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Student ID: 099113931 Programme: Student Name: Yohene Albert Module Code & Name:UGB301Business Research Dissertation Due Date: Hand in Date:

Module Leader/Module Supervisor:

Dissertation Title: E Marketing on the Airline Industry Learning Outcomes Assessed: Feedback relating learning outcomes assessed and assessment criteria given to students,including commendation and areas or improvement. Specific Reference to your performanceagainst module learning outcomes are contained on the attached matrix.
Reasonable rationale, however more references and definitions would have been appropriate with more research The Research questions are plentiful and appear achievable and related well to the topic The methodology has no detail or depth in how you are going to achieve the questions set. Why is this dissertation going to be pure research when you have customers who buy online and those who don't, who are they and why do they not buy online. Surely a questionnaire would add some reliability to the research. No inductive or deductive approach or qualitative or quantitative methods discussed. No timescale given to show if the dissertation is achievable in the time given.

Moderators comments on Agreed Mark:

Assessor signature:

Overall mark (subject to ratification by the assessment board): 53%

Moderator Signature:

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