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Issues in Consultant-Client Relationship

Chaitra Herur

What according to you are issues of OD??

Various issues of C-C relationship

Entry and Contracting Define the client system Trust Consultants expertise Diagnosis Depth of intervention Culture absorption Consultant as a model Consultant team as microcosm Action Research Client dependency Ethical standards Implications of OD

Entry and contracting

An initial discussion A brief description of the problem Rationale and objectives to be explored Logical starting point Whom all to be included Psychological contract Formal compensation aspects

Defining the client system

Clients included Representatives of different levels

The trust issue

Deal of trust Issues of manipulation Start from neutrality Good guy- Bad guy syndrome Confidentiality to be maintained

Consultants expertise
Role of expert Please the client Stay out of expert role
Defend their recommendations Dependency created Trust factor Negation of main objective

Expert in the process not in the task


Diagnosis and appropriate intervention

Liking towards one particular intervention Appropriate towards application Intensive look at data and address the case

Depth of intervention (selecting an intervention)

Accessibility Individuality Performance depth

On being absorbed by the culture

Seduced to join into the culture Being drawn into the politics of org. May become part of the problem

Consultant as a model
Practice what you preach Problem solving Maximizing ones effectiveness

Consultant team as a microcosm

Miniature Enhance incredibility Continuous growth and renewal process Quality of interrelationship

Action Research and OD process

Feedback necessary Unless explored can not give results

Dependency issue and termination

A prolonged dependency A gradual reduction in external consultant

Ethical standards in OD
Misrepresentation of consultants skills Professional/ technical ineptness Misuse of data Collusion Coercion Promising unrealistic outcomes

Implications of OD for the client

To enlarge the data base for making management decision To expand the influence processes To capitalize on the strengths of the informal system and to make the formal and informal system more congruent To become more responsive To legitimatize conflict as an area of collaborative management To examine its own leadership style an ways of managing

The client-consultant relationship need to be addressed and managed in a successful OD effort

Thank you

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