Ipc Notes

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Chapter 7.3 Circuits a. 1 Circuit= a voltage source+ a conductor+ (x 1)(device[s] requiring electricity) b. Series Circuits i.

. Circuit has only one way for electrons to flow through ii. If any one part is disconnected, the whole circuit has no current to flow through. iii. An open circuit is an incomplete circuit and allows no current to flow. A way to memorize: S in Series is a one way line with no other marks. A series circuit has only one way for current to flow through. You cannot stop writing the S in the middle, or it is not an S. You cannot stop in the middle of a current, or it is no longer a functioning circuit. c. Parallel Circuits i. A circuit that has two or more branches for current to flow through. Think of Parallel Circuits with the ll as in two lines or branches for current to flow through. If you remove one l, it is still pronounced the same, if you remove one branch, the circuit still works. d. Protection i. To prevent fires, there are 2 types of protection: - Fuses: melts and breaks current - Circuit breaker: bends to flip a switch and stops current e. Electrical power i. Equation: VI=P Think: V.I.P Very Immature People. f. Electrical Energy is dependent on how long appliance is used and how much energy it needs to function i. Electrical energy= power required by appliance x time used per hour Or E= T x P (think Especially Troublesome People)

Chapter 8.2 a. Electric Current and Magnetism i. Moving charges make magnetic fields ii. Magnetic fields are dependent on current in wire iii. Electromagnet= ( iron+ carrying wire) +energy source -these are temporary magnets b. Galvanometer i. Measures electric current using electromagnets - Current changes when temperature changes

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