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Oakland General Strike!

November 2, 2011
Strike For Youth Strike For The Future
11am - Assemble at the Laney College Quad near Lake Merrit BART and march from there to 14th and Broadway
Oakland schools are failing the youth, leaving most of them with only two options for their future: cheap labor or prison. The State of California imposed a $100 million loan on the Oakland school district and sold the debt to Bank of America. The same day the city voted to close 5 elementary schools to save $2 million, they spent $1 million to raid Occupy Oakland in a single day. What is to be done? On March 4, 2010 students and parents of Oakland High Schools staged a successful militant walkout. Occupy Oakland has voted for a general strike on November 2, 2011 to fight against this system that privileges bankers and police over the needs of workers and students. When united we can fight against the selling off of our schools to companies and charters and start to put them under our own worker-community control!

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Our futures will not be sold! No to the school closures and cuts! Solidarity with the Occupy Movement!

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