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Job Shadowing


Students get BLOCKED

Peer Pressure Feeling Defeated Hopelessness

Academic Pressure

Low Self Esteem

Job Shadowing offers

Academic Enrichment College/Career Awareness Mentoring/Tutoring Parental Involvement

Job Shadowing
Job shadowing can provide students with wonderful experiences. Giving them a birds eye view of what the World of Work is really all about. The experience provides students with a hands-on approach to learning.

How do I set up a Job Shadowing experience for my students

Find a willing coordinator Recruit potential workplace hosts Recruit students Send Parental consent home to parents Provide orientation information for workplace hosts Prepare students, appropriate attire, interview questions, travel directions, etc. Notify workplace hosts of names of the students

You cant be what you aint seen

Exposing our young people to the endless possibilities of what they can be, can only be a wonderful experience.
Job shadowing allow them that opportunity to explore, it builds their self confidence, motivates them and allows for others to partner in the experience.

Invite participating students to a pizza party after the experience.. Allow them to share in what they learned.

This is probable the most important part of the Job Shadowing experience.


It aint broke but how can we make it better. Ask the students as well as the workplace hosts to participate.

Work Place


Follow Up
Have students write thank you notes to the workplace hosts. Have plaques made for the hosts Have a letter from Principal to the students who participated, praising them for their efforts and making the school look good. Invite workplace hosts to a meeting at the school for a breakfast.

Job Shadowing is a Win Win for everyone. Parents, Teachers, Students, and the Community.

Resources are at your fingertips

- Teachers on staff (their family members) - Parents (Get them involved, they work) - Involve the students (ask them that age old question.. What do you want to be when you grow up?) - Community partners Neighborhood hospital community affairs department, Macys dept store, etc.

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