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31, 2011 DATE

NR # 2573B

Prohibit children from riding motorcycles solon

A lawmaker has filed a measure seeking to prohibit motorists from carrying a child three years and below on motorcycles along national highways. Rep. Ma. Theresa Bonoan-David (4th District, Manila) authored House Bill 5345, which aims to provide safety measures for all riders and passengers to avoid injury or fatality especially for children on motorcycles. However, the bill will not cover the provinces where there are no considerable vehicular traffic and where motorcycles are the only means of transportation. Bonoan-David said recent accidents have occurred where children were severely injured while riding on a motorcycle because these children lack the development skills to pay attention and properly secure themselves while riding. The State recognizes its role to maintain at all times the safety and protection of children, Bonoan-David said. In invoking its power of parens patriae, Bonoan-David said the State may exercise its authority to usurp the rights of the natural parent or guardian and to act as parent of any child or individual, or an incapacitated and dependent person who is in need of protection against danger, risk to their lives and limbs. Bonoan-David said during these times of rising oiI prices and worsening traffic problems, many Filipinos are now using motorcycles as their primary means of transport. These vehicles are easier to maneuver during heavy traffic and are more fuelefficient than cars. However, motorcycles are considered high-risk vehicles, both with respect to drivers and other motorists, Bonoan-David said. Under the measure to be known as the Motorcycle Safety Act for Children, violators will be slapped with a fine of P5,000 for the first offense, P8,000 for the second offense and P10,000 for the third and succeeding offenses. The bill mandates the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to formulate the pertinent rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the proposed act. (30) lvc

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