all books at the end of each session. Participants should be directed to the website to prepare for future classes or presentations. If students are earning community service hours, ensure paperwork is provided (example in Toolbox). If providing food, always assess participants for food allergies or medical conditions that could be triggered by food.

Implementation: Taking Action

Follow each lesson plan, which begins with the title page and lists the objectives, materials, discussions, video, and websites that are incorporated into each one to two hour session. As participants enter the classroom, engage them in the preliminary activity that is described on the lesson plan. Once all students arrive, follow the directions on the title page. Gold FacilitatorStars and Silver Participant Stars are symbols that indicate who will lead the activity. The gold star indicates that the adult facilitator leads the activity, while the silver star indicates the participant leads. The participant stars have the participant number next to the P in the center. This allows the participant to anticipate the session they will facilitate. A maximum of ten participants is recommended per class, but fifteen participant slots are available in case of extenuating circumstances. Assign each participant a silver star in Session One (Social Networking Activity) and encourage participants to review their assignment in the book and on the website prior to their presentation. Purple stars symbolize a group effort. The Six Pillars of Character are described and practiced throughout the book. These traits are often found in quality leaders and are: TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, FAIRNESS, CARING, and CITIZENSHIP. The pneumonic TRRFCC, like terrific, is used to help students remember The Six Pillars of Character . The Six Pillars of Character is a registered trademarks of Josephson Institute. Techniques- There are various teaching techniques that participants and the facilitator can use to enhance each lesson. Consider time restrictions and interest when deciding. Suggested techniques are: A) Role playing scenarios- explain the reason for the role play, assign characters and direct the scenario as the actors play it out and have a Q&A session afterward to get the point across B) Groups- break up into small groups, designate assignments, and have each group read a segment aloud and summarize it to the class.

C) Discussions. Verify that the participants understand by watching and listening to their feedback and interactions. Strategies that ensure understanding include: asking questions, observing accurate completion of activities, encouraging interaction, and connecting their new knowledge to prior experiences. D) Brainstorming activities are scattered throughout the book and are visual and interactive. Use a chalk board to assist the participants in organizing their ideas. Activities provide a fun way to explore ideas in an engaging manner. Other techniques include: playing games, journaling, story boarding, drawing, miming, writing poetry, and interpreting. Each session educates the participant regarding (1) leadership, (2) nutrition, and (3) fitness. The session should take approximately 1.5 hours to complete, and each component should take about 15 minutes (see the Checklist in the Toolbox to determine which are required). At the conclusion of each session, it is imperative that the participant take time in class to answer all Reflections questions. This should take an additional five minutes, as will each transition. Participants should leave books with the facilitator until the final session. Request that each student bring a notebook/journal to each class in order to write down assignments. In session 8, participants will learn mentoring skills and will recommend someone they view as a potential leader for the following A.L.L. group. This leader will support the designee and will mentor her through the next nine sessions. Upon completion of the program, the leader will complete and present the service learning project to those they mentor and will receive a certificate that represents mastery of each leadership skill, community service hours for training, completion of the community service learning project, and a certification of program completion.

The Pre- and Post-Assessment determine participant progress. The Pre-Assessment should be completed prior to the start of the first session and the Post-Assessment should be completed after the end of session 9. Session Evaluations are completed by the facilitator and participants at the end of each session and the Program Evaluation is completed by the facilitator and participants at the end of the program. Please submit all completed information to the address in the Toolbox or on the website. Student Reflections are to be completed at the end of each session.

I see your vision,hear your melody, feel the strength of your song, and it yearns for manifestation. Learn You the are a keys master that -piece! lead to health& fitness! Be active in work & play, and fine-tune your strengths.

Everyone is a leader in some capacity. At some time in your life you have or will influence anothers support to help you accomplish something and thats leadership. Embrace it and use it for doing good works.
~Jodie Wakeham, RN, Ph.D., Director of Nursing, Virginia Department of Health

Leadership involves encouraging others to work toward a common vision.

~Tia Campbell, RN, MSN, School Health Specialist, Virginia
Department of Education, and Vice President NASN

Successful leaders are those who help people achieve their own personal best.
~Dr. Jo Ann Brown, Human Resources Consultant


ActivityAbout You
About Me
BEST BIRTHDAY? I am a leader because...
NAME: (why were you named this?) What college do you want to go to and why?


Ideal Career? GOALS?

More to share?


My Strengths


Things I want to do before Im 30?


Before you lead others you must know yourself. Take five minutes to complete this page and then the facilitator will choose one participant to start. State a fact that is so unique that it cannot be found on anyone else's page. If a player states a fact that is on your page call them on it and they must go to the end. Rotate clockwise but pay attention because if you say a characteristic that has already been said, youre out of the circle.. Players who call you out in error will move to the end. (Example: Bria likes grits, Jane is an artist, Megan has artist on her page so she calls Jane out. Jane goes to the end. Keep going. ) How long can you keep it going?



Travel Destination


calories, protein, vitamins and minerals. Most teens have the appetite to prove it. Do you feel HUNGRY even after eating sometimes? This is not uncommon if youre experiencing growth. But, left to our instincts, we are liable to eat the most gratifying food item available. This could lead to weight gain or filling up on empty nutrients.

Leadership Alliance for Life provides real-life leadership experiences that impact the health of your community. Over the next nine sessions, practice how to lead sessions, mentor peers, and take a stand about issues you believe in. Practice leadership skills, become a mentor, earn According to the community service hours, and become a powerful Center for Disease Control health advocate within your and Prevention, 17% of teens aged 12-19 are overweight community. (CDC). Weight gain happens when too many calories are Healthy nutrition is taken in compared to the especially important at your amount of energy your body stage of your life because needs. Overweight teens you are inching your way to often become overweight adult height and weight. a d u l t s a n d b e i n g a n Most females grow rapidly overweight adult can cause between the ages of 9 and 15. serious health problems. T h i s p h y s i c a l g r o w t h Being underweight is just as increases your need for dangerous. This happens

when your not taking in enough calories. Every single organ is important to your health and each can be affected by your level of nutrition. Getting the right balance of nutrients in your body gives you energy, reduces cravings, and increases your ability to live the life you desire. Your health is your choice and only you can be responsible for the choices you make. When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence cannot be applied. ~ Herophilos, Greek Physician.


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