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Tips for Introducing a Speaker

A. Prepare thoroughly what you are going to say. 1. Learn the speakers name, his/her title, and importance as a person. 2. Learn the exact title of the speech. 3. Know why the speaker is qualified to speak on the subject. 4. Know why the subject is of special interest to the audience. B. Donts in introducing a speaker. 1. Dont make your introduction too long. 2. Dont try to capture the audience with your personality, funny stories, or with your knowledge of the subject. Remember, he/she is the speaker. 3. Dont give exaggerated praise. 4. Dont apologize to the audience if the speaker is a substitute speaker. C. Dos in introducing a speaker. 1. Be enthusiastic and sincere 2. Give the exact title of the speech. 3. Bridge the gap between the topic and the interest of the group. 4. List the speakers outstanding qualifications, especially those that relate to the topic. 5. Create suspense so that the audience is waiting for the speaker. 6. Give his/her name clearly and distinctively. 7. Provoke applause and stay on the platform until the speaker has taken his/her place. 8. Retire during the applause. 9. Be alert to relieve the speaker after he/she has spoken.

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