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[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.

[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: ========== Logging started ==========
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: =====================================
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: Command line: DNFlp\setup.exe /q /norestart
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {481CEF9F-033
A-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Disable Error Logging - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::LoadSetupLog() completed
[02/12/10,16:47:20] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:20] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:20] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadManagers
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadDependencyMgr()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadCDInfoMgr()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadDiskInfoMgr()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadUIManager()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] vs70uimgr: Entering InitializeModule() method.
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadDatabaseValues
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Paquete de idioma de Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 independie
nte (CBS): WindowsFeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Paquete de idioma de Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 independie
nte (CBS): WindowsFeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP2 Language Pack (CBS): Windows
FeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP2 Language Pack (CBS): Windows
FeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] MSITOSIT: Attempting to pre-load file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\m
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2
C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2
C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Starti
ng dynamic costing Sequence
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Starti
ng pre CostFinalize CA Sequence
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Ending
pre CostFinalize CA Sequence
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Starti
ng post CostFinalize dynamic Sequence
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Ending
post CostFinalize Sequence
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()

[02/12/10,16:47:20] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()

[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Begini
ng CSubComponent creation for: .NET Framework LangPack Components (x86) [eCurren
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Begini
ng CSubComponent creation for: CSharp Components (x86) [eCurrentState = INSTALLS
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Begini
ng CSubComponent creation for: [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredSta
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Begini
ng CSubComponent creation for: Servicio [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDe
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Begini
ng CSubComponent creation for: Source Resiliency [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_A
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Begini
ng CSubComponent creation for: Source Resiliency [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_A
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Begini
ng CSubComponent creation for: CSD Dev Framework GreenBits Custom Action [eCurre
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0969412C-728
1-11D2-AF01-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Suite Directory - Value: C:\Archivos d
e programa\Microsoft Integration
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueador de arquitectura del paquete de idioma de Microsof
t .NET Framework 3.5 (x64): Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueador de arquitectura del paquete de idioma de Microsof
t .NET Framework 3.5 (x64): NetRtReturnCheck
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueador de arquitectura del paquete de idioma de Microsof
t .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64): Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueador de arquitectura del paquete de idioma de Microsof
t .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64): NetRtReturnCheck
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueador de Windows 2008 para el paquete de idioma de Micr
osoft .NET Framework 3.5: Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueador de Windows 2008 para el paquete de idioma de Micr
osoft .NET Framework 3.5: NetRtReturnCheck
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueo de Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 x86: Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Bloqueo de Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 x86: NetRtReturnChec
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Return typ
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: NetRtRetur
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Return typ
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: NetRtRetur
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Paquete de idioma de Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 independie
nte (CBS): Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Paquete de idioma de Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 independie
nte (CBS): NetRtReturnCheck
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Paquete de idioma de Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 independie
nte (CBS): Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Paquete de idioma de Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 independie
nte (CBS): NetRtReturnCheck
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP2 Language Pack (CBS): Return

[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP2 Language Pack (CBS): NetRtRe
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP2 Language Pack (CBS): Return
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP2 Language Pack (CBS): NetRtRe
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: NetRtReturnCheck
[02/12/10,16:47:21] XPSEPSC Language Pack: Return type:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] XPSEPSC Language Pack: Win32ReturnCheck
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : CheckForRemove
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadActionOverrides()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadScenarioFactory
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadScenarioFactory()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::LoadSetupObject((): Loading vsscen
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Entering CVSScenario::EnableScriptsInHtml
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled succeed
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Watson UX Data Logging started:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] ==============================:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] UserID: {D1BB336D-D0B0-4B79-AA74-A014B47C7A90}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] SessionID: {ED094E08-D8D4-4045-A42A-A7496865F15B}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] ProductCode: {92E4A65F-7007-3357-A69A-167F71A337BD}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] ProductVersion: 3.5.30729.01.00_ORCAS_X86_NET
[02/12/10,16:47:21] ProductLang: 0xc0a
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Begin_Session:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Pending Reboot Table state : Logging start
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repos
itory\FS\INDEX.BTR, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repos
itory\FS\INDEX.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repos
itory\FS\MAPPING.VER, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repos
itory\FS\MAPPING1.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:46:45 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repos
itory\FS\MAPPING2.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repos
itory\FS\OBJECTS.DATA, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repos
itory\FS\OBJECTS.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\SET3.TMP, ( ---), ( Mon Apr 14 03:53:30 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\INF\INFCACHE.1, (
---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 12:36:40 2010 )
NDOWS\INF\syssbck.dll, ( 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 1
0:54:51 2009 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\syssetup.dll, ( 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.0804
13-2111) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:57 2009 )

[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\INF\syssbck.inf,

( ---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:52 2009 ) , C:\WINDOWS\INF\syssetup.inf, (
---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:58 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, DELETE, nHelper.exe, nHelper, C:\WINDOWS\s
ystem32\nhelper.exe, ( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) , ( Wed Aug 20 14:58:56 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WIND
OWS\system32\SETEC6.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( S
un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204
(vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:10 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRI
VERS\W32X86\3\SETEFE.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Fri Nov 30 11:16:42 2007 ) , C:\WIN
DOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.hlp, ( ---- ), ( Sat Feb 02 17
:00:32 2008 )
NDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFD.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_l
dr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\
DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrvui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) ,
( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
S\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFF.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.0
80215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIV
ERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( S
un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRI
VERS\W32X86\3\New\unires.dll, ( ---- ), (--:--:--), C:\WINDOWS\System32\sp
ool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unires.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) )
, ( Thu Mar 13 01:52:36 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, Prin
tFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\W32X86\filterpipelin, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080704-1744) ) , ( Sun Jul
06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\W32X86\filterpipelinep
rintproc.dll, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080704-1744) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10
:49:03 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, Prin
tFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\x64\filterpipelinepr, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080618-1337) ) , ( Sun Jul 0
6 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\x64\filterpipelineprintp
roc.dll, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080618-1337) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:49:
02 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WIND
OWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEEC.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.
080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xps
ep\i386\i386\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , (
Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
OWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEED.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.
080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xps
ep\i386\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , (
Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WIND
OWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF4.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.08061
6-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i3
86\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06
09:06:10 2008 )
OWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF5.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.08061
6-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i3
86\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06
09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xps

ep\i386\SETEF6.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:51 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\s

ystem32\spool\xpsep\i386\, ( ---- ), ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:57 200
8 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xps
ep\SETEF7.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:51 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system
32\spool\xpsep\, ( ---- ), ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:57 2008 )
NDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF8.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730
) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\unidrvui.dl
l, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 200
8 )
S\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF9.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) )
, ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\unidrv.dll, (
6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, mxdwdui.dll, mxdwdui.dll, C:\WIND
OWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFA.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509)
) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\mxdwdui.dll,
( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
OWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFB.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509)
) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\mxdwdrv.dll,
( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] PFR: PRE_INSTALL, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WIND
OWS\system32\DllCache\SETEFC.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509)
) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\xpssvcs.dll,
( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Pending Reboot Table state : Logging end
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] SysInfo: x86x2, 5.1.2600, Service Pack 3, 0xc0a
[02/12/10,16:47:21] HWInfo: GenuineIntel, 0x746, 0xbf6, 0x1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] AppsRunning:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] IsInternal: 0x0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] WebInstall: 0x0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadSetupLocationInfo
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : SelectAllComponents
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : InitializeUIManager
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::InitializeUIManager()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering Start() method.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Setting the Default INI.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished setting the Default INI
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Install Mode.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {340F7930-0E4
1-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Output Unattend File - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {F7C3A876-6A4
A-4624-9803-CE3216659633} - PropertyName: Transaction Maintenance Mode - Value:

[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Install Mod

e : 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Reboot Mode.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89A
E-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Reboot Mode
: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Admin Mode.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering GetAdminMode.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::GetAdminMode m_AdminMode = AM_NOMODE
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Admin Mode
: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Loading Pages
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering LoagPages() method.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Parsing SDB and Loading page
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: wapui.d
ll : {52d42507-0e98-463a-83de-1fee13073ecc}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: wapui.d
ll : {bb81d810-3f9b-11d3-a50c-00c04f5e0ba5}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: wapui.d
ll : {9fe307c0-3646-11d3-a508-00c04f5e0ba5}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: wapui.d
ll : {ebc02112-5992-48b7-b365-a2ba35afe3cf}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: wapui.d
ll : {bb81d811-3f9b-11d3-a50c-00c04f5e0ba5}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: wapui.d
ll : {1920cc5d-5be5-45d4-9c1c-3513d334c71c}
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Adding Global Property: Cust
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Finished adding Global Prope
rty: CustomCoreProp_AutoLoginAvailable
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished loading Pages
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Creating Main Thread Events
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {3EF34D18-B7E
8-11D2-BCF7-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Ignore Final Disk Space Check - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering ThreadUI() method.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering DisplayStartup() method. - not custom im
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMGr::SetWindowTitle(): Getting Property Value
for: VS Custom;ProdDesc
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::ResetBaselineActions() : SMP_SUITE
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetBaslineComponents()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMGr::SetWindowTitle(): Finished getting Proper
ty Value for: VS Custom;ProdDesc
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::ResetBaselineActions() : SMP_SUITE
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetBaslineComponents()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::ResetBaselineActions() : SMP_SCENA
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: IVSSetupScenarioImpl::GetBaslineComponents()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering SelectScenario() method. - not custom im
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : CheckBaselines
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetBaslineComponents()

[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: IVSSetupScenarioImpl::GetBaslineComponents()

[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : StartUIManager
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: StartUIManager()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Entering RunScenario() method.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::RunScenario(): Starting the active scenar
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2
C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {340F7930-0E4
1-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Output Unattend File - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Validating system requirements
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Running warn and block checks
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetComponents()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: get_Components()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Building component lists
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Running VSCompsToInstall for baseline component
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Running VSCompsAlreadyInstalled
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: WARNING: Component name not found in map in GetSe
tupComponentByName() -- [Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 LP SP1]
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: WARNING: Component name not found in map in GetSe
tupComponentByName() -- [Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 LP SP1]
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] VS Scenario: Building component dispatch lists
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {674F51AB-D48
8-48DA-8240-FF7330CB9872} - PropertyName: Cmd Line Uninstall Mode Setup - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {9EEA4DFB-733
A-4349-B43E-F564351AC503} - PropertyName: Passive Mode - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {919E2FE6-4F3
3-4859-AE20-ACF44478D767} - PropertyName: Install Full List of Features. - Value
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() complete
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunLoadSetup() complete
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstall()
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallLists() starting
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Preparing to I
nstall Setup files...
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() starting
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() returning, run
ning in ServicePackMode
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Finished insta
lling Setup files
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_PREINSTALL)

[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Failed to find ISmallProgress interface on page.

Not treating as error.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_PREINSTALL)
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL) sta
[02/12/10,16:47:21] vs70uimgr: Failed to find ISmallProgress interface on page.
Not treating as error.
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: ISetupMana
ger::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::Get
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2F
D-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage at netfx20lpa_x86.msi
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP07173.tmp\netfx20l
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\n

[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx20lp\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage2 at ASPNET_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage2 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP07173.tmp\netfx20
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage2 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx20lp\ASPNET_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage3 at CLR_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage3 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP07173.tmp\netfx20
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage3 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx20lp\CLR_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage4 at NetFX20_CA_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage4 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP07173.tmp\netfx20
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage4 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx20lp\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage5 at NetFX_Core_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage5 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP07173.tmp\netfx20
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage5 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx20lp\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage6 at NetFX_Other_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage6 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP07173.tmp\netfx20
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage6 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx20lp\NetFX_Other_ESN.m
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A17A8E79-CB1
C-49DB-B92E-34ADBFCDA36B} - PropertyName: Patch List - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Command Li

ne before token replacement.

[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: VSEXTUI=1
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD495746-4FB
A-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: MsiDetermi
neApplicablePatches returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: MSICompone
nt Action: Installing MSI c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnf
lp\netfx20lp\netfx20lpa_x86.msi with command-line: VSEXTUI=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppre
ss PATCH="c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx20lp\Net
FX_Other_ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx2
0lp\NetFX_Core_ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\
netfx20lp\CLR_ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\n
etfx20lp\NetFX20_CA_ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\d
[02/12/10,16:47:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Enabling M
SI log file: C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\dd_NET_Framework_20LP_Agile_
[02/12/10,16:47:34] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, 0x
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Setup Succ
eeded on component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: CBaseCompo
nent::LaunchWatson() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: ISetupMana
ger::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::Get
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: ISetupMana
ger::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::Get
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914
B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 3
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914
B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 3
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Pending R
eboot Table state : Logging start
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack:
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.BTR, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:
15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:
15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING.VER, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:4
7:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING1.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:
46:45 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING2.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:
47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:
47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:4
7:15 2010 )

[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI

NDOWS\SET3.TMP, ( ---- ), ( Mon Apr 14 03:53:30 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\INF\INFCACHE.1, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 12:36:40 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, SYSSETUP
.DLL, SYSSETUP.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\INF\syssbck.dll, ( 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2
111) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:51 2009 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\syssetup.dll, (
5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:57 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\INF\syssbck.inf, ( ---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:52 2009 ) , C:\WINDO
WS\INF\syssetup.inf, ( ---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:58 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, nHelper.e
xe, nHelper, C:\WINDOWS\system32\nhelper.exe, ( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) , ( Wed Aug 20
14:58:56 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.
dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETEC6.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_l
dr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpssvc
s.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:10
2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFE.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Fri Nov 30
11:16:42 2007 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.hlp, ( --- ), ( Sat Feb 02 17:00:32 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRVUI
.DLL, UNIDRVUI.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFD.tmp, ( 6
.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C
:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrvui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vist
asp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRV.D
LL, UNIDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFF.tmp, ( 6.0.6
001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WI
NDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_l
dr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\New\unires.dll, ( ---- ), (--:--:-), C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unires.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vi
stasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Thu Mar 13 01:52:36 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, PrintFil
terPipelinePrxy.dll, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTP
ROCS\W32X86\, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080
704-1744) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPRO
CS\W32X86\filterpipelineprintproc.dll, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080704-17
44) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:49:03 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, PrintFil
terPipelinePrxy.dll, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTP
ROCS\x64\, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.08061
8-1337) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS
\x64\filterpipelineprintproc.dll, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080618-1337)
) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:49:02 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.
dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEEC.tmp, ( 6.0.
6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_
ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, MXDWDRV.
DLL, MXDWDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEED.tmp, ( 6.0.
6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_
ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.

dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF4.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.

22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOW
S\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616
-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, MXDWDRV.
DLL, MXDWDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF5.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.
22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOW
S\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616
-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF6.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:
51 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\, ( ---- ),
( Sun Jul 06 09:06:57 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\SETEF7.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:51 20
08 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\, ( ---- ), ( Sun Jul
06 09:06:57 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRVUI
.DLL, UNIDRVUI.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF8.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116
(vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driv
er Cache\i386\unidrvui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) ,
( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRV.D
LL, UNIDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF9.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vis
tasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver C
ache\i386\unidrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun
Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, mxdwdui.
dll, mxdwdui.dll, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFA.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (v
istasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver
Cache\i386\mxdwdui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( S
un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, MXDWDRV.
DLL, MXDWDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFB.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (v
istasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver
Cache\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( S
un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 2.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.
dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SETEFC.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (v
istasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system
32\DllCache\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( S
un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack: Pending R
eboot Table state : Logging end
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Agile Language Pack:
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-460
4-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {D6B8FD61-6E3
6-489E-A9EF-A04CC202C14F} - PropertyName: Queued Deferred Reboot - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:34] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:34] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:34] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: ISetupMana
ger::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::Get
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2F

D-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0

[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage at netfx30lpa_x86.msi
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30l
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\n
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage2 at NetFX30_CA_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage2 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage2 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage3 at WCF_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage3 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage3 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WCF_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage4 at WF_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage4 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage4 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WF_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage5 at WPF1_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage5 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage5 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WPF1_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage6 at WPF2_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage6 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30

[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo

r InstallPackage6 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WPF2_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage7 at WPF_Other_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage7 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage7 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WPF_Other_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage8 at XPS_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage8 at C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\IXP0719E.tmp\netfx30
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Looking fo
r InstallPackage8 at c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\.\
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Found c:\d
ocuments and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\XPS_ESN.msp
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A17A8E79-CB1
C-49DB-B92E-34ADBFCDA36B} - PropertyName: Patch List - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Command Li
ne before token replacement.
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: VSEXTUI=1
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD495746-4FB
A-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: MsiDetermi
neApplicablePatches returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: MSICompone
nt Action: Installing MSI c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnf
lp\netfx30lp\netfx30lpa_x86.msi with command-line: VSEXTUI=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppre
ss PATCH="c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WF_
ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WPF1_
ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WCF_E
SN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WPF2_E
SN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\WPF_Ot
her_ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\X
PS_ESN.msp;c:\documents and settings\default user\7zipsfx.000\dnflp\netfx30lp\Ne
[02/12/10,16:47:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Enabling M
SI log file: C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\dd_NET_Framework_30LP_Agile_
[02/12/10,16:47:41] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, 0x
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Setup Succ
eeded on component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: CBaseCompo
nent::LaunchWatson() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: ISetupMana
ger::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::Get
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: ISetupMana
ger::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::Get

[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914
B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 2
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914
B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 2
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Pending R
eboot Table state : Logging start
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack:
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.BTR, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:
15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:
15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING.VER, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:4
7:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING1.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:
46:45 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING2.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:
47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:
47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:4
7:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\SET3.TMP, ( ---- ), ( Mon Apr 14 03:53:30 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, , , C:\WI
NDOWS\INF\INFCACHE.1, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 12:36:40 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, SYSSETUP
.DLL, SYSSETUP.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\INF\syssbck.dll, ( 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2
111) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:51 2009 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\syssetup.dll, (
5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:57 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\INF\syssbck.inf, ( ---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:52 2009 ) , C:\WINDO
WS\INF\syssetup.inf, ( ---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:58 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, DELETE, nHelper.e
xe, nHelper, C:\WINDOWS\system32\nhelper.exe, ( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) , ( Wed Aug 20
14:58:56 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.
dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETEC6.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_l
dr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpssvc
s.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:10
2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFE.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Fri Nov 30
11:16:42 2007 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.hlp, ( --- ), ( Sat Feb 02 17:00:32 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRVUI
.DLL, UNIDRVUI.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFD.tmp, ( 6
.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C
:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrvui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vist
asp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRV.D
LL, UNIDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFF.tmp, ( 6.0.6

001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WI

NDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_l
dr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\New\unires.dll, ( ---- ), (--:--:-), C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unires.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vi
stasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Thu Mar 13 01:52:36 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, PrintFil
terPipelinePrxy.dll, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTP
ROCS\W32X86\, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080
704-1744) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPRO
CS\W32X86\filterpipelineprintproc.dll, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080704-17
44) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:49:03 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, PrintFil
terPipelinePrxy.dll, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTP
ROCS\x64\, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.08061
8-1337) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS
\x64\filterpipelineprintproc.dll, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080618-1337)
) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:49:02 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.
dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEEC.tmp, ( 6.0.
6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_
ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, MXDWDRV.
DLL, MXDWDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEED.tmp, ( 6.0.
6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_
ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.
dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF4.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.
22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOW
S\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616
-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, MXDWDRV.
DLL, MXDWDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF5.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.
22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOW
S\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616
-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF6.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:
51 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\, ( ---- ),
( Sun Jul 06 09:06:57 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, , , C:\W
INDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\SETEF7.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:51 20
08 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\, ( ---- ), ( Sun Jul
06 09:06:57 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRVUI
.DLL, UNIDRVUI.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF8.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116
(vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driv
er Cache\i386\unidrvui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) ,
( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, UNIDRV.D
LL, UNIDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF9.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vis
tasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver C
ache\i386\unidrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun
Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, mxdwdui.
dll, mxdwdui.dll, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFA.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (v
istasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver

Cache\i386\mxdwdui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( S

un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, MXDWDRV.
DLL, MXDWDRV.DLL, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFB.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (v
istasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver
Cache\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( S
un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] PFR: GFN_MID Framework 3.0 Agile LP Setup, RENAME, xpssvcs.
dll, xpssvcs.dll, C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SETEFC.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (v
istasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system
32\DllCache\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( S
un Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack: Pending R
eboot Table state : Logging end
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Agile Language Pack:
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-460
4-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {D6B8FD61-6E3
6-489E-A9EF-A04CC202C14F} - PropertyName: Queued Deferred Reboot - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:41] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:41] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:41] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCust
omProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProper
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2F
D-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33
D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Looking for InstallPackage a
t vs_setup.msi
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Found vs_setup.msi
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A17A8E79-CB1
C-49DB-B92E-34ADBFCDA36B} - PropertyName: Patch List - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Command Line before token re
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: VSEXTUI=1 [AUTOUPGRADECMDLIN
E] REBOOT=ReallySuppress
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Command Line after token re
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: VSEXTUI=1 REBOOT=ReallySupp
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD495746-4FB
A-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: MSIComponent Action: Install
ing MSI vs_setup.msi with command-line: VSEXTUI=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
[02/12/10,16:47:41] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Enabling MSI log file: C:\Do
cuments and Settings\Default User\dd_NET_Framework35_LangPack_MSI71B5.txt
[02/12/10,16:47:44] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID NET Framework, 0x0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Setup Succeeded on component
Paquete de idioma de GreenBits
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson
() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCust
omProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProper

[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCust

omProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProper
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914
B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914
B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Pending Reboot Table state
: Logging start
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits:
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\
wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.BTR, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\
wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\
wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING.VER, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\
wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING1.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:46:45 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\
wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING2.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\
wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32\
wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.MAP, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 16:47:15 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\SET3.TMP,
( ---- ), ( Mon Apr 14 03:53:30 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, , , C:\WINDOWS\INF\INFCA
CHE.1, ( ---- ), ( Fri Feb 12 12:36:40 2010 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, SYSSETUP.DLL, SYSSETUP.
DLL, C:\WINDOWS\INF\syssbck.dll, ( 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111) ) , ( Tu
e Aug 25 10:54:51 2009 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\syssetup.dll, ( 5.1.2600.5512
(xpsp.080413-2111) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:57 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\INF\syss
bck.inf, ( ---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:52 2009 ) , C:\WINDOWS\INF\syssetup
.inf, ( ---- ), ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:58 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, DELETE, nHelper.exe, nHelper, C:
\WINDOWS\system32\nhelper.exe, ( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) , ( Wed Aug 20 14:58:56 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dl
l, C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETEC6.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509)
) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.
6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Tue Aug 25 10:54:10 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\System32
\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFE.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Fri Nov 30 11:16:42 2007 )
, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.hlp, ( ---- ), ( Sat
Feb 02 17:00:32 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, UNIDRVUI.DLL, UNIDRVUI.
DLL, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFD.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (
vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Syste
m32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrvui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215
-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, UNIDRV.DLL, UNIDRV.DLL,
C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\SETEFF.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vist
asp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\
spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unidrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730)
) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\System32
\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\New\unires.dll, ( ---- ), (--:--:--), C:\WINDOWS\S
ystem32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\unires.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.0802

15-1730) ) , ( Thu Mar 13 01:52:36 2008 )

[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy
.dll, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\W32X86\fil, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080704-1744) ) ,
( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\W32X86\filte
rpipelineprintproc.dll, ( 6.1.2600.5635 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.080704-1744) ) , ( Tue
Aug 25 10:49:03 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy
.dll, PrintFilterPipelinePrxy.dll, C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\x64\filter, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080618-1337) ) , (
Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\PRTPROCS\x64\filterpipe
lineprintproc.dll, ( 6.1.3790.4316 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080618-1337) ) , ( Tue Aug
25 10:49:02 2009 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dl
l, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEEC.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vis
tasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32
\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509
) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, MXDWDRV.DLL, MXDWDRV.DL
L, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\SETEED.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vis
tasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32
\spool\xpsep\i386\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509
) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dl
l, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF4.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1
_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoo
l\xpsep\i386\xpssvcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , (
Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, MXDWDRV.DLL, MXDWDRV.DL
L, C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF5.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1
_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoo
l\xpsep\i386\mxdwdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , (
Sun Jul 06 09:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32
\spool\xpsep\i386\SETEF6.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:51 2008 ) , C:
\WINDOWS\system32\spool\xpsep\i386\, ( ---- ), ( Sun Jul 06 09
:06:57 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, , , C:\WINDOWS\system32
\spool\xpsep\SETEF7.tmp, ( ---- ), ( Wed Sep 24 05:58:51 2008 ) , C:\WIND
OWS\system32\spool\xpsep\, ( ---- ), ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:57 200
8 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, UNIDRVUI.DLL, UNIDRVUI.
DLL, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF8.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.0
80215-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\u
nidrvui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09
:06:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, UNIDRV.DLL, UNIDRV.DLL,
C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEF9.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.08021
5-1730) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\unidr
v.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22116 (vistasp1_ldr.080215-1730) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06:10
2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, mxdwdui.dll, mxdwdui.dl
l, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFA.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080
616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\mxd
wdui.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06
:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, MXDWDRV.DLL, MXDWDRV.DL
L, C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\SETEFB.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080
616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:54 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\mxd
wdrv.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06

:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] PFR: GFN_MID NET Framework, RENAME, xpssvcs.dll, xpssvcs.dl
l, C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\SETEFC.tmp, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080
616-1509) ) , ( Wed Sep 24 05:39:55 2008 ) , C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache\xps
svcs.dll, ( 6.0.6001.22204 (vistasp1_ldr.080616-1509) ) , ( Sun Jul 06 09:06
:10 2008 )
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits: Pending Reboot Table state
: Logging end
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Paquete de idioma de GreenBits:
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-460
4-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {D6B8FD61-6E3
6-489E-A9EF-A04CC202C14F} - PropertyName: Queued Deferred Reboot - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0668D241-D48
6-476B-BE89-B5BB387B8CD3} - PropertyName: IsInstallMode - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD495746-4FB
A-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: Initia
lizing command line for MsiInstallProduct: ADDLOCAL="NetFX_LangPack_x86_esn_DDF
ure_LP,Cartman_Required_SystemFolder,CDFGREEN_CA_x86_esn_DDF" ARPINSTALLLOCATIO
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::Install(): Beginning Brooklyn Component Installation
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::Install(): MSIInstallProduct returned ERROR_SUCCESS.
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::Install(): Calling LaunchWatson()...
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::LaunchWatson() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2
C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::LaunchWatson() - Launching VS Watson
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::LaunchWatson() - Completed VS Watson launching to create manifest: C:\
Documents and Settings\Default User\VSManifest.txt
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::LaunchWatson() - Watson launched but no Manifest found(Benign); Not pr
eparing to run watson for VS Manifest.
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::Install(): Finished calling LaunchWatson()
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - esn: CRootC
omponent::Install(): Finished Brooklyn Component Installation
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra

mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"

[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue pause"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1

[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL) com

[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunSharedInstall starting
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunSharedInstall completed
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_POSTINSTALL)
[02/12/10,16:47:44] vs70uimgr: Failed to find ISmallProgress interface on page.
Not treating as error.
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_POSTINSTALL)
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallLists() completing
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997
D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: 1
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {383F0141-C68
2-4665-A69B-756E719C968D} - PropertyName: Process Return Code - Value:
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2F
D-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstall() - Launching Post Setu
p Runs...
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: SetupManager::RunPostSetupLaunch() starting
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: SetupManager::RunPostSetupLaunch() ending
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstall() - Finished launching
Post Setup Runs
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: Exiting RunInstall
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: UnloadSuiteComponents()
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: Started
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: starting "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Fra
mework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe queue continue"
[02/12/10,16:47:44] UTILS::RunNGENAction: ngen.exe returned 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {383F0141-C68
2-4665-A69B-756E719C968D} - PropertyName: Process Return Code - Value: 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] Setup.exe: SETUP EXIT CODE - 0
[02/12/10,16:47:44] End_Session:

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