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village college

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Letter of Welcome Summary of Ofsted Inspection Report (2009) The College and the Community The Curriculum: Arts Citizenship & PSHE Design technology English Latin Humanities ICT Modern languages Maths PE Science Vocational courses Careers education

Support for Student Learning Further Opportunities at the College New Teaching Facilities Key Staff Contacts HEADTEACHER

20 Information for New Students


Cottenham Village College High Street Cottenham Cambridge CB24 8UA Tel: 01954 288944 E-mail: Website:

Mr Stephen Ellison DEPUTY HEADTEACHERS Mrs Sue Raven Mrs Joy Hadley Mr Peter Marshall Ms Tracy Brogan


Dear Parents, carers and students It is a great privilege to be appointed as the next Headteacher of Cottenham Village College. As Ofsted has observed, it is a good school with outstanding features. Whilst I have only spent a relatively short time at the college, I have been impressed with the positive ethos, purposeful attitude to learning and the excellent staff/student relationships which exist. I look forward to building on the superb work that has been done by Tony Cooper and all the staff. I am also looking forward to meeting you soon at the open evening and over the coming weeks and months. Stephen Ellison Headteacher


Cottenham Village College is a good school with outstanding features. Students development is good, both academically and personally. Attendance and behaviour are good and students feel safe in school. They are taught well and benefit from an outstanding curriculum. The evidence seen in lessons and students work during the inspection confirmed that students make good progress. They do so because they are taught well and the data from the schools regular formal assessments are used well to check that students are making the progress they should be. Teachers have good subject knowledge.

There is a good variety of teaching approaches. Students who find learning more difficult are well supported. The result is that students are keen to learn, they behave well in lessons and work at a good pace. Relationships between students and their teachers are good. Students are well cared for. They are particularly appreciative of the steps taken to ensure that when they join in year 7 they settle quickly. This includes their spending a week at the school in the term before they join. Leadership and management are good and the schools leaders show a strong commitment to working with individual students to make sure that they prosper. This extends to the curriculum, which in addition to having a wide range of both academic and vocational subjects, has the flexibility to provide for individual talents. The curriculum is further enhanced by a large number of wide ranging enrichment and extra-curricular activities. These are greatly appreciated by students and it contributes to their considerable enjoyment of school as well as their sociability and cultural development, which are outstanding.

Behaviour in lessons is good and students settle well to work. Around the school behaviour is also good though with some occasional boisterousness. Students report that there is some bullying but this is rare and is usually quickly and effectively dealt with. Students are taught well about how to live healthy lifestyles, and they put this into excellent practice. For example, a very high proportion takes part in sporting activities. Their awareness of how to look after themselves in potentially perilous situations is also good, helped by the schools teaching and advice. A high proportion of the parents who sent inspectors their views on the school speak positively of it and its commitment to students safety. They also agree that their child enjoys school.


The Local Area Partnership
The schools of Cottenham, Willingham and Waterbeach work closely together and have formed the Local Schools Partnership. Collectively we celebrate the work and achievements of our partnership in many ways, including joint training days for our staff, events for students drawing together pupils from all the schools.

Community Education
At Cottenham we run a thriving community education programme for people of all ages who wish to develop their skills or learn something new. This has developed over many years to include a wide range of leisure courses including daytime, evening and weekend classes together with a very successful summer school in August every year. We also run a popular family learning event in October each year to encourage families to learn together. Our website is regularly updated; for further details about all of our provision please visit For young people there are many activities which run during the school holidays; details can be obtained from the sports centre. There is a youth centre at the college and youth clubs run in Cottenham and Waterbeach throughout the year.

Sports Centre
Cottenham Sports Centre is a community facility located at the village college, open to the public in the evenings and at weekends. Facilities include a fitness suite, sports hall (encompassing three badminton courts), gymnasium, air-conditioned dance/aerobics studio, floodlit all-weather pitch, floodlit tennis/netball courts, indoor and outdoor cricket nets and grass pitches (football, rugby and cricket). The centre runs on a pay-as-you-play basis or monthly membership for regular users as well as offering block bookings for clubs or groups. Please visit the Sports Centre section of our website or ring 01954 288760 for further information.

Community Associations
There are community associations in the Fen Edge patch in Cottenham, Waterbeach and Willingham. The Fen Edge Community Association is based at the college and has more than 40 constituent groups, many of which use the college for their regular meetings. For more information please visit:

Students in the college follow the national curriculum and other courses. In their first three years they study courses in mathematics, science, English, design and technology, French or German, humanities (geography, history and religious education), arts (art and design, drama and music), physical education and ICT. Many students will then take Spanish as a second language in their second year. At the end of year 9 students can choose from a range of optional subjects leading to GCSE and other national awards. All study English, English literature, mathematics, science, physical education, citizenship and PSHE. Further details of the optional subjects can be found on the website.

The arts faculty comprises art, music and drama with dance included in year 9. We have an overall philosophy of encouraging creativity, originality and developing confidence through artistic performance. In years 7 and 8 students have one lesson of each arts subject a week. In year 9 they focus on two out of the four subjects. In years 10 and 11, many students pursue one or more to GCSE. We have two fully equipped drama studios, three art studios, a music studio, instrumental teaching room, practice rooms, a music technology suite equipped with Apple Macs and a dance studio. All students are encouraged to explore creatively, developing an understanding of both themselves and the arts disciplines. Each year the arts faculty puts on a major school musical, involving students in all the artistic disciplines. This includes instrumental, vocal performance, acting and choreography alongside the technical aspects of designing and stage management. This is in addition to Christmas and summer concerts held annually, providing opportunities for pupils at all levels to be involved in extra-curricular activities. An art exhibition is also held annually to display GCSE work.

Citizenship and Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)

Our personal development programme covers all aspects of PSHE and citizenship, mainly through conference days when ordinary lessons are replaced with a more flexible programme, which often includes theatre or guest speakers. Health matters, drugs, relationships, team-building, first aid, the law & young people and finances are among the topics covered. We provide sex and relationships education (SRE) for all students; our programme encourages young people to have regard for moral considerations and the value of family life. The programme uses materials appropriate to the needs and ages of our students. Some aspects are covered in science lessons in years 7 and 9 as well as during Key Stage 4 examination work in years 10 and 11. Further related topics are also studied in areas of humanities, English and drama. Additionally, we organise visits from trained individuals to give separate gender-specific talks with more general mixed sessions. These take place during years 7 and 10 and include focus on both biological and emotional matters.

Design Technology
The faculty of design and technology has nine main teaching areas. These include three specialist rooms for food, graphic design and product design, two multi-material workshops for Key Stage 3 study and three small focused areas for electronics, textiles and CAD/CAM. Students in years 7, 8 and 9 experience all areas of the curriculum exposing them to a wide range of project tasks, materials, processes and techniques. In year 10 it is possible to take GCSE in one of two specialist topics, namely graphic products and product design. There is a single vocational option offered which is hospitality and catering. Students experience a wide variety of approaches to designing and making across the DT curriculum including both traditional techniques and more modern ways of working. The design and technology department at Cottenham has a strong focus on design & creativity. The manipulation of materials including recycled items and the investigation into inclusive design are used to underpin this approach to the subject. This enables our students to complete work to a high standard as well as enriching and challenging them to develop creative solutions to a wide variety of design problems, both individually and as part of a team. These skills, along with the creative approaches to designing, provide a stimulating, challenging, interesting and fun and engaging design and technology experience for all students.

The passage from primary to secondary education is managed carefully in English. The year 7 schemes of work build on those completed in year 6 and information about students is passed on by primary teachers so that students continue to make progress in reading, writing, speaking and listening. In year 7, some students are encouraged to take part in extra activities such as Dragons Den in order to provide additional challenge. Students are also encouraged, while at the college, to take part in a national newsday competition and mock trials at the Magistrates Court. The majority of students take GCSE English and English literature and, when appropriate, some are entered in year 10. There is special provision made for those who would find GCSE unrealistic or too great a challenge. Decisions about exam entries are made as late as possible so that all students have the opportunity to be entered at a suitable level.

Latin is offered both as a GCSE option and to some students in year 7 and year 8. There is also a Latin club for year 9 students. Latin forms the basis, not only of English, but also of other modern European languages, such as French and Spanish.

Studying Latin helps students to a greater understanding of other languages, especially their grammar and spelling. The study of Latin not only provides intellectual challenge but it also provides insights into ancient culture and history. The Latin course that we use here at Cottenham looks both at the Latin language and at Roman life. At GCSE level students study prose and verse texts in the original Latin.

Opportunities for learning outside the classroom are exploited. These include visits to the First World War battlefields and Berlin and the use of the local area for field studies.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The college offers an excellent experience in ICT with every department using it as part of its teaching. There are over 280 PCs in the school, more than one for every four students, as well as laptops for all teachers. As the amount of information available to us increases exponentially, students need to be given strong information literacy skills to sift and sort the deluge of data. We teach students to use ICT to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly and creatively. They learn how to use computer technology to research facts and ideas from a wide range of communities and cultures. Through years 7, 8 and 9 we help students to become more independent users of the tools available, to think about the quality and reliability of the information they find and the limitations of the systems involved. We believe that students should be confident and creative users of technology so we try to ensure that ICT is an enjoyable subject as well as one with clear academic rigour.

Humanities at Key Stage 3 include geography, history and religious education. In year 7, students are taught by one teacher for the three humanities subjects, allowing the links between the knowledge, understanding and skills to be developed. In years 8 and 9 students have discrete lessons of geography, history and religious education. In years 10 and 11 humanities offers a choice of GCSEs. Students can choose from geography, history, humanities, religious education and sociology. Humanities subjects provide students with an essential cultural, social, economic and political framework for understanding the world and their place in it. They also offer opportunities for students to explore their moral and social values, as well as those of others, while giving them an understanding of a range of social and economic issues that affect society today.

Modern Languages
The modern languages faculty at Cottenham Village College currently offers French to students in year 7. Students who show a flair for language learning will have the opportunity to study either German or Spanish as a second language in year 8. At Key Stage 4, students will have a range of GCSE choices covering French, German and Spanish. Students in all years are taught to communicate through the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Many classes are privileged to have regular contact with native speakers through the French and German assistants, who provide a wealth of knowledge and cultural understanding. ICT is used to good effect, with students undertaking various ICT based projects each year. Students studying French in year 7 are given the opportunity to participate in a very popular day trip to Boulogne, where they can sample French culture and bring their language learning to life. This year the modern languages faculty has also reintroduced a German exchange for students in year 9 which allowed them to experience family life and school in Germany. There are trips to Paris, France and the Black Forest, Germany for year 10 students and a trip to Normandy for year 8 students in activities week. We also hope to be able to introduce a trip to Spain for students studying Spanish.

Having achieved specialist status in maths and computing in 2003 the faculty has continued to achieve excellent results, consistently out-performing our specialist targets and continuing to improve year-on-year. The faculty strives to develop and encourage students enjoyment of the subject and to illustrate the relevance of maths in todays world. The aim is for students of all abilities to have achieved a qualification commensurate with their potential ability. Maths has a high profile both within the school, with many cross-curricular links, and with other external educational establishments. The faculty has recently acquired consultant status in Cambridgeshire. Highlights include: primary liaison, which runs throughout the year, providing workshops and master classes for our three main feeder primary schools a strong emphasis on the enjoyment of learning mathematics and encouraging students to do maths for fun inter-form competitions for Key Stage 3 year groups a lunch time club called Mathletes participation in the Edge Hill maths challenge UKMT challenges Royal Institution Mathematics workshops at Cambridge on Saturday mornings for talented year 8 students


Physical Education (PE)

The facilities in the college are excellent; they include a sports hall, a gymnasium, a fitness room and outdoor courts with floodlighting, as well as extensive fields for outdoor games. More recently we were pleased to open our new floodlit astroturf pitch and dance studio. In year 7 all students experience a wide range of activities, including rounders, rugby, netball, basketball, badminton, tennis, cricket, athletics, gymnastics and fitness. Students are taught in mixed ability and mixed gender groups for most activities. In years 8 and 9 students are able to make some choices about which sports they wish to develop. Towards the end of year 9 they also have the opportunity to undertake the sports leaders level 1 course. In the upper school new activities are introduced such as, yoga, dodge ball and table tennis, as well as the opportunity to improve and continue with the sports they have been following in the lower school. The faculty runs a full extra-curricular programme for all years, ranging from competitive fixtures and tournaments against other schools to recreational clubs. We also run an intra-group competition which runs throughout the year, resulting in a top group or form.

There are a number of after-school and evening sports clubs for both students and parents. The sports centre is open to the community and is in frequent use; details of the centre can be found on the website.

There are seven laboratories in the faculty. Our aim is to challenge pupils while at the same time opening their eyes to the fascination of science and its importance in everyday life. It is taught to all year groups and includes practical work, research and discussion. Our dedicated team of teachers is passionate about science and its role in society. We provide a number of different routes through Key Stage 4, offering courses that reflect the students aspirations and abilities. Courses include International GCSE biology, chemistry, physics, International GSCE double award science and BTEC science. We run a number of extra-curricular activities, including a year 7 science club. Lower school teams take part in problem-solving competitions and trips, such as the Swavesey challenge, lectures during science week and trips to Cambridge University. We offer the opportunity for people to talk to real scientists as often as possible, for example when undertaking coursework in year 11.


Vocational Courses
We have an extensive range of vocational options for students to choose from when they begin year 10, many of these courses make use of our excellent facilities within our sixth form buildings. Our courses include creative & media, construction, hospitality & catering and hair & beauty All subject areas offer opportunities for hands on learning and many run a wide range of trips and visits.

from the Connexions organisation, part of Children and Young Peoples Services, are available to offer information, advice and practical help with all sorts of things that might be affecting students at school, college, work or in their personal or family life. Our school careers team is also available to help with any element of career planning and particularly with the transition from Cottenham to post 16 institutions. At all stages of the process the role of the students form tutor is critical in helping students to make decisions regarding their future plans.

Careers Education and Guidance

Careers education provides a package of lessons and experiences that helps students explore opportunities in learning and work and to consider personal opportunities and choices. It can also help them to understand the process of change and transition as they move through the school and into post-16 pathways. The programme is delivered on conference days and other sessions for parents and students throughout the year. Careers guidance supports young people to better understand themselves and their needs and to develop strategies to improve their participation and progression in learning. Guidance enables students to make well-informed and realistic choices about pathways. Students will need impartial guidance, which is relevant to their needs. Appointments with guidance advisers



Student support staff includes specialist teachers, student support assistants, educational welfare officers, educational psychologists and a number of other support services including arts therapists (music and art), speech therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Each faculty at the college aims to meet the needs of all students by providing them with an accessible and appropriate curriculum. Some students will require additional support in lessons and work will be matched to students abilities and aptitude. Diagnostic tests aid the development of appropriate programmes. During the summer term, primary school teachers liaise with the college staff, other professionals and parents in order to assess the degree of support which may be required, particularly for students with a statement of special educational needs. The emphasis is on working together in partnership to meet the individual needs of students with an increasingly wide range of ability. A copy of our policy on special educational needs is available from the college office.


Able Students
The college makes special provision for our most able children. We aim to meet the needs of these students within the curriculum, as well as provide opportunities for enrichment beyond it. In September 2011 we introduced Latin into the year 7 curriculum. For able students the study of Latin gives linguistic challenge and a deeper understanding of the structure of English and other languages. additional modern languages GCSE separate sciences: biology, chemistry and physics GCSE additional maths GCSE Latin AS maths in year 11 sports coaching awards Activities available as part of the schools extended curriculum programme include: Within the curriculum we offer:

The library is a very important part of the college, widely used by everyone. Students have access to a large range of books, but are also encouraged to make use of other types of resource including computers and our growing collection of magazines and topic files. These can be used at lunchtime or within lessons, when students can either go to the library individually or with their class.

Hearing and Language Centres

The college hosts two specialist units on behalf of the local authority. The centres opened in 1994 and cater for all secondary aged hearing or language impaired students in the South Cambridgeshire area who, because of the nature of their impairments, would find it difficult to go through secondary school without the additional support that these specialist centres provides. The aims of the centres are to provide effective help and support to students, staff and parents whilst the students are at the college and to maximise students chances of a successful and happy life after they have left.

music, concerts and participation in county orchestras mock trial and debating competitions school drama productions national Newsday challenge Dragons Den competition Question Time access visits to Cambridge University


The Speech and Language Centre

The speech and language centre (SLC) supports students who present with severe and specific communication problems. Many of these students also have literacy difficulties and some have diagnosed autistic spectrum disorders. The support includes specialist teaching and speech and language therapy as part of the students timetable. The team also includes specialist teaching assistants working with speech, language and communication impaired students within the main school. The SLC at the college is the only specialist provision for speech, language and communication impairment (SLCI) for secondary school age students in the county. Students are considered to be mainstream students in all respects, except that they attend the SLC for three of the twenty five weekly lessons.

The Hearing Support Centre

The hearing support centre (HSC) provides a safe and welcoming environment where students can receive intensive teaching, speech and language therapy and audio logical testing provided by experienced staff. The centre is housed within an acoustically friendly suite of rooms. Deaf students are supported in mainstream lessons with sign language where appropriate in order to access the curriculum, but are withdrawn for specialist sessions for speech and language therapy, language and literacy development and tutorial work. This policy and ethos of inclusion and access reflects the aims and philosophy of the college. The centre is staffed by qualified teachers of the deaf who also provide outreach support for our feeder primary schools. There is specialist teaching for hearing impaired students. A wide range of teacher assistants (TAs) make up the hearing impaired team. Speech and language therapy is provided by the local Primary Healthcare Trust for students who are attached to the centre.



Activities Week
Activities week is programme for the final full week of the school year and provides a wide range of educational visits for students in years 7 to 10. Most of the visits available are residential and provide students with an opportunity to experience something different. We believe that it is a vital part of each students education and would encourage them all to undertake a residential trip every year. Through experience we have found that students benefit from these activities in a number of ways. These include helping to build self esteem, confidence and independence, as well as learning to co-operate and work well in a group. Also, through the activities that they choose, students will receive hands-on learning and learn to manage risk.


All our educational visits incorporate these aspects, as well as following other interests that students may have including walking, water sports and outdoor pursuits. In previous years there has been a wide choice of activities and we hope to increase this further over the next few years. The opportunities we have offered in the past include walking in Derbyshire and the Lake District, camping and outdoor activities in Peterborough, a canal trip, outdoor pursuits in Yorkshire and residential trips in France or Germany. For those students who do not wish to go away on a residential visit, there is always the option to go on day trips. These still provide similar experiences and real environments without staying away from home. There is a hardship fund available to help towards the cost of trips. Application forms are available from Mrs Sue Ayling, the Headteachers Assistant. All applications will be dealt with confidentially.

The Duke of Edinburghs Award

The college has a thriving Duke of Edinburghs Award group. Students learn and experience all four sections of the award, namely: service, expeditions, skills and physical recreation. Participants can develop existing interests or try something new. There are three levels: bronze for those over 14, silver for those over 15, gold for those over 16 at the college we do the bronze award. The success of the award is based on a partnership between adults and young people. For adults, the scheme provides an opportunity to share their skills and experience with young people. This can lead to better understanding between the young and the not-so-young, and strengthen co-operation within the community. The award is an invaluable opportunity to develop interpersonal and leadership skills. It offers new challenges, adventure, a sense of achievement, new friends, a highly valued award and FUN!


Lunchtime and after school activities

Students have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of sports activities during the lunch period and after school. These include netball, rugby, badminton, hockey, basketball, football, trampolining, cricket, tennis, table-tennis, rounders, volleyball and athletics. A full list of clubs is published at the beginning of each term. Students in years 10 and 11 may use the time to develop their artistic talents in the art studio and students of all ages enjoy working in design and technology. The drama studio and music rooms are also in regular use for rehearsals in preparation for college productions and the upper school studio productions. There are also clubs to encourage musical talents, with opportunities for students to become members of the choir, string, woodwind, jazz and brass groups. The library and the ICT rooms are in constant use by all year groups. On Monday and Thursday, from 15.15 16.30, the student centre is open for pool, table tennis, playstation games, cooking, table football, board games, art and craft.

On Monday and Thursday after school, other areas are also open and fully staffed. These include the library for assistance with homework and GCSE coursework. A number of other after school clubs are run by different subject areas, sometimes on a seasonal basis. Transport to Willingham and Waterbeach is available on Mondays and Thursdays. Once a letter from home giving permission to stay for a club is received, students will be able to sign up for a place on the minibus. In addition to the above there are rehearsals for the college production on Tuesdays; sports fixtures are usually on Wednesdays; tournaments are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

International Education
The college provides a wide and varied opportunity for students to experience other cultures and lifestyles, through both crosscurricular and extra-curricular activities. The college holds the International School Award for the international activities which take place both inside and outside the classroom, all of which contribute to a wider understanding and experience of becoming a global citizen within the current international context.


In 2006, we established a global partnership with Nalanda College in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Partnership has strengthened over the years and we have developed strong links between the two colleges through our collaborative projects, which involve many staff and students. In year 7 the main focus is on the environment, in particular focusing on sustainability, which is one of the key global dimensions of international education. Through our links with Nalanda College students in other year groups also experience the global dimensions of diversity, peace and conflict. Students are therefore exposed to the global dimensions and values of: communication skills participation and collaboration creative thinking reflection critical thinking

The college has a strong tradition of fundraising for charity. Comic Relief and Children in Need, amongst other charitable organisations, are supported by non-uniform days and other activities students may wish to organise. Students often put on an event to raise money for a charity of their choice. On Jeans for Genes Day students may wear jeans with their college sweatshirts. All money raised is donated to the named organisation. We also run an annual sponsored walk as well as supporting the colleges healthy living philosophy.

We were able to offer the experience of a student exchange for the first time last year, when a small number of students from Nalanda College visited the UK in March and CVC students in year 10 made the return journey in September. During each visit, students spent a full week in each others school as well as taking part in cultural visits.



Primary Liaison
The village college takes pride in the excellent relationship built up over the years with our local primary schools. Whole-school and subject area meetings are held to ensure continuity of the curriculum on transfer. The primary liaison co-ordinator is a regular visitor to the schools, providing links with the college. Primary week is held early in July. Students from each of the feeder schools, together with other prospective students who will join the college in September, along with primary staff, spend a week at the college. During the week they take a full part in college life, meeting their new form tutors, subject teachers and classmates, following a college-type day, travelling by school bus and eating lunch at college. This week has proved highly successful in introducing students gently to what can be a worrying major change in their life and has helped ease the transition from primary to secondary school.


Entry and Admission

The college is non-selective and takes students of all abilities. We follow the Local Authoritys admissions policy and procedures (available on request). Each year group has an experienced head of year who is responsible for the welfare and progress of the children in their year. Form tutors and heads of year are available for consultation should you wish to discuss any aspect of your childs education. In year 7, students are placed in mixed-ability groups under the guidance of a form tutor. This tutor and the form room provide a familiar base at a time when your child is experiencing a much wider range of activities, subjects and staff. The form meets with the tutor for registration twice a day who will deal with all routine matters and be available to help with any day-to-day enquiries and problems.

Pattern of the Day

Registration and assembly PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 BREAK PERIOD 3 PERIOD 4 LUNCH Registration PERIOD 5 08.50 09.05 09.05 10.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.20 11.20 12.20 12.20 13.20 13.20 14.00 14.00 14.10 14.10 15.10 15.30 16.30

After school clubs and activities


College Uniform and Equipment

We want students to develop a sense of appropriate dress and we expect all students to wear the schools uniform. They may also be required to have specialist clothing for some lessons. Items of everyday wear are listed below: black or grey skirt of an appropriate length black or grey trousers, not leggings or jeans *white polo shirt *black college sweatshirt plain black leather shoes not boots * Polo shirts and sweatshirts should have the Cottenham Village College logo and must be purchased from the college. (Order forms are available from reception.) In the interests of safety, cleanliness and protection your child must always wear an apron in practical lessons. Students are asked to provide an apron for design and technology during workshop activities. However, we believe it is important that a different apron should be worn when the student is dealing with food. All other safety equipment is provided by the college

Basic items needed by students at the college include: pens (blue or black) pencils (HB) ruler eraser coloured pencils angle measurer (protractor) pie chart scale pair of compasses notebook for rough work

Other equipment useful to students is listed below: scientific calculator pocket dictionary pocket bi-lingual dictionary (French or German) A4 ringbound art sketchbook USB memory stick All of these items are available from the Librarys stationery shop.


Physical Education
Students are required to wear a PE uniform in years 7, 8 and 9 which comprises: PE polo shirt* fleece or a rugby shirt* blue or black shorts or skirt in winter, blue or black tracksuit bottoms ppropriate change of socks i.e. football socks, white a sports socks shin pads to be worn when playing competitive games such as football and hockey (by law) ppropriate footwear for the activity including training a shoes suitable for indoor use and a second pair of trainers or boots for outdoor use * PE polo shirts should have the Cottenham Village College logo and must be purchased from the college. (Order forms are available from reception.)

In years 10 and 11 students can wear clothing of their choice provided that it is appropriate for the sport they are participating in. Please ensure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled with the owners name. Please note that students are not allowed to wear their Cottenham Village College polos or sweatshirts for their PE lessons.


Eating at the College

The college cafeteria system entails a cash payment for food purchased. To avoid the need to carry cash every day, students may buy a supply of tickets either for the week or the month. Children entitled to free meals are given five tickets per week. Snacks may be purchased from the cafeteria at break-time and can be eaten in the college dining hall. You may decide to give your child a packed lunch to bring to college and this can also be eaten in the dining hall.

If you wish your child to cycle to college please ensure that the bicycle is roadworthy with adequate lights for dark or foggy conditions. Your child should also wear a safety helmet. Many students are transported by bus to the college from the surrounding villages. All students travelling on these buses need a bus pass that is issued by Shire Hall. Additional transport facilities are provided for students with bus passes who stay for after school activities on Mondays and Thursdays.

If your child is unable to attend school it is important that you telephone the college on each morning your child is absent (01954 288762). (Notes excusing your child from a physical education lesson should be sent to the PE staff.)



We have just completed our most recent building programme so that the school can extend its current age range from 11-16 to 1118 (5.7 million, YPLA funding) and to provide permanent facilities for our specialist Hearing and Language units (0.5 million, Local Authority funding). The new facilities add state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and learning in all subjects, with specialist facilities for a range of academic and practical subject areas including:

Classrooms for general teaching ICT

Two dedicated ICT teaching rooms complemented by a further 5 suites in other areas providing over 120 new workstations for student access.

Creative and Media

A fully equipped recording studio and media lab enabling project work of all descriptions from the production and recording of a live performance on stage to individual instrument recording and audio pod-casts, also including 16 high-spec iMacs for multimedia production


Sport and Leisure

Enhanced teaching resources for sports and leisure courses complementing the 1.2 million upgrade of outdoor facilities including the third-generation all-weather pitch, re-surfaced tennis and ball-sports pitches and other improvements

Shared Resources
Including a multi-functional cinema/stage/dining facility, a conference/large group work facility, small group-working rooms, offices and outdoor learning spaces

Hospitality and Catering

A fully equipped professional training kitchen capable of running a service for 140 guests, a dedicated ICT based teaching room, inside and outside dining facilities

Specialist resources for our Hearing and Language Units

A shared reception and ICT work space coustically treated teaching and small group-working spaces A for hearing impaired students eaching and small group working spaces for our Language unit T which also comprises a kitchen space for life skills work and a sensory garden for secluded, quiet play Funding for this project was awarded by the Young Peoples Learning Agency in recognition of the schools High Performing Specialist Status and its commitment to Applied Learning.

Construction and the Built Environment

A separate building comprising a craft space, painting and decorating booths, a sheltered bricklaying and outdoor crafts area, an ICT suite, changing and storage facilities

Hair and Beauty

A professional hair and beauty training salon with 8 cutting stations, teaching station and four beds



You are always welcome to contact us at any time. Please enquire at reception if visiting in person during school hours, email us via or call on 01954 288944. Primary Liaison Co-ordinator Mrs Alison Seru Hearing Centre Mrs Angie Howgate Language Centre Mrs Sue Wheeler Headteachers Assistant Mrs Sue Ayling

Senior Leadership Team

Mr Stephen Ellison Head Mrs Sue Raven Ms Tracy Brogan Mr Peter Marshall Mrs Joy Hadley Deputy Head Deputy Head Deputy Head Deputy Head

A full list of staff is available on the school website:, in the parents area.




BALCONY 6121 6122 6123 6124










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Dep. Head Interview Room

Dep. Head 1st Aid



Drama studio English Humanities Modern Languages Maths Music Science Art Studio Design Technology First floor Second floor Sixth Form Facilities



High Street, Cottenham Cambridge CB24 8UA Tel: 01954 288944 Email:

c v c w e b

n e t

Design by GDA 01223 833333

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