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ISU Preliminary Task

By now you are putting the finishing touches on your Independent Study Unit: an important part of any ELC program. The ISU, as you know, gives you an opportunity to explore and report on a topic of your choice. In some cases, your teacher may have guided you in your study (in terms of topic focus). This major assignment is a true test of your research, organizational and questioning skills. For your ISU, you were required to have the following academic disciplines: - Historical Focus - Geographical Focus You were also expected to identify which disclipline is to be your MAJOR and your MINOR. Complete this response to help shed light on your ISU. Your Name: ____________________________ ISU Submission Date: ___________ Part I: General Questions 1. What is your ISU topic? ______________________________________________ 2. What is your THESIS? ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. What resources have you collected for your ISU? List in the space below:

4. What three areas or pieces of information/facts did you find most significant? I. ___________________________________________________________ II. ___________________________________________________________ III. ___________________________________________________________ 5. What resource did you find especially helpful in gathering your information? _________________________________________________________________

Part II: About Your Topic 1. Provide a brief summary of your ISU. In your summary, address the following: - purpose/focus - main points which you plan to provide more detail in your presentation - what you learned during the course of your 3.5 month study

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