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2011 e.v.
Pikaias Vernanimalculas & Eukaryotes; As well as those hard-workin Ribosymes. These are each our ancestors who will forever remain silent other than what they left behind in hard stone or through the slow drift of cells in times grotto. This too is harvest, Samhains realm. The future will always harvest the past presently. It will always establish the link between then and now through low-death and high-birth. We are, each of us, larvae of a future difficult to conceive from a past thats increasingly cumbersome to keep straight. I light a candle for you all, gentle spark of solar light in the inky vast abysm, of space-time my origin our destiny. And to you beloved Antinuous, helmsman of the Barge-of-a-Million-Years in the starry-land of the Duat, I die with you daily and daily renew my life with the life indestructible.

Frater Nur-i-Siyah (Mustafa al-Laylah Bey)

Who was I before I lived?

In whose lungs did the air I breathe fill? To whose eyes did the light of the stars nestle? On this night I celebrate those who came before, those who am I.

I celebrate my father, inspiration and warning; my grandparents, all now long dead; my line, the small tendril of the biosphere; I honor Rev. Claude Phillipe de Richbourg, my familys namesake, who fled the persecution of France as a Huguenot pastor of noble lineage and who was described as a man of unobtrusive manners, of deep and fervent piety, and of a serious temper of mind. But why stop there? I celebrate and honor my simian ancestors, Cro-Magnons who trickled up from Africa into the caves of Lascaux or Tres Freres. And before them: Savannah chimpanzees Plesiadapises Permian Cynodonts Demtrodons Devonian Amphibians Ordovician Agnathans Cambrian Haikuichthyses

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