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Welcome to HBCSE - Olympiads

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education is the nodal centre of the country for Olympiad programmes in mathematics and sciences including astronomy. The programmes aim at promoting excellence in science and mathematics among pre-university students. The Mathematics Olympiad is conducted under the aegis of the National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM). From the Olympiad year beginning August 2008, a new integrated National Steering Committee for science and astronomy Olympiads has been overseeing the entire activity in these subjects. The subjects includes physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and junior science. The Olympiad programmes in physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy (junior and senior level) and junior science are a five stage process for each subject separately. The first stage for each subject is organized by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). All the remaining

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stages are organized by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE). The programme is financially supported by Government of India, in particular, by Board of Nuclear Sciences (Department of Atomic Energy), Department of Science and Technology, Department of Space and Ministry of Human Resource Development. For details of the five stage procedure, please click Subjects and go to the particular subject of your interest. To know the enrollment procedure for the first stage please click on Enrollment. Document Actions
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The page describes the various stages for Olympiad programmes in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and junior science. Please visit the subject of your interest. Document Actions
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1. Indian National Physics Olympiad - Theory Problems and Solutions (2006 2009), Prof. Vijay A. Singh and Mr. Praveen Pathak. Price Rs. 90/ (Purchase in person from HBCSE) or by sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 140/

2. Indian National Physics Olympiad - Theory Problems (1998 2005), Prof. Vijay A. Singh and Mr. Shirish R. Pathare. Price Rs. 60/ (Purchase in person from HBCSE) or by sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/

3. Indian National Chemistry Olympiad - Theory Examination Papers (2002-2007), Dr. Savita Ladage and Swapna Narvekar. Price Rs. 150/ (Purchase in person from HBCSE) or by sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 190/ 4. Indian National Biology Olympiad - Theory Papers (2002 2004) Compiled by Rekha Vartak, Ms. Anupama Ronad Price: Rs. 90/ (Purchased in person from HBCSE) or a Demand Draft of Rs. 140/ 5. Indian National Biology Olympiad - Theory Papers (2005 2007) Compiled by Rekha Vartak, Ms. Anupama Ronad Price: Rs. 90/ (Purchased in person from HBCSE) or a Demand draft of Rs. 140/ For the above books (Serial No. 1 5) The Demand Draft includes postage charges for registered parcel and should be in favor of Homi Bhabha Centre

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The Demand Draft includes postage charges for registered parcel and should be in favor of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, payable at Mumbai and sent to:

HBCSE Publications Section, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR), V. N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400 088

4. Experimental Problems in Chemistry, Dr. Savita Ladage, Swapna Narvekar and Indrani Sen. Price Rs. 130/ (Purchase in person from HBCSE).If you cannot purchase in person then enquire on Email:

5. INBO and INAO paper compilations to be brought out by next year.

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How To Enroll for the First Stage

Enrollment for the Olympiads 2010 will begin in Mid August 2009. You can view general information about the enrollment for Olympiads by following links given below. Please note that for Science and Astronomy Olympiads, some of the eligibility rules specify permissible range for dates of birth for participants and these should be checked separately for each subject (under Subjects: Stage I - Eligibility).

Mathematics Olympiads.

Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and Junior Science Olympiads.

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The Mathematical Olympiad Programme in India leading to participation in the International Mathematical Olympiad is organized by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) on behalf of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).

Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) 2011 December 04, 2011 (from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) 2012 February 05, 2012 (from 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.)

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The syllabus for Mathematical Olympiad (regional, national and international) is pre-degree college mathematics. The areas covered are arithmetic of integers, geometry, quadratic equations and expressions, trigonometry, coordinate geometry, systems of linear equations, permutations and combinations, factorisation of polynomials, inequalities, elementary combinatorics, probability theory and number theory, finite series and complex numbers and elementary graph theory. The syllabus does not include Calculus and Statistics. The major areas from which problems are given are number theory, geometry, algebra and combinatorics. The syllabus is in a sense spread over Class IX to Class XII levels, but the problems under each topic are of exceptionally high level in difficulty and sophistication. The difficulty level increases from RMO to INMO to IMO.

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Stage1:RegionalMathematicalOlympiad(RMO) The RMO will be held on the first Sunday of December this year (December 04, 2011) between 1.00 pm and 4.00 pm for all the regions. The Regional Coordinators are given the responsibility of conducting the RMO in their respective regions. Students from Class IX, X, XI and XII are eligible to appear for the RMO. From class XII only 6 students will be selected from each region. Bright students from class VIII may also appear for RMO at the discretion of the Regional Coordinator. The RMO is a 3-hour written test containing 6 or 7 problems. On the basis of the performance in RMO, a certain number of students from each region is selected for Stage 2. The Regional Coordinators may charge a nominal fee to meet the expenses for organizing the contest.

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Stage2:IndianNationalMathematicalOlympiad(INMO) The INMO will be held on first Sunday of February (February 05, 2012) between 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm at the centres in the different regions. Only those students who are selected in the RMO are eligible to appear for the INMO. This contest is a 4-hour written test. On the basis of the INMO, the 30-35 students from all over the country are chosen as INMO awardees and receive a Certificate of Merit. (A maximum of 6 students of Class XII can be INMO awardees.)

Stage3:InternationalMathematicalOlympiadTrainingCamp(IMOTC) The INMO awardees are invited to a month long training camp in April-May each year at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), Mumbai. The INMO awardees of the previous year who have satisfactorily gone through postal tuition throughout the year are invited again to a second round of Training (Senior Batch). The senior batch participants who successfully complete the camp receive a prize of Rs. 5,000/- in the form of books and cash. On the basis of a number of selection tests through the Camp, a team of the best six students is selected from the combined pool of junior and senior batch participants. Stage4:Pre-departureTrainingCampforIMO The selected team of six students goes through another round of training and orientation for about 10 days prior to departure for IMO.

Stage5:InternationalMathematicalOlympiad(IMO) The six member team selected at the end of IMOTC accompanied by a leader, a deputy leader and an observer represents the country at the IMO, held in July each year in a different member country of the IMO. The IMO contest consists of two 4 and 1/2-hour written test held on two days . Travel to the IMO venue and return takes about two weeks. India has been participating in the IMO since 1989. Students of the Indian Team who receive gold, silver and bronze medals at the IMO receive a cash prize of Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 4000/- and Rs. 3000/respectively at a formal ceremony at the end of the training Camp during the following year.

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Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) finances international travel of the team, the leader and the deputy leader, while NBHM (DAE) finances the other expenditure connected with the international participation and the entire in country programme. Students aiming to go through the Mathematical Olympiad programme leading to international participation (IMO) should note that RMO is the first essential step for the programme. To appear for the RMO, the students should get in touch with the RMO co-ordinator of their region well in advance for enrollment and payment of stipulated (nominal) fees.

please click List of RMO Co-ordinators.


Prof.JayashreeRamadas Centre Director, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) V. N. Purav Marg, Mumbai - 400 088. Phone: 022-25575622, 25072207 Email:

MemberSecretary Department of Atomic Energy Anushakti Bhavan, CSM Marg Mumbai 400 001. Phone: 022-22022533 (O) Fax: 022-22028972 Email:

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A good idea of what is expected of students in mathematical olympiad can be had from : (1)The previous RMO and INMO question papers and their solutions

(2) The following books

1. ProblemPrimerfortheOlympiads C.R. Pranesachar, B.J. Venkatachala and C.S. Yogananda (Prism Books Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 2008) 2. ChallengeandThrillofPreCollegemathematics V. Krishnamurthy, C.R. Pranesachar, K.N. Ranganathan and B.J. Venkatachala (New Age International Publishers, New Delhi - 2007). 3. AnExcursioninMathematics Editors: M. R. Modak, S.A. Katre and V.V. Acharya (Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana, Pune, 2008).

4. ProblemSolvingStrategies Arthur Engel (Springer-Verlag, Germany, 1999).

5. FunctionalEquations
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B.J. Venkatachala (Prism Books Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 2008).

6. MathematicalCircles:RussianExperience Fomin and others (University Press, Hyderabad, 2008).

Many other interesting references are given in AnExcursioninMathematics.

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Previous Question Papers and their Solutions

Problems and Solution Papers for RMO and INMO are listed below. To view the papers click on links.

RMO RMO 2000 RMO 2001 RMO 2002 RMO 2003 RMO 2004 RMO 2005 RMO 2006 RMO 2007 RMO 2008 RMO 2009 RMO 2010

INMO INMO 2000 INMO 2001 INMO 2002 INMO 2003 INMO 2004 INMO 2005 INMO 2006 INMO 2007 INMO 2008 INMO 2009 INMO 2010 INMO 2011

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Past Performance at IOs

The list below displays the past performance at the International Mathematics Olympiads:
2002 2006 2003 2007 2004 2008 2005 2009 2010 2011

Year 2002
Period : July 21, 2002 to July 30, 2002 Place : Glasgow, U.K.
Students' Names Mr. Nikhil A.Savale Mr. Sucharit Sarkar Mr. Swarnendu Datta Mr. Bhaskara Aditya Mr. Shubhangi Saraf Mr. Tanmay N.Deshpande Place Pune Kolkata Kolkata Hyderabad Pune Pune Medals Gold Silver Silver Silver Bronze Bronze

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Delegation Leaders : Dr.B.J.Venkatachala (Indian Institute of Science,Banagalore), Prof. Hemalatha Thiagarajan (Regional Engineering college,Trichy)


Year 2003
Period : July 7, 2003 to July 19, 2003 Place : Tokyo,Japan
Students' Names Mr. Vipul Naik Ms. Shubhangi Saraf Mr. Swarnendu Datta Mr. Nikhil Savale Mr. Anand Deopurkar Mr. Bhaskara Aditya Place Delhi Pune Kolkata Pune Pune Medals Silver Silver Silver Silver Bronze

Hyderabad Honorable Mention

Delegation Leaders : Prof. V.K.Grover(PanjabUniversity,Chandigarh), Dr. V.V.Acharya (TIFR,Pune Campus) Observer : Dr.D.C.Khandekar(Member Secretary NBHM)


Year 2004
Period : July 9, 2005 to July 18, 2004 Place : Athens,Greece

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Students' Names Ms. Kshripa Uday Bhawalkar Mr. Anand Rajendra Deopurkar Mr. Rohit Suhas Joshi Mr. Vipul Naik Mr. Abhishek Hemant Kumar Dang Mr. Anupam Prakash

Place Pune Pune Pune Delhi Pune

Medals Silver Silver Silver Silver Bronze

Ranchi Bronze

Delegation Leader: Prof. R.B.Bapat (Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi) Deputy Leader: Dr. V.V.Acharya (Fergusan College, Pune)


Year 2005
Period : July 8, 2005 to July 19, 2005 Place : Merida ,Mexico
Students' Names Mr. Abhishek H.Dang Mr. Varun Suhas Jog Mr. Movin Jain Mr. Sahil Mhaskar Ms. Vaidehee Thatte Mr. Riddhipratim Basu Place Pune Pune Medals Silver Bronze

Chandigarh Honorable Mention Pune Pune Kolkata Honorable Mention Honorable Mention -

Delegation Leader: Prof. S.S.Sane(University of Mumbai) Deputy Leader: C.R.Pranesachar (HBCSE,Mumbai)

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Year 2006
Period : July 6, 2006 to July 18, 2006 Place : Ljubljana, Slovenia
Students' Names Mr. Apurv K. Nakade Mr. Riddhipratim Basu Place Nagpur Kolkata Medals Bronze Bronze Bronze

Mr. Ashay A. Burungale Satara Mr. Manas Joglekar Mr. Varun Suhas Jog Mr. Abhishek H. Dang

Mumbai Bronze Pune Pune Bronze Honorable Mention

Leader: Dr. B. J. Venkatachala, Mathematical Olympiad Cell, HBCSE, TIFR, Bangalore Deputy Leader: Shri. Mahendra Datta, Durgapur Govt. College, West Bengal


Year 2007
Period : July 19, 2007 to July 31, 2007 Place : Hanoi, Vietnam
Students' Names Mr. Manas Joglekar Place Mumbai Medals Silver

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Mr. Abhishek Dang Mr. Atul Shekhar Mr. P. N. Bhargav

Pune Bihar

Silver Silver

Chennai Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention

Mr. Prashant Sunil Sohani Pune Mr. Utkarsh Tripathi Kanpur

Leader: Prof. C. R. Pranesachar, Mathematical Olympiad Cell, HBCSE, TIFR, Bangalore Deputy Leader: Shri. Udayan Prajapati, St. Xaviers College, Ahmedabad


Year 2008
Period : July 10, 2008 to July 22, 2008 Place : Madrid, Spain

Students' Names Mr. Ankit A. Baraskar Mr. Rudradev Basak Mr. Anirudh Gurjale

Place Pune Burnpur

Medals Bronze Bronze

Andhra Pradesh Bronze Bronze Bronze Honorable Mention

Mr. Prashant S. Sohani Pune Mr. Utkarsh Tripathi Mr. Abhinav Garg Kanpur Chandigarh

Leader: Dr. B. J. Venkatachala, Mathematical Olympiad Cell, HBCSE, TIFR, Bangalore Deputy Leader: Shri. Mahendra Datta, Durgapur Govt. College, West Bengal

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Year 2009
Period : July 10, 2009 to July 22, 2009 Place : Bremen, Germany

Students' Names Mr. Ananth Shankar Mr. Sameer Wagh Mr. Akashnil Dutta

Place Tamil Nadu Pune

Medals Silver Silver

West Bengal Silver

Mr. Subhadip Chowdhury West Bengal Bronze Mr. Gaurav Patil Mr. Akshay Mittal Pune New Delhi Bronze Honorable Mention

Leader: Prof. C. R. Pranesachar, Mathematical Olympiad Cell, HBCSE, TIFR, Bangalore Deputy Leader: Dr. Zafar Ahmed, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai


Year 2010
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Period : July 02 to July 14, 2010 Place : Astana, Kazakhstan

Names Mr. Ronno Das Mr. Akshay Degwekar Mr. Anand Degwekar Mr. Akashnil Dutta Mr. Satyaki Mukherjee Mr. Gaurav Patil Place Kolkatta Pune Pune Kolkatta Medal Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Silver

Durgapur Bronze (West Bengal) Pune Silver

Leader: Prof. B. J. Venkatachala, Mathematical Olympiad Cell, HBCSE, TIFR, Bangalore Deputy Leader: Dr. Joseph Amal Nathan, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai Observer: Prof. M. B. Rege, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong (Meghalaya)


Year 2011
Period : July 16 to July 24, 2011 Place : Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Names Mr. Akashnil Dutta Place Medal

Kolkatta Gold

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Mr. Akashdeep Dey


Silver Bronze Bronze Honorable Mention Honorable Mention

Mr. Debdyuti Banerjee Hoogly Mr. Mrudul Thatte Mr.Indranil Kasmalkar Mr. Prafulla Dhariwal Pune Pune Pune

Leader: Prof. C. R. Pranesechar, Mathematical Olympiad Cell, HBCSE, TIFR, Bangalore Deputy Leader: Dr. Prithwijit Dey, Mathematical Olympiad Cell, HBCSE, Mumbai Observer: Dr. M. A. Prasad, Mumbai


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Nurture Programme
INMO Scholarship: The INMO awardees successfully completing IMOTC, who pursue B.Sc., or other courses adjudged by the Board to be on the same footing, with mathematics as one of the principal subjects of study, are eligible to receive a scolarship of NBHM, which is at present Rs. 4,000 (Rs. Four thousand only) per month, through the period of their undergraduate studies (subject to satisfactory progress). An enhanced scolarship would be available for pursuing masters studies in mathematics.

NURTURE PROGRAMME: INMO awardees who pursue undergraduate studies in professional areas like engineering are eligible for a novel Nurture Programme of NBHM. Under this programme students are encouraged and enabled to study advanced mathematics, alongside their professional studies, through cash awards (annual), setting up contact with a suitable mathematical institution, opportunity to participate in summer workshops (covering expenses) etc.. Students satisfactorily completing the contact programme and summer workshop of the first year will receive a cash award of Rs. 18,500/-, and similarly for the subsequent years a cash award of Rs. 20,000/- will be given.

Contact Addresses for inquiries about Mathematical Olympiad Programme

Prof. Jayashree Ramadas Centre Director Member Secretary Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education Near Anushaktinagar Bus Depot National Board for Higher Mathematics V. N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd Department of Atomic Energy
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Mumbai 400 088 Ph.: (022) 25562132, 25567711 (022) 25555242, 25580036 Fax: (022) 25585660, 25566803 e-mail:

Anushakti Bhavan, CSM Marg Mumbai 400 001. Ph.: (022) 22022533 (O) Fax: (022) 22028972 e-mail:

Contact Address for inquiries about the Nurture Programme: Member Secretary National Board for Higher Mathematics Department of Atomic Energy Anushakti Bhavan, CSM Marg Mumbai - 400 001. Ph.: (022) 22022533 (O) Fax: (022) 22028972 e-mail:

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Useful Links
Link for earlier question papers and solutions

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The National Astronomy Olympiad Program is designed to encourage students with good foundations in Physics and Mathematics and an interest in Astronomy to pursue further studies in this field. It involves a five stage process leading to participation of Indian team in International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA).

To know the five stage process of the astronomy Olympiad programme click the Stages. Document Actions
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The astronomy Olympiad program follows the following 5 stages: StageI: National Standard Examination in Astronomy (NSEA). StageII: Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (INAO), StageIII: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in astronomy, StageIV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IOAA, StageV: International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA).

Stage1isentirelytheresponsibilityofIAPT.AlltheremainingstagesareorganizedbyHBCSE. The detailed information about eligibility and structure of the stages is given below:

Stage I: National Standard Examination in Astronomy (NSEA)

NSEA is the first stage of selection of students in the astronomy Olympiad Programme which is organized by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the programme must enroll for NSEA. NSEA will be held at a large number of centres in the country.

DateofNSEA2011:27November2011(Sunday) TimeofNSEA2011:03:00pmto05:00pm LastDateforEnrollmentforNSEA:15thSeptember2011

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Eligibility: All Indian students who are born on or after January 1, 1993 and, in addition, are in Class XII or lower as of November 30, 2011, are eligible to appear for NSEA 2011 2012. If they qualify in the NSEA they will be eligible for subsequent stages leading to participation in International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2012.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the eligibility criteria are satisfied. In case at any stage of the programme it is found that the student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, he/she may be disqualified from the program. Syllabus: The syllabus for NSEA is broadly equivalent to the senior secondary level (upto Class XII) of CBSE. There will be greater emphasis on physics and mathematics (calculus not expected) and elementary astronomy. This is only a rough guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for NSEA.

QuestionPaper: NSEA emphasizes comprehension of the subject, not rote memory. Its format will be as follows: The question paper will consist of 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. Language : English.

QualifyingfortheSecondStage: Based on performance in NSEA, the top 300 students in order of merit qualify to appear for the Second Stage of the Olympiad programme: INAO. In case there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks qualify for the INAO.

All students who qualify to appear for the INAO get a certificate of merit from IAPT.

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For any queries or clarifications and for any difficulties regarding enrollment for NSEA please contact:

Prof.M.L.Oglapurkar Co-ordinator (NSE) IAPT Office, I.I.E. Campus, 128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038. Tel : (Off.) 020 - 25420163. (9:00 AM to 7:00 PM) Email: iapt .AT. OR Prof.R.M.Dharkar Chief Co-ordinator (IAPT Examinations) Email: rmdharkar .AT.

Stage II: Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (INAO)

INAO is organized by HBCSE at about 15 centres in the country.

Eligibility: Students selected from Stage I examination (NSEA) are eligible to appear for INAO. In addition those students who have been exempted as described in the Enrollment page are also eligible to appear for INAO. Besides these two, there is no other way by which a student becomes eligible to appear for INAO.

The tentative date and time of INAO 2012 is as follows: January28,2012(Saturday):09:00am---12:00noon(3hours)

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The confirmed date and schedule will be announced in the first week of January 2012 on this website and communicated by post to the eligible students. Students appearing for INAO are eligible for TA/DA as per norms of the programme.

Syllabus:The syllabus for INAO is broadly similar to that for NSEA. The syllabus is only a broad guideline. Questions and problems in National Olympiads are usually non-conventional and of high difficulty level, comparable to International Olympiads.

The number of students to be selected for OCSC Astronomy will be 35. In the event, there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at the last position will qualify for OCSC at the respective level.

There will be no other criteria or provision for selection to OCSC astronomy.

Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Astronomy

OCSC in astronomy will be organized by HBCSE sometime in April to May 2012 for 2-3 weeks. The precise dates will be announced prior to or along with the announcement of the selection list for the OCSC.

EligibilityforOCSC: Only the students selected from the merit list of Stage II (INAO) are eligible. There will be no other criterion or provision. The tentative dates of OCSC - 2012 is as follows: April24-May12,2012 The camps include several theoretical and experimental tests. Orientation is provided to students especially in experiments. The camps conclude with a valedictory function where distinguished scientists are invited to speak to the students. The merit list of OCSC in astronomy is prepared on the basis of the aggregated test scores over all the tests in

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the camp, with 50% weightage for theoretical tests, 30% weightage for data analysis test and 20% weightage for observational tests. Performance in previous stages (NSEA and INAO) will not be a consideration for the merit list and awards of the OCSC astronomy. The top 5 in the OCSC astronomy merit list will be special merit awardees and will be members of the Indian team for IOAA. All the selected students will become part of the Indian teams only if they satisfy the eligibility criteria of age, Class, holding valid Indian passport, medical fitness, parental consent, etc. They will each get a special merit award of Rs. 5,000 each in the form of books and cash.

Stage IV: Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camps for IOAA

The selected Indian teams for IOAA will undergo a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory, data analysis and observational astronomy. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country train the students. The duration of training will be subject to IOAA regulations.

Stage V: Participation in IOAA

The 2 leaders and 1 observer (if any) for IOAA will accompany the Indian team. The 5th IOAA will be held in Chorzw, Poland from August 25 to September 4, 2011. Document Actions
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The International Biology Olympiad (IBO) started in 1990. It is an annual event open to pre-university students. It serves as a benchmark for biology education at the higher secondary school level. India started participating in IBO from the year 2000. India hosted the 19th IBO in July 2008 in Mumbai.

To know the five stage process of the Biology Olympiad programme click on Stages. Document Actions
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The biology Olympiad program follows the following 5 stages: StageI: National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB), StageII: Indian National Biology Olympiad (INBO), StageIII: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in biology, StageIV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IBO, StageV: Participation in International Biology Olympiad (IBO).

Stage1isentirelytheresponsibilityofIAPT.AlltheremainingstagesareorganizedbyHBCSE. The detailed information about eligibility and structure of the stages is given below:

Stage I: National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB)

NSEB is the first stage of selection of students in the biology Olympiad Programme which is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the programme must enroll for NSEB. NSEB will be held at a large number of centres in the country.

DateofNSEB2011:27November2011(Sunday) TimeofNSEB2011:03:00pmto05:00pm

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Eligibility: All Indian students who are born on or after July 1, 1992 and, in addition, are in Class XII or lower as of November 30, 2011, are eligible to appear for NSEB 2011 -- 2012. A student may appear for more than one subject provided the examination schedule allows it. See information about the examination schedule under various subjects. Students who have passed Class XII are not eligible to enroll for NSEB. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the eligibility criteria are satisfied. In case at any stage of the program it is found that the student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, he/she may be disqualified from the program.

Syllabus: The syllabus for NSEB is broadly equivalent to the senior secondary level (Class XI and Class XII) of CBSE Biology. This is only a rough guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for NSEB.

QuestionPaper: NSEB emphasizes comprehension of the subject, not rote memory. Its format will be as follows: The question paper will consist of 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. Language : English.

QualifyingfortheSecondStage: Based on performance in NSEB, the top 300 students in order of merit qualify to appear for the Second Stage of the Olympiad program (INBO). In case there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks qualify for the INBO. All students who qualify to appear for INBO get a certificate of merit from IAPT.

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For any queries or clarifications and for any difficulties regarding enrollment for NSEB, please contact: Prof.M.L.Oglapurkar Co-ordinator (NSE) IAPT Office, I.I.E. Campus, 128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038. Tel : (Off.) 020 - 25420163. (9:00 AM to 7:00 PM) Email: OR Prof.R.M.Dharkar Chief Co-ordinator (IAPT Examinations) Email:

Stage II: Indian National Biology Olympiad (INBO)

INBO is organized by HBCSE at about 15 centres in the country.

Eligibility: Students selected from Stage I examination (NSEB) are eligible to appear for INBO. In addition those students who have been exempted as described in the Enrollment page are also eligible to appear for INBO. Besides these two, there is no other way by which a student becomes eligible to appear for INBO.

Thetentative date and time of INBO 2012 examination is as follows: January29,2012(Sunday):01.00p.m.-03.00p.m.(2hours)

The confirmed date and schedule will be announced in the first week of January 2012 on this website and communicated by post to the eligible students. Students appearing for INBO are eligible for TA/DA as per norms of the programme.

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Syllabus:The syllabus for INBO is broadly similar to NSEB. The syllabus, however, is only a broad guideline. Questions and problems in National Olympiads are usually non-conventional and of high difficulty level, comparable to International Olympiads.

On the basis of performance in INBO, the top 35 students in the merit list are selected for Stage III Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in biology. In the event there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this last position qualify for OCSC. There will be no other criterion or provision for selection to OCSC.

Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Biology

OCSC in biology will be organized by HBCSE sometime in April to June 2012 for 2-3 weeks. The precise dates will be announced prior to or along with the announcement of the selection list for the OCSC.

EligibilityforOCSC: Only the students selected from the merit list of Stage II (INBO) are eligible. There will be no other criterion or provision. Thetentative dates of OCSC - 2012 is as follows: June4-June13,2012 The camps include several theoretical and experimental tests. Orientation is provided to students especially in experiments. The camps conclude with a valedictory function where distinguished scientists are invited to speak to the students.

The merit list of OCSC is prepared on the basis of the combined theoretical and experimental score aggregated over all the tests in the camp, with 60% weightage for theory and 40% weightage for experiment. Performance in previous stages (NSEB and INBO) will not be a consideration for the merit list and awards of the OCSC.

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The top 4 in the OCSC biology merit list are declared to be special merit awardees. These special merit awardees are given Rs. 5,000/- each in the form of books and cash. In addition there are special prizes to recognize meritorious performance in theory and experiments. The 4 special merit awardees in biology selected at the end of the OCSC constitute the 4 member student team for the International Biology Olympiad (IBO), provided they satisfy required criteria such as age limit, holding valid Indian passport, medical fitness, parental consent, etc.

Stage IV: Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camp for IBO

The selected 4 member Indian team undergoes a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiment. Special laboratories have been developed at HBCSE for the purpose. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country train the students. The duration of training will be subject to IBO regulations.

Stage V: Participation in International Biology Olympiad (IBO)

The 4-member student team, 2 teacher leaders and 1 scientific observer constitute the Indian delegation to the International Biology Olympiad (IBO). The 23rd IBO will be held tentatively in Singapore in July 2012. Document Actions
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The International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) has been conducted since 1968, and is a competition for students at the secondary and higher secondary school levels. The IChO boosts the level of chemistry education in the participating countries. It helps develop friendly relations between the young people from different countries. India started participating in this event from the year 1999 at the 31st IChO held at Bangkok, Thailand. India hosted the 33rd International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) in its third year of participation in 2001 with wholehearted support of all countries.

To know the five stage process of this program click on Stages .

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The chemistry Olympiad program follows the following 5 stages:

StageI: National Standard Examination in Chemistry (NSEC), StageII: Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO), StageIII: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in chemistry, StageIV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IChO, StageV: Participation in International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO).

Stage1isentirelytheresponsibilityofIAPT.AlltheremainingstagesareorganizedbyHBCSE. The detailed information about eligibility and structure of the stages is given below:

Stage I: National Standard Examination in Chemistry (NSEC)

NSEC is the first stage of selection of students in the chemistry Olympiad Programme which is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the programme must enroll for NSEC. NSEC is held at a large number of centres in the country.

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DateofNSEC2011:27November2011(Sunday) TimeofNSEC2011:12:30pmto02:30pm LastDateforEnrollmentforNSEC:15thSeptember2011

Eligibility: All Indian students who are born on or after July 1, 1992 and, in addition, are in Class XII or lower as of November 30, 2011, are eligible to appear for NSEC 2011 -- 2012. A student may appear for more than one subject provided the examination schedule allows it. See information about the examination schedule under various subjects. Students who have passed Class XII are not eligible to enroll for NSEC. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the eligibility criteria are satisfied. In case at any stage of the programme it is found that the student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, he/she may be disqualified from the programme.

Syllabus: The syllabus for NSEC is broadly equivalent to the senior secondary level (Class XI and Class XII) of CBSE Chemistry. This is only a rough guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for NSEC.

QuestionPaper: NSEC emphasizes comprehension of the subject, not rote memory. Its format will be as follows: The question paper will consist of 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. Language : English.

QualifyingfortheSecondStage: Based on performance in NSEC, the top 300 students in order of merit qualify to appear for the Second Stage of the Olympiad program (INChO). In case there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks qualify for INChO.

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All students who qualify to appear for INChO get a certificate of merit from IAPT.

For any queries or clarifications and for any difficulties regarding enrollment for NSEC, please contact: Prof.M.L.Oglapurkar Co-ordinator (NSE) IAPT Office, I.I.E. Campus, 128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038. Tel : (Off.) 020 - 25420163. (9:00 AM to 7:00 PM) Email: OR Prof.R.M.Dharkar Chief Co-ordinator (IAPT Examinations) Email:

Stage II: Indian National Chemistry Olympiad (INChO)

INChO is organized by HBCSE at about 15 centres in the country.

Eligibility: Students selected from Stage I examination (NSEC) are eligible to appear for INChO. In addition those students who have been exempted as described in the Enrollment page are also eligible to appear for INChO. Besides these two, there is no other way by which a student becomes eligible to appear for INChO.

Thetentative date and time of INChO 2012 examination is as follows: January28,2012(Saturday):01.00p.m.---04.00p.m.(3hours)

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The confirmed date and schedule will be announced in the first week of January 2012 on this website and communicated by post to the eligible students. Students appearing for INChO are eligible for TA/DA as per the norms of the programme.

Syllabus:The syllabus for INChO is broadly similar to NSEC. However, the syllabus is only a broad guideline. Questions and problems in National Olympiads are usually non-conventional and of high difficulty level, comparable to International Olympiads.

On the basis of performance in INChO, the top 35 students in the merit list will be selected for Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in chemistry. In the event, there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this last position will qualify for OCSC. There will be no other criterion or provision for selection to OCSC.

Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Chemistry

OCSC in chemistry will be organized by HBCSE sometime in April to June 2012 for 2-3 weeks. The precise dates will be announced prior to or along with the announcement of the selection list for the OCSC.

EligibilityforOCSC: Only the students selected from the merit list of Stage II (INChO) are eligible. There will be no other criteria or provision. Thetentative dates of OCSC 2012 is as follows: May24-June3,2012 The camps include several theoretical and experimental tests. Orientation is provided to students especially in experiments. The camps conclude with a valedictory function where distinguished scientists are invited to speak to the students. The merit list of OCSC is prepared on the basis of the combined theoretical and experimental score aggregated over all the tests in the camp, with 60% weightage for theory and 40% weightage for experiment. Performance in

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previous stages (NSEC and INChO) will not be a consideration for the merit list and awards of the OCSC. The top 4 in the OCSC chemistry merit list are declared to be special merit awardees. These special merit awardees are given Rs. 5,000/- each in the form of books and cash. In addition there are special prizes to recognize meritorious performance in theory and experiments. The 4 special merit awardees in chemistry selected at the end of the OCSC constitute the 4 member student team for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO), provided they satisfy required criteria such as age limit, holding valid Indian passport, medical fitness, parental consent, etc.

Stage IV: Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camp for IChO

The selected 4 member Indian team undergoes a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiments. Special laboratories have been developed at HBCSE for the purpose of experimental training. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country train the students. The duration of training is subject to IChO regulations.

Stage V: Participation in International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO)

The 4-member student team, 2 teacher leaders and 1 scientific observer constitute the delegation to represent India at the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO). The 44th IChO will be held in Washington, USA tentatively in July 2012.

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Junior Science
The International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) is a competitive examination open to students of all countries in the world, primarily studying in secondary schools. All basic subjects of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics) are given roughly equal representation in the IJSO examination. Beginning the year 2008-2009, the National Olympiad Programme includes Junior Science also.

For the five stage process leading to International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2011, please click on Stages. Document Actions
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The Junior Science Olympiad program will follow the following 5 stages: StageI: National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS). StageII: Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO), StageIII: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in junior science, StageIV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IJSO, StageV: Participation in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO).

StageIwillbeentirelytheresponsibilityofIAPT.AlltheremainingstageswillbeorganizedbytheHBCSE. The detailed information about eligibility and structure of the stages is given below:

Stage I: National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS)

NSEJS is the first stage of selection of students in the Junior Science Olympiad Programme. NSEJS is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the programme must enroll for NSEJS. NSEJS is held at a large number of centres in the country.


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TimeofNSEJS2011:03:00pmto05:00pm LastDateforEnrollmentforNSEJS:15September2011

Eligibility(NSEJS): All Indian students who are born on or after January 1, 1997 and, in addition, are in Class X or lower as of November 30, 2011, are eligible to appear in NSEJS 2011 2012. If they qualify in the NSEJS, they will be eligible for subsequent stages leading to participation in International Junior Science Olympiad 2012. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the eligibility criteria are satisfied. In case at any stage of the program it is found that the student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, he/she may be disqualified from the program. Syllabus: The syllabus for NSEJS will be broadly equivalent to the secondary school level (upto Class X) of CBSE. The different basic subjects of science (physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics) will have roughly equal emphasis. This is only a broad guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for NSEJS.

QuestionPaper: NSEJS will emphasize comprehension of the subject, not rote memory. Its format will be as follows: The question paper will consist of 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. Language : English.

QualifyingfortheSecondStage: Based on performance in NSEJS, the top 300 students in order of merit qualify to appear for the Second Stage of the Olympiad programme INJSO. In case there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this last position qualify for INJSO. All students who qualify to appear for INJSO get a certificate of merit from IAPT. For any queries or clarifications and for any difficulties regarding enrollment for NSEJS, please contact:

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Prof.M.L.Oglapurkar Co-ordinator (NSE) IAPT Office, I.I.E. Campus, 128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038. Tel : (Off.) 020 - 25420163. (9:00 AM to 7:00 PM) Email: iapt .AT.

OR Prof.R.M.Dharkar Chief Co-ordinator (IAPT Examinations) Email: rmdharkar .AT.

Stage II: Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO)

INJSO will be organized by HBCSE at about 15 centres in the country.

Eligibility: Students selected from Stage I examination (NSEJS) are eligible to appear for INJSO. In addition those students who have been exempted as described in the Enrollment page are also eligible to appear for INJSO. Besides these two ways, there is no other way by which a student becomes eligible to appear for INJSO.

The tentativedate and time of INJSO 2012 examination is as follows: January28,2012(Saturday):01:00pm---04:00pm(3hours)

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The confirmed date and schedule will be announced in the first week of January 2012 on this website and communicated by post to the eligible students. Students appearing for INJSO will be eligible for TA/DA as per norms of the programme.

Syllabus:The syllabus for INJSO will be broadly similar to NSEJS. The syllabus is, however, only a broad guideline. Questions and problems in National Olympiads are usually non-conventional and of high difficulty level, comparable to International Olympiads.

On the basis of performance in INJSO, the top 35 students in the merit list will be selected for Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Junior Science. In the event, there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this last position will qualify for OCSC in Junior Science. There will be no other criterion or provision for selection to OCSC.

Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Junior Science

OCSC in Junior Science will be organized by HBCSE sometime in April to June 2012 for 2-3 weeks. The precise dates will be announced prior to or along with the announcement of the selection list for the OCSC.

EligibilityforOCSC: Only the students selected from the merit list of Stage II (INJSO 2012) will be eligible for OCSC 2012 in Junior Science. There will be no other criterion or provision. The tentativedates of OCSC 2012 is as follows: May14-June2,2012 The camp will include several theoretical and experimental tests. Orientation will be provided to students especially in experiments. The camp will conclude with a valedictory function where distinguished scientists will be invited to speak to the students.

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The merit list of OCSC in Junior Science will be prepared on the basis of the combined theoretical and experimental score aggregated over all the tests in the camp, with 60% weightage for theory and 40% weightage for experiment. Performance in previous stages (NSEJS and INJSO) will not be a consideration for the merit list and awards of the OCSC. The top 6 in the OCSC Junior Science merit list will be declared to be special merit awardees. These special merit awardees will be given Rs. 5,000 each in the form of books and cash. In addition, there will be special prizes to recognize meritorious performance in theory and experiments. The 6 special merit awardees in Junior Science selected at the end of the OCSC 2012 will constitute the 6 member student team for the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2012, provided they satisfy required criteria such as age limit, holding valid Indian passport, medical fitness, parental consent, etc.

Stage IV: Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camp for IJSO 2012

The selected 6 member student team will undergo a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiment. Special laboratories are being developed at HBCSE for the purpose of experimental training. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country will train the students.

Stage V: Participation in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2012

The 6 member student team and 3 teacher leaders will constitute the delegation to represent India at the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2012. The 9th IJSO will be held in Tehran, Iran tentatively in December 2012. Document Actions
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The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) is an annual event, which is held in the month of June - July every year. The country of the venue of IPhO varies from year to year. This activity has been conducted regularly for the past 37 years. However, India began to participate in the IPhO only in 1998. The IPhO is a keenly contested examination in physics open to pre-university students of all countries in the world. It serves as a bench-mark for study of physics at pre-university level. It also fosters friendly relations amongst students of different countries. It is believed that India's participation in the IPhO boosts the level of science education in the country.The physics olympiad programme in India aim to promote excellence in physics at the pre-university stage and to select and train participants for the IPhO. To know the five stage process of this program click on Stages.

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The physics Olympiad program follows the following 5 stages: StageI: National Standard Examination in Physics (NSEP), StageII: Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO), StageIII: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in physics, StageIV: Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IPhO, StageV: Participation in International Physics Olympiad (IPhO).

StageIisentirelytheresponsibilityofIAPT.AlltheremainingstagesareorganizedbyHBCSE. The detailed information about eligibility and structure of the stages is given below:

Stage I: National Standard Examination in Physics (NSEP)

NSEP is the first stage of selection of students in the physics Olympiad Programme which is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the programme must enroll for NSEP. NSEP is held at a large number of centres in the country.

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DateofNSEP2011:27November2011(Sunday) TimeofNSEP2011:09:30amto11:30am LastDateforEnrollmentforNSEP:15thSeptember2011

Eligibility: All Indian students who are born on or after July 1, 1992 and, in addition, are in Class XII or lower as of November 30, 2011, are eligible to appear for NSEP 2011 - 2012 A student may appear for more than one subject provided the examination schedule allows it. See information about the examination schedule under various subjects. Students who have passed Class XII are not eligible to enroll for NSEP. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the eligibility criteria are satisfied. In case at any stage of the programme it is found that the student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, he/she may be disqualified from the programme.

Syllabus: The syllabus for NSEP is broadly equivalent to the senior secondary level (Class XI and Class XII) of CBSE Physics. This is only a rough guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for NSEP.

QuestionPaper: NSEP emphasizes comprehension of the subject, not rote memory. Its format is as follows:

PartA (180 marks):

50 multiple choice questions consisting of:

(A1) 40 questions, each with only one of the four options correct 10 questions, each with one or more than one options correct. To get credit, all correct option(s) (A2) and no incorrect option(s) should be marked.

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PartB (60 marks): Language:

5 (or 6) questions which are problems or short-answer type. All questions carry equal marks. English. (However, NSEP question papers may be available in Hindi, and some other regional languages provided there are more than 300 students for that language. Please check with IAPT.)

QualifyingfortheSecondStage: Based on performance in NSEP, the top 300 students in order of merit qualify to appear for the Second Stage of the Olympiad programme (INPhO). In case there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks qualify for the INPhO. All students who qualify to appear for the INPhO get a certificate of merit from IAPT.

For any queries or clarifications and for any difficulties regarding enrollment for NSEP, please contact: Prof.M.L.Oglapurkar Co-ordinator (NSE) IAPT Office, I.I.E. Campus, 128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038. Tel : (Off.) 020 - 25420163. (9:00 AM to 7:00 PM) Email: iapt .AT. OR Prof.R.M.Dharkar Chief Co-ordinator (IAPT Examinations) Email: rmdharkar .AT.

Stage II: Indian National Physics Olympiad (INPhO)

INPhO is organized by HBCSE at about 15 centres in the country.

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Eligibility: Students selected from Stage I examination (NSEP) are eligible to appear for INPhO. In addition, those students, who have been exempted from NSEP as described in the Enrollment page, are also eligible to appear for INPhO. Besides these two, there is no other way by which a student becomes eligible to appear for INPhO.

The tentative date and time of INPhO 2012 examination are as follows:


The confirmed date and schedule will be announced in the first week of January 2012 on this website and communicated by post to the eligible students. Students appearing for INPhO are eligible for TA/DA as per norms of the programme.

Syllabus:The syllabus for INPhO is broadly similar to NSEP. The syllabus, however, is only a broad guideline. Questions and problems in National Olympiads are usually nonconventional and of high difficulty level, comparable to International Olympiads.

On the basis of performance in INPhO, the top 35 students in the merit list will be selected for Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in physics. In the event, there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this last position will qualify for OCSC. There will be no other criterion or provision for selection to OCSC.

Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Physics

OCSC in physics will be organized by HBCSE sometime in April to June 2012 for 2-3 weeks. The precise dates will be announced prior to or along with the announcement of the selection list for the OCSC.

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EligibilityforOCSC: Only the students selected from the merit list of Stage II (INPhO) are eligible. There will be no other criterion or provision. The tentative dates of OCSC 2012 are as follows: May12-May23,2012 The camps include several theoretical and experimental tests. Orientation is provided to students especially in experiments. The camps conclude with a valedictory function where distinguished scientists are invited to speak to the students.

The merit list of OCSC is prepared on the basis of the combined theoretical and experimental score aggregated over all the tests in the camp, with 60% weightage for theory and 40% weightage for experiment. Performance in previous stages (NSEP and INPhO) will not be a consideration for the merit list and awards of the OCSC. The top 5 students in the OCSC physics merit list are declared to be special merit awardees. These special merit awardees are given Rs. 5,000/- each in the form of books and cash. In addition there are special prizes to recognize meritorious performance in theory and experiments. The 5 special merit awardees in physics selected at the end of the OCSC constitute the 5 member student team for the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), provided they satisfy required criteria such as age limit, holding valid Indian passport, medical fitness, parental consent, etc.

Stage IV: Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camp for IPhO

The selected 5 member Indian team undergoes a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiments. Special laboratories have been developed at HBCSE for the purpose of experimental training. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country train the students.

Stage V: Participation in International Physics Olympiad (IPhO)

The 5 member student team, 2 teacher leaders and 1 scientific observer constitute the delegation to represent India at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO).

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The 43rd IPhO will be held in Tartu and Tallinn, Estonia, tentatively in July 2012.

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