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As the home of about a third of the worlds poor population, it is believed that India, as a developing nation, will be hard-hit by climate change. The economic, social, and ecological impact could be far-reaching, so it is Indias interest that the world moves towards a low carbon future. INDIAS DEVELOPMENT COMPOUNDS THE PROBLEM Currently India is the fourth largest producer of greenhouse gases, said to contribute global warming, in the world. Because it is a developing nation with a fast growing economy and changing patterns of consumption among its population, the countrys greenhouse emissions are predicted to increase even further. India imports fossil fuels, with nearly 70% of its electricity being generated by burning coal. Although it maintains a strong economic and social development initiative, scientists believe that India faces serious, and increasing, climate-related problems. CLIMATE CHANGES ALREADY AFFECTING INDIA Global warming is already causing a warmer climate, declining precipitation, and droughts in the delta regions of India and has led to a deterioration of the ecosystem, including the loss of valuable wetlands. Further studies show that over half of Indias forests may shift in type, affecting biodiversity and the forest industry. Deaths due to heat stroke are on the rise as longer-lasting heat waves are being documented. The increase in temperature is believed to be the cause of the melting of the Himalayan Hindu Kush ice mass, which affects the hundreds of millions of people in both China and India who depends on glacier melt for water.
Northeastern Indian states have seen increased flooding, and rising sea levels are tainting the fresh groundwater sources with saline water. This threat is considered so grave that by 2050, it is projected, over one million people in the Ganges-Brahmaputra region, as well as Bangladesh, will be affected by coastal erosion and land loss. Although Indias development is contributing to global warming, it is certainly not alone in bearing responsibility it is a global problem requiring global solutions. Experts agree that if all countries reduced their emissions, and embraced initiatives such as rainforest conservation, climate change resulting from global warming can be arrested.

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