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SolidCAM Milling

User’s Guide
Volume #2

©1995-2005 SolidCAM LTD.

All Rights Reserved.

Contents SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide


Volume #2

11. Machining Processes

11.1 Introduction & Basic concepts...............................................................................................................16

11.1.1 Job templates ...................................................................................................................................16
11.1.2 Parameters & Expressions ............................................................................................................18
11.1.3 Default sets ......................................................................................................................................19
11.1.4 Machining Process Table ...............................................................................................................19
11.2 Creating Machining Processes ................................................................................................................20
11.3 Defining Machining Process Table ........................................................................................................21
11.3.1 Adding MAC file(s) ........................................................................................................................22
11.4 Machining Process Table Manager ........................................................................................................24
11.4.1 Managing Machining Process Tables...........................................................................................26
11.4.2 Machining Process Group Types .................................................................................................29
11.5 Managing Machining Processes..............................................................................................................31
11.6 Machining Process Define Manager ......................................................................................................33
11.6.1 Job Templates page ........................................................................................................................33
11.6.2 Define Job Template ......................................................................................................................34
11.6.3 Managing Job Templates ...............................................................................................................35
11.6.4 Parametric field menu ....................................................................................................................36
11.6.5 Default Sets page ............................................................................................................................39
11.6.6 Parameters & Expressions Tables ................................................................................................40
11.6.7 Adding a new Parameter ...............................................................................................................42
11.6.8 Variables & expressions .................................................................................................................43
11.6.9 SolidCAM standard functions ......................................................................................................44
11.7 Using the Machining processes ..............................................................................................................46
11.8 Inserting The Machining Process ..........................................................................................................47
11.9 Machining Process Insert Manager .......................................................................................................49
11.9.1 Job Templates Page ........................................................................................................................49
11.9.2 Default Sets Page ............................................................................................................................51

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide Contents

11.9.3 Parameters Table.............................................................................................................................52

11.9.4 Job Points.........................................................................................................................................52
11.9.5 Parameters definition .....................................................................................................................53

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining (AFRM)

12.1 Introduction and Basic Concepts ..........................................................................................................57

12.2 Preparation to Holes Recognition .........................................................................................................60
12.2.1 Definition of Homes ....................................................................................................................60
12.2.2 Target model ...................................................................................................................................60
12.3 Start Holes Recognition...........................................................................................................................61
12.4 Holes Recognition User Interface..........................................................................................................62
12.4.1 Holes Recognition Manager .........................................................................................................62
12.4.2 Holes Recognition Toolbar ...........................................................................................................63
12.5 Hole Feature Model .................................................................................................................................65
12.5.1 Cylindrical Hole Feature segment ................................................................................................66
12.5.2 Cone Hole Feature segment .........................................................................................................67
12.5.3 Chamfer Hole Feature segment ...................................................................................................67
12.5.4 Planar Hole Feature segment ........................................................................................................68
12.5.5 Torus Hole Feature segment.........................................................................................................68
12.5.6 Sphere Hole Feature segment .......................................................................................................69
12.5.7 Compound Holes processing .......................................................................................................70
12.5.8 Hole Feature Shapes and Groups ................................................................................................70
12.5.9 Hole Features page .........................................................................................................................71
12.6 Preparing Hole Features for the machining .........................................................................................76
12.6.1 Undercut processing ......................................................................................................................76
12.6.2 Undercut substitution ....................................................................................................................78
12.6.3 Segments Union..............................................................................................................................82
12.6.4 Machinable Hole Features .............................................................................................................85
12.6.5 Machinable Hole Feature conversion ..........................................................................................91
12.6.6 Machinable Hole Feature Page .................................................................................................. 100
12.7 Feature Sets............................................................................................................................................. 112
12.7.1 Creating Feature Sets .................................................................................................................. 112

Contents SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.7.2 Assigning Hole Features to Feature Sets ................................................................................. 113

12.7.3 Automatic Home Positions definition ..................................................................................... 114
12.7.4 Feature Sets page ......................................................................................................................... 116
12.7.5 Compatible/Incompatible Hole features................................................................................. 118
12.7.6 Operating Feature Sets ............................................................................................................... 119
12.7.7 Defining the Home Position origin location for the Feature Set ......................................... 121
12.8 Technology ............................................................................................................................................. 123
12.8.1 Choosing a Technology Solution .............................................................................................. 124
12.8.2 Choosing the tool ........................................................................................................................ 125
12.8.3 Technology Page .......................................................................................................................... 131
12.8.4 Managing Technology ................................................................................................................. 133
12.9 Generating Jobs ..................................................................................................................................... 136
12.10 Technology Database.......................................................................................................................... 138
12.10.1 Global and Local Technology databases ............................................................................... 139
12.10.2 Technology Database interface ............................................................................................... 140
12.10.3 Configurations page .................................................................................................................. 141
12.10.4 Current Configuration .............................................................................................................. 142
12.10.5 Solutions page ............................................................................................................................ 143
12.10.6 Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 145
12.10.7 Variables ...................................................................................................................................... 149
12.10.8 Defining a new Technology Solution ..................................................................................... 150
12.10.9 Holes Recognition Functions .................................................................................................. 152
12.11 Holes Recognition Settings ................................................................................................................ 155
12.11.1 System settings ........................................................................................................................... 156
12.11.2 Part settings ................................................................................................................................ 158
Index ................................................................................................................................................................ 168

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide Contents

Machining 11
A Machining Process is comprised of a series of Jobs that are tied
together through user-defined parameters. You can automate repetitive
tasks in CNC-Programming with this new Machining Process feature.
In subsequent identical or similar situations, the Machining Processes
can be used directly or adapted to the new situation by giving values
to its parameters.

 Machining Processes Table

 Defining a new Machining Process
 Job Templates
 Default Sets
 Parameters & Expressions
 Using Machining Processes
SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.1 Introduction & Basic concepts

SolidCAM enables you to automate repetitive tasks in CNC-Programming with the Machining Process
feature. Machining Process (MP) is the structure of fully parameterized Job Templates. In subsequent
identical or similar situations, the machining process templates can be either used directly or they can
be adapted to the new situation by giving values to its parameters.

Job Templates Parameters

11.1.1 Job templates

A Job template is the parametric template of the single operation that is used within the Machining
Process. There can be one or several job templates in a Machining Process.

For example: To create a threaded countersink hole, we need three Jobs using the common

• Centering

At this stage, preliminary centering

is made for the hole and a chamfer.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

• Drilling

At this stage, the hole is drilled.

• Threading

At this stage, the threading is


SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.1.2 Parameters & Expressions

Parameters can be given a constant value or an expression.

In the above sample the following parameters are needed:

• The tap size (D_thread)

• The tap depth (H_thread)

• The drill depth (H_drill)

• The chamfer diameter (D_chamfer)



In the above example you can define the following expression for centering depth.

With a group of such Job templates, Parameters and Expressions, you can define the universal
Machining Process.


D_chamfer / 2
H_center =
tg (α/2)

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.1.3 Default sets

A Default set is a combination of parameters and expressions used for Job template customization. You
can define a number of the default sets by attaching different specific values or expressions to
parameters. You can use the default sets to adapt machining process to specific tasks.

Default Set Parameters

Job Templates


In the above example we can create default sets for each tap size (e.g. M6, M8 etc).

11.1.4 Machining Process Table

SolidCAM enables you to join your Machining Process
Processes into the Machining Process Table. 1

2 Machining


SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.2 Creating Machining Processes

Three basic stages are needed to create a Machining Process.

Creating Machining Creating Machining Defining Machining

Process Table Process Process components

New Machining Machining Machining

Process Table Process Table Process Define
dialog Manager Manager

SolidCAM enables you to use three major interface tools for these tasks:

• New Machining Process Table - With this dialog you can define a new MP Table. SolidCAM
also enables you to manage existing MP Tables.

For more information on this subject, please refer to the topic 11.3.

• Machining Process Table Manager enables you to create and manage a single Machining
Process in the Table.

For more information on this subject, please refer to the topic 11.4.

• Machining Process Define Manager enables you to define components of the single
Machining Process: Job Templates, Default sets, Parameters and Expressions.

For more information on this subject, please refer to the topic 11.6.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.3 Defining Machining Process Table

The first stage of the Machining Process creation is the definition of the Machining Process Table.

1. In the SolidCAM manager, right click on Machining Process field to open the
pull down menu and choose the type of the MP table - Milling from the New sub

The dialog window, New Machining Process Table, will be displayed.

2. Enter a name for the Machining Process Table in the Table name field.

3. Press the Add Mac File button to define the MAC file for your Machining Process
Table. Since not all machines support all of the options in SolidCAM, you must
also give the Mac file that you will be using. This will assure that only the options
that are supported by your machine will be used.

4. Confirm the Machining Process Table creation with the OK button.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.3.1 Adding MAC file(s)

The Add MAC file(s) dialog enables you to choose a MAC-file or a set of similar MAC files for your
Machining Process. The MAC- file contains options oriented to the specific CNC Machine. This file
enables you to adapt your Machining Processes for your CNC Machines.

• Adding MAC file

1. Press the Add button to choose the suitable

MAC file from the list.

2. In the dialog window displayed, pick the MAC

file that you wish to work with and press OK.

The original dialog window will be displayed

again with the chosen MAC file.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

• Adding similar MAC-files

This option will add to the list any MAC file that is similar to the MAC file that you
originally picked. The criteria of the similarity is the coincidence of the MAC-file options
needed for Machining Processes.

Please contact SolidCAM customer support for further details.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.4 Machining Process Table Manager

With the Machining Process Table Manager, SolidCAM enables you to control single Machining
Processes in the Machining Process Table.

The Machining Process table dialog contains the following fields:

• Machining Process List

This field contains the list of all Machining Processes from the current table.

Double-click on the Machining Process name in the list to edit the MP in the Machining
Process Define Manager (see the topic 11.6).

Right-click on the Machining Process name in the list to get the pull down menu of
Managing Machining Processes (see the topic 11.5).

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

• MP Picture

This option enables you to attach a picture to your MP.

Click on the Browse MP Pictures... button and choose a bitmap file (*.bmp) in
the browser window.

• Type

For easier identification and classification of Machining Processes, you can define and use
your own MP types.
• Description

In this field you can enter text describing the Machining Processes.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.4.1 Managing Machining Process Tables

The Machining Process Tables contains the following options:

• Current

This option enables you to load the current MP Table in the Machining Process Table
Manager (see the topic 11.4).

• New

With this option you can create a new MP Table. SolidCAM enables you to create the type
of MP Table: Milling.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

• Open

This option enables you to load an MP Table via the standard Windows Browser.

1. Right-click on the Machining Process

field and choose Open from the sub-
menu to load the Machining Process
Table. The Browser Window will be

2. Select the Machining Process Table file


The Machining Process Table will be

loaded and the Machining Process
Table Manager will be displayed.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

• Copy

This option enables you to copy the MP Table.

The Copy Machining Process Table dialog will be displayed.

1. In the left field of the dialog, choose the MP Table you want.

2. Click on the icon to move the MP Table in the copy-container field. You can
use the icon to remove MP Tables.

3. Choose the copy location in the right field.

4. Click on the Copy button to confirm the operation.

5. Click on the Exit button to close the dialog.

• Delete

Choose this option to delete the MP Table via the standard Windows Browser.
• Recent MP Tables

This option displays a list of the last MP Tables that you loaded in SolidCAM. You can
open the file by simply clicking on the file you want to open.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

• Group Types

This option enables you to create your own MP Group Type.

• Expressions

This option enables you to create and manage your own list of expressions that will be
available in each MP you design.

11.4.2 Machining Process Group Types

For easier identification and classification of Machining Processes, you can define and use your own
Machining Process Group Types.

Defining Group Types

1. Right-click on the Machining Process field in the SolidCAM Manager and choose
Group Types... from the pull down menu.

The MP Group Types Manager will be loaded.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

• To add a new Group Type, click on the Add button and type the name.

• To remove an existing Group Type from the list, select the item and click on the Delete

• To edit the Group Type name, click on the icon in the name field and choose Edit-View.

The Edit dialog will be displayed. Change the MP Group Type name and confirm it with

• You can use the hotkey F2 to open the Edit dialog.

• By double-clicking on the Group Type name in the list, you can edit the name in
the list directly without going to the Edit dialog.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

Using Group Types

The Machining Process Table Manager enables you to assign the Group Type to the Machining
Process by choosing it from the list.

11.5 Managing Machining Processes

Right-click on the Machining Process

name in the list to get the pull
down menu of Machining Process
• Add

This option enables you to add a new

Machining Process to Machining
Process Table.

• Edit

This option enables you to edit

components of the Machining
Process in the Machining Process
Define Manager (see the topic 11.6).

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

• Copy

This option creates a copy of the current Machining Process.

• Rename

This option enables you to rename the current Machining Process.

• Delete

This option enables you to remove the current Machining Process from the Machining
Process Table.

• Import

This option enables you insert Machining Processes from another MP Table into the
current MP Table.

You can insert Machining Processes from MP Tables defined with similar MAC

1. Right-click on the MachProcess field and choose Import from the pull down

2. Choose the MP Table you want from the Browser. The MP Export Table Manager
will be displayed.

3. Choose the Machining Process you want from the Manager and confirm the
operation with the Export button.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.6 Machining Process Define Manager

11.6.1 Job Templates page

In this page you can work with the set of Job Templates in the same way as the conventional SolidCAM
Jobs via the SolidCAM Manager.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.6.2 Define Job Template

The Job template screen contains the same fields as the SolidCAM Job Screen.

You can now fill the fields of the Job template like in a conventional Job. Note that some fields in the
Job Templates are marked with the icon. These fields are parametric. In these fields you can enter
the following data:
• Variable

• Expression

• Value

If a variable you entered does not exist, SolidCAM adds it to the Used Parameter
Table (see the topic 11.6.6).

To edit this parametric field, you can use the parametric field menu by clicking on the icon.

If you entered wrong data in the parametric field (unacceptable type of variable, mistake in expression
etc.), SolidCAM will mark this parametric field with the icon.

In the Job template, you have to define the Geometry and the Tool.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.6.3 Managing Job Templates

A Job Template is a parametrically defined single SolidCAM Job. In addition to numerical values for
the technology parameter definition you can use variables and expressions in the Job Templates.

The following options enable you to manage your Job templates:

• Add

The process of the Job Template creation is the same as creating Jobs via the SolidCAM

1. Right-click on the Jobs field situated in the Job Templates tab. The pull down
menu will be displayed:

Choose the Job Template type from the menu.

The corresponding Job Template screen will be displayed.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

• Edit

This option enables you to edit the Job Template.

The corresponding Job Template screen will be displayed.

• Delete

• Change Tool

This option enables you to change the tool used in the specific Job Template. The Part
Tool Table dialog (see the topic 3.6) will be displayed.

11.6.4 Parametric field menu

The parametric field menu enables you to choose parameters and expressions simply and effectively.

When you click on the icon, the following menu will be displayed:

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

• User Defined Parameters

This option displays a list of existing User Defined Parameters.

Choose the variable name you want from this list.

You can open this list with the F5 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

• Part’s parameters

This option displays a list of existing Part’s Parameters.

Choose the variable name you want from this list.

You can open this list with the F6 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

• Expressions

This option displays the list of defined expressions.

You can open this list with the F7 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

• Functions

This option displays the list of standard SolidCAM functions. (For more information on
this subject, please refer to the topic 11.6.9)

You can open this list with the F8 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

• Edit-View

This option displays the parameter edit dialog.

Here you can see and edit the full parameter name or expression string.

1. You can open this list with the F2 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

2. In this dialog you can also use the operational menu by clicking on the icon.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.6.5 Default Sets page

In this page you can work with the set of Default Sets created in the actual Machining Process.

You can use the following operations to manage Default Sets:

• Set as Current

This operation activates the selected Default Set.

• Rename

This command enables you to rename the selected Default Set.

• Copy

This command enables you to copy the selected Default Set.

• Delete

This command removes the selected Default Set.

You can create a number of Default Sets and assign the specific combination of values and expressions
to the parameters in each of them. The Default Sets enables you to adapt the Machining Process to
specific tasks.


Default Set

Default Set
Default Set

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

1. Create a new Default Set via Copy operation.

2. Activate the created Default Set with the Current option.

3. Change parameters definition via Parameter Tables.

11.6.6 Parameters & Expressions Tables

There are two specific areas in the Machining Process Define Manager that enable you to manage
your parameters and expressions:

Used Parameters Table

This area shows the table of parameters that were used in the Job Templates.

This area shows the table of parameters that were used in the Job Templates with the actual Default

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

This table contains the following columns:

• Parameter - shows the parameter name. In this field you can change the name of the parameter.
In this case the name will be updated in all Job Templates that use this parameter.

• Expression - shows the parameter definition as an expression or value. To edit this parametric
field you can use the parametric field menu available by clicking on the icon.

• Result value - shows the result value returned by the parameter.

• G - shows the status of the parameter. If the status is Global - the „G“ letter is shown. In
this case the expression of this value will be the same in the all Default Sets.

By right-clicking on this field, you can change the status of the parameter.

• R/O - shows the access status of the parameter. If the status is Read-only, the „R/O“ letters
are shown. In this case the parameter definition cannot be changed during Machining
process insertion.

By right clicking on this field, you can change the read-only status of the parameter.

• Description - shows your own text description of the parameter. To edit the field you can
use the context menu available by clicking on the icon.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

Unused Parameters Table

This area shows the table of parameters that were not used in the Job Templates with the actual
Default Set.

This table contains the following columns:

• Parameter - shows the parameter name. In this field you can change the name of the parameter.
In this case the name will be updated in all Job Templates that use this parameter.

• Expression - shows the parameter definition as either expressions or values. To edit this
parametric field, you can use the operational menu available by clicking on the icon.

• Result value - shows the result value returned by the parameter.

11.6.7 Adding a new Parameter

This field enables you to add a new parameter.

1. Choose the new parameter type from the list.

2. Type the parameter name.

3. Click the Add button to enter the parameter to the table.

The Delete button enables you to delete the selected parameter item from the
Unused Parameters table.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.6.8 Variables & expressions

SolidCAM enables you to use variables and expressions in your Job templates.

User Defined Parameters

You can define your own variables and use it in Job Templates definition.

SolidCAM supports the following types of variables:

Profile Geometry variables are stored in the Profile Geometries.

Z-Value variables are stored in the Z-coordinate of the picked point.

Distance Value variables are stored in the distance between two picked points.

String variables are stored in the string of symbols.

Float variables are stored in the positive and negative floating-point numbers.

Integer variables are stored in the positive and negative whole numbers.

You must follow the following rules when naming variables in SolidCAM:

• You must use a letter as the first character.

• You can‘t use any characters except capital and lower-case English
letters, numbers and underscore symbols (_)

• Names can‘t exceed 255 characters in length.


SolidCAM enables you to use expressions for parameters definition.

You can use the following symbols in expressions:

• Addition (+)

• Subtraction (-)

• Multiplication (*)

• Division (/)

Parentheses are acceptable.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

When multiplication and division occur together in an expression, each operation is evaluated as it
occurs from left to right. When addition and subtraction occur together in an expression, each operation
is evaluated in order of appearance from left to right. Parentheses can be used to override the order
of precedence and force some CAM-Parts of an expression to be evaluated before others. Operations
within parentheses are always performed before those outside. Within parentheses, however, operator
precedence is maintained.

SolidCAM enables you to use the set of the standard mathematical functions like sine, cosine etc... in
your formulas.


D_chamfer / 2
For the H_center variable in the following formula H_center =
we can write the expression: tg (α/2)

11.6.9 SolidCAM standard functions


Returns a value specifying the square root of a number.


Returns a value specifying the sine of an angle.


Returns a value specifying the cosine of an angle.


Returns a value specifying the tangent of an angle.


Returns a value of the same type that is passed to it specifying the absolute value of a

The absolute value of a number is its unsigned magnitude. For example, abs(-1)
and abs(1) both return 1.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide


Returns a value specifying the arccosine of a number.


Returns a value specifying the arcsine of a number.


Returns a value specifying the arctangent of a number.


Returns a value specifying the arctangent of quotient first and second arguments.

dist(,) and ang(,)

Returns polar coordinates: distance and angle (in radians) of the point defined in Cartesian




Returns a value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.

For example: pow(2,3) returns 8.


Returns a value specifying the base-10 logarithms of a number.


Returns a value specifying the natural logarithm of a number.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

sum3( , , )

Returns the sum value of three arguments.


Returns the integer portion of a number.


Converts degrees to radians.


Converts radians to degrees.

11.7 Using the Machining processes

You can use the defined Machining Process by inserting it into a CAM-Part. During the insertion,
SolidCAM transforms each Job Template into a single Job.

Process Insert


Machining CAM-Part


The main interface tool to insert a Machining Process into a CAM-Part is through the Machining
Process Insert Manager.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.8 Inserting The Machining Process

Insert the Machining Process into your CAM-Part with the following steps.

1. Load the CAM-Part where you want to use the technology defined in the Machining

2. Load the Machining Process Table

3. When the CAM-Part and Machining Process are loaded, right-click on the Jobs
field and choose Add Machining Process from the sub-menu.

The Machining Process Table Manager will be displayed.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

5. Select the Machining Process you want from the list.

6. Click on the Pick button. The Machining Process Insert Manager will be

When the Insert Manager is loading, SolidCAM receives necessary information

from the CAM-Part. Then SolidCAM receives expressions for other parameters
from the current Default Set and calculates them.

To prepare the Machining Process for insertion, do the following steps:

1. With the Default Sets page choose the Default Set you require.

2. With the Parameters Table fill all the blank expression fields. You can also change
all expressions that do not have Read-Only status.

3. When the Machining Process is defined, click on the Insert button to insert the
Machining Process into the current CAM-Part.

4. SolidCAM chooses tools for the Machining Process. The process of choosing is

• SolidCAM searches the tool in the Part Tool table (from tools already
used in the CAM-Part).

• SolidCAM searches the tool in the current tool table (if it was

• The search criteria are the tool shape and parameters. The first found
tool, with an identical tool shape and parameter, is chosen.

• If a tool with an identical shape and parameters is not found, SolidCAM

will add a new tool with the first available tool number.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

5. The Jobs will be inserted into the CAM-Part.

• To undo the last insertion, you can use the Undo


• The Simulate button enables you to simulate Jobs

of the current CAM-Part.

11.9 Machining Process Insert Manager

11.9.1 Job Templates Page

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

This page displays the list of Job Templates that were inserted in the CAM-Part.

• By clicking on the (+) sign near each Job Template, you can see the list of parameters used
in the selected Job template.

• To see the Job Template parameters and settings, right-click on the Job name in the list and
choose the Show command from the list. The Job Template screen will be displayed.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

In this screen you cannot change the Job Template definition. To edit the Job
Template, go to the Machining Process Define Manager (see the topic 11.6).

In the Job Template screen, all parametric fields are marked with the icon.
Click on this icon to see the parametric field menu. The Edit-View option is
available in this menu. This option opens the parameter edit dialog.

This dialog enables you to see and edit the full parameter name or expression

11.9.2 Default Sets Page

Double-click on the Default Set name to make it current. The Parameters and values from the selected
Default set will be shown in the Parameters Table.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

11.9.3 Parameters Table

There are three columns in this table:

• Parameter - shows the parameter name.

• Expression - shows the parameter definition. In this field you have to define missed
expressions for parameters. You can also edit all expressions that don‘t have Read-Only

• Result value - shows the result value returned by the parameter.

With the Show read only checkbox, you can allow or forbid showing parameters marked Read-Only.

The Show descriptions option enables you to show the parameter description instead of the parameter
name in the Parameter column.

11.9.4 Job Points

This field contains buttons to define specific points of the job.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

11.9.5 Parameters definition

Click on the icon to display menus for each parametric field.

Parametric field menu for Geometries

• Geom Select

This option displays a list of geometries that is defined in the CAM-Part.

Choose the variable name you want from the list.

You can also open this list with the F5 hotkey when you are in the parametric

• Geom Define

This option enables you to define a geometry from the current model.

You can also open this list with the F6 hotkey when you are in the parametric

• Geom Show

With the Show command, the current 3D model, drill or chain geometry will be displayed
in the active CAD window.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

To exit from this mode, use the Exit button in the displayed Show Geometry dialog.

You can also open this list with the F7 hotkey when you are in the parametric

• Edit-View

This option displays the parameter edit dialog.

This dialog enables you to see and edit the full parameter name or expression string.

1. You can also open this list with the F2 hotkey when you are in the parametric

2. In this dialog you can also use the operational menu by clicking on the icon.

Parameters of Z-value and Distance types.

For parameters of these types, SolidCAM enables you to define values by picking them from the active

• To define the Z-value, choose the Pick Z-value (F5) item from the parametric menu.

The Pick Z-Value dialog will be displayed. Pick the point you want on the model and click
on the OK button to confirm the selection.

11. Machining Processes SolidCAM2005 User’s Guide

• To define the Distance, choose the Pick Distance (F5) item from the Parametric menu.

1. In the SolidWorks window, pick the first point.

2. Confirm the selection with the OK button in the Distance: Pick first point

3. Pick the second point and confirm it in the same way.

The Distance value will be calculated.

Other Parameters

For parameters of other types, the parametric field menu contains only one item: Edit-View (F2).

Choose it to edit the parameter definition in the Edit window.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 11. Machining Processes

Automatic Feature Recognition
and Machining (AFRM) 12
The SolidCAM Automatic Holes Feature Recognition and Machining
(AFRM) module enables you to automatically recognize holes in the
Solid model and generate the tool path for machining.

 Hole Feature recognition

 Preparing to machining
 Feature Sets definition
 Technology
 Technology Database
SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.1 Introduction and Basic Concepts

The SolidCAM Automatic Holes Feature Recognition and Machining (AFRM) module enables you to
automatically recognize holes in the Solid model and generate the tool path for machining.
Solid Model

SolidCAM Automatic
Feature Recognition
and Machining

Tool Path

At the first stage of the AFRM process, SolidCAM recognizes all Hole Features (see the topic 12.5)
from the solid model and classifies them. SolidCAM analyzes the manufacturability of the recognized
features and converts the Hole Features into Machinable Hole Features (see the topic 12.6.4) by
making the necessary changes of the Hole Feature components. SolidCAM distributes Machinable
Hole Features to Feature Sets (see the topic 12.7) related to the previously defined Machine Homes
(see the topic 12.7.3). For each Feature Set, SolidCAM searches for a suitable technology in the
Technology Database (TDB) (see the topic 12.8) and for tools in the Part Tool Table (see the topic 3.2).
The appropriate technology will be converted to SolidCAM Jobs.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Solid Model

Holes Recognition

Hole Features

Conversion to
Machinable Features

Machinable Hole
Machine Homes Distribution to
Feature Sets

Feature Sets

Feature based

Part Tool

CAM-Part Jobs

All the holes recognized by SolidCAM can be classified either as Simple Hole Features or as Compound
Hole Features.

A Simple Hole Feature is a cut in the solid body generated by the figure of revolution. The diameter
of a Simple Hole can be constant or changing. A Simple Hole can either be Blind or Through.

Blind Simple Hole Feature Through Simple Hole Feature

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

A Compound Hole Feature is also generated by the cut of the figure of revolution. The diameter of
the Compound Hole Feature is constant or decreasing at the start of the hole and increasing at the end
of the hole. The Compound Hole Feature can be only through.

SolidCAM recognizes the holes with the undercuts.

Blind Hole Feature with undercut

Compound Hole Feature with undercut Through Hole Feature with undercut

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.2 Preparation to Holes Recognition

You have to prepare the CAM-Part before you activate the Holes recognition. The preparation includes
the Homes and Target model definition.

12.2.1 Definition of Homes

You have to define a number of Machine Homes (see the topic 2.2) corresponding to the setup
positions of the part on the CNC machine. The number of Machine Homes has to be enough to
machine the part from all directions that you need.

12.2.2 Target model

The Target model (see the topic 2.4) has to be defined. SolidCAM uses the Target model for the

When the CAM-Part is defined and prepared, you can start the Holes recognition process.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.3 Start Holes Recognition

To start the holes recognition process, right click on the Jobs field in the SolidCAM Manager and
choose the Holes Recognition item from the menu.

The Holes Recognition will be started. SolidCAM parses the solid model in order to gather the
information about all holes. When the recognition process will be finished, SolidCAM displays the
Holes Recognition Manager.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.4 Holes Recognition User Interface

12.4.1 Holes Recognition Manager

When the AFRM module is activated, the Holes Recognition Manager is displayed. The SolidCAM
Holes Recognition Manager is shown in the SolidWorks Feature Manager area.

The SolidCAM HR Manager consists of a number of pages that can be controlled with the HR Manager

Hole Features Page

Machinable Features Page Jobs Page

Feature Set Page Technology Page

This toolbar enables you to switch between the various.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

• Hole Features page (see the topic 12.5.9) displays all the
Hole Features Page Hole Features recognized in the solid model.

• Machinable Hole Features page (see the topic 12.6.6)

displays all Machinable Hole Features converted from the
Machinable Hole
Hole Features.
Features Page

• Feature Set page (see the topic 12.7.4) displays all the Feature
Feature Sets Page

• Technology page (see the topic 12.8.3) displays all the

Technology solutions offered by SolidCAM for the
Technology Page machining of the current Feature Set.

• Jobs page (see the topic 12.9) displays Jobs generated by

Jobs Page

12.4.2 Holes Recognition Toolbar

When the AFRM is activated, the Holes Recognition toolbar is displayed.

Technology DataBase Show Tool Table

Settings Show Errors
Show Picture Show Data

• Technology DataBase

This button enables you to display the Technology DataBase Manager (see the topic 12.10).
• Settings

This button enables you to display the Holes recognition Settings dialog (see the topic 12.11).
• Show Picture

This button enables you to display the schematic picture of the selected item.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

• Show Data

This button enables you to display the Parameters dialog which displays the parameters
of the selected item.
• Show errors

This button enables you to display the Errors dialog which shows the errors that occurred
during the AFRM process.
• Show Tool Table

This button enables you to display the Part Tool Table.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.5 Hole Feature Model

SolidCAM analyzes the Solid model in order to recognize all the Hole features. A Hole Feature
recognized by SolidCAM consists of a number of Hole Feature segments. Each Hole Feature Segment
is composed of one or more faces. The Type of Hole Segment depends on the Face Surface Type.

Hole Feature segment composed from several Hole Feature segment composed from one
faces face

Types of Hole Segments:

• Cylindrical

• Cone

• Chamfer

• Planar

• Torus

• Sphere

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

SolidCAM determines the total Depth, Hole Upper Plane and Direction of each Hole Feature.

SolidCAM determines the geometry parameters of each Hole Feature segment.

The Upper plane of the Hole Feature is the upper Z-level of the hole determined in compliance with
the SolidWorks Part origin.
Z Direction
Hole Upper Plane

Solid Model Origin


12.5.1 Cylindrical Hole Feature segment

Height (H1)

Diameter (D1)

This segment is formed by a cylindrical face.

• Diameter (D1)

• Height (H1)

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.5.2 Cone Hole Feature segment

Angle (A1)

Diameter (D1)

Height (H1)

This segment is formed by a cone face.

• Diameter (D1),

• Height (H1),

• Angle (A1)

12.5.3 Chamfer Hole Feature segment

Angle (A1)

Diameter (D1)

Height (H1)

Diameter (D2)

This segment is formed by a truncated conical face.

• Upper diameter (D1),

• Lower diameter (D2),

• Height (H1),

• Angle (A1)

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.5.4 Planar Hole Feature segment

This segment is formed by a planar face. A segment of this type has no parameters.

12.5.5 Torus Hole Feature segment

Diameter (D1)

Height (H1)

Radius (R1)

Diameter (D2)

• Upper Diameter (D1)

• Lower Diameter (D2)

• Height (H1)

• Radius (R1)

There are two parameters describing the location of the center of the generatrix circle:

Radius (R1)
Height of the center (HC)

Diameter of the center (DC)

• HC - Height of the center relative to the bottom of the torus.

• DC - Diameter of the center.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.5.6 Sphere Hole Feature segment

Diameter (D1)
Height (H1)

Radius (R1)

Diameter (D2)

This segment is formed by a spherical face. The center of the sphere is situated on the hole axis.
• Upper Diameter (D1)

• Lower Diameter (D2)

• Height (H1)

• Radius (R1)

The Sphere segment can be either Open or Closed. A Closed Sphere segment has zero Lower
Diameter (D2).

When the Lower Diameter (D2) is greater than zero – the Sphere will be Open.
Open Sphere

Closed Sphere

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.5.7 Compound Holes processing

SolidCAM splits the Compound Hole into two Simple Hole Features: one above the splitter line and
one below the splitter line. This enables you to machine the Compound Hole Feature from both sides
using two Homes.

Splitter Splitter

12.5.8 Hole Feature Shapes and Groups

The SolidCAM AFRM module classifies the Hole Features into Hole Feature Shapes and Hole Feature

The Hole Features with the same type and sequence of segments will be included into one Hole
Feature Shape.

For each Hole Feature Shape, the Hole Features are grouped in Hole Feature Groups; each Group
includes the Hole Features with the same values for the segment parameters.

Group #1
Hole #1
Hole #2
Hole #N

Group #2
Hole #1
Hole #2
Hole #N

Group #N

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.5.9 Hole Features page

The Hole Features page displays the list of all Hole Features recognized in the solid model. The Hole
Features are classified into Shapes and Groups. You can highlight the Hole Features, Groups and
Shapes in the graphic view by selecting the items in the list.

You can repeat the Holes recognition process with the Recognize command.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

SolidCAM enables you to display the Hole Picture dialog with the
Show Picture button located on the Holes Recognition toolbar.
This dialog shows the schematic picture of the selected Shape,
Group or Hole Feature.

SolidCAM enables you to display the Topology Hole Parameters

dialog with the Show Data button located on the Holes
Recognition toolbar.

This dialog contains a number of pages.

The Holes parameters page display the global Hole parameters:

• Depth

• Upper Plane

• Direction

Other pages display the geometry parameters of each Hole

Feature segment. When the specific segment page is selected
in the Topology Hole Parameters dialog, the corresponding
segment will be highlighted in the Hole Picture.

The parameters values displayed in the Topology Hole Parameters dialog cannot
be changed. In order to change them, you have to edit the solid model and
perform the Holes Recognition again.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Managing Hole Features

SolidCAM enables you to manage the Hole Features, Shapes and Groups with the right-click menu.

Shape or Group menu

The right-click menu for Shape and Group includes the following items:

• Split/Unsplit

This option enables you to split/unsplit all Compound Holes in the selected Shape or

This operation is available only if the Shape or Group contains only Compound

• Change direction to opposite

This option changes the direction of all the Hole features in the specified Shape or

Hole Feature menu

The right-click menu for the Hole Features includes the following items:

• Split/Unsplit

This option enables you to split/unsplit the selected Compound Hole.

This operation is available only for Compound Holes.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

• Change direction to opposite

This option changes the direction of the selected Hole Feature.

• Go to Opposite

This option enables you to jump in the list to the Opposite part of the Split Compound

This operation is available only for Split Compound Holes.

Hole Features filter

The filter capabilities enable you to display in the list only those Hole Features that correspond to a
certain criterion.

• Direction filter

This filter enables you to display Hole Features with a specified direction only.
• Upper plane filter

This filter enables you to display Hole Features with a specified Upper Plane only.

The Upper Plane filter is active only for the specified direction.

• Hole type filter

This filter enables you to display Hole Features of a specified type: either Blind or

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

• Compound Hole Only

This option enables you to display only the Compound holes.

• Split Hole Only

This option enables you to display only the Split Holes.

• Hole with Undercut Only

This option enables you to display only the Hole Features with undercut.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.6 Preparing Hole Features for the machining

There are following stages of preparing Hole Features for the machining:
• Undercut processing

• Segments Union

• Creating Machinable Hole Features

12.6.1 Undercut processing

SolidCAM recognizes undercuts in the Hole Feature model.

The SolidCAM AFRM Module analyzes Hole Feature segments in order to find an undercut. An
undercut is detected when the diameter increases during one topology segment. The Undercut
consists of a number of segments and finishes when the current diameter is equal to the undercut
initial diameter.

Undercut Diameter (DU)

Height (H )

SolidCAM determines the Undercut Height (HU) as the sum of the height of all topology segments of
the undercut.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

SolidCAM classifies undercuts depending on the last Hole Feature segment included in undercut. The
classification is as follows:

• Undercut – None

In this case the finish diameter of the last segment of the

undercut is equal to the Undercut diameter.

• Undercut – Planar

In this case Undercut finishes with the Planar Hole Feature

segment (see the topic 12.5.4).

• Undercut – Cone

In this case Undercut finishes with the Cone Hole Feature

segment (see the topic 12.5.2).

• Undercut – Chamfer

In this case Undercut finishes with the Chamfer Hole

Feature segment (see the topic 12.5.3).

• Undercut – Torus

In this case Undercut finishes with the Torus Hole Feature

segment (see the topic 12.5.5).

• Undercut – Sphere

In this case Undercut finishes with the Sphere Hole Feature

segment (see the topic 12.5.6).

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.6.2 Undercut substitution

SolidCAM handles undercuts by substituting the undercut with a cylindrical segment depending on
the undercut type. The cylinder diameter is equal to the Undercut diameter (DU). When a part of the
lower undercut segment is less then the Undercut diameter, SolidCAM substitutes this part with a
cone, chamfer, torus or sphere segment.

Undercut substitution schemes:

• Undercut – None segment substitution

DU Diameter (D1)

HU Height (H1)

• Undercut – Planar segment substitution
DU Diameter (D1)

HU Height (H1)


SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

• Undercut – Cone segment substitution

DU Diameter (D1)

Height (H1)

Height (H2)

Angle (A1) Angle (A1)


• Undercut – Chamfer segment substitution

DU Diameter (D1)

HU Height (H1)

Height (H2)
Lower Diameter (D2) Lower Diameter (D2)

Angle (A1) Angle (A1)


12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

• Undercut – Torus segment substitution

DU Diameter (D1)

Height (H1)


Lower Diameter (D2) Lower Diameter (D2) Height (H2)



DU H= R2-((DU-DCENTER)/2)2



SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

• Undercut – Sphere segment substitution

DU Diameter (D1)

Height (H1)


Height (H2)



H2= R- R2-D2/4

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.6.3 Segments Union

SolidCAM enables you to unite identical adjacent Hole Feature segments.

There are the following cases for union:

• Planar + Planar
Planar 1 United Planar

Planar 2

• Cylinder + Cylinder
Cylinder 1 United Cylinder

Cylinder 2

The diameter of the resulting cylinder will be the same as the diameter of the original cylinders. The
Height will be sum of the original cylinder heights.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

• Chamfer + Cone
Chamfer United Cone


The Diameter of the resulting cone will be the same as the Diameter of the original upper
chamfer. The Angle of the resulting segment is equal to the Angle of the original cones.
The Height will be sum of the original cone heights.
• Chamfer + Chamfer
Chamfer 1 United Chamfer

Chamfer 2

The Upper Diameter of the resulting chamfer segment will be the same as the Upper
Diameter of the original upper chamfer. The Angle of the resulting segment is equal to
the Angle of the original chamfers. The Lower Diameter of the resulting chamfer segment
will be the same as the Lower Diameter of the original lower chamfer. The Height will be
sum of the original chamfer heights.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

• Torus + Torus

United Torus
Torus 1

Torus 2

The Upper Diameter of the resulting torus segment will be the same as the Upper Diameter
of the original upper torus. The Radius of the resulting segment is equal to the Radius
of the original torus. The Lower Diameter of the resulting torus segment will be the same
as the Lower Diameter of the original lower torus. The Height will be sum of the original
torus heights.
• Sphere + Sphere
United Sphere
Sphere 1

Sphere 2

The Upper Diameter of the resulting sphere segment will be the same as the Upper
Diameter of the original upper sphere. The Radius of the resulting segment is equal to
the Radius of the original spheres. The Lower Diameter of the resulting sphere segment
will be the same as the Lower Diameter of the original lower sphere. The Height will be
sum of the original sphere heights.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.6.4 Machinable Hole Features

SolidCAM converts Hole Features into the Machinable Hole Features in order to prepare them for
machining. The Machinable Hole Feature consists of one or more Machinable Hole Feature segments
that can be machined in one operation with the same tool.

Types of Machinable Hole Feature segments

The following types of the Machinable Hole Feature segments exist:

• Drill

• Chamfer

• Flat Cylinder

• Flat Chamfer

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Parameters of Machinable Hole Feature segments

SolidCAM calculates the values of the following parameters for the Machinable Hole Feature segments.
These parameters are called HR variables. They will be used later for the technology definition.

Each Machinable Hole Feature segment has the following parameters that define the position of the
segment along the revolution axis:
• hr_segm_upper_plane

This parameters is the distance from the Solid Model Origin to the upper level of the
Machinable Hole Feature segment (Segment Upper plane).

• hr_segm_depth

This parameters is the distance from the Hole Upper Plane to the lower point of the
Machinable Hole Feature segment.

• hr_segm_height

This parameters is the Height of the segment; the distance from the Segment Upper plane
to the lower point of the Machinable Hole Feature segment.


Hole Upper Plane

Segment Upper Plane



SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

In addition to the general parameters, SolidCAM determines the following parameters for each type
of Machinable Hole Feature segment:


hr_segm_diameter • hr_segm_diameter

• hr_segm_height

• hr_segm_angle




hr_segm_angle • hr_segm_diameter

• hr_segm_angle

• hr_segm_lower_diameter



12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Flat Cylinder

hr_segm_diameter • hr_segm_diameter

• hr_segm_blind

• hr_prev_segm_diameter


hr_segm_blind = true




hr_segm_blind = false

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Flat Chamfer

hr_segm_angle • hr_segm_diameter

• hr_segm_angle

• hr_segm_height
hr_segm_diameter • hr_segm_lower_diameter

• hr_segm_blind

• hr_prev_segm_diameter



hr_segm_blind = true



hr_segm_blind = false

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

For the Machinable Hole Feature segments contain cylinder (Drill and Flat Cylinder) the Hole Upper
Plane is coincide with the Segment Upper Plane. Therefore, the hr_segm_height is equal to the



Segment Upper Plane = Hole Upper Plane

hr_segm_height = hr_segm_depth

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.6.5 Machinable Hole Feature conversion

SolidCAM converts Hole Feature segments into Machinable Hole Features with the following rules:

General Conversion Rules

1. All possible combinations with Upper segment – Cylinder are converted into the
one Drill Machinable Hole Feature segment.

Exception: When a pair consisting of Cylinder and Planar segments

are converted into Flat Cylinder segment.

Upper + Lower Hole Feature Segments Machinable Hole Feature segment

Cylinder + None Drill

Cylinder + Chamfer Drill

Cylinder + Cone Drill

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Cylinder + Torus (open Sphere) Drill

Cylinder + Sphere Drill

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

2. Cone and Closed Sphere segments are converted into a Drill Machinable Hole
Feature segment.

Hole Feature segment Machinable Hole Feature segment

Cone Drill

Closed Sphere Drill

3. All possible combinations with Lower segment – Planar are converted into one
Machinable Hole Feature segment.

Upper + Lower Hole Feature Segments Machinable Hole Feature segment

Cylinder + Planar Flat Cylinder

Chamfer + Planar Flat Chamfer

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Torus/Open Sphere + Planar Flat Chamfer

4. Single segments like Torus, Chamfer and Open Sphere are converted into Chamfer
Machinable Hole Feature segments.

Hole Feature segment Machinable Hole Feature segment

Chamfer Chamfer

Torus Chamfer

Open Sphere Chamfer

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Conversion to Drill Machinable Hole Feature segment

SolidCAM determines the following dimensions of the upper and lower Hole Feature segments
of the pair. In the scheme below, the segments are represented as two cylinders surrounding the
Hole Upper Plane

Upper Plane

Depth Upper
Segment H

Segment H

The scheme of the Drill segment generation is the following:

• The vertex of the cone is located on the same depth (hr_segm_height) as the lower point
of the lower segment of the initial Hole Feature.

• The diameter of the Cylinder (hr_segm_diameter) is the same as the diameter of the Hole
Feature Segment.

• The resulting Machinable Hole Feature segment is extended upward till the Hole Upper

• The Cone angle (hr_segm_angle) is 118°.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Hole Upper Plane



In some cases, according to the General conversion rules (see the topic 12.6.5)
described earlier, the upper segment is absent. In this case the upper segment
will be None and the segment Height will be 0.

Exception: In the case of translation of a through Cylindrical Hole Feature

segment to a Drill Machinable Hole Feature segment, the hr_segm_height
parameter of the Drill will be the following:
Hole Upper Plane

H hr_segm_height

D hr_segm_diameter

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Conversion to Flat Cylinder Machinable Hole Feature segment

SolidCAM determines the following dimensions of the upper and lower Hole Feature segments of the
pair. In the scheme below, the segments are represented as two cylinders surrounding the segments.
Hole Upper Plane

Upper Plane

Depth Upper
Segment H

Segment H

If the lower Hole feature segment is Planar, the HL is 0.

The scheme of Flat Cylinder Machinable Hole Feature generation is the following:

• The planar face is located on the same depth (hr_segm_diameter) as the lower point of the
lower segment of the initial Hole Feature.
Hole Upper Plane
• The diameter of the Cylinder (hr_segm_height)
is the same as the diameter of the Hole Feature

• The resulting segment is extended upward till the

Hole Upper Plane. hr_segm_height


12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Conversion to Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment

According to the General conversion rules explained earlier (see the topic 12.6.5), the scheme of
input data for the conversion will be the following.

The major parameters of the converted Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment will be the same
as in the original Hole Feature segment:
Hole Upper Plane

Upper Plane
Depth DU



• The Upper diameter (hr_segm_diameter) of the Chamfer segment will be equal to the Upper
diameter of the initial Hole Feature segment.

• The Lower diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter) of the Chamfer segment will be equal to the
Lower diameter of the initial Hole Feature segment.

• The Height (hr_segm_height) of the Chamfer segment will be equal to the Height of the
initial Hole Feature segment.

• The converted Chamfer segment is situated at the same depth as the original Hole Feature

• The Chamfer Angle

Hole Upper Plane
will be calculated

Segment hr_segm_height


SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Conversion to Flat Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment

According to the General conversion rules explained earlier (see the topic 12.6.5), the scheme of the
input data for the conversion will be the following.
Hole Upper Plane

Upper Plane
Depth DU



The major parameters of the converted Flat Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment will be the
same as in the original Hole Feature segment:

• The Upper diameter (hr_segm_diameter) of the Chamfer segment will be equal to the
Hole Upper Plane


Segment hr_segm_height


Upper diameter of the initial Hole Feature segment.

• The Lower diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter) of the Chamfer segment will be equal to

the Lower diameter of the initial Hole Feature segment.

• The Height (hr_segm_height) of the Chamfer segment will be equal to the Height of the
initial Hole Feature segment.

• The converted Chamfer segment is situated at the same depth as the original Hole Feature

• The Chamfer Angle (hr_segm_angle) will be calculated automatically.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.6.6 Machinable Hole Feature Page

The Machinable Hole Features Page is divided to two parts. The upper part displays the list
of Machinable Hole Features, classified into Shapes and Groups. When an item is selected in the
Machinable Hole Features list, the lower part of the page displays the segments of the selected item.

When the Hole Features were changed, SolidCAM enables you to rebuild the Machinable Features. The
Rebuild operation is available either for all Machinable Hole Features or for the selected Machinable
Hole Feature (Shape, Group).

SolidCAM enables you to display the Hole Picture dialog with the
Show Picture button located on the Holes Recognition toolbar. This
dialog schematically shows the segments of the selected Machinable
Hole feature.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Managing Machinable Hole Feature Segments

The lower part of the Machinable Hole Features page displays the list of the segments for the selected
Machinable Hole Feature. The Machinable Hole Feature segments are situated in the list with specific
order from the lower segment to upper. SolidCAM enables you to manage the Machinable Features
segments with the right-click menu.

The following operations are available:

• Change type

The Change type option enables you to change the type of the Machinable Feature
Segment. The M-Feature segment type dialog will be displayed. This dialog enables you
to change the type of the Machinable Hole Feature segment.

• Reset

SolidCAM enables you to change the dimensions of the Machinable Hole Feature segment.
The Reset option enables you to reset the selected changed Machinable Hole Feature
segment to its initial dimensions calculated by SolidCAM.
• Insert Before / Insert After

This option enables you to insert a new Machinable Hole Feature segment before or after
the selected segment. The M-Feature segment type dialog will be displayed in order to
choose the type of the segment.
• Delete

This option enables you to delete a selected Machinable Hole Feature segment.

Only the segments added by the user can be deleted. The segments automatically
built by SolidCAM cannot be deleted.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Modifying Machinable Hole Feature segments

SolidCAM enables you to display the Machinable

Hole Feature Parameters dialog with the Show Data
button located on the Holes Recognition toolbar.

This dialog displays the parameters of the selected

Machinable Hole feature or selected Machinable
Hole Feature segment.

The Holes parameters page is displayed when the

Machinable Hole Feature is selected. This page
displays the following parameters of the Machinable
Hole feature:
• Depth

• Upper Plane

• Origin X /Origin Y

• Direction

Origin X


Upper Plane

Origin Y


The Depth, Upper Plane, Origin X/Y and Direction parameters cannot be

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

When a segment is selected, the Machinable Hole Feature Parameters dialog displays the specific
parameters of the selected segment.

SolidCAM enables you to assign a new value (User value) to parameters of the Machinable Hole
Feature segments.

When the new value is assigned to the parameter, SolidCAM modifies the segment according to the
specific rules.
• Drill segment

• Flat Cylinder segment

• Chamfer segment

• Flat Chamfer segment

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Modifying Drill Machinable Hole Feature segment




Changing Diameter (hr_segm_diameter)

When the Diameter changes, the Height (hr_segm_height)

and Angle (hr_segm_ange) remain unchanged. The height
of the conical and cylindrical faces will be changed. The Cone
corner will be fixed.

Changing Angle (hr_segm_angle)

When the Angle changes, the Height (hr_segm_height) and Diameter

(hr_segm_diameter) remains unchanged. The height of the conical
and cylindrical faces will be changed. The Cone corner will be fixed.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Changing Height (hr_segm_height)

When the Height changes, the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) remains

unchanged. The Height of the Conical face will be the same; the height
of the cylindrical face will be changed. So, the Height will be changed.
The Upper plane will be fixed.

Changing Upper Plane

When the Upper Plane changes, the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter)

will remain unchanged. The Height of the Conical face will be the
same; the height of the cylindrical face will be changed. So, the Height
(hr_segm_height) will be changed. The Cone corner will be fixed.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Modifying Flat Cylinder Machinable Hole Feature segment



Changing Diameter (hr_segm_diameter)

When the Diameter changes, the Height (hr_segm_height) will remain unchanged. The
Upper plane will be fixed.

Changing Height (hr_segm_height)

When the Height changes, the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) will remain unchanged. The
Upper plane will be fixed.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Changing Upper Plane

When the Upper plane changes, the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) will remain unchanged.
The lower edge of the cylinder will be fixed. The Height (hr_segm_height) will be

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Modifying Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment





Changing Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) or

Lower Diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter)

When the Diameter or Lower Diameter changes; the Angle (hr_segm_angle) parameter
will remain unchanged. It means that the second diameter will also be changed. The Height
(hr_segm_height) and Upper plane will be the same.

Changing Angle (hr_segm_angle)

Changing the Angle causes the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) to change. The Lower
Diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter) will be fixed. The Height and Upper Plane will stay
the same.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Changing Height (hr_segm_height)

Changing the Height (hr_segm_height) causes the Lower Diameter

(hr_segm_lower_diameter) to change. The Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) will be fixed.
The Upper Plane and Angle (hr_segm_angle) will be unchanged.

Changing Upper Plane

Changing the Upper Plane causes the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) to change. The Angle
(hr_segm_angle) will be unchanged. The Lower Diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter) will
be fixed. So, Height (hr_segm_height) will be changed.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Modifying Flat Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment





Changing Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) or

Lower Diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter)

When the Diameter or Lower Diameter changes; the Angle (hr_segm_angle) parameter
will remain unchanged. It means that the second diameter will also be changed. The Height
(hr_segm_height) and Upper plane will be the same.

Changing Angle (hr_segm_angle)

Changing the Angle causes the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) to change. The Lower
Diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter) will be fixed. The Height and Upper Plane will stay
the same.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Changing Height (hr_segm_height)

Changing the Height (hr_segm_height) causes the Lower Diameter

(hr_segm_lower_diameter) to change. The Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) will be fixed.
The Upper Plane and Angle (hr_segm_angle) will be unchanged.

Changing Upper Plane

Changing the Upper Plane causes the Diameter (hr_segm_diameter) to change. The Angle
(hr_segm_angle) will be unchanged. The Lower Diameter (hr_segm_lower_diameter) will
be fixed. So, Height (hr_segm_height) will be changed.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.7 Feature Sets

Feature Set is a number of Machinable Hole Features that will be machined within the same setup
using one Machine Home. Once used in a Feature Set, the Machine Home cannot be used in another
Feature Set.

Feature Set

Machine Home

12.7.1 Creating Feature Sets

SolidCAM automatically creates a

number of Feature Sets according
to the Machine Homes defined in
the current CAM-Part.
Feature Set

Machine Home #1

Feature Set

Machine Home #2

Feature Set

Machine Home #3

Feature Set

Machine Home #N

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.7.2 Assigning Hole Features to Feature Sets

SolidCAM automatically distributes Hole Features to the Feature Sets.

Recognized Holes
Holes Bank
Recognized Holes Recognized Holes Recognized Holes
Incompatible Incompatible Incompatible
Holes Holes Holes
Compatibility Compatibility Compatibility
Checker Checker Checker
Axis type Axis type Axis type
Compatible Holes Compatible Holes Compatible Holes

Feature Set #1 Feature Set #2 Feature Set #N

Machine Home #1 Machine Home #2 Machine Home #N


SolidCAM checks the compatibility of the Machinable Hole Features with the Feature Sets and
assigns Holes to the Feature Sets. The compatibility checker examines each Machinable Hole Feature
according to the Machine Home (owned by the specific Feature Set) and the Axis type of the Feature

Axis type enables you to limit the number of the axes used for the machining of the Machinable Hole
Features in Feature Set; the Axes number can be the same or less than Axis number of the CAM-Part.
The Machinable Hole Features included in the Feature Set will be machined according to this Axis
number, not considering the Axis number of the CAM-Part.

Each Machinable Hole Feature can be assigned to a specific Feature Set if one of the following
conditions is kept:

• The direction of the Machinable Hole Feature is parallel to the Z-axis of the Machine

• It is possible to define a Home Position (according to the Axis Type) under the Machine
Home with the Z-axis parallel to the direction of the Machinable Hole Feature.

The order of the assignment depends on the Machine Home Number; the Feature Set with the smaller
Machine Home number will be filled with Machinable Hole Features first. Thus, if the Machinable
Hole Feature is compatible to a number of Feature Sets, the Machinable Hole Feature will be assigned
to the Feature Set using the Machine Home with the lowest number.

The Machinable Hole Features that were not assigned are stored in the bank of the Recognized Hole

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.7.3 Automatic Home Positions definition

SolidCAM automatically defines Home Positions related to the Machine Home suitable to machine
Machinable Hole Features of a specific Feature Set. The Home Position is created according to the
following data:

• The Machine Home used in the Feature Set,

• The Axis type of the Feature Set

• The Direction of the Machinable Hole Feature.

Feature Set Hole Feature

Axis type Machine Home Direction

Home Position
The Z-axis of the defined Home Position is coincident with the Machinable Hole Feature direction.
The direction of the X- and Y-axis is defined according to the Machine Home and Axis Type.

When the Machinable Hole Feature is accepted by the Compatibility Checker, SolidCAM compares
the direction of the Machinable Hole Feature with the Z-axis of the existing Home Positions related
to the Machine Home of the Feature Set. If the direction and Z-axis of the Home Position are
parallel, the Hole Feature will be assigned to the Home Position. If a suitable position is not found,
SolidCAM defines a new one.

SolidCAM enables you to automatically locate the origin of the created Home position in dependence
of the Hole Recognition Settings. The origin of the Home position can be placed in the following

• The home position is placed in the position

of Machine Home #1

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

• The home position can be placed in the corner of the model box.

SolidCAM calculates the box surrounding the model (model box) in the coordinate system
of the first Machine Home.

The Home Position will be located in the corner of the model box with the following
coordinates (XMIN, YMIN, ZMAX).


12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.7.4 Feature Sets page

The Feature Sets Page enables you to define and edit Feature Sets of the current CAM-Part and also
to assign Hole Features to the Feature Sets.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

The Feature Sets Page is divided into three areas.

Feature Sets Area

Compatible Holes Area

Incompatible Holes Area

The upper area displays the tree of the Feature Sets with their Hole Features.

The middle area displays Compatible Hole Features – the Holes that can be assigned to the current
Feature Set.

The lower area displays Incompatible Hole Features – the Holes that cannot be assigned to the current
Feature Set.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.7.5 Compatible/Incompatible Hole features

All the holes that are not distributed to the Feature Sets are located in the Holes Bank. In the Holes
Bank holes are divided into two groups, depending on the current Feature Set.

Holes Bank

Compatible Incompatible
Holes Holes

The Feature Sets Page displays both the Compatible and Incompatible Hole Features for the Current
Feature Set.

Compatible Holes Area

Incompatible Holes Area

The checkbox, situated near each item in the Compatible Hole Features tree, enables you to select
the item to move to the current Feature Set. The selected Compatible Features can be moved to the
Current Feature Set by the Move to Current Set command available in the right-click menu in the
Compatible Features area.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.7.6 Operating Feature Sets

SolidCAM enables you to manage your Feature sets with the right-click menu.

The following commands are available:

Set as Current

This option enables you to set a specific Feature Set as current. All other operations will
be performed with the current Feature Set. The content of the Compatible/Incompatible
Features areas will be changed according to the current Feature Set.


This option enables you to add a new Feature Set. The Add Feature Set dialog will be

This dialog enables you to set the Axis type of the Feature Set and assign the Machine
Home to the Feature Set. SolidCAM enables you to define the Axis type of the Feature

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide


This op tion displays the Edit Feature Set dialog.

This dialog enables you to edit the name and Axis type of the Feature Set and change the
Machine Home assigned to t he Feature Set.

Remove All

This option enables you to remove all Machinable Hole Features from the Feature Set. All
the Machinable Features will be moved to the Holes bank.


This option enables you to delete the Feature Set. All the Machinable Features will be
moved to the Holes bank.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.7.7 Defining the Home Position origin location for the Feature Set

SolidCAM enables you to define the default location of the Home Position origin with the right click
menu on the Machine Home of the specified Feature Set.

The Place Home origin to dialog will be displayed.

• Corner of Model Box

The home position can be placed in the corner of the model box.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

• Home #1

The home position is placed in the position of Machine Home #1.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.8 Technology

For the each segment of the Machinable Hole Feature, SolidCAM chooses:

• A suitable Technology Solution from the Technology DataBase (TDB) (see the topic

• A tool from the Part Tool Table (see the topic 3.2) or defines a new tool.

Machinable Hole
Feature Segment

Part Tool Table

Technology solution

Technology Database


12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.8.1 Choosing a Technology Solution

SolidCAM stores all Technology Solutions in the Technology Database. All the Technology Solutions
are classified according to the type of Machinable Hole Feature segments.

Technology Database

Technology Solutions
Drill Machinable
Feature Segment

Technology Solutions
Flat Cylinder Machinable
Feature Segment

Technology Solutions
Chamfer Machinable
Feature Segment

Technology Solutions
Flat Chamfer Machinable
Feature Segment

For each type of Machinable Hole Feature segment, there is a number of technology solutions (each
technology solution can belong to only one type of Machinable Hole Feature segment).

The Technology solutions can be either a user-defined Machining Process or built-in Algorithm.

• The user-defined Machining process contains Jobs templates with parametric technology
data and parametric data of the tools. It can be defined and edited by the user.

• A built-in Algorithm is hard-coded in SolidCAM; it generates a number of Machining

Processes. Parameters of the algorithm can be edited.

Technology Solution

Technology Solutions Algorythm

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Technology Solutions use the dimensions of the Machinable Hole Feature Segments.

SolidCAM automatically chooses the suitable Technology Solutions for the machining of the specified
Machinable Hole Feature segment from the TDB. The choice of the Technology Solution is defined
by the set of conditions. A Condition is a logical expression; its result can be either true or false. When
the condition is true, the current technology solution can be used to machine the Machinable Hole
Feature segment. SolidCAM checks the conditions of the technology solutions in sequence; the first
solution with a true condition will be chosen.

12.8.2 Choosing the tool

When the technology solution is chosen from the TDB, SolidCAM chooses the suitable Tool from the
Part Tool Table. The method of choosing the tools depends on the type of the operation where the
tool is used. SolidCAM differentiates between the following types of operations:
• Drill Operation

• Mill Operation

• Center Drill Operation

• Chamfer Drill Operation

• Center-Chamfer Drill Operation

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Choosing the tool for the Drill Operation

SolidCAM searches for the tool according to the pre-defined tool type, diameter and angle. These
parameters are specified in the Job template of the specific Technology Solution. SolidCAM searches
for the suitable tool in the Part Tool Table. If the search fails, SolidCAM performs an additional search
with the same criteria in the Current Tool Table. If the tool is not found, SolidCAM defines a new tool
according to the data of the Job Template.
Technology Solution
Tool Type
Tool Diameter
Tool Angle

Yes Does the Part Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?

Yes Does the Current Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?

Define a new tool


Technology Solution

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Choosing the tool for the Mill Operation

SolidCAM searches for the tool according to the

pre-defined tool type and corner radius. The search
is performed in the Part Tool Table in the diameter
range from 0 till the product of Hole diameter and
Constant. Constant is equal to 0.9. The tool with
the maximum diameter will be chosen. If the tool
was not found in the Part Tool Table, the search will
be performed again in the Current Tool Table.
Hole Diameter
In the case of the absence of a suitable tool, an
error message will be displayed and the tool for the
milling operation will have to be defined manually.
Tool Diameter Range
0 < Tool Diameter < Hole Diameter + Constant

Technology Solution
Tool Type
Corner Radius
Tool Diameter Range

Yes Does the Part Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?

Yes Does the Current Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?



Technology Solution

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Choosing the tool for the Center Drill Operation

SolidCAM searches for the tool in compliance with Hole Diameter

the pre-defined tool type and angle. The search is
performed in the Part Tool Table in the diameter range
from the value of the sum of the Hole diameter and
Constant endlessly. Constant is equal to 1. The tool
with the maximum diameter will be chosen. If the
tool with such diameter was not found, SolidCAM
chooses the tool of any diameter with a pre-defined
tool type and angle. If the suitable tool does not exist
in the Part Tool Table, the search will be continued in
the Current Tool Table.
Tool Diameter Range
In the case of the absence of a suitable tool, an error Hole Diameter + Constant < Tool Diameter
message will be displayed and a tool for the center
drilling operation will have to be defined manually.
Technology Solution
Tool Type
Tool Angle
Tool Diameter Range

Yes Does the Part Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?

Yes Does the Current Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?



Technology Solution

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Choosing the tool for the Chamfer Drill Operation

SolidCAM searches for the tool in Hole Diameter

compliance with the pre-defined tool
type and angle. The search is performed
in the Part Tool Table in the diameter
range from the value of sum of the
Hole diameter and Constant till the
difference between the next segment
diameter and Constant. The Constant
is equal to 1. If the suitable tool does
not exist in the Part Tool Table, the
search will be continued in the Current Next Segment Diameter
Tool Table.

In the case of the absence of a suitable Tool Diameter Range

tool, SolidCAM defines a new tool
Hole Diameter + Next Segment Diameter -
with the pre-defined tool type, angle + Constant < Tool Diameter <
- Constant
and minimum possible diameter (Hole
diameter + Constant).

Technology Solution
Tool Type
Tool Angle
Tool Diameter Range

Yes Does the Part Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?

Yes Does the Current Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?

Define a new tool:

tool diameter = hole diameter + constant


Technology Solution

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Choosing the tool for the Center - Chamfer Drill Operation

SolidCAM searches for the tool in compliance with the Hole Diameter
pre-defined tool type and angle. The search is performed
in the Part Tool Table in the diameter range from the
value of sum of hole diameter and Constant endlessly.
The Constant is equal to 1. The tool with the maximum
diameter will be chosen. If the tool with such diameter is
not found, SolidCAM chooses the tool of any diameter
with a pre-defined tool type and angle. If the suitable tool
does not exist in the Part Tool Table, the search will be
continued in the Current Tool Table.

In the case of the absence of a suitable tool, an error Tool Diameter Range
message is displayed and the tool for the operation will
Hole Diameter +
have to be defined manually. + Constant
< Tool Diameter

Technology Solution
Tool Type
Tool Angle
Tool Diameter Range

Yes Does the Part Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?

Yes Does the Current Tool Table No

contain a suitable tool?



Technology Solution

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.8.3 Technology Page

The Technology Page is divided into two parts.

The upper part displays the tree of all Machinable Hole Features of the Current Feature Set. The
Machinable Hole Features are structured by Technologies and Groups.

• Technology – the set of Machinable Hole Features machined by the same Technology

• Group - the set of Machinable Hole Features within the Technology with the same

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

The lower part of the Technology Page displays technology solution and tools chosen for the
machining of the specified Machinable Hole Feature.

Activate the Hole Picture dialog with the Show Picture button located in the Holes Recognition
toolbar to display the schematic picture illustrating the result of applying the technology solution.

SolidCAM enables you to display the Technology Hole Parameters dialog with the Show Data button
located in the Holes Recognition toolbar.

This dialog enables you to edit the parameters of the specified Technology solution. SolidCAM enables
you to edit only parameters that were not marked as Read only in the Technology Database.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.8.4 Managing Technology

The following operations are available in the upper part of the Technology Page with the right-click

• Rebuild

This command rebuilds the technology for the selected item. The technology solutions
will be chosen again from the Technology database.
• Find Tool

The Find Tool command enables you to perform the tool search again for the selected

This command is useful in the following cases:

• When the suitable tool was not found in the Part Tool Table and was not
defined by SolidCAM.

• The Part Tool Table was updated.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Managing Technology Solutions

The lower part of the Technology Page displays the set of Technology Solutions necessary to the
machining of the selected Machinable Hole Feature.

• Change

This option enables you to change the Technology Solution. The Machining process list
dialog will be displayed; this dialog enables you to choose the necessary solution from the
list of available Solutions for this type of Machinable Hole Feature segment.

• Find tool

This command enables you to automatically find the suitable tool from the Part Tool Table
for the selected Technology Solution.

This command is useful in the following cases:

• When the suitable tool was not found in the Part Tool Table and was
not defined by SolidCAM.

• The Part Tool Table was updated.

SolidCAM enables you to change the tool for the Technology Solution with the Change Tool option.
The option is available with the right-click menu on the Tool item.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

The Part Tool Table dialog will be displayed in order to select a new tool.

The Show command is available with the right-click menu on the jobs of the Technology Solution.

This command displays the job screen with the parameters of the specified

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.9 Generating Jobs

When the Technology is defined, SolidCAM enables you to show the generated Jobs with the Jobs
Page. These Jobs are also available in the CAM-Manager.

The Edit command is available for the Jobs in the right-click menu.

This command enables you to display the Job screen.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.10 Technology Database

The SolidCAM Technology Database (TDB) stores all the Technology Solutions available for the
machining of the Machinable Hole Feature segments. The Technology Solutions in TDB are classified
according to types of Machinable Features Hole Feature segments. For each type of Machinable Hole
Feature segment, there is a number of connected technology solutions (each technology solution can
belong to only one type of Machinable Hole Feature segment).

Technology Database

Technology Solutions
Drill Machinable
Feature Segment

Technology Solutions
Flat Cylinder Machinable
Feature Segment

Technology Solutions
Chamfer Machinable
Feature Segment

Technology Solutions
Flat Chamfer Machinable
Feature Segment

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.10.1 Global and Local Technology databases

When SolidCAM is installed, the Global Technology Database is also installed in the system folder of
SolidCAM. SolidCAM enables you to customize the Global TDB by adding and editing Technology

When SolidCAM starts the AFRM process, the Global TDB will be copied into the CAM-part folder.
This copy is called the Local TDB. During the AFRM process, SolidCAM receives data only from
the Local TDB. The Local TDB can be modified by the user for specific tasks in the context of the
specific CAM-Part.

The Global TDB can be replaced with the Local TDB.

SolidCAM enables you to load the Global TDB with the Technology Database command from the
SolidCAM menu.

The Technology Database Manager dialog will be dixsplayed containing the Global TDB.

The Global Technology Database is unavailable when the Holes Recognition

process is working. In this case only the Local TDB can be edited.

The Local Technology Database can be loaded only when the Holes Recognition process is working.
The Local TDB can be loaded with the related icon from the Holes Recognition toolbar.

The Technology Database Manager dialog will be displayed containing the Local TDB.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.10.2 Technology Database interface

The Technology Database Manager dialog enables you to manage the Technology Database. The
dialog contains the areas shown on the picture below.
Current Configuration Conditions Area

Variables Area

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.10.3 Configurations page

SolidCAM enables you to use configurations in order to create multiple variations of a technology
database suitable for different tasks. By default, two basics configurations are implemented in
SolidCAM: System Configuration and User Configuration.

The System Configuration cannot be changed. It contains the set of technology solutions supplied
by SolidCAM.

The User configuration supplied by SolidCAM is a copy of the System configuration. All the content
of the technology database can be edited within this configuration. SolidCAM enables you to create
a number of user configurations. Technology solutions will be the same in all User Configurations.
The sequence of the Technology Solutions, conditions and expressions of user-defined variables can
be different within different User Configurations.

The Configurations Page of the TDB Manager enables you to manage configurations of TDB, either
Global or Local.

SolidCAM enables you to perform the following operations with the right-click menu.

• Set as Current

This option enables you to make the specified configuration current. All the further
operation will be performed for the Current Configuration.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

• Rename

This option enables you to change the name of the specified User Configuration.

The System Configuration cannot be renamed.

• Copy

This option enables you to create a copy of the specified User Configuration.

The System Configuration cannot be copied.

• Delete

This option enables you to remove the specified User Configuration.

The System Configuration, Current Configuration and last User Configuration

cannot be deleted.

12.10.4 Current Configuration

The Current Configuration combo box displays the name of the current configuration and enables
you to switch quickly between configurations in TDB.

When the Configurations page is displayed, the Current Configuration combo

box is disabled; it only shows the name of the current configuration.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.10.5 Solutions page

The page displays all the Technology solutions classified by the Machinable Hole Feature segment

SolidCAM enables you to perform the following operations with the Technology Solutions of a User


This option enables you to edit the definition of the specified Technology Solution. The
Machining Process Define Manager will be displayed.


This option enables you to define a new Technology Solution within the specified
Machinable Hole Feature segment. The Machining Process Define Manager will be
displayed. (For a more detailed explanation, refer to paragraph 10.3).


This option enables you to remove the specified Technology Solution from the TDB.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide


This option enables you to create a copy of the specified Technology Solution.


This option enables you to rename the specified Technology Solution.

All the operations above are available only for Technology Solutions of a User

For the Technology Solutions of the System Configuration, SolidCAM enables you to use the
following right-click menu.
• View

This option enables you to display the specified Technology

Solution with the Machining Process View Manager. The
displayed Solution cannot be edited.

• Copy To User Configurations

This option enables you to copy the specified Technology Solution to the User
Configurations. Since all the User Configurations use the same Technology Solutions, the
copied Technology Solution can be used within all User Configurations.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.10.6 Conditions

SolidCAM enables you to define the following set of conditions. If these conditions are true, the
technology solution is chosen.

A Condition is a complex logical expression; its result can be either true or false. When the condition is
true, the current Technology Solution can be used. SolidCAM checks the conditions of the Technology
Solutions in a defined sequence; the first solution with a true condition will be chosen.

A Condition consists of condition lines combined by logical operators AND and OR. A Condition line
is a comparison of two expressions. The following comparison operators are acceptable in condition
• > (greater than);

• < (less than);

• = (equal);

• <= (less than or equal);

• >= (greater than or equal);

The expression used in condition lines can include constants, user-defined variables and functions,
HR-variables and functions.

For the each Expression field the parametric menu is available.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

User Defined Parameters

This option displays a list of existing User Defined Parameters. These parameters can be used only for
a Condition definition but cannot be used for the Technology Solution definition.

You can open this list with the F5 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

Holes Recognition parameters

This option displays a list of existing Holes Recognition Parameters

You can open this list with the F9 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Holes Recognition Functions

This option displays a list of existing Holes Recognition Functions.

You can open this list with the F11 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.


This option displays the list of defined expressions.

SolidCAM enables you to use expressions for parameters definition.

You can use the following symbols in expressions:

• Addition (+)

• Subtraction (-)

• Multiplication (*)

• Division (/)

Parentheses are acceptable.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

When multiplication and division occur together in an expression, each operation is evaluated as
it occurs from left to right. When addition and subtraction occur together in an expression, each
operation is evaluated in order of appearance from left to right. Parentheses can be used to override the
order of precedence and force some parts of an expression to be evaluated before others. Operations
within parentheses are always performed before those outside. Within parentheses, however, operator
precedence is maintained.

You can open this list with the F7 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.


This option displays a list of existing Standard Functions.

You can open this list with the F8 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.


This option displays the parameter edit dialog.

Here you can see and edit the full parameter name or expression string.

You can open this list with the F2 hotkey when you are in the parametric field.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.10.7 Variables

The Variables area displays the list of variables and their expressions used in Conditions.

SolidCAM enables you to filter the variables used for the Condition definition with the following radio

• Data Base

This option enables you to display all the variables used in the TDB.
• Technology Segment

This option enables you to display all the variables used in the Technology Solutions of the
Current Technology Segment.
• Technology Solution

This option enables you to display all the variables used in for the current Technology

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.10.8 Defining a new Technology Solution

SolidCAM enables you add a new Technology Solution to the User Configurations. To do it, choose
the Add option from the right click menu of the Solutions page in the TDB Manager.

The Machining Process Define Manager will be displayed.

The Machining Process Define Manager enables you to define the Machining Process as a Technology
Solution. SolidCAM enables you to define parametric Job Templates and use CAM-Part parameters,
HR variables, expressions, standard functions for the parameters definition.

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Tool definition

SolidCAM enables you to define tools for the Job Templates. The tools have to be defined according
to the tool search algorithms (see the topic 12.8.2).

For drilling operations, SolidCAM enables the parametric definition of the tool. The expression for
the tool parameters have to be defined. When the Technology Solution will be applied, expressions
will be calculated and parameters used for the tool definition will get their values. The tool with
defined parameters will be chosen according to the specific algorithm.

For milling and chamfering operations SolidCAM enables the parametric definition of the tool but
expressions for the tool parameters are unnecessary. SolidCAM will choose the tool according to the
built-in algorithm. When the tool is chosen, the parameters will receive values offered by the tool
search algorithm.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.10.9 Holes Recognition Functions


This function enables you to calculate the clear offset that have to be removed during the
milling operation.

This function receives the following parameters:

• Diameter

• Next_diameter

• Tool_diameter

• Overlap (%)




SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

The logic of this function is the following:



No Yes

side_step=overlap*tool_diameter/100 clear_offset=(delta-tool_diameter)/2

No Yes

clear_offset=0 clear_offset=delta-side_step


12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide


This function enables you to calculate equal down steps in order to machine the specified
depth. The function receives the following values:
• wish_down_step

• hole_depth

The function returns the value of the equal down step closest to the wish_down_step


SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

12.11 Holes Recognition Settings

SolidCAM enables you to define the System and Part settings of the Holes Recognition with the
Holes Recognition settings dialog.

The Holes Recognition settings dialog structure has two tabs:

• System. The system settings are stored in the registry and affect all CAM-Parts

• Part. The CAM-Part settings apply only to the current CAM-Part.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.11.1 System settings

The system settings are stored in the registry and affect all the CAM-Parts.

Topology settings

Place Home Origin at:

This option enables you to set the default location for the Home Position created by the
AFRM at the stage of the Feature Sets definition.
• Corner of Model Box

The Home positions will be automatically placed at the corner of the box
surrounding the model.
• Home #1

The Home positions will be automatically placed at the position of Machine Home

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Technology Settings


• Add Center Drill

This option enables SolidCAM to automatically perform the center drilling. The
center drilling will be inserted before the machining of the first Machinable Hole
Feature segment that will be machined with the drilling technology.


The Color Settings page enables you to define the colors that will be used in the HR
Manager for the items changed or inserted by the user.

12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

12.11.2 Part settings

Topology settings: Cutting angle

The Cutting angle parameter defines the minimal value of the arc angle. If the angle of the section of
the Hole Feature is less than the defined value, SolidCAM does not recognize this as a hole.

Cutting Angle

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide 12. Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining

Index SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide


Adding a new Parameter 34
Adding MAC file 14
Algorithm 116
anaging Job Templates 27
Assigning Hole Features to Feature Sets 105
Automatic Home Positions definition 106
Axis type 105

Blind Simple Hol Feature 50

Chamfer Hole Feature segment 59
Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment 77
Changing Angle 96, 100, 102
Changing Diameter 96, 98, 100, 102
Changing Height 97, 98, 101, 103
Changing Upper Plane 97, 99, 101, 103
Choosing a Technology Solution 116
Choosing the tool 117
Choosing the tool for the Center - Chamfer Drill Operation 122
Choosing the tool for the Center Drill Operation 120
Choosing the tool for the Chamfer Drill Operation 121
Choosing the tool for the Drill Operation 118
Choosing the tool for the Mill Operation 119
Compatible Hole Features 110
Compound Holes processing 62
Compound Hole Features 50
Condition 117
Conditions 137
Cone Hole Feature segment 59
Configurations page 133
Conversion to Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment 90
Conversion to Drill Machinable Hole Feature segment 87
Conversion to Flat Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment 91
Conversion to Flat Cylinder Machinable Hole Feature segment 89
Creating Feature Sets 104
Creating Machining Processes 12
Current Configuration 134
Cutting angle 150
Cylindrical Hole Feature segment 58

Default sets 11
Default Sets Page 43

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide Index

Default Sets page 31

Define Job Template 26
Defining a new Technology Solution 142
Defining Machining Process Table 13
Definition of Homes 52
Distance 47
Drill Machinable Hole Feature segment 77

Expression 34, 137
Expressions 10, 32, 35, 139

Feature Set 104
Feature Sets 49
Feature Sets page 108
Feature Set page 55
Flat Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment 77
Flat Cylinder Machinable Hole Feature segment 77
Functions 30, 140

Generating Jobs 128
Global TDB 131
Group Types 21

Holes Recognition Functions 139, 144
Holes Recognition Manager 53, 54
Holes Recognition parameters 138
Holes Recognition Settings 147
Holes Recognition Toolbar 55
Hole Features 49
Hole Features filter 66
Hole Features page 55, 63
Hole Feature Groups 62
Hole Feature Model 57
Hole Feature segments 57
Hole Feature Shapes 62
HR Manager Toolbar 54

Incompatible Hole Features 110
Inserting The Machining Process 39

Jobs page 55
Job Points 44

Index SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide

Job Templates 8
Job Templates page 25

Local TDB 131

Machinable Hole Features 49, 77
Machinable Hole Features page 55
Machinable Hole Feature conversion 83
Machinable Hole Feature Page 92
Machining Process 8, 116
Machining Process Define Manager 12, 25
Machining Process Group Types 21
Machining Process Insert Manager 41
Machining Process List 16
Machining Process Table 11, 13
Machining Process Table Manager 12, 16
MAC file 14
Mac File 13
Managing Hole Features 65
Managing Machinable Hole Feature Segments 93
Managing Machining Processes 23
Managing Machining Process Tables 18
Managing Technology 125
Managing Technology Solutions 126
Modifying Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment 100
Modifying Drill Machinable Hole Feature segment 96
Modifying Flat Chamfer Machinable Hole Feature segment 102
Modifying Flat Cylinder Machinable Hole Feature segment 98
Modifying Machinable Hole Feature segments 94
MP Picture 17

New Machining Process Table 12

Operating Feature Sets 111

Parameter 34
Parameters 10, 32
Parameters definition 45
Parameters of Machinable Hole Feature segments 78
Parameters Table 44
Parametric field menu 28
Part settings 150
Planar Hole Feature segment 60
Preparation to Holes Recognition 52

SolidCAM2005 Milling User’s Guide Index

Result value 34

Segments Union 74
Simple Hole Features 50
SolidCAM standard functions 36
Solutions page 135
Sphere Hole Feature segment 61
Start Holes Recognition 53
System Configuration 133
System settings 148

Technology 115
Technology DataBase 115
Technology Database 49, 130
Technology Database Manager dialog 132
Technology Page 123
Technology page 55
Technology Settings 149
Technology Solutions 116
Through Simple Hole Feature 50
Topology settings 148
Torus Hole Feature segment 60

Undercut – Chamfer 69
Undercut – Cone 69
Undercut – None 69
Undercut – Planar 69
Undercut – Sphere 69
Undercut – Torus 69
Undercut processing 68
Undercut substitution 70
Unused parameters Table 34
Used Parameters Table 32
User Configuration 133
User Defined Parameters 35, 138
Using the Machining processes 38

Variables 141
Variables & expressions 35

Z-value 46

Document Number: SCMUG2ENG05001 156

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