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(Electronics and Communication Engg)Regulation 2007SEMESTER VII 070290086 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 3 1 0 100 UNIT I ARCHITECTURE OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 9 Categories of Embedded Systems-Specifications of Embedded systems-Resenttrends in Embedded SystemsHardware Architecture-Software Architecture-Communication software-Process of generation of executable image-development/testing tools. UNIT II PROGRAMMING FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 9 Getting the most of C-data types-manipulating bits in memory and I/O ports-accessing memory mapped I/O devices structures-variant access-mixing C toassembly-register usage-use of addressing options-instruction sequencing procedure call and return-parameter passing retrieving parameters memorymanagement-scopeautomatic allocation-static allocation-dynamic allocation-shared memory recognizing shared objects-reentrant functions-accessingshared memory device drivers- productivity tools. UNIT III HARDWARE PLATFORM 9 PIC microcontroller- Architecture of PIC 16c6x/7x- FSR- Reset action-Oscillatory connection- Memory organization- Instructions- Addressing modes-I/O ports- Interrupts-Timers- ADC- Assembly language programming. UNIT IV REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS 9 Architecture of the Kernel-task and task scheduler-Interrupt Service Routines-Semaphores-Mutex- MailboxesMessage Queues-Event Registers-Pipes-Signals-Timers-Memory Management Priority Inversion Problem UNIT V REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEM TOOLS AND CASE STUDIES 9 Use of C/OS-II- Case study of coding for an Automatic Chocolate VendingMachine using MUCOS RTOSCase study of an Embedded system for anAdaptive Cruise Control Systems in a Car- Case study of an Embedded Systemsfor a Smart Card. REFERENCES: 1. K.V.K.K.Prasad Embedded /Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design andProgramming Dream tech, Wiley 2003.2. Ajay V Deshmukh Microcontroller Theory and Applications TMH 2005.3. Raj Kamal Embedded Systems Architecture Programming and Design 2ndEdition TMH, 2008.4. David E Simon An Embedded Software Primer Pearson Education 2003.5. Daniel W. Lewis, Fundamentals of Embedded Software Pearson Education-2001.6. Peatman Designing with PIC Micro Controller, Pearson 2003

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