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The foramen ovale is found in which of the following bones? Student Response A. palatine B. sphenoid C. temporal D. occipital Correct Answer

which one of the following is NOT part of the axial skeleton? Student Response A. skull B. vertebra C. clavicle D. ribs Correct Answer

Which of the following forms part of the ethmoid bone? Student Response A. mental foramen B. foramen magnum C. cribriform plate D. deltoid tuberosity Correct Answer


The pituitary gland is housed in the: Student Response A. vomer bone. B. foramen lacerum. C. sinuses of the ethmoid. D. sella turcica of the sphenoid. Correct Answer

The lamboidal suture Student Response A. is the anteriormost fontanelle in an infant B. is the articulation between the two parietal bones and the occipital bone C. is the articulation between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone D. represents the junction of the two parietal bones Correct Answer

What is the major function of the axial skeleton? Student Response A. give the body resilience B. provide an attachment point for muscles that allow movement C. provide a space for the major digestive organs D. provide central support for the body and protect internal organs Correct Answer

The median end of the clavicle articulates with the

A. manubrium B. xiphoid pocess C. scapula D. first rib

Which of the following bones bears the weight of the body when sitting in a chair? Student Response A. sacrum B. ilium C. pubis D. ischium Correct Answer

Which of the following has the distinction of being the longest bone in the human body? Student Response A. humerus B. fibula C. sternum D. femur Correct Answer

which of the following bones does NOT form a joint with any other bones? Student Response A. coccyx B. scapula C. mandible Correct Answer

D. hyoid

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