Solus Rex Topic List

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Solus Rex Topic List

Movies 1. Silent Films 2. Foreign Cinema (non-English and non-Indian) 3. Animated Films 4. Academy Award-winning films 5. Films from the AFI 100 Years... series (including AFI's 10 Top 10) 6. Biopics

Literature 1. Detective Fiction 2. Nobel Laureates in Literature 3. Speculative Fiction 4. Classics Illustrated 5. Shakespeare 6. The works and influence of Osamu Tezuka and Kazuo Koike

Science & Technology 1. Nomenclature of Elements 2. Nobel Laureates in Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Medicine & Economics) 3. Man in Space 4. Great Scientists 5. Accidental inventions and discoveries 6. Thought Experiments

History, Geography and the World 1. Stuff on National Flags 2. Wonders of the World 3. National Parks 4. Festivals and Celebrations 5. Famous explorers and expeditions 6. Nobel Laureates in Peace

TV Shows 1. Reality TV Shows 2. Anime 3. Cartoons 4. Detective Shows 5. Sitcoms 6. Quiz Shows

Sports 1. Modern Olympic Games 2. Indian Hockey 3. World Cup Football 4. Indoor games and computer games 5. Adventure sports and other unusual sports 6. World Cup Cricket

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