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Recreation Destination


• Central Park, New York and Curitiba

• to reserve Waterways as a recreational park should urban development occur

around Waterways

STAR 1 – Trail Network in the Winter

STAR2 – Precedent: Bow Habitat

STAR3 – Wetland

1) of pedestrian trail through wetland;

2) storm water retention pond: acting as a major landscape feature fed by storm water
draining from large neighbourhood which illustrates potential of pond to manage
stormwater from Waterways and future Saline Creek Community. (photo taken near
Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary – jen miles)

STAR4 – Recreation / Transition

1) communal center in park – water gathering

2) landscaping throughout park, acts as seats (Argentina, Buenos Aires)

STAR5 – Picnic

Green roof picnic shelter from New Zealand

STAR6 – Water Pathway ( 2 images)

STAR7 – Transit Hub - apublic bus station with restaurants, indoor areas for riders to find refuge
during cold weather. (somewhere in the US)

Road Option 4


Bridge Connection

Precedent: Memorial Trail, Calgary, AB


1) green blue building

2) incorporating history into built form

3) container buildings to acknowledge railway history of Waterways


1) A storm water drainage canal that can be a pedestrian walkway during dry weather

2) Covered Walkway to protect pedestrians from weather (Achorage Alaska)

STAR3 – Transition Stuff – Nice Seating area along pathway to attract users by providing
aesthetically pleasing seating

Road Option 1 shared by all traffic (public transit, private and pedestrian)


Urban Destination

No precedent


1) Continuous paving for pedestrians – erase visual barrier and slow vehicular traffic

2) Perspective of Jim Avenue

3) Permeability Precedent

4) Section of building concept showing permeability

5) Pink dots denoting where the grand entrance into Jim Avenue/Amphitheatre

STAR2 - Amphitheatre (Sunalta Elem Amphitheatre) – to draw people to the park. Also
Multifunctional – could be a place for several events like Farmers Market, Blueberry Festivals and
Concerts. Amphitheatre also acts as a flood system.

STAR3 - Public Transit Corridor (98 B Line Busway in Richmond B.C runs on dedicated transit way
in parts of the corridor between Richmond and Vancouver)

Road Option 1 during the day

Road Option 1 during the evening/night


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