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Dear Mill Street Families: Mustang Stampede will take place on Friday, May 21.

Home and School will provide lunch for students

(grades 1 5), staff and volunteers at no charge to you. The vendor will be Sodexo. The menu options for students are a hamburger, hot dog or veggie burger. In addition to the above items, volunteers and staff have the option of an Italian sausage. Students do not have the option of Italian sausage. All lunches will include watermelon, SunChips, a chocolate chip cookie and a small apple juice. Kindergartners will enjoy a popsicle treat! Attention parents of children with allergies. A detailed list of ingredients in the food we will be serving is available in the front office for your review. Nutritional information is also available from Sodexo. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Jeanne Johnson 630-717-8238 Caroline Egbers 630-428-9843

Please review the lunch menu with your child and circle your selection. Please return the form to school on or before Friday, May 14. ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Student Menu
Hot dog Hamburger Veggie Burger

(or) My child will bring his/her own lunch Childs name/Teacher___________________________________________________________ Parent Signature_______________________________________________________________

Volunteer Menu
Hot dog Hamburger Veggie Burger Italian Sausage

Volunteer Name(s)___________________________________________________________

If you havent had a chance to do so already, its not too late to volunteer!
Time preference: ______ 8:15-11:00 am _______11:00 2:15

Email Address:___________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________

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