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Name _______________________________________

I’m A Millionaire! I’m Well-off I’m Poor. Absolutely Broke

and I Still Owe!
Theme All of my expenditures relate More than ½ of my Less than ½ of my None of the purchases
to my theme expenditures relate expenditures are relate my theme.
to my theme unrelated to the
Research I can show the real cost of I can show the real I can show the real I have no proof for any of
every expense (either in a cost of more than ½ cost of less than ½ of my expenses.
book, on a web site, in a of my expenses. my expenses.
letter, and so on).
Accounting I have 5 or more major I have 3 or 4 major I have only 2 major I have no accounting
categories (of $50,000 or categories (of categories (of sheet.
more each). Each expenditure $50,000 or more $50,000 or more
is itemized. each). Each each). Some of the
expenditure is expenditures are
itemized. itemized.
Organization I turned in all my worksheets. I turned in more I turned in less than ½ I did not turn in any of
They’re all accurate and easy than ½ of my of my worksheets. my worksheets.
to read. All of my worksheets. They’re They’re not accurate
expenditures total to exactly all accurate and easy or easy to read. I can
$1 million to read. I can account for at least
account for at least $500,000 of my
$750,000 of my expenditures.
Multimedia I made an original/creative I made an I made presentation I didn’t make a
Display presentation in which all of original/creative that was not original presentation.
the amounts in my major presentation in with or creative in with
categories were written only one of the only one of the
and/or displayed as fractions, following: following:
decimals, and percents and I amounts in my major amounts in my major
had a circle graph of the categories written categories written
expenditures for how my and/or displayed as and/or displayed as
million was spent. I used one fractions, decimals, fractions, decimals,
or more of the following and percents or a and percents or a
visuals in my presentation: circle graph of the circle graph of the
poster, notebook with expenditures for expenditures for how
highlighted costs, PowerPoint, how my million was my million was spent. I
video, spent. I used one or didn’t use any visuals.
website more of the
following visuals in
my presentation:
poster, notebook
with highlighted
costs, PowerPoint,

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