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Amerindian Language in Canada

Present by Yanwen Zhang 301105474 Chuanwen Liu()

Native Peoples and Languages

oldest languages in the world - back thousands of years. between 56 and 70 aboriginal languages in Canada.

Major Language Family

Algonquian Iroquoian Na-Dene(Athapaskan) Salishan Penutians Wakashane Eskimo-Aleut

The Algonquian Family

There are nearly thirty languages in the Algonquian family (130,000 speakers), about half of them spoken by natives in Quebec. The other languages are spoken mostly in Ontario and in the East.

The Iroquoian Family

The Iroquo ian Family comprises roughly ten languages (45,000 speakers), mostly from Ontario but also from Quebec (Mohawk and Huron). The Hurons mother tongue is usually French.

The Na-Dene Family

The Na-Dene family includes nearly fifty languages divided into three main groups: Haida, Athabascan, and Tlingit. There is only one language in the Tlingit group: Tlingit.

The Eskimo-Aleut Family

The Eskimo-Aleut family includes two groups (Aleut and Eskimo) Inuit dialects that includes Inuttut in Eastern Labrador, Inuttitut of South Baffin Island, Inuktitut of North Baffin Island, and Aivilik and Kivalliq of the Keewatin region (Ontario).

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