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Session 5 Planning Fitness

Leadership tools provide a simple method for organization and direction. These tools range from daybook planners, to portfolios, to long-term plans and they work because they keep leaders responsible for their actions. In writing out goals and plans, leaders set themselves up for success. This level of ownership tends to turn thoughts into actions. Writing things down keeps us mindful of the steps necessary to reach our vision. This written document is proof of our actions. It makes us accountable to how we followed the plan.

By periodically reviewing the notes, we begin to understand patterns that may have caused successes or led to failures. In Session 9, you will create a portfolio that will showcase your plan. Portfolios are used to document personal and professional success. Anyone can say they are a leader, but do they have the proof? You will. Never underestimate the power of your portfolio. List ways in which you can use your portfolio to plan your health, nutrition, and leadership skills.

Fitness Gains
A sedentary lifestyle limits the number of calories that can be taken in without gaining weight. The more physically active a person, the higher the energy requirement. This causes a need for more calories and more nutrients. Once you get started, you can gradually increase the amount of time you are physically active, or the intensity of the physical activity. Moving the body in any way, even in small ways, uses energy. Walking the dog, vacuuming the rug, washing the car, walking to a nearby store; these are all examples of small ways to increase your activity. Many people are surprised by the amount of activity needed to create a balance between energy added (food) and energy used (activity). On the next page, lets take a look at an example of a day in the life of an average high school student.


Review an average day in the life of a high school student and determine the amount of energy used. As you will see, weight gain is easier than you might think. In the example below, consider that 3500 calories = 1 pound, this means that in less than one week this teen could gain a pound, even if not overeating. This is how weight gain occurs and it is one reason why ACTIVITY is so important.

Activity Average Day in the Life of a High School Student


Alarm Off (sleeping 8 hours) Shower Makeup/Hair/Dressed Breakfast Ride to School on Bus School Day Begins Desk Work Walk in Halls PE Class or Sport Lunch After School Activity


6:00 AM 6:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 7:30 AM 8:00 AM

465 23 91 11 30 439 114 225 11 73

In week 3, you determined how much activity you get per day. Write that amount in the corresponding light to show where you currently are:

< 30 min. per day

Do More.

30-60 min. per day


4:00 PM 4:45 AM 5:30 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM

Ride Home on Bus Homework Chores, Help with Dinner Eat Dinner Video Games TV/Music/Phone Ready for Bed CALORIES BURNED (Add all activities) CALORIES TAKEN IN BY MOST TEENS FROM FOOD EXCESS CALORIES FOR THE DAY

15 55 46 11 73 120 23 _____ +2500 _____

60-90 min. per day



In the example to the left, with an excess of ____ calories per day, this student could gain over a pound a week if they do not add more activity.

Tip: 3500 calories equals one pound. To gain a pound you must consume 3500 more calories than you need.


Directions: When the facilitator says GO there is no waiting, get up and start crossing out each box as you go. The first to complete 5 horizontal, vertical or diagonal spaces in a row is the winner and must yell BINGO.

Do 10 pushups Sit down & stand up 15 times Take a water break Do 20 Do 20 sit-ups Walk in place for 1 minute Skip across the room 4 times FREE SPACE Walk like a chicken for 30 seconds Do 20 sit-ups


jumping jacks

Do 20

Jog in place for 30 secs

Count your pulse for 30 seconds Do 10 pushups

Take a water break Do 20

jumping jacks

Jog in place for 30 secs

jumping jacks

Walk in place for 1 minute

After activity stretch your back

Pseudo jump rope 30 times

After activity stretch your neck & shoulders

Do 20 sit-ups

After activity stretch your arms

After activity stretch your legs

After activity stretch your whole body

Expert Commentary

Walking, jogging, aerobics class, and dance are all examples of aerobic activities. Aerobics means with oxygen. To meet its energy demands, your body burns more sugars and fats which requires additional oxygen. Your craving for oxygen causes you to breathe faster which makes your heart beat harder. The result is improved heart and lung fitness, and increased fat burning. Q: Jen wants to lose weight. She read that breathing more oxygen might help so she asks you about going to an oxygen bar. What do you tell her?


Muscle strengthening exercises firm, lift, and shape your muscles by burning stored sugar in your muscles. This damages the muscle, causing it to rebuild which makes the muscle grow. This doesnt take off fat, but does create a more firm shape due to the increased muscle growth. Push-ups are one type of muscle strengthening activity. Q: Callie stays away from muscle building because she wants to be toned, not bulky. What can you tell her so that she might reconsider? Bone strengthening results from impact on the bone. Walking, jogging, or any type of activity where you carry your weight improves bone strength. Q: Jo is worried that she might get osteoporosis like her grandmother. How can Jo prevent this? Intensity is the amount of EFFORT used during an activity. Intensity is determined by your pulse or how fast your heart is beating. An exercise of maximum intensity is 220 minus your age. It is not safe to push beyond the maximum heart rate; in fact, a good rule of thumb to shoot for is 70% of your maximum. Q. Bryanna, a 14 year old student, is running to school because she is late. Her pulse is 222 beats per minute, what should she do? Duration is the amount of TIME you should be active each day. Adolescents should engage in at least 60-90 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity, on most, if not all, days of the week. Keep in mind that this is not the starting point. To prevent injury and burn out, take small specific steps to get there. If you are sedentary, or inactive, then start with an activity three days a week. If you are already active, move closer toward your goal. Q: Using the previous example, Bryanna ran 20 minutes before she slowed down. She walked the remaining 20 minutes. How many more minutes does she need to be active today?
As a group, complete the chart by naming examples of types of activities. Name at least one activity per column that you think you would like to try or enjoy.

Activity Fitness Planning




You used your Profile to write your Goals. Now, use your goal statement (pg. 37) to plan step-by-step instructions. Take a look at some examples to get you started.

#1 PROFILE #2 GOALS #3 PLAN List the strengths and Describe your GOAL(S) here using Write the specific steps necessary to needs from your Profile accomplish your goal. Use your the Who, What and Why of the page 35 under each topic 6Ws (pg. 37). Then, list ways to Where, When and How
use your strengths to reach your goals, below.
(measurement) statements. The more specific, the better.

Communication Skills Ownership of community Increase influence


Goal Oriented- motivated Trustworthy Responsible

(Who) I will become a (what) strong (Where) During class discussions, communicator by practicing public lunchtime, and on the bus (when) speaking (why) so that I will be more during school hours, (How 1) I will influential, feel more confident, and find two opportunities to speak to so I will take more ownership of health groups of 3 or more people. I will at my school. write down who I talked to and what I talked about. (How 2) I will I will use my strongest leadership rate my abilities on a scale of 1-10 skills to become a strong communicator, by: practicing public (my goal is to be an 8 by the end of the school year) by reviewing speaking twice a day, and being responsible to do what I say I am going my progress every Wednesday and talking to my facilitator about to do. other ways to improve.



(Where and when)- Everyday, at (Who)-I will (what)- eat at least 2 meal and snack time, I will do the more fruits and vegetables per day Increase fruits and vegetables following: (how) drink a half a cup (why) so that I will increase my so I eat two fruits and two vitamins and nutrients and decrease of apple juice in the morning and vegetable more per day. eat a cup of grapes with lunch. I will my appetite. eat a cup of raw carrots with ranch NUTRITION I will be as dependable with my fruits dip for snack and eat a cup of salad STRENGTHS: or greens with dinner each night. I I always drink three cups of and vegetables as I am when drinking will check-off my successes each my 3 cups of milk per day. milk per day (one cup in my day in my journal and evaluate cereal, chocolate milk with my progress in one week, then lunch, and a cup before bed). evaluate. (Who)-I will (what)- work out to (When)- Every Monday, FITNESS NEEDS: improve my strength up to three times Wednesday and Friday, from 7-8 Increase strength training activities to three times a week. per week (why) in order to improve my p.m. , I will (where)- go to the gym, muscle mass, increase my strength, (how)and take a strength building and feel more confident. kickboxing class. I will evaluate my increased muscle mass by FITNESS STRENGTHS: I am responsible enough to be active taking measurements of my I make it my responsibility to everyday, likewise I will be responsible muscles and recording it in my enough to increase my strength ensure I do 60-90 minutes of journal. training to three times per week. moderate activity every day.



Activity Planning

It is your turn. Use the previous examples to guide you through the planning.

List the strengths and Describe your GOALS here using Write the specific steps necessary needs from your to accomplish your goals. Use Profile page 35 under the Who, What, and Why from your Where, When, and How the 6 Ws on pg. 37. Then, list each topic statements. Also, reflect back on ways to use your strengths to your daily schedule. The more help you reach your goals, below. specific, the better. LEADERSHIP NEEDS:









Session 5 Planning Fitness

Write this down: Until the next session, fine tune your plan. Copy your plan into your journal and tie up all loose ends. During the next session, we will begin the implementation process.
Directions: the last five minutes of each session is used to complete Reflections. All effort should be made to complete assignments in class, but if running short on time, make note of the stopping point and complete that assignment on your own (see webpage). Reflections is the priority activity.

After reviewing the average day of a high school student, is there anything that you think you may change in your day-to-day routine?

What types of changes are you planning on making next week when we learn about action?

What types of activities does your community or school have that will assist you in accomplishing your goals? (Example: fields, sports, parks, trails, clubs, others).

Explain why it is your responsibility to be healthy.

Session 5 Evaluation is located in the Toolbox.

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