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Comparative of Superiority

John is taller than Michael. (short adjective)

Mary is more intelligent than John. (long adjective)

Comparative of Equality

John is as tall as Peter.

Mary is as intelligent as John.

Comparative of Inferiority

Michael is not so tall as John. = Michael is not as tall as John.

Mary is not as intelligent as Peter. = Mary is not as intelligent as Peter.


John is the tallest of all.

Mary is the most intelligent of the girls.

Nota: Quando temos que acrescentar er ou est ao adjectivo:

Quando o adjectivo acaba numa nica consoante e antes tem uma nica vogal, a consoante
duplica ( thin thinner )
Quando o adjectivo acaba em y e antes tem uma consoante, o y muda para i
( easy easier)
Follow the examples:
a) Clare / old / jenny
Clare is older than Jenny.
1) This car/ cheap/ yours ______________________________________________________________
2) This river/ wide/ the Thames ________________________________________________________
3) This test/ easy/ the other ____________________________________________________________
4) Charles/ fat/ Dick _________________________________________________________________
5) An elephant/ heavy/ a cat ___________________________________________________________
b) This writer is famous.
But that writer is more famous than this one.
1) This man is honest. ________________________________________________________________
2) This boy is intelligent. _____________________________________________________________

3) This girl is attractive. ______________________________________________________________

4) This job is tiring. __________________________________________________________________
5) This child is obedient. ______________________________________________________________
c) This girl is wise. And your sister?
My sister is as wise as this girl.
1) That boy is lazy. And your brother?
2) John is very calm. And you?
d) Your brother is diligent. And Harry?
Harry is not so / as diligent as my brother.
1) That novel is boring. And this one?
2) Margaret is ambitious. And Jane?
e) Is Kate shier than Carol?
No, she is less shy than Carol.
1) Is a train faster than a plane?
2) Is a car cheaper than a bicycle?
f) This girl / pretty / of all
This girl is the prettiest of all.

This boy / strong / of all. ___________________________________________________________

New York / large / town / in the world. _______________________________________________
Mr. Morrison / rich / of all. _________________________________________________________
This child / sad / of all. ____________________________________________________________
Mary / ugly / girl / of all I know. _____________________________________________________

g) Complete with better, the best, worse or the worst.

1) These jeans are no good. They are _______________ than the other ones.
2) The shops here are smashing! Surely they are ______________ in town.
3) Yesterday the weather was bad but today it is _______________. Its impossible to go out.
4) Dan likes sun and hot weather. So the summer is ______________ season for him.

5) But for Winnie its the opposite. Summer is ________________ season of the year.

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