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Kyle McCartan EDU 578 L.

Giandomenico 1 March 2011 Haiku are easy, But sometimes they dont make sense, Refrigerator. -Braeden Nason SET: A haiku, or an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin consisting of three lines containing (usually) five, seven, and five syllables respectively, is a poetic form in which a mental image is painted for readers. Haiku often focuses on nature, but they can be about anything from sports to love and can be either funny or sad, a haiku can be anything you want it to be. The challenge is to create the most vivid mental images you can, using only three lines and seventeen syllables. Ask students to think of their favorite animal, sport, season, (anything they want) and write as many adjectives as possible. Ask students to try and come up with five one-syllable words, five two-syllable words, and five three-syllable words. OBJECTIVE: The learner will define the conventions of haiku, and create their own haiku poems. The learner will discuss haiku and its use of imagery. PURPOSE: Studying haiku gives students a chance to experience a form of Japanese literature that dates back thousands of years. Haikus often paint vivid pictures with few words, giving students the chance to analyze the imagery used in haiku will give them insight about the power of language and the essential nature of proper word choice. T1: Students will be shown examples of haikus using the computer/overhead projector. Students will learn that haiku generally consists of three lines containing five, seven, and five syllable respectively. Haikus will be read aloud by instructor or student volunteers. T2: In small groups the class will highlight the syllabic content of three haikus by marking each syllable on handout of multiple haiku poems. Instructor walks around checking on groups. As a class we will then analyze each haiku, discussing its imagery and use of word choice. T3: Students create their own haiku using the list of adjectives created at the beginning of class and share with small groups. Volunteers read aloud to the class. Haikus must be collected in order for students to leave the classroom, CLOSURE: Ask students to state the conventions of haiku. Ask them how the inherent restrictions of haiku dictates word choice, and how specific word choice relates to their own writing.

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