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Howards sitting in a deserted room eating his lunch. He is sat in the centre, in silence. Deep in thought.

The Room Echoes with every chew he takes. His uniforms neat yet scruffy. Half tucked in trousers. Long tie, tight knot but not pulled up to the collar. His eyes rarely move, completely oblivious to the joys of life.

The Bully Walks in. A stocky boy with fairly tidy uniform and a Tall frame. He paces over to Howard, his eyes wide open, almost manic looking. Very intimidating. He towers over Howard. Alright Howard he sniggers with a very patronizing tone. He stands there, his grin slowly drooping as no answer comes from Howard.

The bully lunges toward a writing desk, two away from Howard although he never breaks eye contact. Silence.

The Bully slides across to the desk in-between himself and Howard and peers over, almost invading Howards privacy. He has a curious expression on his face that turns to a subtle grin as he realizes he has a motif to pester him.

The Bully quickly raises his finger and points it towards a frosted lunchbox sitting directly in front of Howard on his desk. The bully raises his eyebrows and peers into Howards eyes demandingly. Oi, what you got there? The bully nods at the lunchbox then looks back into Howards eyes.

Howard breaks eye contact and does a shy double take at the bully before looking down. Nothing he mutters.

The Bully Slowly gets up and walks curiously to Howards desk. His footsteps are slow. Howard retracts his lunchbox towards his chest and turns away slightly his eyes flitter with fear.

The bully lunges towards the table with an agrresive look on his face. Give it here! he spits. The bully pounds his hands on the table and bends over Howard.

NO! Howard says in a screeching panic, his eyes sadden and his eyebrows raise. The bully pushes through Howards block and steals his lunchbox.

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